#i hate how down bad i am for big ass men looking cute and teary eyed
queerponcho · 5 months
i’m just gonna tell the void smth real quick just cuz i can’t really tell anyone.
The context you need is that i am 21 and the sous-chef is 25 and he is like 2 meters tall and also TAKEN- so my delusional ass is NOT into him…theres just moments when i realise how fucked up my brain is.
Like the other day- we were about to start the briefing when he comes around the corner and has got the teariest eyes and is like tryna blink away tears and i just look at him and he stares at me and starts smiling and i laugh cuz he looked fucking adorable and i literally couldnt stop my brain from liking how his big ass 2 meter tall and strong manly self was looking like the cuuuutest lil guy and goddamn man- i really need more people in my life cuz this aint normal.
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221bshrlocked · 5 years
the edge of love
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Words: 2533
Warnings: Fluffffffffff. Maybe too much fluff actually.
Prompt: “I don’t need that giant teddy bear, I already have you.” 
A/N: For @sherrybaby14 because you are a sweetheart and this is long overdue but I still wanted to write it. Also, I do hope you like this even though I am not too positive about it. I know this is a really bit late and I’m really sorry but I really wish you like it and congrats on the milestone that you already passed. :)
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To say you’ve counted down until this morning for the past months would have been an understatement. You’ve had a smile on your face all week long and it got to the point where Sam constantly made fun of how chirpy you were because it was so damn annoying to jump and squeal immediately after working out with Steve. It had amazed even Steve, laughing when Bucky told you Steve went to Bruce to ask if you were okay or going through something. 
“What? Why is me being happy suddenly worrisome?” You were drying your hair when Bucky walked in and hugged you. “Well, doll, you’re usually swearing at him after his hellish workouts and it’s weird seeing you asking if you were done for the day.” Bucky tickled you before pulling away when you elbowed him.
“I’m just excited babe.” You turned around and smiled when you saw the lovesick eyes he was giving you.
“All because of an island huh? Damn, is it weird that I'm feeling a bit jealous from a place?” He crossed his arms and stepped back just in time to avoid your attempt of pushing him.
“Oh please, you know how much I love you. It’s because I get to spend time with you Buck. I’ve never been and I can’t wait to share that with you. Also, I just want to know how much it has changed since your time.” You winked at him when he pretended to laugh at your joke.
“Yeah yeah. Save your excuses sweetheart. Now, what time are we planning on leaving tomorrow?” He almost jumped at the loud clap echoing through your room, his eyes following your legs running across to your desk to grab your calendar. 
“Okay so here’s what we’re going to do. We have to leave no later than eight so we can make it there on time and enjoy the entire day. I know how grumpy you get in the morning so I’m preparing our breakfast tonight so we could just grab coffee and eat it on the way there.”
“I’m not grumpy in the morning!” Bucky replied defensively only to roll his eyes when you raised an eyebrow at his comment.
“Now, I don’t really know what to do once we get there so you’re in charge of that. All I know is, I really want to go on the ferris wheel. Anything else is just a bonus.” You shut the calendar dramatically and smiled at him, laughing when approached you and jumped on the bed. He pulled you to him and hugged you tightly, kissing your neck and tickling you until you couldn’t breathe. 
“Don’t you worry your little heart Y/N, I’ll take it from here.” 
“I’m really glad we’re going Buck.” You traced his jawline with your finger, wanting to say so much but not finding the right words to convey what your heart felt. 
“Kinda obvious by now isn’t it doll?” He teased you and watched as you turned around in his arms and seriously looked at him.
“No, not just this. I’m happy with this, with us. What you’ve been through wasn’t easy and I’m glad you trust me to go there with you. I know for a fact I wouldn’t be able to go if I know this place might remind me of old memories. What I’m trying to say is, thank you.” You could tell Bucky wasn’t expecting your sudden serious reaction but he smiled nonetheless, leaning down and capturing your lips with his before pulling away just to whisper to you.
“You’re welcome Y/N.”
The rest of the night was spent with you trying to stop Bucky from distracting you so you could prepare everything for a quick breakfast tomorrow and when you saw how Sam and Steve reacted to the unbelievable cuddle fest Bucky wanted, you humored him and laughed at the disgusted reactions you were getting from both men.
The next morning, you woke up without the alarm but didn’t move so Bucky wouldn’t wake. As soon as the alarm rang, you jumped out of bed and apologized to Bucky when he growled at how disturbing you were being.
“Sorry babe but you gotta get up. I’ll make breakfast and your ass better be ready by the time I come back.” You smacked his backside for good measure and laughed when he crawled under the covers even more.
Of course you didn’t leave by eight because Bucky refused to be the first one at the park. And when you made it there an hour later, he was laughing and poking you because it wasn’t as crowded as you thought it would be. By some miracle, Bucky convinced you to do the Cyclone first, knowing you’d probably chicken out once you got tired. Even though you made it clear you hated every second of it, you couldn’t help but continue to look at Bucky throughout the ride because it has been so long since you’ve seen him this happy. He was laughing and holding your hand the entire time, screaming with everyone else at each drop. 
