#i hate nora (affectionate) and the way she makes us cling to the hope that elodie's alive with jean and then CRUSHES us with that at the end
If I ever get my shit together I'm writing a fix it fic where Jean and Neil pull up to the restaurant where Stuart is and Elodie is sitting next to him unharmed and safe
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barnables · 4 years
Yeah I meant adult Legends Astra, I thankfully have never encountered kid Astra being shipped! I saw someone shipping him with adult Astra and was all nononono but again, everyone's free to ship whatever consenting adults they want, I have a back button and can choose not to read it lol I was just reminded of another no - Ava Sharpe, because she's a lesbian, but I sooooo want them to be friends/bros and develop more of a relationship. I love multishipping because there are just so many dynamics to explore, endless possibilities and pocket universes. I can't settle on one, even if I have favorites. Like I was rereading Hellblazer this morning and while Kit is my favorite of his partners and I adore their story I was reading a Dani issue and so super into John/Dani. Right now I am feeling John/Lucifer the very most, but I am sure once Legends is back I'll be all about John/Zari again - unless Hell freezes over and they give us some Constangreen but tbh then I'd probably just want both....and I loved the idea of John/Zari/Charlie (and Nate, I don't want Nate left out, just because the show keeps ripping his heart out with the ladies and ignoring that Mick is RIGHT THERE, which reminds me, I have also read good John/Mick fic...) I headcanon Gary Lester as his first boyfriend and cling to the NBC series version of his youth and Newcastle over Legends (give me Anne Marie, and a botched possession, I did not like or believe the way the story played out on Legends, I love Astra but it was sloppily written and out of character but I have ranted about this before...). I also headcanon him being mates with Klaus and Ben Hargreeves but I'll buy more if someone is selling it! I definitely see John as a romantic despite the gruffness and bluster and protestations - especially in the Hellblazer universe, but we can see it on tv too, with Desmond and Zari and how much he loves his friends - he loves sex, but he loves love too, and forging connections to other people, even if he's afraid he's going to hurt them or get them hurt. So I am most interested in reading that kind of thing (thinking specifically now of a fantastically emotional John/King Shark series), even if pure smut is also a lot of fun.
Yeah yeah, I get ya! Even if I don’t ship something I don’t get in the way of others. Hear you about Ava too, she’d never lmao. I kinda like her hating him, its a bit hilarious, but I could see them being bros, especially since He and Sara are so close and Ava would want her to be happy, like how she made friends with Mick. I admit I haven’t read many comics (no money or time, but I do own a few!!) So far I’ve only seen him with Zed and Oliver, love both of those. BUT I AM ALSO LOVING HIM WITH LUCIFER RIGHT NOW. I so want to know what happened between them in the crossover because honestly I love Luci but he is the most annoying person alive (in a good way, I love him) so how it seemed like he was the one pissed at John- Its impressive and I need to know what he did.  All of those are great Legends pairings!! I really also liked the idea of Ray/Nora/John, honestly, I feel like Ray in particular is the perfect archetype for John’s love interest. I’d love to see him with someone like that.  Oh see, I don’t really have a preference for one backstory over the other, but I will say his original series backstory sounded much more canon, as in, everything Legends does is really fanfic-y (in a good way, imo) so I get where you’re coming from entirely. Legends is a bit over the top and silly for John, and people complain about that, but I’m am one for pure self indulgence so I love most of it. But there are definitely things that deserve more time spent on them, especially last season.  And yes!! I’m all about John being a romantic, I feel like he falls in love super easy no matter what he claims. Ray specifically, it hurt how much he clearly loved him (romantically or platonically either one) and he was hanging ALL OVER Zari 2, it was the most adorable shit.  He gets clingy and affectionate, way more than you’d expect. It makes it all the more painful to know how hard he tries to seem cold and heartless just because he’s lost so much.  As impossible as it probably is to hope I’d really really love to see him happy with someone. Even if just for a bit.  King shark is also a good ship. And he did have a relationship with him cos he said “my ex” that means they DATED. 
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