#i hate th8s
hypotheticallyhaunted · 11 months
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dhiings · 5 months
𖦹 Jane w/ Performance Unit
Jane’s masterlist ⋆。˚ Moodboards ;0
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જ⁀➴ Hoshi x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : frenemies, love and hate relationship, "Our love language is just annoying and fighting each other" Nickname given by Jane for Hoshi : soonyoungie, hosh Nickname given by Hoshi for Jane : jein/ok
• They could be each other's biggest enemies (especially when they're playing competitive games. ex: mafia...). • There had been rumored that they had a BIG BIG fight to the extend they didn't talk to each other for months. There's also clips where jane and hoshi doesn't want to hold hands or even look at each other during a performance... the reason for their fights? we never know 🤫 • Even though, Jane got frustrated a lot because of Hoshi's nagging during dance practices, she's very thankful for him. There are sooo many clips of her saying "Our synchronization can't be questioned when you're coach is Hoshi oppa" • Never. I mean. NEVER. put them side by side when they're out drinking. Chaos drunk x chaos drunk = nothing good. disastrous even. "STOP KISSING ME OR IMMA SMACK YOU!" said Jane... multiple times... but what do Hoshi respond? "Aiggoo my baby, muah muah let this horangi kiss you"
જ⁀➴ Jun x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : a heart warming different kind version of an older brother "someone that you would love to have in your life" Nickname given by Jane for Jun : jun/juni Nickname given by Jun for Jane : jein/uki
• Jun and Jane both like walking at night and exploring cafes or restaurant. • Jun's always made fun of Jane when she's crying (in a good way). But, then again, he's going to be the one who offer his own t-shirt to be used as an emergency napkin when there's no towel/tissue/napkin nearby. • Jane loveeess being around him. She said there's just something about him. If, "I'm dying without you. When are you coming back?" is a person... it would be Jane 1000% (especially when jun's away to film in China). • "I feel like no words could express how i appreciate Jun oppa. Jun oppa is someone that you would love to have in your life. I love you brother. And happy birthday". With just that sentence that comes from Jane's mouth in a video during a concert where she can't attend because of her sickness, Jun cried like a river. and it was the perfect time for jane to get her comeback and made fun of him.
જ⁀➴ The8 x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : chill people who like to observe things together, "Let's sneak out tand go to the rooftop to watch the stars" Nickname given by Jane for Th8 : hao/elsa Nickname given by The8 for Jane : jein/uki
• Their first encountered in Pledis is very cute. Due to their language barrier, they talk with their body/hands. Just like with Jun, because of this, when they are partnered up for a guessing game with body movement, they always win. • Getting excited to introduces Minghao to jun. • Minghao likes photography, which later he decided to introduce it to Jane by buying her a digicam and disposable camera. • In returns, Jane introduces Minghao to exploring museums and art galleries.
જ⁀➴ Dino x Jane
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Relationship Dynamic : little brother to protect, clingy dino, "for sure in another life we're siblings in any kind of forms.." "even when we're in forms of fish noona?" "yeah, why not" Nickname given by Jane for Dino : dino/chani Nickname given by Dino for Jane : jein/uki noona
• She can't stop babying him. • Jane like to teased him by saying "If i need to choose one of the member to be my kid, i will pick Dino". Then, he will suddenly become so shy blushing saying things "aah, hajima noona~" • She looovees watching Dino's old videos, the kid version of him. There were times that caught carat's attention that her lockscreen is actually Dino's childhood photo. • "You will never want to know the feeling of having to handle both Jane and Dino when they're drunk." that's what Jeonghan kept saying to carats :) Both Dino and Jane will be sooo clingy towards each other and without no doubt, she babied him more. That makes them both live in their own world.
*of course all of them are going to be called with "hyung"/"oppa", depend on jane's mood (beside dino)
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malintzyn · 11 months
i usually hate zombie episodes bit th8s is ansoluetw ly amzaing!!!
omgggdhhsgajwkw they are be ing cured by yogurt!!!
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Hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes, I am somebody ih udk irl
I am living my academic life or at least pretending to and gonna fuck my life into death (that's basically what I do every time- not make sense) and who 'thinks' she's straight
I like writing out half-completed fanfics of random people, I write poetry only when I am depressed, and reading books is my life - and I deeply hate these modern-age romance books so feel free to hate me if you are a whore for Coho. (that's some deep shit there), and I love Mojitos and 3 Idiots and Tick Tick Boom!
