#i have a deep disrespect for led headlights
mother-fluffing-queen · 2 months
Signs that you're an attention seeker and everyone hates you:
1. LED Headlights
0 notes
biting-you · 5 years
*kicks down door* HELLO YA’LL GUESS WHOSE BACK!!! THIS SACK OF POO POO! I’m finally finally finally posting this commission for a lovely anon who is honestly a saint. They wanted a sort of fantasy Overwatch Au with Soldier 76′s Jack Frost skin!
You felt so cozy, wrapped up in your little cocoon of blankets while you dozed peacefully, dreaming and unperturbed by nothing. Well that is until you felt many tiny hands start to poke and prod at your face. It woke you up, obviously, but you kept your eyes shut tight hoping that your annoying house guests would get the message and leave you alone. Of course you would have no such luck as they continued their assault, continuing to pinch at your skin, giggling all the while. “Christ, jeez I’m up, I’m up!” You finally relented and sat up, opening your eyes to glare properly at the pests who decided to wake you up from your slumber. Three little winged humanoids floated in front of you, cheeky grins split across each of their faces. The fact that they were faeries was of no surprise of course. The little buggers had been the bane of your existence ever since you could remember. Still, it didn’t mean you ever got used to it, especially when they woke you up far too early. “I have in alarm set, you know?” you muttered which only caused them to laugh harder and fly out your bedroom door toward your kitchen, most certainly to make some sort of mess in there. Deciding it was easier to get up than face the wrath of the faeries again, you swung your legs out of bed and proceeded to start going about your normal getting ready for work routine. ________________________________________ After putting out a few fires that you were more than certain those little winged rats had intentionally, you finally stepped out of your home and began to make the sort walk to the bus stop. As you walked, you made sure to say good morning to your neighbors like usual. Just because you had a bad start to your day doesn’t mean you wanted others to have one too. You waved to the small family of gnomes that lived under the loose tiles of the walkway, giving a friendly pat on the head to the black shuck that guarded the local cemetery and made sure to give a lock of your hair to the pixies that lived in the old elm near the town hall. It was a simple routine, but it was your routine. Though you knew good and well how strange it must look to others that you were interacting with things that weren’t there. Well, to them at least. But at this point in your life, when you were starting to become a true adult with a job and an apartment and bills to pay, you decided that you really didn’t care if people thought you were odd anymore. You weren’t about to ignore the lovely creatures you had known all of your life just because strangers would give you side long glances and whisper to each other behind their hands. If there was one thing to learn from mythical creatures was to not give a shit. You arrived at the bus stop with plenty of time to spare, which was both a blessing and a curse as you had to distract yourself from your idle time. At this rate you could have actually stopped to have a very tiny cup of morning tea with that lovely elf family. Oh well, social media it was then. You soon were lost in the variety of memes and lovely art that your friends posted on a daily basis, so lost in fact that you didn’t even notice a familiar petite brunette slid right up to your side and peer over your shoulder. “You got games on your phone?” You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt her voice so close to your ear, letting out short shriek that made the heads of the other bus stop patrons turn to you briefly before shrugging it off. You clutched at your chest before turning to look sharply at the mischievous faun was giving you a sharp toothed grin, obviously proud of herself for scaring you so easily. “Hana, goddamnit how many times do I have to tell you not to do that?” You hissed. She cocked her head to the side and feigned counting in her head. “Mmm about 30 million,” You scoffed at her answer and shook your head. “I’m not in the mood today, I already didn’t get enough sleep thanks to those winged pests.” “Well if those ‘winged pests’ had actually done what I told them then you wouldn’t be sitting here at all!” You gave her an odd look. “Hana what are you talking about?” For the first time ever since you’ve known her, the usually cherry face of the faun turned serious her mouth set in a straight line as her brow furrowed in worry. “Look, I’m not supposed to tell you this, let alone even really know about this but...” Her dark brown eyes flashed around nervously looking very much like a deer caught in the headlights. “Just...don’t go through any doorways okay?” “I’ve been through like two in my house alone” You answered. Was this some weird new type of prank she was trying out? You didn’t really like it at all. She was quick to shake her head, looking even more upset now. “It wouldn’t happen inside of your home, a lot of us made sure to try and lock it down from any real bad forces but...we can’t really do it anywhere else.” She grabbed tightly onto your arm. “So that’s why you have to go back home right now! I mean, you’d probably have to stay there until they lost interest, which could be awhile, but it’s better then what they want!” “You’re not making sense at all! Who’s ‘they’, Hana?” You saw the muscles in her jaw tense and you swore she