Bucky almost had to carry you when you finished the ride but when people started asking for pictures with the two of you, you couldn’t let him because the news would definitely have a field day with the ex-Winter Soldier carrying S.H.I.E.L.D’s top agent. When too many people started circling around the two of you, you kindly told them that the two of you just wanted some privacy and enjoy the day to which everyone apologized and proceeded to tell you how cute the two of you looked. You thanked the little girls and the parents but Bucky only blushed and pulled you away.
“Whaaat that was cute!” It was your turn to tease Bucky, knowing how much he hated it when people complimented the two of you. 
“Just for that, we’re going to go on Steeplechase.” He pulled you to him and didn’t care about how hot it was.
“Does it look any different? From back then.”
“I can’t really describe it. It’s all the same but in a different way. I mean we had this coaster back then but it’s much higher and probably technologically safer you know. But everything is similar enough. It’s nice. And I’m glad I’m doing this with you too. The old one was for Steve and this new one is for you.” Bucky saw teary eyes staring right back at him and quickly wiped them away, telling you there was no time to get sentimental now when the two of you needed to beat the line.
This rollercoaster wasn’t as bad as the first one and you took more time to enjoy the scenery and the exhilarating experience with Bucky, a part of you wishing you could spend the rest of your lives here. By the time you ate lunch and played some arcade games, it was already three in the afternoon. 
But when it came to one of the games where everyone had to shoot water at the target, you and Bucky almost didn’t sit down. As soon as the other kids saw you, they begged the two of you to play with them, even when their parents told them they’d probably lose between two avengers.
For the sake of the already-crying little girl, you were the first to lose, whispering into Bucky’s ear to do the same but he just did not listen. You laughed at the way the parents reacted to their kids screaming and laughing and when the man behind the counter declared Bucky as the winner, the other jumped off their chairs and started running around Bucky. You took a step back to appreciate this moment. It was very rare for Bucky to enjoy other people’s company but he seemed to love it when the kids played with him. He took the large prize from the man and tried to hand it to you but you turned it down.
“I don’t need that giant teddy bear, I already have you.” 
“That’s very true darlin’ but what do I do with this now?” You pointed to the young girl that continued to cry and he winked at you before approaching her. Crouching down to her, he whispered a hello before telling her he won the teddy bear just for her. The scream he received was almost terrifying, the little girl jumping at him and thanking him for the big cuddly bear before attempting to carry it.
“I’m gonna give this to mommy and daddy so they could carry it for you okay?” He gave the toy to her parents who couldn’t thank him enough and when he tried to give the girl another hug, she ended up kissing his cheek. You decided to have some fun and pretended to tell her he already had a girlfriend.
“When I grow up, I want to be just like you so I could have a superhero boyfriend like Bucky.”
“That’s right, you can have someone like him but not him. He mine.” 
“Fiiine.” You smiled at the parents and nodded when they asked if the two of you could take a picture with their daughter before you left.
“Well that was a breath of fresh air. My heart almost gave out for a second there James. I thought it was over between us.”
“You know no one has my heart but you doll. You ain’t gettin rid of me that easily.” He wrapped his arm around your neck and brought you closer to kiss your forehead. 
“Your accent is full on today huh? Sure the island isn’t bringing back memories.” When he blushed at your comment, you told him you weren’t trying to tease him. “On the contrary, I like your Brooklyn accent...makes you so much sexier.”
“Down girl.” Bucky warned you and chuckled when you smudged his nose with some of your ice cream. 
“Alright, where to next soldier?” 
“How about the Brooklyn Flyer? Then we can do the boat ferris wheel and the boat ride. I have a surprise for you doll.”
“Really now? Any hints?” You tried to get him to talk but he mimed that his lips were sealed. “And for the record, it ain’t food. Food is after the surprise.”
“Ugh fine, be annoying.” You ran to the Brooklyn Flyer and paid for the tickets, hurrying Bucky so you wouldn’t miss this round of the ride. You ate your ice cream and kept on bothering him about the surprise the entire ride but Bucky said nothing, telling you he couldn’t possibly ruin it when you’ve had a perfect day so far. When you got off to go to the ferris wheel, the park announced the fireworks were about to start and you turned to Bucky to tell him the ferris wheel was probably all taken by now.
“Oh don’t worry about that babe, I booked this ahead so we could be at the top.” You saw him giving the tickets to the booth nearby and the man led the two of you to your place.
“Oh my god Bucky how did you do that?”
“Well, technically, all it took was Tony calling and me asking them if I could reserve a spot and they very happily said yes. Guess it pays to be a superhero.” He made sure the bar was locked before telling the man you were both ready. And as you started ascending, the fireworks went off and you couldn’t keep your eyes off the pretty colors, all the while Bucky stared at your rather beautiful reaction to the fireworks. 
When you stopped at the top, you turned to Bucky and saw him already looking at you.
“You’re missing the view sergeant?”
“I ain’t missin’ anything doll. I got my whole world right in my hands.” He leaned down and slowly kissed you, his hand tangling in your hair and bringing you closer to him. You shivered at the sensation and Bucky thought it was because you were cold.
“No it’s just...James-”
“Tsk tsk, how many times did I tell you sweetheart, if you want me to keep my hands to myself, you can’t call me that in public.”
“Buck, you still make me nervous.”
“Do I? I don’t mean to doll, I just love kissin’ you and lovin’ you. That’s all. Can’t a man admire his sweetheart?”