My favorite books are- A little life and Little Women. as you can see I like little things. and that i make bad jokes. and try to cover them up by facing the fact i make bad jokes.
Moving on, I am in every fandom you can guess but I won't be too much into anything since I forget things easily. I love One Direction, Violin pop covers, Boy Bands, Bohemian Rhapsody, Anuv Jain,TH8 from Seventeen and even if i won't say yes, I like Taylor Swift.
I watch anime too and my top 5 are- Fairytale, Naruto,Fruits Basket, Bungo Stray Dogs/Yuri On Ice and Kuroku no Basuke/Haikyuu (Jesus i am good at underestimating things)
I also support Dan - Blair as much I support LGBTQ+ community but sure I do have a place for Chuck in my heart too.I am not yet over Tokyo's death and never will be and Will Byers, will be my forever fav character , I like Ross Geller don't ask me why and my favorite bollywood movie is Khoobsurat (the Sonam Kapoor one)
That's it my invisible audience, let's meet in front of the mirror next time.
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expectsomechange · 3 months
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You don't understand how much I hate how th8s looks I don't know what the hell is wrong with it
I didn't wanna do shading cause I hated how it looks and it will just waste my time
This does t even have to do anything do do with lore
The drawing is useless
I made the torso too long too and there's too much headroom
I drew this bef9re that one evelyn evelyn post that I actually thought was cool
Not tagging this
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ignatius-burning · 9 months
im un i fuckin g i hate whrn the vessel doesn't want to wake up it's so fucking weird like hello?? you're not feeling like yourself this isn't you what's wrong boy why didn't you wake up and be lucid immediately like a soldier are you dieing. I don't make you get up like a soldier we've eased you in to waking up gently for ywars but not like this...not like th8s
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gamextreme · 1 year
Dia 2 do magistral
Desconsiderando a lista de física computacional e o relatório de experimental que tinham prazo ontem e dia 02, ta td tranquilo... As coisas de programação chegaram em um ponto na qual não sei fazer sem ler nada sobre os métodos numéricos novos e absurdos que foram inventados... I hate that... Aparentemente física experimental será minha carta de continuação no curso para o próximo semestre, vamo q vamo....
Quanto ao torneio, estamos 3/4 tendo vencido de enzo suzarte depois de dolorosas 4 horas... Ele fez vários lances imprecisos na abertura e entrou em um meio jogo/final muito sofrido, o qual perdurou até eu perder o controle com uma volta de peça para e1, ele não jogou o melhor lance e deu chances para continuar sofrendo até eu entrar em um final de torres com peão a mais porém a minha incompetência levou tudo a um final completamente empatado... Rh1 h2 Tg6, Tf7 Rf2 era a configuração e meio que eu fiquei fazendo lance até dar os 50 pra empatar forçado ou eu notar que de fato não tinha mais nenhum truque... Em determinado momento ele defendeu Tg6 Rf1? Ao invés de Tf7, ele preferiu deixar a torre em h... Permitindo Tf6 Re2 e dando um arzinho ao rei porém a torre tinha q estar na quinta para poder cobrir os cheques da torre de f7... Eu notei e percebi que bastava eu repetir a mesma posição porém com a torre na quinta, dez lances depois, Tg5 e ele Rf1 e opa
Tf6 Re2 Rg2 Tg7 Rh3 Th8 Rg3 Th8 Tf4 e abandonou, uma insistência minha depois de perder toda a vantagem que construí a partida toda que acabou dando certo... Fazer o que...
