#i hate overhearing my dad yell and curse at my moms dog.
vvayne 1 year
i really wish i had my life together and wasn't still living with my parents.
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ezravon3 3 years
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This is for @notsodailycake and @circuscraz as they're the only ones who showed any interest in Cursed!Gregory's story. Credit for the drawing of Cursed!Gregory goes to @circuscraz. Now this is the first story I ever post on here so sorry if I do anything wrong or if I make any mistakes. Fair warning: the story has a bit of dark elements to it. I won't go into much detail on those elements though and I tried to keep this as lighthearted as possible. So without further ado, let's start the story of my beloved Cursed!Gregory.
Chapter 1:The Dream & New Family
I stood there in my smaller body and just looked up at the man and woman who yelled at me. Both were dressed in fancy and expensive clothes. The women's nails, makeup and jewelry is very expensive. Her hair is in a fancy updo with expensive looking hair accessories in it. She slapped me as they both continued to yell at me. Her perfectly manicured nails cut my cheek and one of them cut me deep enough to leave a scar on my face but I was completely unfazed. This is a dream. A replay in my mind of events that have already happened years ago that I've already experienced countless times. It doesn't faze me anymore. I've started to tune them out since I already know what they're saying. They call me a worthless child. A burden. A disgrace. A eyesore among other things. They say that I'm ungrateful for they're "kindness". They make me wear dirty rags, will only let me eat their food scraps,will only let me drink water once every two weeks and make me stay in a room so small, it's about the size of a dog house. This mansion is huge and they live in the lap of luxury with countless servents yet they made me stay in that tiny space.
I'd honestly be happier and better off on the streets. I was happier and better off on the streets after they finally abandoned me. They often threatened me by saying that they will leave me on the streets and I always hoped that they would. One day, they finally did. I was finally free of them. I suddenly felt wetness on my cut cheek and woke up from the dream. I woke up to my German Shepherd, Samantha, licking my scared cheek as she wagged her tail and stood on my bed. I smiled at her and pet her head. She happily accepted the pets and licked my scar covered arm then jumped down from my bed and ran out my room through the open door. I was adopted six months ago and I like my new family. They treat me properly and don't have impossibly high expectations of me. They let me be me. And I love them for it. Sadly I can't tell them that. Not with my own voice anyway because of my curse. A curse that I have thanks to my entitled biological parents. A curse I hate with every fiber of my being. A curse I have no choice but to live with it due to the lack of a cure. A curse that made my bio family do a complet 180 and hate my very existence. I found pictures of myself when I was much younger in that mansion. Before I was was ever cursed. I was dressed in expensive clothes, had expensive toys and my bio parents looked so happy with me.
I remember overhearing some maids who worked in the mansion talk about how much my bio family adored me before I was cursed. About how much they praised my very existence until I was cursed. I was cursed at a very young age so I don't remember having a normal life. I don't remember having positive attention from my bio family or the servents. It honestly feels like someone else's life. I can't stand perfect things. Perfect things just erk me. My new family accepts that. I got up and changed out of my Freddy pjs then left my messyish room. My room was still a bit empty but Im working on getting more things to decorate it with. I now live in a nice -but not too nice- singe story house with my new family and Freddy. Freddy is like a Dad to me. I have a human Dad too. I have a new Mom that's very attentive to me and always happily cooks for me. I have a new grandmother that knits things just for me. I have a new grandfather that happily tells me intrusting stories about all kinds of things. I have a deaf little sister who looks up to me and a new motherly older sister with a prastetic leg and burn scars covering half her body. The necklace I pretty much never take off was a gift from said older sister so I can speak without using my voice or ASL.
My new big sis is the best. I live happily with my new parents, sisters and grandparents. When I entered the kitchen, I was the last one to arrive and I was greeted by the smell of my new Mom's delicious cooking. I was greeted warmly by my family and was hugged by my Mom. She moved my bangs and hood out the way and kissed my forehead before letting me go. My Mom is a very pretty short haired brunette with green eyes, slightly tanned skin and wore a light green short sleeve knee length dress under a cute white apron with frills on the bottom and light green slippers. My human dad is a business man with slicked back hair, my grandmother is just a fragile looking short old lady bound to a wheelchair. My grandfather is a skinny and bolding old man that needs a cane. All three also have slightly tanned skin. My sisters, Luan (older) and Bree (younger) look a lot like Mom. After breakfast, I brushed my teeth, put my shoes on and grabbed my bag. Time for a place I've never been very fond of: School.