“Such a sweet talker.” You playfully hit his shoulder and turned to the fireworks in time for the last one.
“And you love it.” Bucky kissed your forehead before quickly sending a text to Steve. 
You made it down and made your way to the boat ride.
“Wait here okay?” Bucky went to the man preparing the boats and said something quickly before coming back. “Alright it’s ready. Let’s go.” He grabbed your hands and you couldn’t help but feel that something was up. As you sat down in the boat and made your way to the tunnel, you continued to turn to Bucky to make sure everything was okay. You talked and cuddled the entire tunnel but when you could see the exit, Bucky pulled away. 
“Buck is everything okay?”
“Yeah sorry I just dropped something.”
“God you’re such a dork. Wait until we’re outside.” 
“No here I almost got it!”
As soon as you were out of the tunnel and your eyes adjusted to the light, you turned around.
“Oh my god!” You gasped loudly, your mind not wrapping around what was happening quick enough.
“Y/N, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’ve been my rock and my saving grace these past few years and I can never thank you enough for what you’ve done to help me. I’m not sure how the universe brought me to you or if I even deserve your love but I’m sure of one thing. I wanna spend the rest of my life making sure I do deserve you and I wanna protect you from everything cruel in this world, but most of all, I wanna grow old with you doll. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Bucky remained on his knees for longer than he thought and when he saw you crying and nodding, he threw you that dashing smile you loved before placing the ring on your finger.
“Finally!!! We thought you’d never respond Y/N.” You turned around and saw everyone waiting for you at the exit, and while your friends were calm about it, pretty much everyone who was around them was clapping and screaming. 
You turned to Bucky and threw yourself at him, laying as many kisses as you could on his face before pulling away.
“I love you James.”
“I love you too Y/N. Now, we gotta go cause I am starvin’.”
“Way to ruin the moment Buck.”
“Look me in the eyes right this second and tell me you aren’t hungry.” On cue, your stomach growled and you looked away sheepishly when he started laughing.
“That’s what I thought. Now, there is a bowl of clam chowder waiting for us so move your little ass woman.” 
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acioo · 6 years
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                  under the cut are exactly 1000 verse tag ideas under the following categories:                   brotp, enemies, exes, fwb, otp, parents, siblings, toxic relationship,                   unrequited, & wanted connection with exactly 100 tag phrases per each one.                   please like or reblog this if you found it helpful !
you ask if i think it’ll hurt like this forever
we’re not those kind of kids
one can’t function without the other
people are good at heart
the kids with no religion
nobody hates the truth like we do
endless dumb fun
they turned her into a nightmare so i’m going to be theirs
for her i can try to be human
we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite
more than friendship but less than dating
we make the king scream for mercy
extensions of each other
all the gods, heavens, and hells are within you
this time we are not afraid
we win because we do not know how to lose
we will be monsters alone in this world with only each other
you look at me with this heady mixture of awe and love and bottomless trust
a sweaty summertime tangle of lips
our nights are perfumed in obsession
he’s lighting a cigarette even though he would never let you touch one
i took care of that thing for you
let them remember me
the only one who really knows anymore
all you have to do is ask
the best at making me feel better
piggeypack rides & inside jokes
living in each other’s back pocket
the impractically rebellious & the impractically kind
the best thing that’s ever happened to me
all you need is love
i will remember. will you?
i like you more than i planned
but we hold on
i love you inside & out
best friends with an idiot
not used to people sticking around when things get bad
here comes trouble
sitting on the library floor
sending out emails for the cult meeting
strange women society
making forests quiver
my one kin
where i go you go
our meeting was bad for society
a true friend & hot piece of ass
to a fading friend
a dynamic duo
then we fight together
don’t tell anyone the big bad wolf is a puppy in disguise
ideas that seemed good at three am
i know i’m a shit friend but oh god i’m trying
the gang screws the government
dead boys club
friends can break your heart too
can’t stop us
there is thunder in our hearts
bro homie man calm down
bored & covered in paint with an idea
i could be your family
we can be heroes
teenage feelings
i can’t live without you
i want to be loved but don’t feel like i deserve it
don’t give up! you’ll be great someday
i tolerate you
who made you think you weren’t worth it
if we fall we fall together
we are the kids you can never kill
we hurt & burn & bloom
friends that became family
alive by spite alone
as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story
local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway
just children thrust into war
it’s like being friends with a five year old child who’s also an alcoholic
double trouble
i’m pretty cool but also i cry a lot
unity ; standing together as one
you’re pretty neato
in the end you’re my very best friend
just get in the fucking blanket fort
oh for fuck’s sake here we go again
please don’t leave me like the rest
something about you made me feel alive
sitting on a rooftop at two am & talking about life
whatever you do you’re still my best friend
i’d do anything to keep you safe
so what are you doing this weekend?
let’s be miserable together
trouble usually finds us
my annoying best friend
i’d do anything to make it up to you
all we have is now
down for whatever
we’re good at surviving
death doesn’t discriminate
you suck less than most people
platonically calls you babe
so i did a stupid thing again
better him than me
always ready to argue with you
the only thing that comes easily is the anger
laughing at your worthless jokes
awe-inspiring & ferocious & terrible
hell is other people
the game was getting a little old
plenty of monsters know how to play at being human
dream on fucker
you and me now! for worse or for better
she tears at my lungs
still working on going to hell
tangle them in bedsheets & take their heart
stop brewing up wicked things
fucking unbelievable
are you done yet?