looked like she wanted to cry. “Th-The Seasons!” She finally sobbed out, breaking down into an unconsolable mess, “they want to take you away!” Before you could pry more answers out of her or try to comfort her in any sense, she bounded away quickly, not looking back. As you rode the bus to your work, you took the time to mull over Hana’s words. Not that you could think of anything else. There was no way it could be some sort of joke or prank. Hana was a pie in the face type of jokester not a ‘the most powerful elemental fae want to kidnap you’ asshole. But even still, you couldn’t really make sense of it. What in the hell would they want with you? Had you done something wrong? Perhaps disrespected them in some unknown way? No, you were sure you would have been told by another fae sooner if you had done something wrong, so that couldn’t be it. You heard plenty of tales of fae snatching humans plenty of times before but they were usually babies that were replaced with changelings or people who had actually wandered into fae territory on their own, never had you heard of a fae not to mention a high ranking one, go so far out of their own way to take a human. None of them liked to work that hard, it was just in their nature! And what was all this business with doors? It wasn’t like they could just throw a net over you and drag you away as soon as you crossed a threshold without risking making a scene. You were stumped and more than a little on edge by the time you reached your stop and made another short walk to your job. However as soon as you approached the glass doors that led into the large office building you paused, much to the chagrin of those behind you, who simply pushed past and entered. You watched them as they did so, absolutely nothing happening to them. No trolls came crashing through the ceiling or goblins scurrying out of the ventilation system to snatch away any unsuspecting human. Absolutely nothing. So taking a deep enough breath to make your lungs ache, you pushed open the door, ready to hear the familiar muffled tap of your flats hitting gray carpeting. Except there wasn’t any carpeting. Just smooth polished stone that caused your footsteps to echo around the large and ornate room you were in. Gone were the cubicles, gone was the water cooler, and gone was the world you’ve always known, replaced by marble and gold leafing and four very strangely dressed men, one of whom looked like he was about to explode from excitement.
“You’re here, you’re here! We finally get to meet you after all these years!” You were almost knocked off your feet by a very fast and very strong green and white blur that wrapped you in an almost rib shattering hug. It most certainly did not help your disorientation. “Eh heh, Genji you gotta put her down. She ain’t lookin’ too hot.” A low but kind voice came to your rescue and you were reluctantly released. “What is...what...I don’t understan-I think I might pass out,” You wobbled on your feet, threatening to fall backwards only for the same hands as before grab onto your shoulders. “Don’t do that! Just sit down here and I’m sure the urge to faint will pass in a moment.” You felt your tush hit a very soft and very comfy armchair and immediately you slumped back into it, closing your eyes and placing a hand over them as you waited for the dizziness to pass. When you finally felt well enough to open them and pick your head up, you were met with the eyes with the four men from before, all starring at you intently. “Feel better?” The first one asked, dark but humorous eyes searching your face for any other sign of discomfort. “Yea, uh...I think so,” you answered stiffly, still unsure of what to make of the whole situation. “Do you think you could like...just tell me where I am?” “Well, there is no name for it in any human language, though the closest thing to it would be calling it the Fae-Wilds! Does that help any?” Oh no. Oh NO. “Ok..okay...” you replied trying to keep calm “so if I just so happen to be in the Fae-Wilds...where all the high ranking fae live...then your four must be...” “The Seasons,” A gruff voice answered for you, coming from a man clad in the most gothic looking outfit you could imagine and to top it all off his head just happened to be a flaming jack-o-lantern. “And we have been very excited to meet you in person!” The green haired man said, reiterating his statement from earlier. You could only nod dumbly at his statement, feeling you like you might really pass out this time. “Sorry darlin’, we didn’t mean to overwhelm ya none, heck we didn’t even get to greet you properly!” The second man spoke, grinning at you from under the brim of his straw beach hat. Why the hell were they dressed like this? “Name’s Jesse, that there’s Genji,” He gestured his chin to the green haired man who beamed at you, “Gabriel,” the man if the pumpkin head grunted in response “and that there is...well that’s Jack.” You could physically feel the mood of the room change as soon as Jesse spoke the last mans name. You suddenly felt chilled and frightened and the feeling only heightened as you made eye contact with the afore mentioned Jack. His eyes were a terrible and dangerous shade of blue, so sharp and piercing you felt as if they were looking right down into the depths of who you are. You didn’t care for it at all. Thankfully the tension was slightly broken by Jesse letting out an awkward cough that dragged your attention back over to him. He gave you a weak smile and for a moment sadness crossed over his brown eyes before leaving just as quickly as it appeared. “Well, now that introductions are all said