#i hate my handwriting i swear 😭
flufallo · 5 months
Yeh I got bored again
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Yet again, I apologize for my disgraceful handwriting
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chuuyascumsock · 11 months
i swear to god bro i think my delusions possessed me for a second when i called my friend chuuya 😭😭 ANYWAYS
let's talk about highschooler chuuya again because i hate school!!!
i don't think chuuya isn't much of a student-leadership (like student council) kind of guy in school. but then he gets recommended to be one anyway so he just goes along w it.....
me personally i feel like chuuya is quite a well-known student, considering he's probably on the school's team and participates in championships and leagues and shit... and he gets into fights often with a few people... (cough cough dazai)
NOW FAV SUBJECTS!! i think he likes science and pe!!! in pe, he is THAT mf who is a TRYHARD (but he's insanely good). this fucker will motivate his team to do their best and screams "CATCH THE FUCKING BALL" at them 🥰🥰 he'd def check up on them if one of them got hurt as well!!! if this was a team thing he'd def target said person who hurt them. (fighting fire with fire!!!)
as for science, i think he finds some topics super interesting and some super boring. science g ets hin confused a lil but he enjoys it!!! esp doing practicals and a bit of physics!!!! (dazai makes fun of him for enjoying it and ehm not me remindinf myself i'll have to take physics for my course soon to become an architech.... fuck no way am i becoming a doctor.) least favorite subjects, i think chuuya just hates everything LMFAO. it's just boring and doesn't interest him that much unlike science or sports. jhe doesn't like writing or just listening to take down notes and is much more of a practical person!! (he's a bit fascinated w art but he isn't that creative and his works usually look a bit poorly done despite his hard effort)
I AM ALSO A FIRM BELIEVER THAT CHUUYA'S STUDY HABITS ARE VERY INCONSISTENT!!! (same chuuya same) like he's a good student (despite getting into fights and forgetting to keep himself tidy...) and gets good grades but i feel like sometimes he just doesn't give a FUCK about studying (he finds it boring) but does so anyway because he knows that theres no way he's gonna remember all these shit equations. (hc he forgot he had an upcoming test and pulled an all nighter just to study and somehow got an A despite his lack of energy and focus to answer the questions) OH YEAH his notes are messy but as long as he remembers the important bits and can read his handwriting then he's good to go!!! (i hc chuuya's handwriting is rlly messy cursive handwriting)
when doing exams and tests i think chuuya is like. chill but STRESSED. it looksl ike he doesn't give a fuck but then u see his scrunched up sweating face when doing his paper and it looks like he just wants to rip it into shreds!!!! (he's probably done that before, though.) he's doing his best g.uys......
OVERRALL he's a good student guys (almost) !!!!!!!
-lili/anon that cant spell
I feel like Chuuya would be the type to go “idgaf about school” but then try his best to get good grades. Nerd in disguise of a jock type of beat. Bro just wants a good education 😩
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
It’s hilarious to me that they are all still talking about this living, breathing, fully grown man like an  inanimate object, a tool to be used with no will of his own.
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They sound like they are fighting about a toy, “I can’t let you have my Barbie, you didn’t take good care of it in the past and I’m afraid you’ll break it!”
A-Yao, just say no and tell them all to fuck themselves! 
“I can no longer afford to replace Barbies, nor offend the people who took this particular one from you to give it to me, so I won’t deliberately break it, pinky swear!”
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But for Yao’s sake, I hope she does become easier to live with. Poor Puppy. 
This exchange is wild.
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Bitch, who cares about your happiness? You threw him away with your own two hands after mistreating him and humiliating him, and you have the nerve to talk about your happiness now? If your life is ruined, it’s ruined, but nobody owes it to you to ruin their own too in solidarity, especially not A-Yao who literally no longer owes you a single thing after the way you treated him! 
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“You now have TWO Barbies, why won’t you give me back the one I threw away, because it’s not like we are talking about real people here with their own thoughts and volitions anyway, and besides, two men are totally interchangeable! Just be engaged to someone else instead!”
I cannot with this woman 😭 
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The fact that everyone just got together and agreed that Lou Yao, of all people, should sacrifice his happiness with the woman he loves because she is somehow ‘owed’ something is mind-boggling to me.
Also, yes! Tell her, sweetheart! 👇👇
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I love how he subtly threatens her here 😂😂
Poor Puppy 😢
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Exactly, What morality? What understanding?? This is the worst, most hypocritical thing I’ve seen happen on this show so far.
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Also, I understand why she would be focused on herself and her own misfortune, but let me chime in: what about A-Yao? Who is going to be considerate of him? Let me just repeat what everyone seems to be forgetting - HE IS A PERSON, NOT A TOY. 
Oh, sweetheart 😢 Can I give you a hug? I want to give you a hug.
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You deserve better than all this... mess. 
Thank you!! Speak for yourself, baby, when no one else will!
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Thank you!
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I totally get it why this marriage is no longer worth it in Shaoshang’s mind and I don’t blame her. She never loved him like he loves her and she wanted him because she thought that life with him would be comfortable and easy. I’m so here for her understanding that things have changed and wanting to move on, but I’m irritated by the platitudes and the hypocrisy of ‘it’s benevolent’ to ruin his life. He is wronged here and I need to see it acknowledged. 
OK, I ship the OTP as much as the next person, but I cried when they called off their engagement and wished each other well 😢
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LMAO, he said fuck Lady Ruyang and fuck you in particular 😂
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Also, look at the dimwit princess and the stupid grin on her face! Lady, read the fucking room!! 
LMAO, I love how he cuts straight through their bullshit.
