#i have 0 problem with being tagged myself. in fact i highly encourage it in any other context
flareboi · 29 days
guys i dont really do tag games. like i’m never annoyed or upset at being tagged i just don’t do them
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phoenixsonged · 7 years
tagged by: stole this from myself (@valiancy) tagging: see this and wanna do it? considered yourself tagged
ZODIAC SIGN: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
FOUR TEMPERAMENTS: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
CELTIC ZODIAC: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthorne (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker)
SOUL TYPE: Hunter | Caregiver | Creator  | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer  | Leader | Spiritualist
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil
DARK TRIAD: Psychopathy | Machiavellianism | Narcissism
THE ANIMAL IN YOU: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake | Rabbit
LIFE PATH NUMBER: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22
ROSENBERG SELF ESTEEM SCALE: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
explanations under cut
VIRGO  ---   Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful. Can be scrutinizing and critical. Appreciates the high integrity. Understand the true definition of value and quality. Disdains waste and excess. Prefers to work with small details and may sometimes become lost in them. Often relied upon to manage effectively. Highly intelligent and deft at problem-solving.
INFJ  ---  i can’t believe albus dumbledore and i invented the infj personality type
MELANCHOLIC   ---    emotionally sensitive, perfectionist introverts.
HAZEL: THE KNOWER  ---    If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite and expound on subjects you've memorized with amazing accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well informed. This sometimes makes you appear like a know-it-all to others, but you can't help that; you're genuinely smart and usually know the right course of action because of your impressive knowledge base. You have an eye for detail, and like things to be “just so.” Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviors if left unchecked. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them rather than playing by them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan's.
LEADER  ---  It would be hard to imagine you being anything but the leader in any group. In fact, taking any kind of subservient role may feel demeaning to you. As a Leader type, you have a natural air of authority, and a charisma that makes you stand out in a crowd. You bring to this life an innate wisdom, which is why people will look to you for advice. You may sometimes make decisions on your own without thinking to involve others, and once you’ve made up your mind, you may be reluctant to change it. This may work in an emergency, but in other circumstances it can give the impression that you are arrogant or condescending.
SPIRITUALIST   ---   What unites Spiritualists is a deeply held belief in a world beyond this one. You will have a desire to express your spirituality in some way, and may be drawn to religion or other spiritual practices. Many Spiritualists are highly intuitive, which is why you may have had psychic experiences in the past and why you will tend to use your sixth sense when it comes to decision-making. You have a great deal of compassion, and may feel a strong need to create a better world, or to help people make the best of their lives. Charities and nonprofits are places where you and other Spiritualists can express your soul’s desire to help others. Whatever work you choose, you must feel you have a higher purpose. It is not enough for a Spiritualist type to simply pick up a check at the end of the week. There has to be a feeling that someone has benefited from your efforts. That’s why many doctors and healers are Spiritualists.Whether you know it or not, you frequently inspire others through your behavior. By expressing Spiritualist values such as compassion, fairness, honesty and altruism, you encourage others to live by these values—especially younger Spiritualists who will wish to emulate you.
GRYFFINDOR  ---  i’m not even explaining this one. kinda already did.
CHAOTIC GOOD   ---    A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.
MACHIAVELLIANISM ---  tendency to be manipulative and deceitful. It usually stems from a lack of respect or disillusionment for others. ( what an unexpected surprise.... )
OWL   ---   i mean come on
LIFE PATH #9   ---    You have great compassion and idealism. You are a utopian, and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in giving that you will find much satisfaction. You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the minute details. You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into your larger plans and take over the areas you find uninteresting. The person with a 9 Life Path is rarely prejudiced or accepts social biases of people. Instead, they evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. They are the true egalitarian.  ( i mean...look at this shit )
LEFT BRAIN   ---    more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.