and done, I’m bettin’ you’re wonderin’ just why you’re here, arentcha darlin’?” You gave a slow nod of confirmation. A chair seemed to materialize out of know where before you, Jesse quickly taking a seat and leaning forward with his hands between his knees, his face still kind but serious. “I won’t beat around the bush with ya honey suckle, you deserve to know what’s goin’ on and ya don’t need no big speech explain’ it to you so...” He took a deep breath before continuing. “We want to make a deal with you, sweet heart. Nothin’ dangerous I promise you that but you still might now care for it...” He trailed off as his eyes flickered over to Jack who was staring a bit too intensely. “All we want if for you too stay here for a month, just a month! To see if you like it...if you feel any sort of attachment here...or to any of us. Now if you don’t of course, we’ll send you back fair and square and we won’t bother you like this again.” Too say that you were stunned was an understatement, in fact you could barely speak! The only words you could choke out were “...why?” Gabriel was quick to answer, “Do you know how rare it is for a human to have your ability? One in a goddamn million chance. Makes you kind of special don’t you think? You’re like a fae magnet with this gift of yours, you have no idea how precious humans are to our kind, especially one that can already see us.” “Okay...I have a gift, so what?” It doesn’t mean you can keep me here for a whole month!” You spat out, finally through with your shock and now moving into anger. “Look we know this isn’t probably...ideal and trust me honey this wasn’t my first choice either...” His eyes trailed back nervously to Jack “but like I said before you can go back if you don’t like it here when the month is through.” You eyed him warily and you had a strange feeling you actually didn’t have much of a choice anyway, it wasn’t like you knew the way out of the Fae-Wilds on your own. “Fine...fine I’ll take your little deal...but I’m not promising anything.”
Oh God why had you taken their deal? Why hadn’t you just said ‘fuck it’ and try to run? It had only been a week and the affections (if you could call them that) from the four men were already draining you of any and all patience you had left. It was a toss up between Jesse and Genji for being the worst of your new tormentors. They were nice enough with their compliments and boyish wooing but their constant need for physical affection made you want to retch at the best of times. Jesse would whine and complain even if you so much as leaned away from him, never mind the absolute temper tantrum that would ensue if you managed to escape out of his suffocating grasp. Your hair never seemed to be without Genji’s fingers tangled through them and he had a bad habit of putting so many damn flowers in your hair that you started attracting bees. You were really starting to miss those faeries back home. Thankfully, Gabriel was a much more tolerant presence to be around (though that wasn’t saying much). You could hardly count the many time he dragged you from your room to his own quarters and demanding you spend time with him. It was always at the worst hours too, like three in the morning just to drag you to a meal he had made especially for you, slamminh you down in a chair even when you protested that you already ate. “Sit there and stare at it for all I care,” He had gruff. At least he kept his hands off you for the most part. Then there was Jack. The good old God of winter never got close to you, never demanded that you spend any time with him. No. He would just stand and stare at you, no words spoken but a tentative greeting on your part and the continuous low muttering that came from the masked man. You hated it. You hated him. That icy chill that you would receive whenever he stepped foot into the room was both from his presence and his powers. Jack made you feel so frozen, so…isolated whenever he was around, you were sure that even in a room full of people, he could make you feel like the last person on Earth. It was the middle of the tenth day of you being stuck in the Fae-wilds (you made sure to keep close track of the days until you could leave) and Jesse had managed to drag you to a small pond located inside one of the many rooms in the castle that they all reside in. Despite the fact that it was in a building, the body of water was surrounded by vegetation, something Jesse wouldn’t stop talking about as he lounged beside you. “I invented those, you know,” he drawled, pointing at the water lilies that floated calmly on the crystal clear water. You gave him a small hum of feigned interest which made him squeeze your hand with a grin, at least tnat was all he was grabbing onto at the moment, perhaps he was finally catching on that you didn’t care to be groped every waking hour of the day. “Genji likes to claim he made them first but everyone ‘round here know that I-“ Jesse cut himself off when a chill suddenly engulfed the room, quickly turning your puffs of air into dense clouds and covering the pond with a fine frost. You didn’t bother turning around at the enterloper, knowing by this point it was better to ignore him out right. Jesse on the other hand seemed more then happy to stare as Jack hovered near the entrance, face concealed behind that damned mask he never went without. You felt the man beside you already starting to fidget at the others presence, casting you a nervous look as he debated whether to leave you alone with Jack, or tough out the feeling of what was most likely a heated glare bore into the back of his skull. He chose the former.
