#i hate that he lost his girlfriend and likely found out on Chirstmas Day that she had been rotting right above them the entire day
downtowncannibal · 1 year
I hate that I don't show Chris any appreciation I just have no clue what to say about him
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theshootingarrow · 6 years
arrowless. my 2018  year in a review, as told by myself. it’s long and quite a ride.
this year was.... interesting. difficult to say the least. it was good and bad, in equal measure. let’s go month by month bc that’s the easiest way for me to sort through everything that happened.
jan -- i started full time student teaching. i also started somewhat watching what i ate, wanting to lose weight
feb -- nothing exciting if i’m honest. still full time student teaching, starting to look at jobs and starting that resume, fun things
march -- i attended the ar.nold cl.assic and i decided to better myself. i remember walking around the convention, looking at all these fit people, thinking to myself “i can do this too” and i started seriously making life style changes that i’m still practicing today. this month we also found out that my brother’s girlfriend was pregnant. it was not easy as, at the time, he was 21 & she was 18. there was many reasons why there was unhappiness with the entire situation. honestly, a lot of things started going downhill at this point
april -- I GRADUATED COLLEGE!!!!!! this was huge for me! it’d taken me 6 years to get to this point but i graduated with a bachelors of science in middle childhood education!! i started interviewing for jobs the first week in april
may -- i turned 24! my brother finally told our grandparents about his girlfriend being pregnant & then i had gone over there to talk to them about everything and it broke my relationship with my grandparents. the horrid things they said about my mom and my sister’s boyfriend... it was awful and i will not repeat them here. it was the last time i really have spoken to my grandparents
june -- my lil sister graduated high school and we went to disney for the first time! oh man, that was so much fun and we want to go back so bad. more job interviews. no job.
july -- i did my second spartan sprint race that month. it was a pretty good race honestly. i loved doing it! we also had a baby shower for my brother’s girlfriend & we were starting to welcome her into the family ( there’s a long story behind her but we started putting it behind us bc my brother is all she had ). i went on a weekend trip with my two best friends, their s/o, and my now ex. it was a blast tbh. i also went kayaking with my friends from college. more job interviews. no jobs tho. my mom & grandma ( her mom ) met for lunch and my mom was verbally attacked by my grandma & it really severed all ties with my grandparents for good tbh
august -- this month was an emotional rollercoaster holy cow. i still didn’t have a job, everyone else i knew had a job. i had been promised a job and then had it yanked away from me. this was a very difficult month mentally for me. i cried more in august then i had in any other month. i finally was offered a job and accepted it happily. my niece was born this month too!! that was so exciting and i fell in love with her the moment i held her. this is really when my brother’s girlfriend and i started getting close too
sept -- i started my job and i fell in love with teaching ten year olds. i’m still working out, working on losing weight, and keeping on what i’m doing fitness wise. i think at this point i was at 20lbs lost. i see my niece every weekend & we had her for 5 days when her mom was in the hospital
oct -- i’m starting to get into the swing of things with work, routine is down pat and i’m still loving my job and everything about it. i’m still seeing my niece every weekend. at this point, i’ve seen her every weekend she’s been alive. we saw my grandparents in person for the first time since july & it was awkward and i hated every minute of it. i have not seen that side of the family since then and i don’t plan on seeing them again if i’m honest
nov -- thanksgiving came around!! it was the first thanksgiving that we did at our house and it was great. i loved it and i’m looking forward to continuing this tradition every year. i also reached 30lbs lost milestone! i’m still hovering around 30lbs but in one year i say that’s incredible!
dec -- i survived my first half of my first year of teaching. it was an accomplishment as from thanksgiving to christmas break i was done and my students were done too. i still love it, i just needed a break. chirstmas is in here too, which was fantastic. i also met one of my long time friends for the first time this month!! that was so exciting for me and her as we’ve been friends for 6 years and we’ve seen each other through the thick and thin during those years and also really interesting?? like i love my friend, i love talking to her, but i was ready to go home after spending like 3 days straight with her. which i didn’t think it was going to be like that. it was also kinda anticlimactic, maybe i had worked it up to be too much, who knows xD
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