#i hate anything related to w*nicest I really really hate it it’s disgusting and wrong and it makes the whole fandom look like a bunch of
Oh, those were some premium quality goods there, good stuff™*nods with gratitude I've recently read this really angsty Saeran fic that broke my heart, your stuff managed to mend it
I can’t relate.  But I can fulfill your wishes. If I could eat any type of solid food anymore it would be straight-up sweets… just cake. A lot of cake. I must be a masochist because Idk how I would manage with Saeran knowing he can bake the good stuff. 
Saeran w/ an MC who doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth. 
“Y/N!” Saeran said, looking at you with those eyes of his. “I made these just for you. I know how much you love them.” 
There’s nothing you can say, except, “O-Oh. Um, you didn’t have to do that, Saeran!” 
You’re staring at him with a reluctant smile on your face. He’s holding out a tray of sweets in front of you. There are all kinds of great looking things that would make any kid lose their mind from the sheer sugar high they might have if they ate one too many. 
“I just wanted to. I know I don’t have to do anything but I love seeing the smile on your face.” He hums, nodding his head.
“Thanks, Saeran. I- I really appreciate it.” 
Oh, God. You really don’t like sweets. But you can’t just tell him that right now. You’ve already told him that you love his sweets. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, you took something from him and swallowed it. You are a filthy liar and you hate yourself for lying. 
Okay. Look. Here’s the deal. 
You really don’t want to destroy the look on Saeran’s face when he gives you something that he’s baked. You know the way he looks whenever he thinks he’s done something good for you. He literally does it almost every day… because he really likes to be the one that cooks, not that he doesn’t let you do it. Often times you’ll join him when he’s making a meal, he likes to spend that time with you. He’s really good at what he does. It’s a gift. 
But, he actually bakes a lot of sweets. 
Like, a lot. 
It’s almost therapeutic for him. He can get into a groove and wind up making a lot more then he intended to do because he gets in a good place with his head. It’s just one of the little habits that help him routinely feel more like a normal person. And often times, you’re the one that gets to have the first taste. He wants your opinion. 
Also, Saeran really wants to see you look pleased with something that he’s done. 
That’s really just it. 
You’ve often eaten his cupcakes and lied straight through your teeth to him with a smile on your face. It wasn’t that they tasted awful, or that they were bad. No, they were probably one of the nicest sweet things that you’ve eaten in your life! You just didn’t really have a sweet tooth and usually went out of your way to not eat sweets. There’s nothing wrong with them. It just doesn’t fit your taste pallet. You just don’t really like sweets. 
But you know that he does, and it’s something that he loves. By God, the man hums in the kitchen when he’s working with a pastry bag for Pete’s sake. Hw could you ever break his spirit by telling him that you just don’t like them?
 How can you imagine how defeated he would look? 
You can’t! 
You knew that you should have just been honest with him the first time he asked you to try something, and just told him that you didn’t really like sweets but no, you panicked at the crucial moment and you commit to your lies… even if that’s a terrible thing to do and you know it is. 
You just eat what you can when he’s in the room and then you get rid of it when he’s gone. It’s okay. You can live like this for the rest of your life if it means you won’t destroy your precious Saeran.
However, this ignorance is bliss state can’t last forever.
You wind up getting caught when you’re trying to get rid of the evidence by tossing out the other half of the pastry you had bitten into when he was still into the room because he walks back in to ask you something and catches like a kid with their hand stuck in the cookie jar. 
You just stare at him and blurt, “Uh. Hey.” 
“Hey,” Saeran repeats as he stares at you back. 
“It’s not what it looks like?” You offer weakly in rebuff but that isn’t going to cut it. So you wind up having to come clean about the whole situation and you literally dug your own grave by lying to him about this whole thing. Frankly, it’s kind of silly that you would do this but- you can’t help yourself in this mess. 
You’re really expecting him to be a little upset about everything but he doesn’t seem too upset. He just takes in this information without saying anything until you finish explaining yourself. 
Rather than scold you, or get mad, he just sighs. 
“Y/N, why did you just tell me you didn’t like sweets in the first place instead of doing that?” Saeran is exasperated as he runs his hands through his hair, “It wouldn’t have bothered me if you just told me that. I would have been making things you actually like if that was the case this whole time!” 
You just bow your head in shame. “I know, I know. I should have just been honest with you from the start. I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings, you always seemed so happy when you were baking things. I just didn’t want to let you down by saying I didn’t like it. Because you really are great at baking I just… don’t like sweets.”  
Saeran sighs once again and approaches you before you can dart off out of the room before he can speak again. He cups your cheeks in his heads so that you can’t look away from him. “You would never hurt my feelings, Y/N, not when you’re being honest with me. I can handle it. I hate that you felt like you had to pretend.” 
“I really like how happy you look when you do something for me. I didn’t want to ruin that for you,” you murmured. “I just didn’t want to break your heart by admitting I don’t like something you like.” 
“You could never hurt me like that!” Saeran insisted. “I’m not upset. I feel a little awful that I let you make yourself assume it would be awful if you didn’t like my sweets. Now that I know what it is that you prefer, I can make things for you that I know you’ll actually like this time and you won’t feel so guilty about anything.” 
“…You aren’t angry?” 
“Never… not with you.”
“Oh. I guess I was just being irrational about this whole thing… then. I’m sorry, Saeran.”
“It’s alright, Y/N. I can look on the bright side. It means that there are more sweets for me.” 
What a relief and a huge weight off your chest he gives you by saying those words. Saeran is so understanding and loving towards you. You should have realized he would be okay with that. You had been worried for nothing, after all. 
💜 Mod Kait 💜
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