0 notes
letangminh · 7 years
How to Select the Best Almond Oil for Skin and Hair 2017
<h1><strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews - All You Need To Know</strong></h1><h2>Why I write the article Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews</h2><p>It has been a month since I really realized the huge benefits of Castor Oil so that is the main reason I write <strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil reviews</strong>. Castor Oil is the greatest treatment for problems relating to dry eyes I have experienced and the way that the oil can help to thicken your eyebrows as well as your eyelashes.</p><p>In reality, Castor oil enables the hair on your eyebrows and eyelids to grow quickly. However, there remain some doubts whether this product works well on your scalp or not.</p><p>You might be surprised by the following result of a quick study. The research showed that those who have tried using Jamaican black castor or castor oil to regrow hair confirmed the significant effect of this product. Specifically, it improves the hair growth 3-5 times in comparison with other normal product. Additionally, it’s certain that all people who have used this oil usually recommend it to others that are encountering the same problems as they used to.</p><h2>Where to buy Jamaican Black Castor Oil?</h2><p>Most people often don’t know exactly the place to purchase castor oil after recognizing that this significant natural treatment can really lead to amazing benefits. In fact, Castor oil seems to be unfamiliar to a majority of people; hence, it’s quite difficult to just look for it in physical stores. It’s even significantly challenging when you want to buy an organic (optional), cold-pressed, and high-quality product with a low price.</p><p>Castor Oil is often available in:</p><ul><li>On the Internet ( Amazon, and many specialized sites)</li><li>Pharmacies</li></ul><p><a href="https://amazon.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><strong>Amazon</strong></a> - Amazon is considered to be the first must-visit site when you decide to purchase castor oil. What makes Amazon become the no.1 place whenever wanting to buy something online is mainly its prices. In reality, the price on this site is usually far lower than many other online sellers. Moreover, Amazon also often provides free shipping service for various types of products, especially castor oil ones.</p><p><strong><u>Pharmacies</u></strong></p><p>Obviously, the price will change depending on the brand and the origin of the castor oil products. However, this is known as a trend. Normally, in pharmacies, you will certainly realize that the castor oil products are often priced at a higher rate. This is because they have to bear the expenses on servicing and advising as well.</p><p>Before exploring this secret, I always questioned myself why the same brand of mascara was $2-3 cheaper at Wal-Mart or Target rather than at a CVs pharmacy.</p><p>Nonetheless, the high price, sometimes, is not justified. Of course, this level of price doesn’t only apply to the products relating to castor oil but also to many different products that are being sold in a lot of pharmacies. So as to prevent spending more money on castor oil, I honestly recommend you should purchase castor oil products online because it is low-cost and time-saving as well.</p><h2>Why Choose Castor Oil for Hair?</h2><p><img src="https://letangminh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Jamaican-black-castor-oil-reviews-4.jpg" alt="jamaican black castor oil reviews" /></p><p>Castor oil, in reality, is a kind of vegetable oil. It is also used in manufacturing and cosmetic industries in order to produce hair remedy products, waxes, perfumes, inks, polishes, dyes, pharmaceutical medicines, paint, automotive fluids, and lubricants.</p><p>It’s undeniable that this product is completely natural; therefore, it’s 100% safe for interior consumption in your own body. In addition, it is also really safe for exterior application on nails, skin, and hair.</p><p>Because it is a type of oil, of course, it contains waxing as well as lubricating properties. Thanks to that, it gives your hair a lot of amazing benefits. Indeed, products from castor oil might be even used for a great number of cases that have undesired hair conditions.</p><p>Castor oil products are often used to get rid of hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and moisturize hair. In fact, this castor oil is a unisex product as it works well on women’s as well as men’s body.</p><p>It is said that anybody can also suffer from hair loss (also known as alopecia) and women are not an exception. This unwanted issue happens is because of a hormonal imbalance in the human body.</p><p>When both men and women get elder, they might even face worse problems. That can be the thinning of hair or a greater alopecia. However, this is no longer a big matter with the help of castor oil. You will see a remarkable improvement after applying it to your hair.</p><p>Castor oil is really a natural and safe alternative. Instead of taking costly prescription medications orally or topically, and which might bring about side effects. Why don’t we using castor oil for better effectiveness? There is no doubt that castor oil helps to promote hair growth and curb the loss of hair. It encourages you to save a great amount of money.</p><p>Moreover, this product can be combined with other highly therapeutic ingredients in order to create a tonic for hair. Furthermore, it is an easy way to use in your own bathroom – from now on, there has been no need to visit expensive clinic or salon.</p><p>You can totally make a castor oil remedy for yourself. Other kinds of essential oils might be mixed with so as to give further benefits.</p>
​5 Best Jamaican Castor Oil​​
Tropic Isle Living- Jamaican Black Castor Oil-8oz Plastic PET Bottle: Stimulates hair growth, Cleanse scalp of parasites and toxins that damages hair and slows growth,Help repair dry damaged hair and breakages,Protects hair with a protective coat that seals in moisture,Use as a hot oil treatment
16 OZ Jamaican Black Castor Oil Organic Cold Pressed 100% Pure Natural Hair Skin Eyelashes Hair Growth Restore Pure Virgin Black Castor Oil Refined Premium Grade A: Cold Pressed 100%, Makes hair fuller and shinier, Deeply conditions and moisturizes hair and scalp, prevents dry scalp and boosts your hair’s overall health
Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil, Coconut, 4 Ounce : Mango and lime black castor oil is infused with organic herbs and nourishing ingredients for the ultimate moisturizing and aromatic experience.
