#i have EXPLAINED why penny was born in boston is that not enough
themarissaharrisxn · 5 years
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M A R I S S A   H A R R I S O N
Hey is that [OLIVIA WILDE]? No, that’s just [MARISSA HARRISON]. They’re [THIRTY], and have spent [TWO WEEKS] in Dayton. I hear that they’re kind of [PHILANTROPIC], but also [HOT-HEADED]. Did you hear their vices are [ALCOHOL & MONEY]? Can’t wait to see [SHE/HER] at the next party! (TARA, 25, SHE, GMT)
Bullet Introduction:
AGE: thirty
BIRTHPLACE: las vegas, nevada
PREVIOUS RESIDENCE: manhatten, new york
CURRENT RESIDENCE: dayton, california
OCCUPATION: CEO W&W - whiskey & wine tasting company. previously CEO of lucky casinos & hotels.
peggy harrison - nurse - 55 (resides in las vegas, nevada) 
alexander harrison - surgeon - deceased 2010
no siblings
VICES: alcohol, working, money, self-destructive tendancies
Full Biography:
Marissa Harrison was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her Mother and Father met working in the city hospital, he was a Surgeon, she was his scrub nurse. They worked long, hard hours, and partyed just as hard in true Vegas style. The two were inseperable and despite being junior staff, they made their department the best surgical team four years running. That was until little baby Marissa came along. She was unplanned, and if you were to ask Alexander, unwanted. It was a drunken night, the condom had broken, then there were two lines on a piss test.
Peggy did her best by Marissa during her childhood. Alexander swapped the casinos for bottles of whiskey on the couch and by the time Marissa was 12, the marriage had broken down completely. Now a Senior Surgeon, Alexander filed for divorce and moved to London. He didn’t even say goodbye. Peggy continued to do the best she could, picking up extra shifts in the hospital to keep the roof over their head. But, because of that, Marissa had no company at home and had to learn to fend for herself. 
Aged 16, Marissa took up a daytime job working in a casino as a cleaner. She worked hard, grafting as much as she could. Vegas didn’t have any real good schools, so she had to earn enough to both support her Mom and raise enough so she could go to a good school, and get herself out of Vegas. At 17, the company she worked for, Lucky Casino, put out a competition amongst staff to design a new shop floor including a budget breakdown and explaination as to why they think it would work better than the current layout. Marissa’s won. At such a young age, it was technically illegal to promote Marissa into a junior management position in a casino, so the owner made her his personal secretary instead, bypassing the laws. In a year, she had helped boost the income revenue of the company by 65% and cut down expenses by 30% whilst maintaining a happy working team. On her 18th birthday, Marissa was headed to graduate high school as valedictorian and was earning almost $2.5K a month. 
Marissa decided not to go to college. She stayed with the company which fed her ambitions and nutured her growth. They expanded, opening up a new casino-hotel on the centre of the strip. Six months later, they opened up casinos in New York, Boston and Chicago. Marissa was flown to New York and put up on the Upper East Side as the owner of the New York branch. She accelerated and went above her station, constantly improving service and pumping money into her bosses pockets, and her own. At 20, the CEO, an old friend, died of a stroke. He passed the company to her. She was the youngest CEO in the game, and her company was the fastest growing in the world. 
Aged 24, Marissa met a girl named Delilah Daniels. The two became friends instantly. Then, they became inseperable. They partied hard, shopped harder and, eventually, fell for one another. But it wasn’t all that easy. Both had commitment issues, but as Marissa worked to overcome hers, Delilah couldn’t. They went around and around in a cycle that tore apart every part of Marissa. Their love was a hurricane that sucked in and destroyed everyone in their lives. Then, after 2 and a half years of getting together, Delilah running away and then coming back, Delilah killed herself.
Marissa lived in the bottom of a bottle for months. She managed to stay working for the company, but not for long. Within 6 months, Marissa had managed to convince herself that Delilah wasn’t dead, and began to live in a world of hallucinations and illusion. She reclused to her penthouse for weeks at a time, the New York tabloids would speculate and the company would shut it down, but the cost of covering her and covering up for her became too much for the board. They called for her removal. She was paid out of her ten-year. Having made enough to never really have to work again, Marissa shut herself away from the world, and pushed everyone she knew away. She lived in a world of make-believe for almost 2 years.
It wasn’t until she recieved news that her old best friend had died from an overdose that she snapped back into reality. Hayden and Marissa had been the best of friends since she landed in New York. He had spent a lot of the time homeless, or between homes, and whilst he never accepted a penny of Marissa’s (even though she offered every goddamn day), he would always take her up on a warm bed and a hot coffee. The grief of his passing brought back the reality of Delilah’s and the reality of what her life had become. 
Suddenly feeling like she had to catch up on lost time, Marissa threw herself into trying to clean herself up and sort her life out. She went to therapy, started jogging, reading self-help books, and even went sober. She even sparked back up an old friendship, that had always been more than just a friendship. But she moved on, and Marissa was left alone again. 
New York began to suffocate her, the concreate jungle bearing down on her everywhere she went. So, a few months ago she began looking for somewhere else to go. She couldn’t go home, she hadn’t spoken to her Mother for years. The guilt of that was too much to face. But, the West coast had always been good to her. It was where it all happened, wasn’t it? California was supposed to be nice. Then she came across this little town that seemed to stand out amongst the crowd... Dayton. 
It was perfect.