Na segunda partida contra Giovanni, eu de whites me divertindo com a Catala: d4 d5 c4 e6 cf3 cf6 e uns 5 min pensando hm, esses jovens não tem o que fazer da vida, todo mundo conhece minha conta q tem 15 mil partidas, das quais 2 mil é só nessa posição.... E pensei, vou confiar que compreendo o que pode vir melhor do que ele... g3 be7 bg2 0-0 0-0 Cbd7 e já percebi que tinha uma grande chance dele não saber o que estava fazendo, normalmente ele gostaria de posições mais abertas e não uma Catala fechada... Estranha escolha de defesa mas seguimos: Dc2 c6 Cbd2 Te8? E na hora que ele fez esse lance eu já sabia que iria ganhar a partida.... Nesse momento eu estava com 1:30 e ele com 1:18 e essa diferença só piorou daqui em diante... Td1 Bf8 e4 dxe?! O normal é dxc mas aqui já está tão ruim que não deve nem fazer diferença deixar as whites jogar com c5... Bem... ce4 ce4 de4 cf6 dc2 c5 a3 cxd cd4 a6 b4 e5!? Uma ideia interessante pra liberar o bispo de c8 porém cf5 df6 ce3 -> cd5 meio que implode a posição mais rápido.... Eu escolhi por um caminho mais seguro e pra manter a pressão com os lances rápidos de melhora com ce3 cf6? Bg5 be7 c5 e talvez a última chance dele era bg4 pra ao menos tirar o cavalo q ta indo pra d6... Porém bd7? Cc3 bc6 bf6 bf6 bc6 dc6 td6 df3 ce4 e a posição está uma catástrofe completa, nesse momento em diante comecei a usar o tempo pra garantir que não estava fazendo nenhuma caquinha, ele tinha por volta de 50 min agora e eu continuava com 1:30... Seguiu: be7 td7 tad8 tad1 td7 td7 td8 td8 bd8 dd2 be7 dd5 da3 db7 dd3 e depois de 20 min pensando em como converter da melhor forma, percebi o simples db8 bf8 de5, defendendo tudo, preparando c6 c7 e de olho em cg5 ou similares... Seguiu db4 c6 db6 dd5 1-0 abandonou por não existir mais nenhuma forma de tentar escapar, porém seria legal se tivesse ocorrido dc7 cg5 (->Df7 Df7 Cf7 Rf7 c7 1-0) bd6 cf7 df7 dd6 df5 e aqui ainda estaria ganho mas ao menos eu teria de me expôr para cheques pra conseguir promover... Seria uma forma de seguir ainda que provavelmente eu procuraria uma outra forma mais assertiva de ganhar... Perder o controle como na de suzarte não seria algo agradável....
Bem, deixando o chess parcialmente de lado, amanhã jogamos de pretas com marcio pela manhã e contra urquiza de pretas... Vamos tentar sobreviver a marcinho de whites com ódio profundo buscando recuperar os pontos que está a perder, 4.8 :(... Contra urquiza pelo que notei ele não está nos melhores dias, jogando muito lento e com ideias um tanto estranhas, porém irei de pretas oq meio que anula qualquer defeito possível de aparecer no jogo das whites zzzzzz... Na última teremos daniel Paiva e eu de brancas, o que é um emparceiramento tranquilo visto ele não jogar exatamente as coisas mais sólidas e naturais....
Uma das coisas que me alegraram bastante depois da decepcionante vitória contra suzarte foi um pequeno feedback do boy, informando que estava s sair de casa para voltar novamente ao trabalho de montar e colar adesivos em lembrancinhas pra um evento 🥺🥺 muito fofiiiiinho 😭😭 e meio que combina com o davi que raramente responder coisas no zap... Já falamos e a solução será infelizmente ficar juntos vendo filme abraçados 😭😭😭😭😭
Amanhã, no caso hoje, teremos aniversário de maia em um rodízio, potencial partida de 4 horas com marcio e no domingo o resto do dia sofrendo com o relatório de experimental... Tenho que voltar a solucionar as listas de álgebra abstrata e quem sabe o prof tem piedade e mim... Meio que não importa tanto assim pois o próximo semestre será o último então quero mais é que todo mundo se exploda do DFTE.....
Depois desse magistral, ao fim desse mês a seletiva JUBS e espero chegar nele com no mínimo 2050... O qual era a força projetada para o davi pós quarentena, melhoramos bastante nestes últimos anitos, muito mais focado em experiência do que qualquer coisa, porém não posso deixar passar a influência das aulinhas de chess na minha evolução... Estar sempre antenado, vendo posições, analisando e quebrando a cabeça todas as semanas ajuda a manter o ritmo e eventualmente descobrir/encontrar novas ideias para usar de blacks contra Firmo e perder miseravelmente.... Tenho que melhorar isso pra ontem 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bem, ao fim do torneio irei convidar o crush pra perambular por ai e nos conhecermos melhor 🥺🥺🥺 tomar sorvete, comer hamburguis, jogar just dance, ver filminhos, coisinhas fofas que tornam estes períodos dolorosos leves e agradáveis...