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Yes, baby! Now is your chance! Take charge and make us all happy! 🤗
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God, I hate her 🤮
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Oh, god, who asked for you 😒😒
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Asshole, like she isn’t miserable enough already.
LMAO, you tell him, cutie!
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Oh? 👀
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LMAO, there is no better cure for romantic mishaps than structural engineering, can confirm from personal experience 😂😂
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Well, that’s a bit too much excitement for a first date 😬
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OMG, the bitch shot at Wan Qiqi!! 😱😱
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LMAO, look at this busybody laying the groundwork for his matchmaking endeavors! 🤣🤣
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That’s right, repay him by saying yes when he asks for your daughter’s hand in marriage! 🤣🤣
LMAOOOO, not the Emperor getting kicked out by his concubine because he wouldn’t shut up about Zisheng and his relationship issues 🤣🤣
Her handwriting! 🤣🤣
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Yes, girl, you tell him!! 💪💪
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And mean. And thirsty. And jealous. And a jerk.
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manjiropie · 3 years
Yessssss your request are open thank god 💖🙏😭
I've been thinking for this for a whole night, I swear this so called Haitani Brothers wont leave my mind. So can I request for Haitani brothers x big sister reader who protect them from their abusive father when they are little, and when they're grow up they make it their duty to protect their big sis, simply to say thats the kinda thing they could do to repay her. I just thought that haitani brother have a shitty toxic father, thats why they're so cruel and ruthless. Poor baby 😭
You can make it fluff or angst (pss the big sis ended up dying) anything you prefer it to be. Its also up to you if its gonna be hcs or scenario.
Thank you for letting me request honey boo! Love you and stay safe 💜💖🧡
I thank you for this. I loved writing it and I'm sorry for taking so long to do it. be aware of the warnings, tough topics ahead. lowercase indeed.
warnings: toxic household, physical & non graphic mentions of sexual abuse, violence, death, strong language, gun, child abuse
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Until hell freezes over.
man. let me tell you, shit's never been easy in the Haitani household. you want to know why ? well, I'm the firstborn to two stupid and reckless people. my mother left us with our alcoholic daddy as soon as she gave birth to her third child– Rindou. Ran is the middle child, bless him. our father is a complete scum, he's never cared. when mother left, his bottles were his only company and no one else around was important.
I'm three years older than Ran and Rin, nevertheless we were inseparable growing up, like– inseparable.
our dad, like I said, has never showed empathy or 'love' like parents are supposed to. on the contrary, all he gave me were 'lessons'. beatings, to be exact. oh, I didn't cook dinner as he liked it? a punch. hold up, he spent the whole day out pissing himself and the house wasn't shining when he came back? he'd take off his belt. from a very young age I memorized every tiny movement of his and what they meant.
"your body is a masterpiece, you're a painting"
people preach self love out there. I must've been a really good painting growing up, purple and yellow and black bruises all over my body.
I'm a masterpiece of agony and torment.
I went through hell growing up. I was the main target for my father's punishments because I'd refuse to allow him a hand to lay on them. of course I wouldn't reason with my father, I was too scared to do that. instead, I would jump in when I saw him arguing with Rindou because he didn't have the best handwriting or when he'd shout at Ran just because he didn't know where my father's favorite boxes were.
I swore it myself to protect Ran and Rindou until hell freezes over.
"why don't you run away?" that's what my teacher said once when I was on my first year of school. why don't I run away? why didn't I? the opportunities to flee were countless. it'd be undemanding to go by myself and find someone far away that'd melt in pity and would take me in. but I had two younger siblings.
everytime I'd feel scared for my life, I'd run to my room and take Rin and Ran with me, sheltering them under the bed before father started his 'late night show' with me. the way their eyes would widen and tears start appearing in the corners made my legs fail and I'd hold their hands tight.
I remember one day that was one of the worst for me. I was eight while Ran was five and Rindou only four.
"Nothing bad will happen to you, okay? Not as long as I'm here." my voice harder than my thoughts, all I could think about was having them there and not let that man in.
Ran's eyes prickled with heavy tears. " What will he do to you?" he had asked. my tongue felt thick and I couldn't swallow. then Rindou's skinny hand pressed to my arm. I look at him and he's wearing an expression completely different than Ran's. once Ran was at the verge of tears, despair and fear, Rindou had his brows knit together and his small tired eyes looked at me fiercely.
" I hate daddy." he whispered and Ran wiped a tear out of his red cheek.
" I hate him, too."
but, you know, although we didn't have the best upbringing, every now and then I'd manage to sneak my little boys out of the house and provide them a little sample of what a normal childhood would taste like.
these are the few and only memories that I cherish of my life. these brisk moments where, somehow, we'd manage to forget about our fucked up dad.
" Come on, boys! The last one to get there is going to eat cold dinner!" we ran to the playground near the parking lot. I held my dress down as the autumn breeze hit my face and messed up with the hair. Ran was fast but not as fast as Rindou. that boy was something else. he was faster than both of us and he was the younger.
that day we had spent the whole noon in the slides and the swings. Ran fell and screwed up his knee, we'd have to find a way a hide that from dad, but at that moment we didn't care. all we cared about was ourselves.
I sat down to catch my breath and watched the two going up the ladder and then sliding down. I smiled to myself. it wasn't often I heard them laughing. I loved their little smiles. they never smiled in front of dad, though.
but lately I've been noticing that as we grow up, their eyes get sadder and their cheeks don't get that simple shade of faded pink and they don't even joke between themselves. have i failed? was this effort I've been putting all these years... in vain? it were minimum the times when the monster actually beat my brothers. so I guess that I succeeded. guess no matter how much I tried I couldn't change the ambience.
part II here! reblogs and likes help insanely. thank you <<3
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