#i hate my current layout so fucking bad ts is so ugly ugh
noyasboxdye · 2 years
i need to find fics for that one trope where the two fake date and then person A actually falls in love and asks "what are we?" and person B mean abt it and says it's an arrangement and crushes person A's soul and then they finish w the agreement and after person B realises that they do in fact love person A but they've already moved on to person C and look way happier and healthier. except SURPRISE !!!! person A isnt happier and they're using person C person as a way to distract themselves and force themselves to move on from person B and person C is actually rlly in love w person A and wants to marry them but person B comes back and person A falls back in love and leaves person C. like i need some rlly tragic angst w no comfort, domestic fluff, slow burn pining, cheating, maybe slight internalised homophobia probably bc of the way person Bs parents raised them, very high sexual tension, drunken mistakes where they maybe fuck and person A panics and leaves b4 person B wakes up and can connect the dots, etc “i thought we had something going on between the two of us?” — “everything we’ve been through is nothing but childish lies. don’t forget our deal.” LIKE?:8;94& oh my gawd i need it neowww 😕
okay so a few things...
1.) i posted this on twt first so sorry for how lengthy it is
2.) i haven't written in almost a year LMFAO and i kinda h8 my writing style now so if i did write this it'd take me a minute so i could improve my writing style and write it properly how id like !!
3.) i was thinking this would be a shipping fic and not an x reader fic if i did decide to watch it. id stay in the same fandom as always- haikyuu.
4.) i have it down to like 4 ships. tsukkiyama, daisuga, asanoya, or iwaoi. i'm leaning toward tsukkiyama the most as of right now but after them iwaoi and asanoya are tied for me lol.
anyways if you like this lmk i haven't posted in 5ever so my reach is prolly ahit now but if u see this pls lmk if u like it 😭😭‼️ i'll prolly write it either way but i'm just saying/doing all of this bc i thot it would be cool to post it on here after being gone 4 so long idk maybe.
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