And now let me sleep
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schizophoenix · 1 year
Paranoia/delusions are bad today. Ithink. I think so. I cant prove it but that doesnt mean t isnt real. It doesnt prove it. Im being judged Im being watched my stepdad wants to kill me. Im a failure to God for eating and gaining weight. My mother hates me. There is a team of internet stalkers reporting everything about me, a discord chat about it, collecting 'evidence' makknf screenshots and deepfakes of the pics of my face I couldbt delete online to make me a predator to make me evil theyre waiting to drop it all to turn people against me they KNOW by me saying this only indicts myself further innocent people whilnt be so scared of th8s but I know it they know it thwy know
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butchcerberus · 2 years
Rad fem and terf stuff came up on my tik tok I think I'm gonna be sick
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eunhaero · 5 years
Now that i got fed well by eunhae, the world is suddenly brighter
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jetpacksquirrel · 8 years
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The Hateful Eight (2015)
Major Marquis Warren and “Sheriff” Chris Mannix
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zoidbergstan · 6 years
college classes r fun but the relationships are hard. it kind of feels like the beginning of senior year again which really . really sucks. I'm rlly like ? emotionally drained . idk why I always get rlly close to people who get mad at me for everything I do. I cant. do anything. I was so happy like 3 days ago but now I kinda feel like the life was sucked out of me
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graylu · 4 years
picking the aggressive choice in hzd means brutally rejecting rost
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sakurasangcl · 5 years
Because You’re My HOME
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Pairing: Joshua x autistic!reader, best friend!Jin x reader, friend!Mark x reader
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: autistic meltdowns, accidental self harm during meltdown (hair pulling and lip biting, not in a kinky way), anxiety, self doubt
Summary: Joshua unexpectedly finds you, his mate, in the middle of a meltdown. He manages to calm you down and the next time you see him you’re too embarrassed to talk.
Author's Note: This is the second member of the Moonlight Symphony. The masterlist can be found here. Please let me know if you like it, and feel free to ask to be tagged as well!!
After Seungcheol found his mate, everyone wondered when they would find theirs and who would be next. The others started making bets of how it would go but Joshua couldn’t care less. He knew he would meet his when the time was right, so he didn’t think anything of it. Sure, he hoped he would meet his soon, but he wanted it to happen naturally. Joshua would occasionally daydream about meeting his mate, but he never could have imagined how it actually would have happened.
You had gone outside to get some sort of relief from your obnoxious neighbors. You texted your friends begging them to let you come over, and they were all busy. One of them sent you over the edge with the comment of “that’s what you get for living in the dorms at university.”
You were sitting on a bench, your face hidden in your hands as you silently sobbed. The Resident Assistants wanted you to take care of it, but how could you?
Your crying was the first thing Joshua heard when he came out of his late study session at the library, and your scent in the strong breeze the impression that gave him the near animalistic urge to find you. He didn’t say a word to Seokmin as he ran off, following his nose.
It took all of your self control not to bang your head against the bench, so instead you were pulling your hair and biting your lip hard enough to bleed. Sobs racked your body, tears mixing with blood as they dribbled onto your shirt.
If he didn’t know better, Joshua swore his heart audibly broke at your pitiful sight before him. He was no expert for caring for strangers, and he didn’t to mess things up with his mate. He couldn’t help but sit next to you and wrap his jacket around you.
You stiffen and jump some at his touch, looking up at him horrified. You wanted to explain what was wrong, but you couldn’t. You were too upset to speak; you had gone mute. It wasn’t something that happened often for you, but you were so upset and now conflicted with such an ethereal man in front of you.
“Please, don’t hurt yourself,” He whispered, gently taking your wrists.
You wanted to hesitate, but his touch was so gentle and calming that you let him remove your hands from your hair. The stranger gently held them with his, and smoothed out your hair.
“What’s wrong? You can talk to me. I promise I won’t judge you.” He assures you.
Your hands clenched into fists and you shook your head. He was asking for you to do the one thing that you couldn’t give him.
So, Joshua tried to use his observational skills to understand what was wrong. Since you were in your pajamas with a bathrobe halfheartedly tied around you, and you were wearing slippers, his guess wasn’t too difficult. “Were you trying to sleep and couldn’t?” he gently asked, trying to get you to hold his hands so that you wouldn’t hurt yourself further.
When you nodded to his question, he continued. “Were your neighbors being noisy?”