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil, 8 Fluid Ounce : Promotes Hair Growth. Promotes Health Hair
SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen, Grow & Restore Hair Serum, 2 Ounce: Nourishes the scalp and hair, revives dull, damaged or chemically treated hair, promotes growth by strengthening and conditioning
our rating
Tropic Isle Living
8 oz
Jamaican Black Castor Oil
9 oz - 18 oz36 oz - 144 oz
Black Castor Oil 100 % Pure Jamaican Organic Refined
Jamaican Mango
4 oz
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil
Daucus carota savita (carrot)oleoresin/canola/helianthus annuus (sunflower)seed oil
Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil
Sunny Isle
2 fl oz8 fl oz
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
2 oz
Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
Isopropyl Myristate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil
Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil
Fragrance (Essential Oil Blend)
Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Seed Oil
Tocopherol, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil
Mauritia Flexuosa Fruit Oil
<h3>1.<a href="http://amzn.to/2vYuZlD" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Tropic Isle Living- Jamaican Black Castor Oil-8oz Plastic PET Bottle</a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Tropic-Isle-Living-Jamaican-Oil-8oz/dp/B003CTTZQQ/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&psc=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=b80075c8d58e49670bded55e1bb89f34" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003CTTZQQ&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B003CTTZQQ" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Tropic Isle Living will become a great product if you are hunting for a brand-new method of keeping your hair silkier, stronger and smoother, as well as reducing hair loss and thinning hair. It is clear to see that the producers have added some emollients into this high-quality product, which work as removing germs on your head skin.</p><p>According to many people, Tropic Isle Living is a holy grail product. We cannot deny that this product has an awful smell. However, it is worth to consider about its advantages. Actually, I have used this stuff for only one week, but I have to confess that its merits outweigh dismerits, so you will soon the hopeful results.</p><p>In the beginning, I try castor oil on small parts of my eyelashes and brows. Then I am so surprised at the result, so I decided to use it on my hair. However, because my hair is cut badly by a stylist, so it will take my hair a period of time to become as thick as my eyelashes and brows have experienced.</p><p>If you don’t want to be late for school or work, just apply a thin layer on your scalp or your washing away your scalp in the morning will be a time-consuming act.</p><p>Already see improvement in the thickness, I decided to use it to cure my mild psoriasis, and amazingly, it has softened my leathery pitches. I think that Tropic Isle Living will be an indispensable cosmetic in my beauty routine!</p>
checkHelps to quicken the rate of hair growth
checkClear loads of toxins and parasites that badly impactsyour hair and slows growth
checkIdeal for breakages and dry damaged hair
checkCover your hair with a protective coat
checkCan be used as a hot oil treatment.
checkThe bottle is not fragile as it is made from plastic, so you don’t have to worry about breakages.
checkIn my p​oint of view, maybe you will hate the smell, but if you pay more attention to the good results, you will soon get used to it
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>2.<a href="http://amzn.to/2xmEv1x" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">16 OZ Jamaican Black Castor Oil Organic Cold Pressed 100% Pure Natural Hair Skin Eyelashes Hair Growth Restore Pure Virgin Black Castor Oil Refined Premium Grade A</a></h3><p>16 Oz Castor Oil has two main functions: quickens hair growth process and heal breakages or lifeless hair. Mechanism <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Jamaican-Black-Castor-Organic-Eyelashes/dp/B00RF9KTL4/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-6&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=73ed07215e84183fcaeeafc819eb165d" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00RF9KTL4&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00RF9KTL4" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />of this product is assisting your hair to cover in protective layer, which locks moisture and raise blood to scalp. Hence, you will have a thick hair as soon as possible.</p><p>This castor oil has the highest quality in the current market, which is proved to be 100% organic and natural. It has been refined to expel strong scent but not making a bad impact on product benefits.</p><p>Another bonus point is that Jamaican Black is a combination of antioxidants, Vitamins-especially vitamin E and indispensable fatty acids, it is a really helpful product for healing. As you know, Vitamin E is responsible for renewing skin cells, or it is regarded as an anti-aging factor.</p><p>Many people must be happy when they know that this product is non-animal testing and organic. After using Jamaican black castor oil, your fine wrinkles and lines will gradually disappear. Last but not least, this product also restructures and revitalizes your skin.</p>
checkReasonable price
checkYou will be absolutely satisfied with customer service of the seller.