“I’ll uh…I’ll see you later sweetheart, okay? At dinner tonight?” You only gave him a nod and another hum as he stood and gave you a sheepish grin as he brushed the imaginary dirt off his trousers. You didn’t acknowledge him further as he walked away, a wary eye trained on Jack as he slipped past him and out the door.
If there was one thing that Jack was good for it was getting the others out of your hair. They all seemed to fear him for some reason or another, even Gabe seemed to give him a wide enough berth. You couldn’t truly understand why. Wouldn’t they all be on equal ground with powers and such? You mulled this over while you pretended the pond was oh so interesting to further try and let the man behind you know that you weren’t interested in whatever stunt he was trying to pull at all. A routine silence fell over the two of you and you assumed that would be the same song and dance that usually took place during your encounters so you damn near had a heart attack when the deep rumble of his voice echoed through the room.
“Are you enjoying your time here, stardust?”
You turned your head around so fast you gave yourself minor whiplash. He hadn’t moved at all and for a brief moment you thought maybe he hadn’t spoken at all and your mind was playing some kind of strange trick on you. Still you responded.
“What do you think?” You snapped back and it made him cock his head to the side as if puzzled.
“No? You don’t seem like it. You haven’t tried to escape once or offer another deal to get yourself out sooner.” You scoffed.
“What good would that do me? It’s better to wait out this bullshit until the month is out and the four of you won’t ever pester me again,” Scowling, you turn back to the pond, set on ignoring him yet again. You were so wrapped up in your loathing that you didn’t notice his approach until you felt the icy puff of his breath on the back of your neck.
“So you don’t love them then?”
The shock of his closeness almost had you stumbling into the lake as your body lurched forward only for him to grab onto your bicept with a near crushing grip as he hauled you to your feet.
“What the hell-let go!” you spat as you tried in vain to pry his fingers from your arm.
“Answer the question, stardust,” he hissed behind his mask, tugging you closer so his face was uncomfortably near to your own.
“Of course I don’t love any of them, you creepy.” You glowerd at him as he gave a hum, satisfied by your answer enough to loosen his grip ever so slightly.
“Interesting…so who will you be choosing at the end of the month?” His reply made you scoff again.
“No one, obviously,”
He barked out a laugh that made you recoil in fear. You did not like that sound at all.
“It’s so cute that you still think you have a choice! Not to mention how funny it is that the others are still trying to con you into believeing you still have any other options at all!”
“What are you talking about?”
With a click and a hiss he removed his mask with his free hand, tossing it to the floor carelessly. His eyes were wild his expression unhinged as he grinned down at you.
“Do you really think you were going to be allowed to leave us? Leave me…” His expression softened for a fraction of a moment before twisting up with sick glee once more. “Hell, you sealed your own fate by eating foot we offered you! I was actually surprised by that. Thought you would starve to death before you fell for that old trick.” Your eyes widened. Oh Gods, he was right. How could you be so stupid! That was the first rule of interacting with any sort of fae! Jack laughed at your stunned expression.
“Aw, I know stardust, I know,” he cooed mockingly “but it’s going to be alright.” Jack leaned in closer, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent, “you’re going to be with me. Forever! Won’t that be grand?”
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littlebluespoon · 7 years
A little Slice of Hell
So uhh this ended up at over 2000 words long. There’s some smut and a happy ending! I forgot those existed. 
Requested by an anon about 100 years ago, sorry for the wait!
