#i have a few other tavs and durges i might share later
imreallyuncomfortable · 5 months
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Raised on the streets of Baldur's Gate, the only things that kept him alive were his silver tongue and quick fingers. An easy mark ended up costing him more than he ever expected. Regardless if this was punishment from the gods or his first blessing, one thing became abundantly clear. Friends in low places can get you anything.
Besides, how often do you actually get to cozy up to a tanar'ri prince?
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Mantras slip from the Tiefling's lips as he battles the depraved thoughts that threaten to overtake his mind. His monk training helps with resisting the urges, but memories of the past will cling to his psyche for the rest of his life. Who were they? Why doesn't he remember? Did they always know? Why didn't they run?
I'm finally getting around to playing Baldur's Gate 3 and I wanted to share my Tav & Durge. I tried to keep this spoiler free, but I'm only up to act 2 so filling in info about my durge was kinda hard due to lack of in-game information.
My Tav is an urchin half wood-elf fiend warlock. His pact with Graz'zt is mostly for the demon lord's entertainment and pleasure, but Virlen gets to live the life of luxury he always desired, and he gets to get revenge on the socialites who turned their nose up at him all those years ago. Once he gets this pesky tadpole out of his head he'll go back manipulating the elites of the city towards their own hedonistic self-demise. Or that was the plan, before he grew close to a certain cleric... after all, they could make each other so much better, or so much worse.
He has bonded the best with Shadowheart due to their similar moral compass, they have shared multiple glasses of wine.
He is good friends with Karlach because he feels a kindred spirit in her.
Recently he has been having...thoughts about a certain druid. It doesn't help that his partner and graz'zt are basically begging him to indulge.
His fiend eye only appears when he is calling on his most powerful warlock abilities or Graz'zt wants to "borrow" his eyes.
He has a cute quasit familiar
My Durge is a tiefling monk who is trying to resist his urges. Much of his past is blank to him, but one thing haunts his memories. The faces of his victims. He feels safest in the shadows, but when he's there he finds himself reaching for the light. A certain warlock certainly knows how to deal with a bad hand, maybe he could learn a thing or two from him.
Aious has closest affinity with Wyll. He admires the warlock's courage to do right & remain just without regards to his personal safety.
He has a rocky relationship with Astarion. They don't often agree on courses of action, but they see the hidden secrets hidden behind eachother's eyes. They have a smidge of pity for each other, despite what their bickering might entail.
He also feels a strong bond with Lae'Zel. He enjoys her pragmatism and he finds that she can help calm his over-active imagination that often gets distracted by his emotions.
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Meet My Tav: Sparrow
I've been meaning to make a post about them for ages so here ya go lol
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Name: Sparrow Pronouns: They/them (non-binary, masc leaning) Age: 26 Race: Human Class: Rogue Alignment: True Neutral Romancing: Astarion and Halsin - but they'd romance every companion if they could
Backstory and other information under the cut (warnings for mentions of violence, underage drinking, and alcoholism)
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Sparrow was orphaned at the age of five when a pair of bandits broke into their home and murdered both their parents in front of them - sparing them only because they were a child. Terrified of the rumors of abuse in the local orphanage, they escaped the guards and lived on the streets for several months, relying on thievery to survive, when they were caught by a con-man named Scratch after stealing his coin purse. He took pity on them and raised them to be a proper thief and pickpocket.
Desperate to forget the image in their mind of the blood pouring from their parents' bodies, Sparrow turned to drink less than a year later. Unbeknownst to them, a boon from the god Bacchus protects them from the poison in the alcohol (which is the only reason they haven't drunk themselves to death). Sparrow was arrested at 16 after the pair of bandits who killed their parents showed up at the tavern they frequented. Sparrow killed one of them in a furious outburst, and it drew the attention of the guards. The king agreed to release them from their sentence if they aided him on a quest, and so their first adventure began.
When all was said and done, however, their adventuring party went their separate ways, and Sparrow once again found themselves back to drinking and thieving. They had a few more adventures, they'd tried to form a thieves' crew or a gang or anything, but it seemed no matter what they did, they always ended up alone, drinking their life away in a cheap run-down tavern.
They'd been on a six month bender when one morning as they left the tavern they were suddenly taken by the Nautoloid. They woke up on the beach in the wilds of the Sword Coast with a screaming hangover, and all they could think was "Ah shit; this again."
Some meta information: Sparrow was my first ever TTRPG character! So of course when I started playing BG3 I had to revamp them and bring them into the game XD Which, is also why have a bit of a self-insert vibe (if your first DnD character isn't a self-insert you're doing it wrong lol)
This was kind of the abridged version of their backstory, I might make other lore posts and stuff in the future if people are interested?? But I wanted to share them, I love seeing stuff about people's Tav/Durge characters and I have soooo many hadcanons with them it's not even funny. I've featured them in a few fanfictions already and I do plan to write more at some point XD
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