You nodded again, and shakily withdrew one of your hands. You didn’t know why you felt so comfortable with him, a stranger, but you did. You unlocked your phone and showed him the messages between you and your friends.
“That’s not very nice of them. I’m sorry about all of that.” He tells you, and you nod.
Unconsciously, you lean into him some for comfort, making Joshua blush. “If- if you want… I have an extra bed at my place. It’s a bit far so I’d have to drive you. My name is Joshua, by the way.” He offers.
Despite Joshua being a stranger, you were too upset with the thought of staying at your dorm for the night. You nod and he helps you stand, whispering soft encouragements. “It’s alright, I’ve got you. Everything will be okay, I promise…”
Joshua wraps his arm around your waist when he notices your uncertain steps. Despite normally hating being touched after and during a meltdown, you didn’t mind his.
Joshua guided you to where his car was parked, and Seokmin was waiting. Seokmin was going to ask what was going on, but Joshua’s glare shut him up before he got a chance. You hardly noticed the extra male as Joshua helped you in the car and buckle up. You ended up falling asleep in the car, not waking up until the morning.
Joshua left you in his room, and he nearly shifted out of excitement for finding you. If it wasn’t for Seungcheol scolding him, he would have sat outside the bedroom door all night, waiting for you to wake up. Eventually, he managed to convince Jihoon to let him sleep on the floor in his room, since it was across from his and he could hear you if you got up.
You woke up with a start, your heartbeat increasing. You were in a new place with new smells, and you couldn’t remember how you got there.
There was a soft knock on the door, and the man you recognized as Joshua came inside. “Hey, I’m glad you’re awake. I have class in a half hour, and wouldn’t mind getting to campus early so you can change. Or you could always borrow one of my shirts…” he offered, blushing.
Checking the time, you realized you too would have class soon. Either way it was an awkward situation, so you nod and say, “Um, borrowing a shirt would be nice… if you don’t mind, that is…”
Joshua’s face lights up and he goes into the closet, picking out one of his favorite shirts that he thought would suit you. “Here, wear this. I’ll be in the hallway waiting.” He tells you, smiling and shutting the door behind him.
Joshua takes you to school, and oddly enough, the quiet car ride was not that awkward. He seemed a bit nervous and fidgety, but since you had just met, it didn’t mean much to you.
After you left you realized that you never got his number in order to give Joshua his shirt back. In actuality, you didn’t mind; it was a comfortable and cute shirt.
It was a few weeks later at the Super Smash Brothers Club tournament your college had that you saw Joshua again. One of your best friends, Jin, was the former president of the club. Now that he was in graduate school, he didn’t have time to run the club but did have time to still play. He was one of your first friends at college, and you eagerly took on his hobby.
You got butterflies in your stomach suddenly when the player with the gamertag Th8, who’s real name was Minghao, walked in the room with Joshua in tow.
You blushed as you made eye contact, and quickly retreated to Jin. “Jinnie Oppa~ he came…” You whined cutely, hiding slightly behind him. “Minghao mentioned last time how he planned on dragging a friend to the tournament and I thought it would be Seokmin so I could meet him and make fun of his gamertag… But it’s Joshua.”
“Is he the one who helped you out a few weeks ago?” Jin asked, setting up the broadcast on Twitch.
“Yes. And he’s super cute and I don’t want to like, scare him or something. I’m like, head over heels for him and I’m afraid he won’t notice me and my normally pathetic existence.”
“Your existence isn’t pathetic, and I already told you that I’m really sorry you couldn’t come stay with me. This time it was Jungkook and he’s no good when it comes to you-know-what.”
You pout slightly and sigh, leaning against Jin some and taking his hand. He smiled slightly and walked over to Minghao, you tripping over your feet as you followed, not wanting to leave Jin’s side.
“Hey Minghao, are you wanting to participate in the tournament? Your name isn’t in the brackets yet.” Jin said, smiling. “And what’s your name?” he added, directing the question to Joshua.
Jin noticed a flash of jealousy in Joshua’s eyes when he noticed you two holding hands, but said nothing about it. “Joshua. It’s nice to finally be able to come and meet everyone. It’s good to see you, y/n.” Joshua said.
You can’t help the blush that turns your cheeks pink as you nod. Minghao speaks up, not wanting to not answer his hyung, and simultaneously sparing you the pain of coming up with a coherent answer for Joshua.