checkThe oil can be combined with other kinds of product.
checkIt’s 100% natural, without any other oils added.
checkEliminate odor, however, the producer still guarantees product benefits.
checkYou will be younger thanks to your youthful skin by using this product as it deeply moisturizes your skin
checkThe net weight of this product is lighter than expected.
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>3.<a href="http://amzn.to/2g0LcmE" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil, Coconut, 4 Ounce</a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Jamaican-Mango-Black-Castor-Coconut/dp/B00BR3HG0G/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-10&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=65f37fdf0c1acc180b2f2d06adcdf335" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00BR3HG0G&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00BR3HG0G" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil is organic, specially made for those who have dry hair, skin, and nails. This blend is loaded with natural herbs and nutrient ingredients. Thus it deeply penetrates and moisturizes expected parts of your body.</p><p>And now, I will describe the process of creating Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil. First, Jamaican black castor oil bean is grounded and boiled. Thus this product is produced from 100% pure castor oil.</p><p>As you know, these unrefined and pure oils keep the nutritive properties, so this product is absolutely suitable for softening skin or used as moisturizing massage oils.</p><p>You can use this castor oil every day, remember to use just enough amount of oil, then dab it at your root or head skin. The next step is to use the tips of your finger to refresh your hair moisture and rejuvenate scalp. In addition, this can also substitute for hot oil method which helps to repair and protect dry and brittle hair.</p>
checkHelps you to have a healthy scalp and hair
checkAssists to ease itchy scalp
checkMoisturizes, Revitalizes, Softens
checkSuper thick product
checkAn ideal oil for your natural hair or even a weave
checkThe price is reasonable
checkThe smell is a combination of cocoa butter and coconut, which brings you a comfortable feeling.
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>4.<a href="http://amzn.to/2vjuAse" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil, 8 Fluid Ounce </a></h3><p>Sunny Isle is a helpful product for both your hair and skin. According to the producer, this product heals damaged <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Sunny-Isle-Jamaican-Black-Castor/dp/B00UCEGDE6/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-11&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=eef2aed42ad1755fa4f756bf44cbf083" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00UCEGDE6&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00UCEGDE6" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />and dry hair using strengthening and regrowing it.</p><p>What’s more, Sunny Isle is a natural, effective treatment for many parts of your body. For example, it assists in lengthening and thickening eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as acne. Hence, you can you use it every day for the best result.</p><p>With this product, customers do not have to worry about the origin because it is completely extracted from Castor. First, the castor seeds are roasted and ground by a manual grinder, then crushed beans are boiled to create 100% pure organic oil with dark brown color.</p><p>Compared to other products, this castor oil has a light smell and a high ash content. Thus it is beneficial for regrowing dry, fading and especially damaged hair.</p><p>You can use this product directly by applying it to the hair or scalp. However, you can combine it with avocado or jojoba oil. To me, this is also a hot treatment due to its natural ingredients.</p>
checkNatural castor oil traditionally processed under Jamaican method.