Chapter 2:Scool Outcast
My human Dad dropped me off at school. As much as I hate it here, it's not THAT bad. I mean, I've been to schools that are far worse then this one. This one is pretty clean and the food is pretty decent for the most part. I'm the school outcast and some of the students and teachers hate me but whatever. I bring the lunch Mom makes and packs for me to school a lot since I can't eat the school food most of the time. Most of the school food has wheat in it and I'm very allergic to wheat. I can't even touch anything that's come in contact with wheat or anything that's touches whar the wheat has without having a allergic reaction. Same with sea food and peanuts. I'm the only one at my school with food allergies, which is another thing that separates me from everyone else here. I sighed softly and walked in the school. As usual, everyone avoided me but bad rumors still spread about me. I feel at home and welcomed when at that house but here, I'm known as just the mute weirdo with strange eyes. There's slight bulling on occasion like water being dumped on me, insults being written on my desk and being purposely tripped by objects then being laughed at but I can and do just bear with it. I keep it a secret from my family and just focus on my grades and drawings.
I got in the habit of carrying around a switchblade and a fazblaster for self defense. I've also been taking martal arts classes since I was adopted six months ago. I stayed by myself and drew in my sketchbook under a tree in the cortyard as I ate at lunchtime. The Cafeteria is always crowded so I rearly ever go in there. Some of my teachers hate and are trying to fail me but I do too well in their class for them to fail me. They still try though. They try so hard. And it's so obvious. No one says anything though since no one cares. I'm sure some of them are even routing for the teachers to fail me. I wouldn't be surprised if they celebrate my absences as if they're holidays. Every time I come here, I can't wait to leave. "Hey! Weirdo!" A female voice called and a admittedly pretty red head with fair skin in a fancy outfit walked over to me and I hugged my sketchbook after quickly closing it. It's the school's snob. She's the principal's daughter so she's very spoild and is one of the very popular kids. Her name is Anna Jones. Everyone in the school knows her. "Alone again? Doesn't that get old?" She asked all smugly and the two girls she often has with her giggled. Ah, her main obedient little minions. "We heard you were adpted, is that true?" I just nodded. "Hey! The Grate Anna is talking to you, speak!" One of the minions said, obviously annoyed. I didn't react. This is normal. "Maybe he really is mute." The other minion said and I only nodded again. "Oh, really? Now answer my question." Anna said as she beant down to be at my eye level. I know she and her main minions know ASL so I decided to take advantage of that. " 'Yeah, I'm adopted but that just means my parents payed to have me while yours are stick with you.' " I sighed and I didn't stop there. " 'I'll file your opinions between 'fuck this' and 'fuck that' now go feed your own ego, I'm busy'. " I signed then got up and grabbed my stuff then left. I finished my lunch and my drawing on the other side of the cortyard, leaving the three popular snobs shocked by the tree.
Can the school day end already? Please. I hate it here. It's so boring and crowded. Being a outcast doesn't help. School finally ended some hours later and the second half of the day was even more annoying than usual since I told Ana those things but I made it through the day without beating anyone with a chair so I'd say that my people skills are improving. Mom came to pick me up and I happily got in her car. I immediately relaxed once I was in her car with her. "How was school?" " 'Same as always'. " "I see. Would you like to stop for ice cream on the way home?" " 'Yes' " I sighed quickly, making her giggle. "Alright then." She stopped by a little ice cream parlor on the way home and let me eat my ice cream in the car as she drove home. My ice cream is mint chocolate in a bowl and I was given a little plastic spoon to eat with. I don't have sweets very often but I do love them. A lot. Maybe too much but in my defense, I've only started to eat sweets after being adoted.