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Your brothers, Matt and Nick, had invited you on their next tour of Japan. You loved your brothers and you loved watching them in action but you were hesitant to go, mainly because of one man. You had done the cliché thing and fallen in love with your brother’s best friend. Except there was no way it could happen, there are several reasons why it would never happen. Two of them are your brothers, one is the age gap and the last is the man himself. You had fallen in love with Kenny Omega but he hated you.
Waiting in the hotel lobby for the boys you scrolled through pictures of last night’s event. There were some brilliant ones showing your brothers flying through the air and one showing the pain on their faces as they landed after failing to hit the double suicide dives they attempted. You kept flicking through, laughing at the memory of Hiromu taunting them with Daryl, before you saw him. He wasn’t the subject of this particular photo, but he made it about him. Standing in the background with that arrogant look he wore, leaning against the ropes, he looked like sin.
“I shouldn’t be in love with you.” You spoke the words before remembering where you were. A quick glance around showed that no one you knew was in the vicinity and that the closest person to you was the receptionist halfway across the room so you should be safe. No one heard you. Except the one person that did. 
You had forgotten to look behind you. And he could see what you were looking at and hear you. He heard your sigh and your declaration of love for him. A man who wouldn’t look at you twice. A man who would condemn you to the pits of hell before even thinking about kissing you. 
No one really knew why Kenny hated you, only that he did before you had met and no pleading from your brothers could make him give you the slightest chance. In fact, your brothers had made the biggest scene after you had met and Kenny had completely ignored you before pushing you out of the way. They didn’t like that he would disrespect you but Kenny was family to them as well so they would never leave him, just shout at him a little.
As you switched apps you tried to forget about the picture of him and started replying to messages arms came from behind you trapping you in your chair. You knew those arms, they were his arms.
“What do you want Omega?” Over the years you had become used to the insults and jabs he would throw at you and usually gave as good as you got. So you were waiting for his next attack and not expecting his next actions,
“Say it again,” he leaned in, his lips brushing against you ear as his hands moved up yours arms onto your shoulders. “Say it to me and not the empty space.”
Have any of you ever seen a rabbit in the headlights? The standing to alert, ears perked up and eyes wide. That was exactly how you felt except your body was frozen in fear. Who knew what he would do with this information. He was a mastermind of pranks and revenge and you had just given him the best bit of blackmail material he could have ever hoped for. You were screwed and petrified.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You spat the words and attempted to escape the chair that had become you prison except he was much stronger than you. Being pushed further into the chair by him, you attempted to become one with it and sink into the cushions. Seeing you squirm he moved to stand in front of you. His legs against yours as he stared down at you. Still trapped you tried to push the chair back to make your escape but he kept walking forward, keeping his legs firmly pressed against yours.
Eventually he had enough of the cat and mouse shtick and grabbed the chair, preventing it from moving. Bending down, he shifted your positions so that he was directly above you,
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. But just this once I’ll be kind. Instead of pushing for what I want, I’ll let you come to me. All you have to do is say those words, to my face. Say them and maybe you’ll get the best night of your life, depends on how long you make me wait.” With a final smirk he stood up straight and walked across the lobby to a single chair tucked into a corner.
You could feel his stare on you, the hairs on your arms stood to attention and you relieved the feel of his breath against you. The warmth of his lips and the firmness of his hands. You remembered the hard touch of his leg muscles and the way his eyes shined as they looked into your soul, like they were searching for the fantasies that lay in the darkest parts of you.
“Oi dumbo! We’re all waiting.” His voice was what broke you from your fantasies, it also left you with a deep blush. Shaking your head to try and rid it of the dreams you looked up at your brothers and him before nodding. However, you struggled to move from the chair. It still felt like a prison. Feeling humiliated you looked to him and as if sensing your dilemma his lips quirked slightly before he gave the smallest nod you had ever seen. But it was a nod and suddenly the chair had no hold over you. Your jailer had released you from the prison he built.
During dinner all you could think of was him. You imagined the touch of his hands. Would they be calloused? Soft? Would they be demanding? Or giving? How long was he expecting to wait? What would be too long? How long could you hold out for? What would the punishment be? Would he still want you if you made him wait? Would he be discreet? Would he want more? Would he-
“Hey. You okay?” Matt pulled you from your racing thoughts that would just not stop. “You haven’t eaten or said much. Did Kenny say something?”
“Nope. I’m just tired, I’ll probably head to bed after dinner.” Matt didn’t look too convinced and across the table neither did he.