checkAssists hair growth for all types of hair
checkIf you suffer from alopecia (hair loss), chemical treatment and stress, this product will help you to regrow your hair
checkIt can also be used for eyebrow and eyelash growth
checkFunctions as a helpful moisturizer for skin and hair
checkNatural treatment for acne prone skin
checkThe first time I used, the contents smelled like cigarettes. However, you will get used to it when you apply it and see that the smell is light
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>5.<a href="http://amzn.to/2g0BRed" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen, Grow & Restore Hair Serum, 2 Ounce</a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/SheaMoisture-Jamaican-Castor-Strengthen-Restore/dp/B00MXDHX02/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-12&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=873d572b1797bef3e5ec272c431c46ac" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00MXDHX02&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00MXDHX02" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Sheamoisture is regarded as an intensive serum which is ideal for those who frequently straighten, perm or color their hair, or those who naturally have wavy, curly or kinky hair styles. This product has two main functions: nourishing scalp and hair and reviving damaged or chemically treated hair.</p><p>How can Sheamoisture strengthen your hair? It is because of peppermint, which fosters circulation and raises hair resistance to breakage.</p><p>I can assure that this stuff has an amazing smell. This is a worth investment because you will be more confident with your fragrant hair. Now, I will tell you my story, my hair is dry and coarse, however, after using this product, my hair has become softer and frizz free longer.</p><p>The only thing you should remember is the amount you apply to your hair. If you use too much, your hair will seem to be dirty. Nonetheless, this is not an exclusive disadvantage of Sheamoisture, as other shine products also provide you with too much shine.</p>
checkHelps to maintain hair and skin head
checkRepair chemically treated or damaged hair
checkBy strengthening and conditioning, it boosts hair growth
checkDo not contain sulfate
checkIdeal for dry scalp/hair
checkHave a strong smell
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Through <strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil reviews</strong>, maybe you feel a little bit difficult to choose the best kind of castor oil because all castor oils have the nearly same functions and ingredients.</p><p>After experiencing all products, I highly recommend the <a href="http://amzn.to/2vjuAse" rel="nofollow">Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil</a>. It is the most expensive product, and there is a saying that: “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys,” meaning you get what you pay for. You will soon get the result after a short period of time of using.</p><p>This product is especially suitable for <a href="https://letangminh.com/review/best-facial-pore-cleanser-for-dry-skin/">dried skin</a>. However, it can also eliminate impurities and dead skin cell. Don’t use it daily, but it is recommended to use weekly, and then you will have a strong and non-dandruff hair.</p>thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE OF THE WINNER ON AMAZON
You can read this original writing here : How to Select the Best Almond Oil for Skin and Hair 2017
0 notes
letangminh · 7 years
Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews – All You Need To Know
<h1><strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews - All You Need To Know</strong></h1><h2>Why I write the article Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews</h2><p>It has been a month since I really realized the huge benefits of Castor Oil so that is the main reason I write <strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil reviews</strong>. Castor Oil is the greatest treatment for problems relating to dry eyes I have experienced and the way that the oil can help to thicken your eyebrows as well as your eyelashes.</p><p>In reality, Castor oil enables the hair on your eyebrows and eyelids to grow quickly. However, there remain some doubts whether this product works well on your scalp or not.</p><p>You might be surprised by the following result of a quick study. The research showed that those who have tried using Jamaican black castor or castor oil to regrow hair confirmed the significant effect of this product. Specifically, it improves the hair growth 3-5 times in comparison with other normal product. Additionally, it’s certain that all people who have used this oil usually recommend it to others that are encountering the same problems as they used to.</p><h2>Where to buy Jamaican Black Castor Oil?</h2><p>Most people often don’t know exactly the place to purchase castor oil after recognizing that this significant natural treatment can really lead to amazing benefits. In fact, Castor oil seems to be unfamiliar to a majority of people; hence, it’s quite difficult to just look for it in physical stores. It’s even significantly challenging when you want to buy an organic (optional), cold-pressed, and high-quality product with a low price.</p><p>Castor Oil is often available in:</p><ul><li>On the Internet ( Amazon, and many specialized sites)</li><li>Pharmacies</li></ul><p><a href="https://amazon.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><strong>Amazon</strong></a> -  Amazon is considered to be the first must-visit site when you decide to purchase castor oil. What makes Amazon become the no.1 place whenever wanting to buy something online is mainly its prices. In reality, the price on this site is usually far lower than many other online sellers. Moreover, Amazon also often provides free shipping service for various types of products, especially castor oil ones.</p><p><strong><u>Pharmacies</u></strong></p><p>Obviously, the price will change depending on the brand and the origin of the castor oil products. However, this is known as a trend. Normally, in pharmacies, you will certainly realize that the castor oil products are often priced at a higher rate. This is because they have to bear the expenses on servicing and advising as well.</p><p>Before exploring this secret, I always questioned myself why the same brand of mascara was $2-3 cheaper at Wal-Mart or Target rather than at a CVs pharmacy.</p><p>Nonetheless, the high price, sometimes, is not justified. Of course, this level of price doesn’t only apply to the products relating to castor oil but also to many different products that are being sold in a lot of pharmacies. So as to prevent spending more money on castor oil, I honestly recommend you should purchase castor oil products online because it is low-cost and time-saving as well.