“Yep, I was about to do that. I didn’t want to sign up because I wanted to make sure I could get him out of the house.” He chuckled, pointing to Joshua.
“Awesome. I’ll go start some of the games now then. If you want to sign up to, Joshua, I can show you how.” Jin offered, gesturing to his computer and offering his help.
“That would be nice, thank you,” Joshua responds, smiling slightly and following Jin to his computer.
Meanwhile, you snuck over to Mark, the current president of the club and say next to him. He was preparing himself for the tournament, and you grabbed your controller to join him. “Mark, I have an issue. Minghao didn’t bring Seokmin like we thought. He brought Joshua.” You tell him.
“And? It’s another of his pack mates. Maybe Seokmin is in rut or something.” He said nonchalantly, choosing to play Mario against your Kirby.
“I just hate it because my friends go missing for like a week and I get lonely,” you whine, doing your best rather than button smashing.
“Yeah. I’m not due until after finals, thankfully. Jin says his is in about a week, which is why he’s being so protective of you.” He responds, glancing back at Jin.
You looked too, only to have Kirby be beaten off the stage and die. Jin seemed to be in an arguement or at least a serious conversation with Joshua, which made you anxious.
“Mark, werewolves can have humans for mates, right?” You ask, causing him to accidentally commit suicide in the game.
He stutters and turns red, looking at you with wide eyes. “Why do you ask?”
You chew on your lip, eyes glued to the television screen. “I’m just curious,” you lie, afraid to tell him the truth.
“Yeah, they can. More often than a werewolf, actually. Mostly because there aren’t as many females. Not that there’s more males born, but it’s a genetic thing where they end up just human.” Mark explains, sounding as though he had an odd amount of knowledge on the subject.
You made a mental note on that, deciding to ask him for help and information if you needed to. His response cleared your head some, and you managed to not be destroyed miserably by him.
After the game ended, Jin gently took your hand, wanting to talk to you. “Hey y/n, can we talk for a minute in the hallway?” He asks, not giving you a chance to say no as you smile apologetically at Mark.
Once you were out of even werewolf earshot, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed, sitting down on one of the many benches in the building.
“I need to be honest with you. I asked to tell you first, and he got upset… but I just want you to know that if you’re scared I’m here for you, okay? It’s a lot to comprehend and I get it if your apprehensive and need time to talk it out and process it. I can keep you safe.” He said, punctuating his last sentence.
“Jin, what’s wrong?” You ask, sitting down next to him, wondering what has him so worked up.
“You probably figured this out or Mark told you, but Joshua is a werewolf… and, well Mark wouldn’t have known this, but… you’re Joshua’s mate.” Jin said, looking you dead in the eye for your reaction.
You’re shocked a little, but also pleasantly surprised. Above all, you’re afraid. Jin sees these emotions flash through your eyes, and opens his arms, welcoming you for a hug. Tears begin to form in your eyes and you shake lightly. You never expected this to happen to you, but now it was your reality. You had no clue what this would mean or how much your life would change because of it. Above all, you were afraid you’d mess things up and ruin the relationship you were apparently destined to have with Joshua.
Despite being afraid, you were also excited. The prospect of Joshua being perfect for you was a relief, and starting a relationship was something you’ve been wanting to do. It just seemed right.
You gladly embrace Jin, tears falling down your face and onto his shirt. You were overwhelmed, and Jin’s arms was a calming and gentle way to get yourself grounded.
Jin gently hushed you as you cried, brushing his fingers through his hair just the way you like it.
“What did you do?” You hear Joshua say, his voice accusing, angry, and sad all at once. “I thought you said she wouldn’t freak out as much if you told her!” He says, clearly frustrated.
A soft whimper left your lips, and you heard a rumbly whine fall from Joshua’s lips. You could tell how upset he was, and it didn’t help your situation.
“She is. She’s not having a full blown meltdown, but this kind of thing can be difficult for y/n to process. Like I said, she’s autistic so cut her some slack. Be a little more empathetic and try to understand.” Jin protectively growled.
Joshua growled back deeply, and your flight response kicked in to get away from the two predators. If Jin’s arms were not secure around you, you would have ended up halfway across campus.
Joshua shifted on his feet, torn between not wanting to back down but also to prove himself worthy of you by getting you calm. He sits down next to Jin, facing you.