You did go back to your room after dinner but not to sleep. You spent the best part of two hours pacing across the floor. From the bathroom door to the window to the bathroom door and back. At the same time, you had a debate with yourself, Sinner You and Angel You. Even after two hours there was no clear winner in the argument. But you had spent so long thinking of him and you were too worked up to go to bed now. Throwing open your room door you sent a prayer hoping he would be alone and before you could change your mind you raced towards the stairs, up the three flights of stairs and very quickly you were standing outside his door.
It was the softest knock you had ever heard but a few minutes later the door opened to him, standing shirtless with his arms crossed.
“Three and a half hours. What happened, lose your way?” His chuckle made you grind your teeth, you were sexually frustrated and all you wanted was for him to shut up. You made to push into his room but were stopped once again by his hands.
“I told you not to take too long.” He pushed you back a step and went to close the door,
“But, we were at dinner! And you were with the boys afterwards!” He kept laughing and your teeth were really starting to hurt.
“Not my problem. Besides, I do believe you haven’t done what I asked. Be extra nice and maybe I’ll reconsider.” He leaned against the door frame still chuckling as you spluttered and threw a glare at him.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself, you gathered your words and courage before admitting the very thing that had gotten you into this mess. The one thing you had sworn to never tell another person, especially him.
“I am in love with you.” After that you couldn’t look at him. Which meant you never saw the look of pure joy on his face. You felt his hands on you again, this time pulling you into the room. Two steps into the room you were jailed again. Being chained to the wall with his arms was an experience you would never forget,
“Listen well baby, I’m in charge. I say what you do. You can walk out at any point but if you do we are done for good. If you stay and we enjoy it, maybe there be more. If there is then your mine. No other… boy will touch you. Are we clear?” Getting lost in watching him flick his hair out of his face the only reply you could give him was a nod, “No, no more of this not saying things. You say everything, are we clear?”
That single word led to an amazing night.
He exhausted you with everything. First he ravished you against that wall. Using his muscular arms to rip your top and skirt to pieces and then digging his fingers into your arms, leaving bruises before moving himself downwards. He bit and sucked his way up your thighs before coming to your underwear. It didn’t stop him as he bit at your clit before pushing it to the side and proceeding to lick and bite you through your first orgasm. Your second came as he slid his fingers into you. He had flung you onto the bed and as he was approaching he slid off his shorts.
His thick fingers felt like they were burning you. Like he was pure hellfire and you were damned to hell for letting him touch you. He sat back after this orgasm and watched as you begged him, pleaded with him to touch you, to fill you. Each time he refused and eventually you moved to do it yourself, then he pounced. Straddling you he pulled scarves from his bag beside the bed.
“Such a naughty girl. Did I say to do that?” He shook his head at your begging. Left tied to the bed he surveyed you, his hand pumping his cock, watching as you thrashed, begged and cried. Eventually he took pity on you and climbed up to between your legs. Giving one of the bites from earlier a small slap he slid on a condom before pulling your hips up from the bed and towards him. You screamed as he pushed his way into you.
You felt boneless and sore at the same time. You couldn’t feel your legs but everything between them tingled. You were sure that you would be going to hell when you died for the acts you committed tonight. Now you had the answers to all those questions your mind wouldn’t let you escape at dinner.
“Bath’s ready darling.” He gently lifted you to your feet and supported you as you slowly hobbled to the bathroom. As you sank into the warm bubbles, with him sitting behind you, your mind had one last question,
“Why do you hate me?” You couldn’t muster the strength the turn around and face him so you watched the ripples in the water as you heard him sigh.
“You’re their sister. You’re untouchable. They told me as much when they first told me about you. So it was easier to hate you than try and hide anything. Besides you were with that Grant guy when we met.” Now it was you who was laughing.
“I hated Grant. But Nick set us up and I couldn’t disappoint him so I tried for a while and every time I tried to end it Grant would just walk away from the conversation.” Laughing at the memories you felt yourself relax even further against him which meant you could feel his cock against your back. Spreading your legs, you subtly tried to lift yourself up onto him but again his arms were on yours.
“No, rest. We’ll see how you feel tomorrow, after all you’re all mine now.” You pouted but relented, his arms no longer feeling like a prison but instead like heaven. Or perhaps hell was more appropriate. Your good Christian brothers would definitely not be finding out about this night.
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