</p><h2>Why Choose Castor Oil for Hair?</h2><p><img src="https://letangminh.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Jamaican-black-castor-oil-reviews-4.jpg" alt="jamaican black castor oil reviews" /></p><p>Castor oil, in reality, is a kind of vegetable oil. It is also used in manufacturing and cosmetic industries in order to produce hair remedy products, waxes, perfumes, inks, polishes, dyes, pharmaceutical medicines, paint, automotive fluids, and lubricants.</p><p>It’s undeniable that this product is completely natural; therefore, it’s 100% safe for interior consumption in your own body. In addition, it is also really safe for exterior application on nails, skin, and hair.</p><p>Because it is a type of oil, of course, it contains waxing as well as lubricating properties. Thanks to that, it gives your hair a lot of amazing benefits. Indeed, products from castor oil might be even used for a great number of cases that have undesired hair conditions.</p><p>Castor oil products are often used to get rid of hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and moisturize hair. In fact, this castor oil is a unisex product as it works well on women’s as well as men’s body.</p><p>It is said that anybody can also suffer from hair loss (also known as alopecia) and women are not an exception. This unwanted issue happens is because of a hormonal imbalance in the human body.</p><p>When both men and women get elder, they might even face worse problems. That can be the thinning of hair or a greater alopecia. However, this is no longer a big matter with the help of castor oil. You will see a remarkable improvement after applying it to your hair.</p><p>Castor oil is really a natural and safe alternative. Instead of taking costly prescription medications orally or topically, and which might bring about side effects. Why don’t we using castor oil for better effectiveness? There is no doubt that castor oil helps to promote hair growth and curb the loss of hair. It encourages you to save a great amount of money.</p><p>Moreover, this product can be combined with other highly therapeutic ingredients in order to create a tonic for hair. Furthermore, it is an easy way to use in your own bathroom – from now on, there has been no need to visit expensive clinic or salon.</p><p>You can totally make a castor oil remedy for yourself. Other kinds of essential oils might be mixed with so as to give further benefits.</p>
​5 Best Jamaican Castor Oil​​
Tropic Isle Living- Jamaican Black Castor Oil-8oz Plastic PET Bottle: Stimulates hair growth, Cleanse scalp of parasites and toxins that damages hair and slows growth,Help repair dry damaged hair and breakages,Protects hair with a protective coat that seals in moisture,Use as a hot oil treatment
16 OZ Jamaican Black Castor Oil Organic Cold Pressed 100% Pure Natural Hair Skin Eyelashes Hair Growth Restore Pure Virgin Black Castor Oil Refined Premium Grade A: Cold Pressed 100%, Makes hair fuller and shinier, Deeply conditions and moisturizes hair and scalp, prevents dry scalp and boosts your hair’s overall health
Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil, Coconut, 4 Ounce : Mango and lime black castor oil is infused with organic herbs and nourishing ingredients for the ultimate moisturizing and aromatic experience.
Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil, 8 Fluid Ounce : Promotes Hair Growth. Promotes Health Hair
SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen, Grow & Restore Hair Serum, 2 Ounce: Nourishes the scalp and hair, revives dull, damaged or chemically treated hair, promotes growth by strengthening and conditioning
our rating
Tropic Isle Living
8 oz
Jamaican Black Castor Oil
9 oz - 18 oz36 oz - 144 oz
Black Castor Oil 100 % Pure Jamaican Organic Refined
Jamaican Mango
4 oz
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil
Daucus carota savita (carrot)oleoresin/canola/helianthus annuus (sunflower)seed oil
Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil
Sunny Isle
2 fl oz8 fl oz
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
2 oz
Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil
Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
Isopropyl Myristate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil
Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil
Fragrance (Essential Oil Blend)
Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Seed Oil
Tocopherol, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil
Mauritia Flexuosa Fruit Oil
<h3>1. <a href="http://amzn.to/2vYuZlD" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Tropic Isle Living- Jamaican Black Castor Oil-8oz Plastic PET Bottle </a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Tropic-Isle-Living-Jamaican-Oil-8oz/dp/B003CTTZQQ/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&psc=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=b80075c8d58e49670bded55e1bb89f34" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003CTTZQQ&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B003CTTZQQ" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Tropic Isle Living will become a great product if you are hunting for a brand-new method of keeping your hair silkier, stronger and smoother, as well as reducing hair loss and thinning hair. It is clear to see that the producers have added some emollients into this high-quality product, which work as removing germs on your head skin.</p><p>According to many people, Tropic Isle Living is a holy grail product. We cannot deny that this product has an awful smell. However, it is worth to consider about its advantages. Actually, I have used this stuff for only one week, but I have to confess that its merits outweigh dismerits, so you will soon the hopeful results.</p><p>In the beginning, I try castor oil on small parts of my eyelashes and brows. Then I am so surprised at the result, so I decided to use it on my hair. However, because my hair is cut badly by a stylist, so it will take my hair a period of time to become as thick as my eyelashes and brows have experienced.</p><p>If you don’t want to be late for school or work, just apply a thin layer on your scalp or your washing away your scalp in the morning will be a time-consuming act.</p><p>Already see improvement in the thickness, I decided to use it to cure my mild psoriasis, and amazingly, it has softened my leathery pitches. I think that Tropic Isle Living will be an indispensable cosmetic in my beauty routine!</p>
checkHelps to quicken the rate of hair growth
checkClear loads of toxins and parasites that badly impactsyour hair and slows growth
checkIdeal for breakages and dry damaged hair
checkCover your hair with a protective coat
checkCan be used as a hot oil treatment.
