#i hate it all SO NMUCH
mrkis · 1 year
I wanna cry ehgcyause why is jaheyun doingh tghis to mje luike this is so difficult bbecauis eimmsa lick thsat dijsk luike an ice ceremw cione wqhilwe everybgody else wtanhchwes li9ek thyis is not funny bc he released perfue for me and onlyu mem and he will lick my hanshds on cvommand like a fucmking dog espoeciallty a poodle bvc that bitchwesds cheekbvones glo9sitren off the syun liuke a fyuckjing siolar panel i hate jaehyun so nmuch hes so annoyiung because hes sdo finbwe like he needs t0o stiop like right nowq itrs not evenj funny liek STOPP! not funny nbot cool and defintelekleye not safe not funny he wants to bne w3ith me so bad no actukay FUCK jaehyunj nliek liteerlaLY hes such a fucking whor ebecause who the fguck does that like jawehyyun stop. thi9s is akll of hen derys fault and 0only his and i9tsd so annoying espeicklLLY y7angyang i cant do thid nomo perufme changes mw im cerying qhilw ry[ping this vbwecUSW who ther fuck is thatr fyuvjking annotyinbg likwe? I litwerlaly HAD ty0o dm him about trhe peroblem and he didnt respond like whab tghe avtyuak HELL:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 he doe3nsnt care bvouyt nmwe trghia isant fun ANYMORWE not funny and now ims ittinvg here lookign DUMB t I LTIEr4ally dont u denrsatand bc this isa LL POF HIS FUALT like3 literlaly wqhat do you mean jaehtyu7n is grindingh and shit l9ikie im getting emtoitonal bc what the avtual he;ll. Im so sad. ther5eje tears 0on my keybaoird.
i have no fucking idea what you just said sherri but i know the perfume mv dropped so…. it’s ok…. i got you man. let it all out.
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0verstepping · 2 years
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geniuslab · 7 years
"i also bias jimin ut i dont’ mention it nmuch ebecause i feel like people will judhe me"That is exactly what I mean. Why feeling the need to holding back? It's not even like I choose my bias, it just happend! For me it's natural to love each member, or else I wouldn't like the group at all, to have a favorite happends sometimes too but to go out of my way and explicit stating the obvious (loving them all).. I find that annoying tbh, but I do it anyways because, like you, I don't wanna be judged
oh my godddd i’m sorry i was really messed up last night but i’m glad my message was somewhat clear
we’re allowed to love the members that we love!! there’s nothing wrong with liking someone from the maknae line more than the hyung line. if anyone makes you feel that way, then they’re a shitty fan.
you can’t complain that hyung line is underappreciated and then shit on maknae line and act like those members suck. that doesn’t make you a better hyung line stan because ~~ohhhh i hate jungkook~~ no, you’re just a shitty fan. how do you think any of hyung line would feel if you were saying they were great but acting like maknae line sucked and didn’t exist?? they would be disgusted. 
sorry i’m ranting, but i feel like some stans go to the extreme and it’s saddening tbh. how hard is to support ot7? i’m not saying you have to actually stan them all, but respect them at least!! and don’t make fans of someone who isn’t your bias feel bad. 
i see this the other way around too, so i’m not trying to shit on hyung line stans (i mean i AM mostly a hyung line stan lmao). i’ve seen it with maknae line stans when it comes to seokjin and hoseok not getting enough lines. some get defensive and mean. it’s not that hard to acknowledge that jungkook gets far too many lines and the distribution should be more fair. i also just see a lot of namjoon hate, but i’m not sure which fans are doing that since it’s on anon when i see it on my dash.
anyway, my point is that this division between hyung line stans and maknae lines stans needs to stop. no fan should have to feel “ashamed” because of who they like most. that’s crazy!! we’re all in this to have fun and support the boys we love. 
so to answer your original question on how you should feel and react to fans making you feel bad for stanning someone from maknae line...ignore them. block them if you have to. they’re not fans that are worth your time interacting with. there are so many wonderful fans on this website that prop up ALL members and support everyone (even if they just bias one person and post mostly about them), and those are the people you should surround yourself with. i’m friends with a lot of yoongi stans that ONLY bias yoongi, no one else, but they still support all of the other members! /that/ is being a good fan.
if you need some new blogs to follow, i have a blogroll that i keep hidden bc i’m too lazy to link it haha. but it’s there, and i love the blogs i follow. no one i follow atm (that i know of) makes other fans feel bad or disrespects any members of bts. my dash is a very nice place thanks to these people!! 
i hope i helped a little. go love your bias
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mynewblogck · 6 years
grandmother put out my old shoes out and the abuser came today and was telling her why they are there and that people will laught at me because of the shoes (they look the same as when i used to wear them and i told grandmother to put them out because right now i have only one pair of shoes for this wather that ive been wearing, the others have dissapeared (the abuser must have taken them)). and i can;t even begin to explain what HUUUUUUUGGGEEE scene she made years ago, how i must go with her to buy new shoes (she makes the choice for which ones) for physical education class, but i didnt talk with her because she drove me to suicide attempts, and the shoes were not worn out at all and were fine, and she was screaming, insulting me and making a huge scene how i will be embrassing and people will laught at me because of not having new shoes. then when i went to that PE class, my shoes were the newest looking ones, others had worn out, old shoes that they used for this class, and even the richest girl (who the abuser even knows) had her grandmothers shoes and they were old and scruffy. i hate myself so much for standing her and not beating her up and giving her what she desevres, but the anger will be too nmuch to handle. even when i wrote this post and remembered this i cut myself again but grandmother is here so i cant cry or self harm but im not sure if i even want because if i let my rage it will make me want to kill myself
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