“Y/n, I don’t mind taking things slow. I want to get to know you, and will never ever pressure you into doing something you don’t want to or aren’t perfectly comfortable with doing. And if you want, I’ll leave for the tournament or walk you to your dorm, if you’d prefer.” Joshua says slowly and gently, not wanting to upset you further or give you too much information at once.
You start shaking, and Jin gently rocks you. “I want my weighted blanket,” You mumble softly. You thought only Jin would hear, but Joshua easily heard as well.
“Why don’t we get you back to your dorm, hmm? Then you can have your weighted blanket, okay?” Jin assures you, trying to get you to look at him.
When he finds your eyes red and face tear stained, his heart breaks some. Joshua fares worse, and bites his lip harshly to keep from making things worse by getting upset and setting up over the edge on accident.
“Do you want me to walk you back?” Joshua offers, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling awkward.
Your get butterflies in your stomach at the thought and nod, standing up and taking Jin’s hand.
“Let’s get your things, yeah?” Jin responds, guiding you to the game room. He gently ushers you to Joshua and gets your things for you.
You are unsure of yourself because of how overwhelmed you were, but you took a few steps towards Joshua. You end up stumbling, and he easily catches you so you fall into his arms. You stay there for a moment blushing, pulling away to take your backpack from Jin.
“Do you want me to walk with you?” Jin asks, searching your face.
You shake your head no and hug him softly, his embrace a comfort once again. A brief smile flashes on your lips, and Jin knows it’s not genuine but that you are trying. He nods as you turn and leave, Joshua by your side.
Not really knowing what to say, you walked outside, leading the way to your dorm. When Joshua picked that up, he went ahead and began a conversation.
“I’m a business major and in my last year. I was thinking about getting a masters, but I should probably start working first. I have had a good internship for the past two years, and they offered me a full time position. I enjoy it, and it’s not just deskwork. There’s a good amount of networking involved, which is good and bad. It means I’ll have to travel a bit, but I don’t mind. What’s your major, y/n?” Joshua says, his hands in his pockets.
“English. Specifically Literature. My minor is history, because I’m that person.” You respond, giggling a little. “I don’t want to teach. I will have one year left, so I will have to study to get into graduate school. I want to be a librarian.”
Joshua nods, rather impressed. “What kind of degree do you need for that then?”
“A masters in library science. It’s an interesting field, and not just public or school libraries. I think I’d like to work in a university library. I enjoy research.” You admit.
“That’s really neat. What schools are you looking at for that, do you know?” Joshua asks, easily keeping the conversation going.
“Well, there’s a good amount but a lot are hybrid courses and online. I was planning on going in person, but you also have to make sure the school is accredited… But I might not be able to do that now…” You shyly admit, glancing at him as you made it to your building.
Joshua said nothing, wanting to see how things would work out. “Do you want me to walk you to your room, or-?” he offered.
“Um, well… I still have your shirt, so I can give that back to you. Why don’t you come in?” you respond, opening the door with your student ID and letting Joshua in.
“Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that,” Joshua admits, his ears turning red.
“I’m not sure how clean it will be, so I’m sorry if it’s not. My room itself will be fine, I’m just worried about the living area…” You admit. You were friends with one too many werewolves, and for the rare occasion that they would come over, you always made sure to clean beforehand.
“I normally go up the stairs, because sometimes the elevators smell like vape. Even though they aren’t supposed to vape inside. Plus it’s good exercise… or so my mom tells me.” You ramble some, leading him up two flights of stairs. “And it’s not the worst, because it’s not four or five flights of stairs. So walking is fine.”
“I don’t mind it. Plus there’s the windows to outside too, which is nice.” Joshua responds, gesturing to the big window between the landings.
“It’s nice because I’ll know the weather before I go outside. So if I forget my raincoat or jacket I can go back and get it.” You tell him mindlessly, walking him to your door.
Thankfully, your roommates didn’t leave the room completely trashed, but your neighbors were being noisy… and probably having sex. Joshua’s nose twitched in disgust, and he frowned.
“Do you really have to listen to that a lot?” He asks as there was a particularly louder moan and a few thumps from above you.
“Yep,” you respond, popping the “p” as you went into your closet and procured his borrowed shirt.
“Are you living on campus next year?” he asks, tilting his head inquiringly.
“Yeah. I can’t seem to find roommates willing to live off campus, a place where I would have my own room, an apartment I can afford… The list is pretty long.” I admit, smiling sadly at him.