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becketttaylcr-blog · 6 years
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( DACRE MONTGOMERY | 21 | CIS MALE ) I swear I saw BECKETT TAYLOR around campus yesterday. I hear HE is very DISORGANISED, COMPETITIVE & ADVENTUROUS, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of SWEAR JAR SAVINGS & ALL NIGHTERS TO FINISH ASSIGNMENTS. They’re in their JUNIOR year and studying BIOLOGY. (mae, 22, gmt, she/her)
hi hi hi! i’m super stoked to be here! i’m mae and this is a new babe of mine that i needed to find a home for and this rp looked cool as heck so i figured why not apply. i can’t wait to talk to you all and once i’m back from doing household chores, i’ll be on officially to rp and plot! in the meantime, here’s some bits of info on beck :)
beck was the youngest of two brothers, born and raised in boston
he was the nerdy kid whilst his brother was the sports star and beck was forever in his shadow as a kid :( and bc of that they don’t have a great relationship to this day
hs was fine for him, pretty plain sailing -- he had a group of a few close friends 
over the summer between hs and college, beck decided to reinvent himself from the “loser” he had been branded as in hs to someone “cooler”
he started going to the gym and found out he had a particular skill at playing soccer
now he plays for the college team and is really hoping to go pro after college
very disorganised and forever playing catch up with his assignments. he could really do with making a time table and sticking to it lol, or a study partner
tries to keep a cool exterior but i’m sure someone will see him for his past nerd self 
keeps a jar filled with pennies on his desk to save for traveling but keeps using it for gas money
his desk is also cluttered with assignment papers he’s not quite gotten around to doing yet, though he better change that so he can keep his gpa high enough to play soccer!
i have a couple of connection ideas if you wanna plot but i’m literally open to anything if you want beck to fill a connection too!
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pennydecker-blog · 8 years
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“A Penny for your Thoughts - My Memoirs” ~ by Ms Penelope D.M. Decker. 1) Chapter One: Daddy’s Girl"
Penelope Della Maria O'Hanlon. That’s me. I was born a long time ago. Funny thing is, it really doesn’t seem that long ago. My parents were hardworking honest, decent people. My Dad was the best guy in the world. He came from the Boston O'Hanlons (not the Chicago ones). My mom. Well. She was a rock solid kind of gal. She was Italian. She hailed from the Montali family in Boston (not the New York Montalis). I ended up with the red hair, and the “devil-may-care” attitude of the Irish. The passion for pasta is my Italian side (that and being Roman Catholic of course). And, I am an only child. Which, perhaps explains a lot - but let’s not rush into the story… Well, where were we? Yes, of course, my upbringing. I was a Daddy’s girl. He doted on me constantly. I could do no wrong in his eyes. My mom - that’s a different story. She was always busting my chops over one thing or another. We moved around a lot. At the time, I thought all families did that. I simply normalized it. My daddy had mob ties - “la familia” (he used to say). I became to realize eventually, that the Irish and the Italians go way back in America. My Daddy used to tell me he never got his hands dirty, when doing la familia work. As a kid, I took that literally to mean he always soaped up his hands - made sure they had no physical dirt on them. Hey, I was like 5 years old. What did I know? I had a pretty angelic childhood, in retrospect. That all changed once I hit eighth grade. Oh yeah, and did it. In my next Chapter, I discuss what happened then, and why. See ya n Chapter Two… 2) Chapter Two: “ E Pluribus Unim” Eighth grade. We were living in San Antonio at the time. Loved that city, I really did. Then, I woke up one morning and it was like I transformed over night. It was November, I remember getting ready for school, when I noticed my clothes weren’t fitting properly anymore. I sprang boobs. Like big boobs. No one was more shocked that me. I knew I had to say something to my mom. How embarrassing. My mom was all serious and busting my chops - like as if I caused the problem. As if I intentionally whipped up a big ole batch of boobs. She loaned me one of her tops to wear to school - then arranged for an emergency shopping trip later to get me some “appropriate” clothing. Worst day ever. Our teacher (Mr. Piller) was yapping about the history of America, our founding fathers, blah blah blah - and all I could think about was how my life was ruined. My Daddy was out of town, thankfully, so he missed all the boob drama. Then, as if my life couldn’t get any worse, that idiot classmate of mine (Barry Davis) just could not leave well enough alone. He was such a dick. Betcha never guess what he did? In Mr. Piller’s eighth grade history class…So, what happened was - I couldn’t answer a question of Pillers - I guess I came off sounding stupid. Next to me, whispers Barry “you’re all tits no brains O'Hanlon” - and he reaches over and elbows my right boob. Whoosh, I turn red like a beet. Barry’s dude friends snicker and laugh. At break, I retreated to the girl’s lavatory - and cried myself out. I left school, upset, but also (once the water works stopped) filled with a sense of righteous indignation. Which quickly became a kind of blood thirst for vengeance. All this because I couldn’t tell Piller what E Pluribus Unum meant. 3) Chapter Three: “The beast awakens". The idiot Barry Davis continued to harass me. That didn't last long. I began to make life at school miserable for poor old Barry. Pranks, tricks, gossip, bribes. Whatever it took - I made sure I made his life hell. And I enjoyed every delicious minute of it. Had the poor guy in tears by end of eighth grade. He begged me to stop. I said I would if he apologized for the boob-gate scandal. He couldn't even remember that day, or what he said. Asshole. I needed a bit of cash (over spent my allowance), so for $50.00, I told old Barry - I would stop. He paid me. I stopped. Then my Dad promptly informed us that we were moving to LA that summer. My dream come true! Good bye San Antonio - hello Los Angeles. I spent that summer break packing, looking for high schools, and mostly just exceptionally thrilled. The drama bug had bitten me by then. All I could think about was acting, and TV shows, and movies. LA had all those opportunities for me. Hollywood was my end game. I had awaken the beast within me. I had evolved into a female narcissist/actor. Everything became all about me. My high school years came next. And, boy oh boy, did I have some fun with that. Well, at least until my Junior year. Let's save that story for Chapter Four. That's a real duzzy for ya...
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