#i have a lot of complicated feeligns for the meritocrats
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 month
Sometimes I think about how Wilde actually saw Guivres burn down the Eiffel Foley because there's no way he got away from Paris before that. And about how much he had to be lying to himself afterwards to keep working for the Meritocrats without thinking about the innocent people that were still trapped there and about the small gang members that while not innocent definitivaly didn't deserved to be burned by a dragon. If when talking about how Sasha was an unreplaceble asset to Apophis he wondered how many young lost people with same backstory as Sasha burned in Paris. How many kids? If in his nightmares he would sometimes go back to exchanging puns with Sasha only for them - the team - be in the fabric while Apophis burned it.
About how the moment Grizzop presented Wilde with the list of Barret's man Wilde's questions are not about how many moles are there but "is there any proof that the Harlequins are involved with the Similacras at all?" How he was ready to belive the dragons were lying and there was something sinister going on from the start.
Sometimes I wonder if the party not being there in Paris was part of what made then still proud meritocratic agents till the end of the word. Sometimes I think about how while they didn't saw it they knew about the destruction Guivres caused and they had to know that not everyone escaped. Sometimes I think how much Apophis being resonable and being nice TO THEM influenciated them into staying.
Because Sasha created the Harlequins the moment she saw Rome burn.
Sometimes in a different dragon tangent I wonder if Sasha felt weird talking about meeting Apophis and Hamid's ancestry. Trying to explain to her kids and to Cicero and to the comunity she built about the dragons that ruled her word (and weren't always bad nor were evil just complicated shades of gray) when the dragons ruinned their lifes.
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