“Dang… Well, I can, uh, ask my friends if they know of anyone, if you’d like?” Joshua offers, already running through a list of who might know of someone.
“Yeah, that… that would be nice.” You admit, smiling some.
“Oh, by the way… Can I have your number?” Joshua asks, pulling out his phone.
You blush red as he unlocks it and adds a new contact, gingerly taking the device from him. “Yes, I’d love too,” You say softly, and you see him beaming out of the corner of your eye. You put your number in his phone, and he immediately texts you.
Joshua 😊
“I’ll leave you now, if you’d like. Will you be okay?” Joshua asks, tilting his head cutely.
“Yeah, I just… I need some time.” You admit, not meeting his eyes.
“Alright… well, you can text me if you have any questions or anything, okay?”
You nod and can tell he wants to say or do something else, but refrains.
“Will you be able to let yourself out? And not get lost?” You ask, looking down at your feet.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, y/n. I’ll see you around, okay?” Joshua responds, turning and leaving you.
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Even with my old bottles, I find that my (dry/dehydrated) skin would look quite oily by the end of the day. There a bit of cakiness, but nothing too terrible compared to other foundations, IMO; I just super sensitive about it and hate a cakey finish. I would say, that, if you planning on wearing the VA for a full day, you need to powder 1 3 times throughout to keep it looking relatively "fresh".. Build a support system of people who respect your no contact and don't try and get you to forgive her. Be careful who you trust, there was a rat in my family giving my mom information about where I lived and worked. I'm seriously wishing you the best. Lise Watier Dramatique Intense 3D Volume Mascara this sample was defective. The large teardrop shaped applicator is too big for the stopper, so the product gets scraped off when pulling the applicator out. It was nearly impossible to get product from the applicator onto my lashes, and when I did the mascara took several minutes to dry and made my lashes stick together. The card company is going to flag that and reject payment to Google, which Google will then flag. It an unfortunate situation, but they should known better than to pay for an $800 phone immediately after their credit card company suspected fraud on their account. The statement in the article that "any charge could have caused this" is untrue.. I eventually lost the weight on my own because I was unhappy with the way I looked. He was supportive of my 천안출장샵 efforts, but I grateful to him every day for not pointing out that I needed to make some serious lifestyle changes. That actually how I found out in the first place, I had a bag that (I thought) was wicked cool, in shades of black and gray leather. Check with your bank or credit union. I have worked at 3 different financial institutions and they each had VERY different policies about accepting checks with multiple payees, especially if you do not have a joint account with your wife. Your institution may accept the check (with proper endorsement, of course) no questions 천안출장샵 asked, regardless of who is on the account. I agree with everyone else, and say go with Brown in Boy Brow and definitely Puff. I have all three of those. I think Puff really suits me as it looks so natural once melted into the skin. Anyone who Th8 and above is welcome. We not entirely strict about the lower limit so if you feel that you are active and have the profile to show it, stop on by. We do not accept anyone who is interested in farming only. Worst shades for me are Colourpop Howlin and Two To Mango. They have very little pigment and it takes a lot of layers to build them up so I mostly use them as my first shade in the crease and then to blend out other shades. I found ways to use them so I don dislike them, but definitely not favorites. Scott Hamilton. Michelle Kwan. Sasha Cohen. I just finished my banila co. Cleansing balm and it's okay. It's the second cleansing balm that I have used after the Clinique Take The Day Off balm and I think that the Clinique one is so much better. You're sure to do a lot of smiling on your wedding day, so why not cause some retina damage by flashing your white teeth at attendees? If you'd like your pearly grin to look its gorgeous best, try professional teeth whitening. This dental office procedure is instantly gratifying. The dentist will paint a high concentration of peroxide gel onto your teeth and supervise its progress in 20 minute intervals for up to an hour.
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sicklygunsmoke · 7 years
My life in a nut shell
Hey guys, it's me. It's been a long time. I've been going through some shit. Like some big shit. Long story short my mother hates me for being in love with a transgender man and asks for me and my father to kill her. It's been a week of th8s and shows litter sighs of stopping. I am hating this im crying every hour it seems and I want everything to go back to normal. I've been with him for two years and she is the most hurtful. I want help but it's hard to know what to do. I'm just reaching honestly. I wonder if anyone has a similar situation as mine. It would really help if someone has been through it.
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