Chapter 3:Cursed
It was the weekend and I was staring at my reflection in my bedroom mirror. My hood was down and I moved my hair out of the way, revealing my eyes. I hate the red hue in my eyes but I hate when my eyes turn red even more. The red hue in my eyes is all because of my curse. My eyes turn red when my curse is triggered. My curse will only be triggered if I say 'like' or 'love' in my own voice. If it's a object I say that I like or love then it will explode. If it's a person then they will die on the spot in some way or another. I learned about my curse and how it works the hard way and I know it took a tole on me. I accidentally killed some of my bio relatives and some of the servents by complete accident when I was younger. Gore and violence don't faze me anymore. Neither does death unless it's someone dear to me. I actually find myself enjoying violence and gore. I try to keep that part of myself under control though. I stuck out my tongue and saw a very familiar sight of a magic symbol in the center of my tongue:
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It appered the moment I was cursed. So did the red hue in my eyes. Even when not triggered, my curse does things. Less lethal things but still. A leg of the chair Mom, Dad, Papa, my sisters or grandpa is sitting in will suddenly break at random and all the knifes in Mom's knife drawer suddenly move so the blades point twords her whenever she opens it and other little things like that. They still love and accept me. I'm very grateful for that. My bio family didn't know that I was cursed, they just belived that I had a lot of bad luck and treated me poorly because of it. I will always have scars as a reminder of their treatment of me. Not just the one on my face. I have cut scars on my body as well. I just hide them with my clothes a lot. I don't worry about hidding them here though. My family doesn't mind my scars and they make me forget that I even have them a lot.
They make me feel wanted.
They make me feel loved.
They make me feel normal.
They mean so much to me.
If I didn't have them then I don't know where I would be.
They're working on trying to find a cure for my curse by investing the death of the women who cursed me to see if they can find a way to lift my curse for me. They found the journal of the women who cursed me and gave it to me. I haven't read the old looking journal yet but I decided to do it now. I sat on my bed with it and opened it. After reading some info on the yellowed worn out pages I didn't care about, I found the last two entries to be interesting. One was very obviously written when she was full of rage and basically said how badly my biological parents screwed her over and made her lose everything. The very last entry was obviously incomplete. It said that she regretted cursing the one year old boy that couple valued more than anything else. So I was only a year old when I was cursed and my biological parents are why. There was a incomplete list of things and some of them are things I've never even heard of. Some things were crosed out but the last word was half written and then theres a line of ink just on the paper along with some mysterious stains. I think, she was killed while she was writting this the the mysterious stains are her blood stains. I think the incomplete list is of the things she was gathering to rid me of my curse. She died before she could free me so I became stuck with this damn curse.
Chapter 4:New Friend? Freed?
I got a new classmate. Someone transferred to my school. It was a pretty goth girl with snow white skinnand sholder length hair with uneven bangs covering the left side of her face. Her name is Raven Blackburn. After a good while, I at least become equatancis with her. She's not bothered by my choice to be mute or the odd little things that happen around me. She hangs around me at school now but don't cross my personal barriers and always calls others out of their behavior. I like her. Platonicly of course. She's cool. After a few more weeks, I finally invited her to come over and she was welcomed with open arms just like I thought she would be. She was surprisingly respectful to my family. Especially my grandparents. Samantha liked her and Raven liked Samantha too. That woman's Journal was on my bed and Raven saw it. "Where did you get this?" She asked as she looked at me with the old looking journal in her hand. I sighed softly then signed to her everything about my curse and why I have that journal. She watched me sign patiently and only spoke again when I was done. "The owner of this journal is my Aunt Maria. Everyone in my family was taught some magic at a young age. So your the child she cursed?" I nodded and she hugged the old looking journal very gently. "We were looking for this and some other things of hers. What else of hers do you have?" " 'Just that.' " I signed honestly. "I see. Someone else must have stolen the other things." She seemed sad. I waned to ask what all she was looking for but restrained myself for a reason even I don't know.
After a while of awkward silence that felt like forever, she spoke again. "I can undo it. Your curse I mean." I looked at her in shock. " 'really, you can?' " "Yes. It may take a while since I need to remember all the items needed to brake your curse but I can still do it." She said confidentiality and I couldn't help but tackle her in a hug, catching her completly off guard. She hugged me back anyway and the hug lasted a while. I can't believe that there's a chance I can finally be free of this curse. My family was just as happy as me when I told them what Raven said. They like Raven even more now and so do I. Still platonicly though of course. --------------------------------------------------
This is shorter then I originally planed but this is the whole story. At least for now. Hope you liked it. 馃槑
猬囷笍 Here is part 2 猬囷笍
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