#i have 5 chapters plus the epilogue remaining and i feel like I'm going to crack a tooth
Someone hold my hand and hype me up to finish A Heart So Fierce and Broken lmao 😬
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All Orch residents can become original characters. Orch is relevant because Alex lives there and one of the Lenses is attempting to set up residence. Fundy was supposed to be from Ywscore originally but was dumped into Orch by the Lense, are we keeping this plot point? 
Should we change the Saponite family's best food from muffins to something else? 
Sleepy Boi Inc going down from four to three members, have a friendly older character, intimidating bounty hunter character, and a chaotic young character? Possibly? They are the main Traveler family that actually interact with Karl for any length of time, kinda like a stray feral cat.
Should we cut down the Quarry trio to just Saponite and the [Ender Knight]? George's character was kinda just there and never really added much to the story. Plus it makes it more angsty when we have the whole “I raised the devil and meant to betray you” thing.
Ranboo’s character is supposed to be an amnesiac Traveler. Perhaps Sap and Cue assume Karl doesn’t talk much about his home because he can’t remember it and we can show what the effects of amnesia have on a normal Traveler. Likely nothing good.
 Tubbo was a robot bug child. Do we keep him? How should we change him? His plotline was intertwined with Ranboo’s and depending on the direction that goes in, I can see us keeping or discarding this character.
I feel like we should try and remember Alex in the plotline of all of this. Like what are they doing during the Clemintine Lens? What were they doing before they found their family? What do they think about all this plot stuff?
We should add more of these side dimensions and stuff to this document, like Mary and the superhero dimension we talked about over discord. We don’t have to name every single one, but having a list to come back to and reference for jokes and such would be good. 
For Quarry, XD needs a new name. 
Should we change the Inbetween to just Between? The Other Side should be fine, plenty of media use that name for stuff, but to distance ourselves from ksq, should we change it?
Need to review Quarry’s dimension in general, I don’t think we got to change much, but we need to rebrand from “The Ender Dragon” and other Minecraft stuff.
Foolish needs a new name. I think a name that is also a describing word that you wouldn’t associate with a god would be nice.
Alright, that's everything I thought about needing to address for now. some are actual suggestions, some are points that likely deserve their own post, and some are just "hey we need to do this". If you don't have any ideas for something just put "tosses the ball to you" instead of an answer. I'll kick off the conversation.
1)Agreed. I think Alex could take up that storyline.
2)Yeah, if we need anything for it at all.
3)I was thinking we could change the dimension Sleep to Dream-something to better reflect it's ever-shifting nature. We could keep the three tavalers and then have their parent be the dimension itself, the way Phil was a personified version of it. Like a less evil version of Ego.
4) I'm okay with that. I like the worldbuilding of the Micealium Isles but story-wise it can be overcrowded for a character from each.
5) Im not sure what you mean? I need to refresh that plotline I've forgotten it It feels like.
6) I like keeping a child from Ywscore. Since Ywscore and Orch are pretty important for the Azure lens plotline, i'd like to keep just a regular person who remains from Ywscore.
7)Depends on what order we're going in again? I remember it was from Opal to Mauve, Indigo, Azure. Since we meet Alex in the Azure lens and the Traveler Trio (SBI) in the beginning we could seed out her storyline with the Ywscore Child who's with them having connections to her in flashbacks or with seeded moments?
The Opal lens I figured would be just the epilogue of the main three getting to know each other. Maybe 4-5 short chapters (Meeting Prowa, Meeting in Quarry, All three meeting, and all three going on a regular adventure-like adventure, setting up the formula. Then the "real" story begins where we meet the whole cast and expand the world.
8)Agreed. I haven't opened the document in a while.
9) We talked about this before a little but didn't settle on anything I don't think. We talked about wanting to keep two letters that could be the face, but I'm open to making anything. Especially if you want to redesign the God altogether or something! (Your DM design is inspiring)
10) I like Between. In Between has been used for a similar place in a lot of other media too so it's not as original as i'd have liked regardless. I noticed that close to the beginning but didn't want to change it to fit with the ksq lore.
Do you like the name Twixt? I like Between too if you don't, though.
11) I'd like to keep it as a dragon or dragon-like but not call it a dragon? Giving it a more creature-esq design to combat the otherworldly god design is cool. I've always loved the motiff of angels being so much less human than demons (creators being less earthy than destroyers)
12) Spitballing: Trite, Mundane, Daft, Inane,
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