you should be scared of me
the problem is you
monsters aren’t meant to live happily ever after
testing my patience
leave or die
this a warzone
give me a break
can you take a punch?
let my thorns prick your fingers
made of threats
you were an iceberg & i had no lifeboat
fighting & fucking
see you in hell
sinking my talons into your neck
bang bang you’re dead
keeping you at a distance
a fire blazing between us
i will taste the copper tang of your dying breaths
don’t growl at the wolf
the only thing she makes me feel anymore is rage
try to scare me, i dare you
what does it take to make you angry?
you are dumb and an ass: dumbass
sorry you evil prick
you look like shit
a lifelong rivalry
please stop talking
seeing them brings only pain
i’ll swallow my blood before i swallow my pride
i choose violence over peace
stupidity isn’t cute
i’m not cutting myself up for you again
sometimes hearts are vacant
i can’t stand a mess of a person
no enemy is safe
using poetry in a street fight
i don’t care if you burn
i tried to be kind
rot in hell
you want battle? i’ll give you war
hate spitting out of each other’s laugh
choose your last words this last time
not to sound bitter
true evil is above all things seductive
basically i’m a badass / basically he’s a moron
i hope the halo burns when i shove it down your throat
we should really have angry sex sometime
i liked your nose before
allergic to you
he’s not a monster, just a villain
stop making others suffer for your personal hatred
aren’t we all sinners
am i an asshole?
i’m going t hell anyways
do not tell me what i can and can’t do
you don’t know shit about me
they paid the price
you underestimate my power
an eye for an eye
people are poison
wanted: dead or alive
as mad as a dad in traffic
to make out with you or kill you
martyr me i dare you
i hate you more than you hate yourself
please stop framing me for murder i didn’t do that one
do not touch me
sorry you’re an asshole
throwing rocks evolving to throwing insults
asshole of the year & competition
you tried to cross the wrong person
if i’m cute when i’m angry you must find my phenomenal
done being a brat yet?
you are the villain of this story
bringing a murderous rage
an abomination among us
everything about you is wrong
i’ll be nicer if you’ll be smarter
gay judgement
some people should get punched in the face
better than you
a strange game of chess with only two royals
what doesn’t kill me might make me kill you
pain is but fuel to my rage
suddenly we are strangers again
we deserve a soft epilogue
you changed everything
she didn’t realize she was saying goodbye
we are good people and we have suffered enough
it’s never been rustier
the people you love don’t stay dead
healing takes time
maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime
you haunt me
your relationship will one day dazzle a psychologist
suddenly, everything is okay again
you say you hate him (but it’s so clear on your face)
i know i’ll see your face again
still overthinking why he stopped caring about you
when i think of january i think of you
everything is just so wrong!
part of why you can’t trust men
sorry to my unknown lover
i forgot just why i left you
he doesn’t believe in anyone but himself
he never saw himself the way i saw him
they haunt her dreams
she now knows the trouble of underestimating troublemakers
i’d hold her like she was china instead of plastic and she’d get oh so bored
somebody always has to love more
being apart from your soulmate hurts
i hope you’re thinking of me
you will always fall in love
our love did not know how to die quietly
if memories could bleed, if dreams could scream
taste of broken trust
we have fallen a long way
your love should be unconditional for one person or nothing at all
the devil’s love song is for the rest of her kind, not for you
all the signs screamed stop, but we could not see them
i see you holding hands and i feel angry
i’d give anything for you to hold me one last time
now i’m alone in the dust
if you ever fall in love again please fall in love with me
i don’t want us to be strangers again
still looking as good as i left you
i can’t find you in the body sleeping next to me
losing her was different from the usual pain
you couldn’t patch up the holes in his heart
i’m sorry for coming in and fucking up your life
you wonder if you knew him once ; you cannot remember
the world doesn’t stop for any of us
love is but a neurological con job
not heartbroken
no more love notes
love will tear us apart
you made me think i was good
girlfriend from hell
i don’t know if you noticed but i’m long gone
left in the dust with the taste of broken trust
the people i’ve left & the ones that i kept
send my love to your new lover
you know you should have stayed
we really cared for each other
do you still think of us
your name is synonymous with hurt
it still hurts
she didn’t learn how to love early enough
i hope hurting me haunts you for years
i feel sick when i remember how i opened up for you
loving you has fucked me up
you don’t fall until it’s over
i miss you so much it hurts me every day
you both think the other is staring at the ground
it always gets worse before it gets better
he isn’t coming back you thought
all the sparks were gone
i should hate you
you chose to burn me
sometimes endings are made of teary eyes & the saddest of smiles
i never really got to say goodbye
you used to call me baby
maybe one day i’ll feel nothing
me so sorry
you broke my fucking heart
who said i stopped loving you?
picking up the mess you left behind
the boy who broke her heart is the only one who can make it feel whole again
you tried to love me & i tried to let you
what i do isn’t up to you anymore
what’s a soulmate to a rebel?
it was never like that
what if your heart’s a liar?
what was i supposed to do?