checkThe bottle is not fragile as it is made from plastic, so you don’t have to worry about breakages.
checkIn my p​oint of view, maybe you will hate the smell, but if you pay more attention to the good results, you will soon get used to it
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>2. <a href="http://amzn.to/2xmEv1x" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">16 OZ Jamaican Black Castor Oil Organic Cold Pressed 100% Pure Natural Hair Skin Eyelashes Hair Growth Restore Pure Virgin Black Castor Oil Refined Premium Grade A</a></h3><p>16 Oz Castor Oil has two main functions: quickens hair growth process and heal breakages or lifeless hair. Mechanism <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Jamaican-Black-Castor-Organic-Eyelashes/dp/B00RF9KTL4/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-6&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=73ed07215e84183fcaeeafc819eb165d" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00RF9KTL4&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00RF9KTL4" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />of this product is assisting your hair to cover in protective layer, which locks moisture and raise blood to scalp. Hence, you will have a thick hair as soon as possible.</p><p>This castor oil has the highest quality in the current market, which is proved to be 100% organic and natural. It has been refined to expel strong scent but not making a bad impact on product benefits.</p><p>Another bonus point is that Jamaican Black is a combination of antioxidants, Vitamins-especially vitamin E and indispensable fatty acids, it is a really helpful product for healing. As you know, Vitamin E is responsible for renewing skin cells, or it is regarded as an anti-aging factor.</p><p>Many people must be happy when they know that this product is non-animal testing and organic. After using Jamaican black castor oil, your fine wrinkles and lines will gradually disappear. Last but not least, this product also restructures and revitalizes your skin.</p>
checkReasonable price
checkYou will be absolutely satisfied with customer service of the seller.
checkThe oil can be combined with other kinds of product.
checkIt’s 100% natural, without any other oils added.
checkEliminate odor, however, the producer still guarantees product benefits.
checkYou will be younger thanks to your youthful skin by using this product as it deeply moisturizes your skin
checkThe net weight of this product is lighter than expected.
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>3. <a href="http://amzn.to/2g0LcmE" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil, Coconut, 4 Ounce</a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Jamaican-Mango-Black-Castor-Coconut/dp/B00BR3HG0G/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-10&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=65f37fdf0c1acc180b2f2d06adcdf335" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00BR3HG0G&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00BR3HG0G" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil is organic, specially made for those who have dry hair, skin, and nails. This blend is loaded with natural herbs and nutrient ingredients. Thus it deeply penetrates and moisturizes expected parts of your body.</p><p>And now, I will describe the process of creating Jamaican Mango Black Castor Oil. First, Jamaican black castor oil bean is grounded and boiled. Thus this product is produced from 100% pure castor oil.</p><p>As you know, these unrefined and pure oils keep the nutritive properties, so this product is absolutely suitable for softening skin or used as moisturizing massage oils.</p><p>You can use this castor oil every day, remember to use just enough amount of oil, then dab it at your root or head skin. The next step is to use the tips of your finger to refresh your hair moisture and rejuvenate scalp. In addition, this can also substitute for hot oil method which helps to repair and protect dry and brittle hair.</p>
checkHelps you to have a healthy scalp and hair
checkAssists to ease itchy scalp
checkMoisturizes, Revitalizes, Softens
checkSuper thick product
checkAn ideal oil for your natural hair or even a weave
checkThe price is reasonable
checkThe smell is a combination of cocoa butter and coconut, which brings you a comfortable feeling.
