#i have a navy and green pinafore i really like maybe to match that
karathraces · 2 years
i have a gryffindor scarf i bought before all of The Shit and it’s handmade and yarn and i don’t want to waste it but i wonder if i could dye it because it’s yarn but is there a way to like.. dye stripes neatly bc i’d like it still to be striped honestly
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beyondtheciouds · 4 years
Part 29. 3 of 3
Twas the night before Yulemas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for a small brown mouse.
The children were all snug tight in their beds. Smiles on their faces as dreams of sugared plums danced in their heads.
Outside, the snow fell in droves and filled the streets, impassible for cars and carriages. The windows were frosted; icles hanging like glittering packages.
The brick and mortar chimnies chain smoked; pairs of lungs coughing ashes.
Dust saturated the fresh snowflakes on snowcapped rooftops; heavy as Lucie's lashes.
The moon was nearly full; the fringe of dawn barely a heartbeat. Lucie didn't hesitate getting out of bed when she suspected Henry and Charlotte were fast asleep.
Her secret plans were already in motion; she was in far too deep.
Tonight Lucie and Grace would wake the one lost in an eternal sleep. The anticipation ran through her bones; sidewinding up her veins like an ivy on a chase.
The candles on the Yulemas tree were long snuffed out; the yuletide log smoldering in the fireplace.
The only sound downstairs was the incessant scratching inside the walls. A mouse was hunting about, searching the halls.
The manor was festive; the decor just right. Charlotte had decorated in odd bright colors; glitter and gold balls. A sight to behold, a treasure left scandously untold.
Mugs of cold, sugared tea and burnt biscuits were dutifully set out by Matthew's sisters in hopes of toys being brought.
They were antsy and fought before bedtime. That is, until Lucie sang them a sweet rhyme.
Earlier, Lucie had been filled with warmth as Henry played carols on the pinafore and the girls sang loudly and off key.
She had spent the evening after supper with Cordelia and Charlotte, knitting sweaters for the three.
Now she felt bitter and upset, but the night wasn't over. No, not yet.
The conversations had flowed so easily between the women in the hours before. Lucie had almost forgot the other demands; the baby she tried to ignore.
But the truth was, she was happy to be doing something productive with her hands.
Lucie enjoyed the conversations even if listening to Charlotte was quite the chore.
Tomorrow was Yulemas but Lucie could not have felt less festive.
Yes, the girl Herondale had become rather quite obsessive.
A solid glance over her shoulder gave her courage in the dark. Cordelia was fast asleep on the opposite bed, stiff like chalk.
Lucie stilled, thinking she heard Oscar bark.
Cordelia's back was turned to Lucie; the long braid resting against the comforter like a serpent.
Cordelia was the only one who wouldn't help and the lack of support streamlined Lucie's determination like a torrent.
Lucie felt guilty, like a sneaky child as she opened her door. She crept out into the candle-lit hall ignorant of the consequences her actions might cause.
A familar frown pressed her lips as she closed the door and paused.
For weeks a string tugged at her, knowing that her freedom was slipping through her finger. Each free moment was ready to disappear; the life with a drinker.
Everything seemed doomed; so unfair.
Selfishly, she assumed tonight was only a prelude to the tired life she would soon have living in the walls of Fairchild Manor or worse: Matthew's downtown London flat.
For hours, Lucie had tried to sleep after adjusting the ribbons on an old hat.
She read Cordelia a chapter or two of a mystery book, then finished with a cup of warm milk.
Poor Lucie begged her brain to shut off long after she was wrapped in cotton and silk.
But Charlotte's voice kept droning on in her ears, until her heart was able to tilt.
"I am really happy that Matthew is with you, Lucie. You do know he is trying quite hard to be a better man for you and the baby. You will be quite a good match for my wild child, and quite happy I assure you."
Lucie was uncharacteristically careless in her response. She had only thought about her own wants.
She whole heartedly disagreed before silencing herself much to Cordelia's horror.
Many times Lucie Herondale had tried to imagine being married to Matthew, just for a minute or an hour.
She pictured having a family, a normal Shadowhunter life with him at her side. A family life like her own.
But she just couldn't picture herself being trapped inside. A bird in a cage; her wings barely flown.
She couldn't stay in the net waiting up for him every night. It was just too much to ask.
Worrying. Wondering if tonight would be the night he'd get in a fatal fight or worse; death by her own axe.
How they would feed their family if he died. How would she live, crumbling on the inside. She didn't even have the faintest idea how he felt about women writers or the socially responsible duties they were to provide.
Lucie didn't have a clue how to be a mother or run a household.
This much she'd been told; they'd be wed under the sacred Shadowhunter vows; their bodies marked each with a matching rune.
After they would go on living as two separate people under the light of the moon.
He would conquer binges of weeks where he'd be drunk daily and purges where he would be sick and sober.
She'd stay home; keep house and take care of the children, and he'd lovingly call her his good luck clover.
This would be a cycle that wouldn't end. It would only grow worse with each year; each baby born on the cusp of regret and condenscend.
That didn't mean living with Matthew Fairchild was hopeless as a snowflake in the rain. Perhaps Lucie was wrong. Perhaps Matthew Fairchild was only in pain.
What the cards were showing Lucie now was just a reality she didn't think she could endure.
The truth was, part of Lucie did love Matthew, so much more. When he bled, she bled in her core.
Nightmares and dreams about him had often haunted her into rejecting his previous advances and now she knew why.
She presumed the dreams were omens; warning her not to abandon the sky.
The Fairchild/ Herondale union had been long awaited for by both families, but particularly by the Consul.
Lucie knew what Charlotte expected of her future daughter-in-law was damn near impossible.