accepting the love we think we deserve
maybe i’ll meet you in another life
she could’ve been your moon but you were focused on dimly lit stars
stay i whispered as you shut the door behind you
i don’t want anyone else to ever touch you
we outgrew each other in angry uncoordinated ways
you left & the world kept going
a letter to the boy who stole me
this thing was a masterpiece before you tore it all up
she’s no longer your girl
him and his pale long fingers tangled in your hair
same kiss & lips ; never the same touch
his cold lips against your neck
slender fingers on your upper thigh
nothing sets you off like how you want him
free sex training lessons
can’t differentiate between lips & hearts anymore
his mouth is your confessional
he’d never let anything real happen
what we do is secret
this is no longer safe ground
“ my parents aren’t home ”
the only legacy we’ll leave is the graffiti beneath the high school bleachers
we are the avoiders
just us ; you find out
desired but never loved
you lost track of the rules
you taste like sunshine
it’s so different when we wake up
thrill chill fulfill me
with both of his hands, his eyes, his mouth
star-crossed knuckles at breakfast time
marking you the darkest shade of red
she’s the breathe on the back of your neck
i draped her thighs over my shoulders and drank
the kiss was a one time thing
the possibility is electric
the lie: it doesn’t mean anything
chapstick that started on someone else’s lips
and i keep waking up in your bed
it was supposed to be just once
is it the alcohol or the taste of him
she tastes like every dark thought i’ve ever had
she touches you like you're fragile
he tastes how he sounds: honeyed and warm
countless one-night stands
we say that it is just sex but it’s getting blurry
my heart is too big just for one of you
i’ll seduce you with interesting scientific facts
shining every night
our chaos is what sets us apart
no feelings he said
passionate as a sin
we keep telling ourselves that nothing is happening
just friends don’t kiss like that
i’m in like, she’s in love
me you and the moon
two girls one bed
this sort of lust isn’t allowed
the signs scream do not touch
her gaze is too gentle for your hard fingers
we didn’t get the chance to get past that bed
you’re in my veins, you fuck
it hurts ; lusting after the lion boy
vulnerable and yet still strong
touching everything but her heart
we don’t speak besides assurances
i taste good & bad in you
we call this bravery
this started as friends
drinking her in
lost in translation
maybe i asked for too much
what’s love to a fuckboy
i’ve never even kissed you
yes but only because you asked
they were a poem in four parts
go somewhere with me
you are my two am thoughts
please don’t use me i am broken
eat me! love me! consume me! devour me!
be a slut do whatever you want
feelings of detachment
there’s more where that came from
you are what i desire
you already know how this is going to end
sexual history: often
catching feelings like a disease
don’t get attached
send nudes
everyone winds up kissing the wrong person
gets turned on by danger
i bruise like a peach & i’m twice as sweet
the warmest light is your body
that's fucked up but i like it
that’s gross! (unless you’re up for it?)
gay hooligans
i will gladly slam you against a wall and make out with you
suck my dick written in pretty calligraphy
a best friend who occasionally gives you orgasms
you look cute when i’m doing you
in the gay way
come over and eat what my mom made
i want to respectfully have sex with you
seducing you with interesting science facts
teasing you is what i’m best at
i know what i want & i’m gonna get it
desired but never loved
can we just be strangers again
do you feel like a young god
love her, but leave her wild
i lived to love, my darlings
you are my sunshine
tell me i’m good for you
you’re my mess
of all the things my hands have held you are the best
it was like loving the sun
how sweet it is to be loved by you
he makes you feel like when you were at the top of a hill and your bike’s brakes stopped working
the overwhelming desire to kiss
i want to hold hands & waste time with you
i wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you
we loved with a love that was more than love
i want to be in your arms
your heart could fill an ocean
a love that is not easily buried
you love like the world ending
i find your laughter in the softness of humanity’s neck
i want to explore haunted houses with you
no one’s made my heart beat this fast before
i’ll steal you the moon
sometimes i feel like i’m going to collapse under the weight of your eyes
you understand now why they lost their minds
heaven’s a place on earth with you
he loved you like he discovered fire
did my heart love till now?
your smile lifted the world off of me
i care what you think
a love that makes the god’s jealous
you can only think of his name
no butterflies in my stomach: just shooting stars & supernovas
please i beg quietly don’t give up on me yet
known as something the star’s made
a roaring war when you touch
in her kiss i taste the revolution
the thoughts of him kick drum your veins
touching him feels like a leap of faith you didn’t know you had
tangled in each other
the lies & truth of love
people can read it in your eyes & how you hold each other
he makes you immediately sober up
making your blood tremble with something you don’t understand
he loves you so much more than you do
just kiss me again
one love two mouths
i fell in love with a heart that beats so slow
holding moonlight in your hands
i wanna come home to you
you don’t ever have to go
kiss me like you miss me
fuck you’re beautiful
that star reminds me of you
acknowledging the bad, embracing the good, & growing
my whole sky craves an island of tenderness
she was the moon & i was the stars ; our sky was glorious
he’s not just a boy and that scares me to death
sunlit lovers
spilling like honey from our lips
way too in love
my first & last love
she is what keeps me going
only a fool for you
you’re my future
love comes slyly like a thief
3rd base is when they see you having an anxiety attack
wrapped in your arms i felt like everything could be okay
you have the sweetest soul i have ever seen
i’ll suck your dick if you take your meds
grab the monet & let’s gogh
and i’d choose you ; in a hundred lifetimes, worlds, any version of reality
in the end they died
tragic backstories & height difference
may we meet again
in love with an idiot
you’re so weird (don’t change)
i love you fucker
wanna go to hell together
finger guns but like with emotional attachment and a lot of love
you’re a disaster wanna date
lonely for only you
i can’t believe you’re real
you’ve shown me the light
i wasn’t even looking when i found you
i always think about you
my partner my soldier my fault
worth your weight in gold
my favorite piece of art
we deserve happy
i’ve always belonged to you
great things take time
baby be my lollipop
he was pretty cute for a monster
stopping time one kiss at a time
can’t meet your soulmate if you don’t makeout with strangers
take me back to the night we met
you complete me
soulmates aren’t just lovers
a montage of love
when is a monster not a monster? when you love it
loving you because of & despite the bad
please stop destroying what is left of your heart
laying on the roof of your ‘97 pontiac
he inherited his mother’s charm
knowing how it feels to be cast away
they say: you’re a little too much for me
daddy issues written on your forehead
cosmically impossible
who would want a kid like me?