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>4. <a href="http://amzn.to/2vjuAse" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil, 8 Fluid Ounce </a></h3><p>Sunny Isle is a helpful product for both your hair and skin. According to the producer, this product heals damaged <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Sunny-Isle-Jamaican-Black-Castor/dp/B00UCEGDE6/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-11&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=eef2aed42ad1755fa4f756bf44cbf083" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00UCEGDE6&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00UCEGDE6" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />and dry hair using strengthening and regrowing it.</p><p>What’s more, Sunny Isle is a natural, effective treatment for many parts of your body. For example, it assists in lengthening and thickening eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as acne. Hence, you can you use it every day for the best result.</p><p>With this product, customers do not have to worry about the origin because it is completely extracted from Castor. First, the castor seeds are roasted and ground by a manual grinder, then crushed beans are boiled to create 100% pure organic oil with dark brown color.</p><p>Compared to other products, this castor oil has a light smell and a high ash content. Thus it is beneficial for regrowing dry, fading and especially damaged hair.</p><p>You can use this product directly by applying it to the hair or scalp. However, you can combine it with avocado or jojoba oil. To me, this is also a hot treatment due to its natural ingredients.</p>
checkNatural castor oil traditionally processed under Jamaican method.
checkAssists hair growth for all types of hair
checkIf you suffer from alopecia (hair loss), chemical treatment and stress, this product will help you to regrow your hair
checkIt can also be used for eyebrow and eyelash growth
checkFunctions as a helpful moisturizer for skin and hair
checkNatural treatment for acne prone skin
checkThe first time I used, the contents smelled like cigarettes. However, you will get used to it when you apply it and see that the smell is light
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h3>5. <a href="http://amzn.to/2g0BRed" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen, Grow & Restore Hair Serum, 2 Ounce </a></h3><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/SheaMoisture-Jamaican-Castor-Strengthen-Restore/dp/B00MXDHX02/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1503369106&sr=1-12&keywords=jamaican+black+castor+oil&th=1&linkCode=li3&tag=makedreamco01-20&linkId=873d572b1797bef3e5ec272c431c46ac" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><img src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00MXDHX02&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=makedreamco01-20" border="0" /></a><img style="border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;" src="https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=makedreamco01-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00MXDHX02" alt="" width="1" height="1" border="0" />Sheamoisture is regarded as an intensive serum which is ideal for those who frequently straighten, perm or color their hair, or those who naturally have wavy, curly or kinky hair styles. This product has two main functions: nourishing scalp and hair and reviving damaged or chemically treated hair.</p><p>How can Sheamoisture strengthen your hair? It is because of peppermint, which fosters circulation and raises hair resistance to breakage.</p><p>I can assure that this stuff has an amazing smell. This is a worth investment because you will be more confident with your fragrant hair. Now, I will tell you my story, my hair is dry and coarse, however, after using this product, my hair has become softer and frizz free longer.</p><p>The only thing you should remember is the amount you apply to your hair. If you use too much, your hair will seem to be dirty. Nonetheless, this is not an exclusive disadvantage of Sheamoisture, as other shine products also provide you with too much shine.</p>
checkHelps to maintain hair and skin head
checkRepair chemically treated or damaged hair
checkBy strengthening and conditioning, it boosts hair growth
checkDo not contain sulfate
checkIdeal for dry scalp/hair
checkHave a strong smell
thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE ON AMAZON<h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Through <strong>Jamaican Black Castor Oil reviews</strong>, maybe you feel a little bit difficult to choose the best kind of castor oil because all castor oils have the nearly same functions and ingredients.</p><p>After experiencing all products, I highly recommend the <a href="http://amzn.to/2vjuAse" rel="nofollow">Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil</a>. It is the most expensive product, and there is a saying that: “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys,” meaning you get what you pay for. You will soon get the result after a short period of time of using.</p><p>This product is especially suitable for <a href="https://letangminh.com/review/best-facial-pore-cleanser-for-dry-skin/">dried skin</a>. However, it can also eliminate impurities and dead skin cell. Don’t use it daily, but it is recommended to use weekly, and then you will have a strong and non-dandruff hair.</p>thumbs-upCLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE OF THE WINNER ON AMAZON
You can read this original writing here : Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reviews – All You Need To Know
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