a letter to my daughter
please don’t give up on me
repeat after me: everything will be okay
her father’s daughter
blood of warriors
anxiously waiting to call that line
a bad childhood doesn’t equal a bad life
we’ve made it this far
her mother cried the day she was born
we didn’t think the monsters could ever be like us
even though there were tears there were tissues too
fearless children who love the light
they forced her into greatness
she calls her parents by their names
i will love you & love you & love you
wasn’t working well from the starter
so afraid of an empty nest
are you proud of me, mama? papa?
inherited her mother’s black anger
a figure in the distance, a movie reel of old pictures
everything my mother prayed i wouldn’t be, i became
you taught me so many things about myself didn’t know
i never did learn much of anything from my mother
the wolf in this fairy tale
loved the point of madness
master of fate
raise hell, kid
he came out of the womb like hannibal sacking rome
didn’t your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
to love to the point of madness
when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, “what will i be?”
he loved her more than his whole life
when will i be good enough for you?
it’s all good when i have you by my side
maxing out daddy’s credit cards
i took nine months to form your heart, do not let anyone break it in seconds
mother says there are locked rooms inside all women
my poor mother begged for a sheep but raised a wolf
every place my mother prayed i wouldn’t go, i went
mother, know, i have pasts inside me i did not bury properly
mother never taught me that just because someone desires you doesn’t mean they value you
born with a thick skull
the people who were supposed to love you more than anyone in this world
spoken to with corporate coldness or demonic tongues
parents who loved them the way we once loved angry gods, leaving offerings and praying for gentle winters
birthed in the form of cherry blossoms
hiding from their dark clouds, boarding up the shutters
kid, you’ve got to love yourself
what came first: humans or despair?
legacy was more important than anything
a lonely child born to lonely parents
it feels so scary getting old
i’m but my mother’s daughter & because of this i can do anything
my parents strength & anger lives in me
original family disappointment
sorry i’m a shit daughter
i love you baby
please come home (i hope you’re okay)
demonic possession & daddy issues
fight for her
just like her father
until every last galaxy dies you have me
which to ask forgiveness for: what am i or what i’m not
i will always stay with you
family first
fairytale childhood
those raised in glass houses
daughter of smoke & bone
one love one house
to die knowing your life was my life’s best part
gay on my mother’s side
nobody’s ever going to love me this much
a collection of horrible people
using “heir” like we are in a shakespearean play
cursing me with happiness
following a set of unwritten rules
this was not the boy they used to know
it just made him kind
to have a precious few people back
you hurt. it’s okay, i hurt too
thank you for always being there for me
was that a compliment?
she was overpraised as a child
better / not bitter
somebody somewhere cares
the oldest or coolest person on earth
fuck you dad
i’m so very proud of you & how hard you’re trying
thank you to someone who always saw the best in me
it ends or it doesn’t
i swear i’m trying my best
they could never see eye to eye
comparing the twin scars on our forearms
let’s run away together
i love you even though i shouldn’t
two types of the same fool
well used to tragedy
merry band of weirdos
to my siblings: please stop
hurt my sibling & i will kill you
broken dreams club
world’s okayest sister
future cellmate
a force to be reckoned with
your smile lifted the world off me
don’t even think of touching her
a good bro
we may not have had a lot but we had each other
the scorned brother & the only one to make it still
the one with it all
you think you deserved the pain but you didn’t
i can’t remember who the dead one is anymore
i love you / you are not alone / you are daylight
it makes me so mad that they did that to you (and me)
she holds up my sky
always together
i am aware of who you are and what you do
i’m coming for all the monsters that ever touched him
we have blood made of gods and heroes
take back our skin
six am sunrise shining down on us
take back our streets
it’s time to tear their castle down
you don’t know what it’s like to not be wanted
built on the same pretty lie
we learned the truth too late
as golden as they come
no matter what i have you
a drop dead moron
together they’re a fucking hurricane
sour milk children who hiss and spit in father’s eyes
burning down the streets we used to roam
entitled to financial compensation for all this drama
neverending bickering
you used to be so kind
“ even her mugshots were cute “
we have claws for a reason
not mature enough for this
he tried to make everything okay (but he failed)
raised to give themselves a reason to be prideful
they only inherited the same sad eyes
born into needless wealth
carbon copies of one another
sometimes… i can’t even recognize you
the only person that appreciates the irony of legacies like her
the looks she gives him when she sees how he’s tearing himself apart is too much
together they paint an imagined picture of their long gone parents
we were only ever told how to tumble not how to fly
we trust the siren song to call us home
born into the silver of the moon
we are not like the others
i like being alive at the same time as you
your voice is the only answer to my problems
thank you for loving me through it all
if your life must be a battle, don’t fight it alone
promise you’ll come back for me?
never fall for one of them
our old man is a bad man
we’ve all got our secrets
billionaire boys club
sorry i’ve been mean
afraid together
rich girls don’t have hearts
everything is changing
don’t tell them i killed my old self
watch your fucking language little one
why are you always so mean to me
mayhem caused
born to think like martyrs
i’ll find the bad dreams off if they come to get you
something that happened a long time ago and continues to affect us today
there’s nothing wrong with being different
an unremembered bond
don’t touch him
remember you can’t save everyone ; but have to try
no longer making our parents proud together
a golden cage is still a cage
surrounded by idiots
where’s all the time that heals
the hippies
like realizing stuff
you were alone before they left you
please don’t leave me
we met evil when we were only children
the kids with the big big plans
why the fuck do you put up with me?
i feel at home with you
have you seen her?
fighters but not by choice ; by heart
not totally useless, possibly a bad example
star child are you listening? i died that day
i might be an asshole but i’m your favorite asshole
every time she knocks i can’t help but let her in
in these empty church halls religion shifts and turns and blurs
you feed me small bits of your petrified heart
our love is a monster
lulling me to a hundred year slumber with your kiss
love from the lips of people who don’t understand such a thing
just pretending you don’t know he’s going dark again
a love that’s not easily buried
you were never a saint: i loved in shades of wrong
dipped my hands in holy water just to touch her
they wanted you to save them first
i don’t have any more control
how do you still love me after i’ve broken you
he doesn’t feel anything much less love
you have to let me go
make an altar of this stolen flesh
i love you even with your hands around my throat
i call her the devil cos she makes me want to sin
at least it’s something
these violent delights have violent ends
you were crying, but it was beautiful
i will never know who you were supposed to be
the crazy kind of love
pretending to forget how our scars got there
when love kills
he’s suffocating you but you don’t want to breathe
i will make you crumble to the ground
my heart beats in starts until the spell is broken
there’s a body lying next to him
just let me cry a little longer
i did not know desire does not mean value
killing each other with toy guns
it was a lesson in listening to your head over your heart
i wanted too much and you wanted too little
we weren’t meant for each other
he’s bleeding out
you filled up where used to be empty but only with black
you made me lose my softness
the ones who like me the most are always bad
they threw each other to the wolves
we pretend this works
you say my eyes are getting too dark now (boy, look at my mind)
someone could love you more
you’re my today & tomorrow & i am your yesterday
something about you makes me want to do things i shouldn’t
you taught me how to love wrong
you watch her crumble under the weight of your sins
maybe you were the poison and not the cure
loving him was your destruction
you don’t know why you jumped after her
you always tasted like blood a little too damn much
cities fell when you left me
you make my heart shake bend & break but i can’t turn away
i may not know what love is but i know this isn’t it
it’s easier to destroy something you love than let it leave
did you ever really love me at all?
oh god i am bleeding oh god i am bleeding oh go
 i don’t want to be alone
why did you clip my wings
this is breaking my heart
you made me cry you fuck
self destructive tendencies aren’t a relationship quality
i’m a bad influence but damn i’m fun
fear makes the wolf look bigger
don’t believe his lies
not everyone you lose is a loss
i’m so scared loving you was the only good thing i ever did
you still feel like home
i love you (not delivered)
set a fire down in my soul
heartbreak is not beautiful
i should have trusted my trust issues
kiss the boys and make them die
i think i need you because you don’t need me
they broke the wrong parts of me
i could tear you apart if i wanted
we both wish this was better
and in the end all i learned was how to be strong alone
this destruction will be your rebirth
so the poem hurt you (it was supposed to)
he looks at you like your his entire world
i’m an entire person not a vague concept you dreamt
a perfect match but sadly matches burn
never fucking good enough
loving you could be so fun if i wasn’t so blue and you weren’t so numb
i call your name but it’s fading
you were nothing before you met me
everything i didn’t say
this girl wasn’t like wildfire — she was wildfire
it hurts
teenage tragedy
please could you be tender
a wolf will never be a pet
always disappearing on me
nothing ever ends poetically
why do i still love you?
we are the monsters
am i the villain in your story?
i’m sorry i stabbed you. i love you.
i can’t do this anymore
i’ve fallen in love with someone who can’t be reached
cosmically impossible
just one kiss would solve it all
you’re looking at me how you used to before i broke your heart
what do you know of loneliness? of heartbreak? of biting your tongue to draw blood?
i could never regret meeting you
you don’t even realize how amazing you are
the story still ends
you’re all that’s left for me
i’m so glad someone so beautiful exists at all
i can’t ever believe that anyone ever really starts to fall in love with me
even though you want to speak you say nothing
you want to ask if he meant it when he kissed you
something hurt in you the same way rainclouds hurt before they break open
i’ve been in love with you for so long
unable to stop worrying what she’ll say when she finds out
no proof & one touch
killing me silently
god you hated me or hated that you loved me at least
an insatiable desire
i don’t want to be your friend i want to kiss your neck
the ones you love become ghosts inside you
can’t shake the memory of the summer you stomped my heart out
time doesn’t fucking heal anything
i just needed you to know once
never enough
you sit there & your tongue is tied
the best i can do is a fake smile & dead eyes
maybe one day i’ll stop thinking about you
give me a try
god grant me serenity to not destroy myself with want for this boy
i yearn for her to see past the veil
your glance lingers too long
please look away ; you are too much
a warmth i am too numb to feel
i just don’t want to get hurt
like pandora’s box
a love that makes the moon blush
you don’t have to say anything
our lips do not cannot never will touch
if they don’t come back, you sleep in the middle of the bed, make enough coffee for yourself alone
is it just that you’re not good enough
when he leaves you stay behind like always
she said i love you so damned much, just not like that
the world around you is all knives and chipped teeth and she is too soft to not save
you could never hold her like she deserved
i never needed anyone (until you)
in dreams i meet you in warm conversation
to bathe in one’s own blood
i’ve never felt more alone
we wake in lonely beds in different cities
i probably couldn’t live with or without her now
like a sun is trying to escape me
you consume me
if i told you i loved you what would you say
eventually but not today i think it will stop hurting
i’m drowning myself in alcohol when i really want to drown myself in you
i always think about you
i can’t imagine not loving you anymore
i’ll be your slaughterhouse
i don’t want realism, i want magic
i loved the idea of you more
how to unlove someone
i love everything you hate about yourself
the truth is i’m in love with you
i woke up wanting to kiss you
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you
you made me forget myself
there was just something about you that made me feel special
warning: you must fall in love with me
platonically hurting hands / burning
this bed was fit for two
treat her better
does she hold on to you the way i used to?
i just want to pretend
you make me feel lonely & loved at the same time
holding onto your call
i’m sorry that i fell in love tonight
i can barely breathe
maybe if my heart stopped beating it wouldn’t hurt so much
still sleeping like we’re lovers
maybe it wasn’t you but the idea of you
there’s nothing i can do except bury my love for you
it was all fun and games until i fell in love
you’re looking through me & i can’t see past you
you’re never gonna love me so what’s the use
you hurt me so why the fuck am i apologizing
somebody catch my breath
learning to live without you
please don’t say you love me
my love for you was never much of a choice at all
meeting you felt like wandering into a dream
i’m sorry i couldn’t hold myself back anymore
this is me letting you go
just waiting to feel your touch
living with a shattered heart is hard
you can’t love a legend
i know what we are & what we are not
all that’s left are echoes
my memories were loud enough to drown the silence
you want them to fill the void in your heart
you want them to take away the emptiness
you want them to make you feel complete
i can feel it under my skin
i might really become somebody someday
we are in daylight now
too rich & divine
a whole universe in my mind
a wildness in you
desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving
full of heartache and poetry
i am worthy and powerful
we do not perish
let us be reborn in the morning light
her eyes are closed
someone will strike a match on it and they’ll explode
they have something bad inside of them
hurricanes of thoughts
some quality content
desire washes over in waves
the beauty that is yet to come
six feet deep
i cannot afford luxuries like rest anymore
this body's a curse
it’s a great day for being sad
love is love is love
partners in crime
a short story on indiscretion
even a curse sounds holy
biting down upon my lips
a queen’s rise
the words that burn my life
an amorphous kind of reality
your life was a long line of fine
like hell you’re doing that
not violent or malicious: a result
softness as a shield
he can’t fake that
begging for a second of time
thank you for your interest in a life full of pain
please try again & again & again
the person you were & the person you became
no maps of the change
the right way to fall in love
can we just live in the moment?
living life on a line
an ex-almost
my braveheart
it’s always more with you
stay alert & stay alive
come on baby light my fire
ballpark music
am i making sense?
coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just fuck
everybody knows i’m a mess
murder! intrigue! sex! drugs! classics!
forget about it
you still hurt
do not go gentle into the good light ; rage rage against the dying light
i don’t want to relate to anyone
we should talk
we will be gods
don’t forget me
water in vodka bottles
taking trains to nowhere in particular
say you love satan
just trying to not get arrested again
in the sewers again
the devil’s music
who’s going to stop me?
a date in hell
only the good die young
survivor riddled with arrows
i have seen the future
talk to me (i’m scared to speak)
drive him wild with hints that you know when he will die
are you afraid of yourself?
you are necessary i need you
i like you more than i planned
the sun will come up
i got by own back
help the ghost find his past life
sent here to make shit worse
and all i loved i loved alone
survival mode is not meant to be how you live
your thoughts kill you, don’t they?
as far as anyone knows you do not feel anything
i am so in love (please do not break my heart)
i hope you know how loved you are
fifteen minutes late with starbucks
alluring like wildfire and summer storms
wake up
not afraid to heal
don’t panic
i took care of that thing for you
i made me
midday criss not midlife crisis
just survive somehow
what are some of the ways you’ve died?
the hero of this story
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