Change Matthew. Fix him.
Lucie dreaded every moment spent under the Consul's watchful eye. Every minute she was in Charlotte's company was as unpleasant as a stye.
As Lucie passed Matthew's room, thinking about the last time he'd held a sober smile, she slowed her pace and stopped short. A groaning noise came from within and Lucie wondered if Matthew had overdone it on port.
His door was open just a crack, enough to see into the chaos of his existence; a dream. The stench of stale cigars and regurgitated gin spilled into the hall; hitting her nose like steam.
Lucie gagged and her heart broke at the sight of him laying like a rag doll among dirty linens.
She hadn't expected him to be home and was shocked to see him in such a position.
Lucie had never been able to read Matthew's mind. Now, she wondered if it might have been a good find if she'd had the time.
Her heart had conceded and concluded any type of relationship with him was out of the question.
Being Matthew's bride had never been a suggestion.
She pretended that had been the reason she never reciprocated his feelings. Not until she plainly understood him and his bad dealings.
A well of sadness filled up inside her as she reached out her hand, shining the witchlight into the darkness of the room. The bed was empty except for Oscar, a pillar in the sand.
As usual, the golden retriever was unaware; sleeping loyally ontop of a ragged blanket tucked under his hand.
She shined the light just above Matthew's sleeping body. His arms were spread, legs tucked tight together; a disgusting hottie.
Distracted by the way the light sweat on his chest gleamed pale under the flickering witchlight, Lucie thought about that night. The sweet smirk that swelled on his face was a haunting memory; a sin and a show. One she had hidden in her bones reminding her of a promise she made to him that felt so long ago.
The breeze was cool; the night hot. Cicadas and crickets staged their favorite tunes in an effort to provide a sonata. Not a cloud nor haze flooded the starlit sky; only fireflies lit up the night. Shades of blue from the lake lit her eyes with a warm glow. Lucie watched Matthew with anticipation as her skin grew warmer from every sip of his flask.
Do you love me? Matthew's hot breath on her neck. His lips were fire; hot cinnamon liquor burning her skin with each devious kiss on her flesh.
Yes. Everything would have been yes to him in the heat of that moment. Her hands were beyond confinement and reached eagerly for the buttons on his waistcoat.
Do you promise, Lucie darling? His green eyes were dark, serious under the stars.
I promise. And she meant it. Or she thought she did.
I love you, Lucie Herondale. You're the only one besides James that means anything to me. This is for forever. I swear on my life.
I love you too. Her lips against his were ice on fire; electric and numbing the voice screaming in her head.
Lucie blinked, rolling out of her reverie with the grace of someone used to disappearing into herself.
Matthew was still sprawled out, drool trickled down, out of his mouth.
His hand rested among the fresh vomit and spit on the rug. He was still in his rumpled navy pants and his belt was half undone; broken as the wings of a dead bug.
Stained socks and muddy shoes were discarded in a heap. It was as if he meant to climb in bed and instead just collapsed on the floor, fast asleep.
Lucie wondered if she should wake him; maybe help him into bed or the bath.
Matthew was snoring loudly; the sound sheilding his lips like a mask.
Lucie frowned, watching him and the moment of charity pass.
Matthew stirred and kicked out his leg. He groaned and rolled his head in torment and wrath. "Luce...Lucie. please. PLEASE. Forgive me. Forgive me."
Lucie sighed and flipped the braided pigtails over her shoulders, disgusted and disappointed instead. She shook her head at Matthew, her heart turning to ice.
How could she ever love him like this? The strings of her heart pulled her into a vice.
Lucie knew she wasn't entirely being nice.
At least now she knew Math was safe and breathing. One crisis averted. Now she could stop caring for awhile and continue seething.
Butterflies rolled inside her belly as the baby turned; shifting positions as if it sensed his father's presence and his mother's disgrace.
Lucie tried not to cry as she quickly shut Matthew's door, glad for him to be out of her sight at least for the night.
Lucie Herondale knew she'd be learning a hard lesson in faith.
The manor was cold, bitter like her uncharacteristic temperament. It was just the way Lucie liked things lately; quiet without comment.
The cold made her feel closer to death; closer to Jesse's spirit.
He was quite the opposite of Matthew who had the most obnoxious tendency to be satiric.
She warmed her heart as she thought about the ghost and his quiet, melodic ways. She imagined him in the sunlight; alive during the days.
Lucie became once more determined to save his soul. A debt that was unpaid; a secret not to be told.
Christopher and Grace had snuck downstairs after the lights went out. They were headed to the lab without a doubt.
Christopher thought he might have figured out a chemical compound needed in the spell Grace had shown him during tea and lemon tarts that afternoon.
James promised to guard the door as Thomas occupied the insomniac old housekeeper with a card game and some gin. Every one was in their places; helping Lucie's cause and Lucie shivered, feeling Matthew's hands still on her skin.
A whistle helplessly escaped her lips as she moved down the hall. She felt slightly more optimistic, smiling and all.
Lucie could feel the hairs on her arms rise, theories becoming reality. She felt Grace and her were getting closer to the right order of the specialty.
Goosebumps coated her bare arms as her feet padded quietly towards the music room; the hem of the nightgown billowing around her ankles like a flowers bloom. She tried not to skip like a schoolgirl.
The witchlight she cupped in her hands bounced off the walls; reflecting the contemporary colors in various variations of self portraits and Lucie couldn't help but look down at her hand; Matthew's ring and his pearl.
Suddenly, she was breathless. She stopped; reckless.
Something was wrong.
Someone was watching.
Someone was waiting.
Most of the walls were covered with expensive self paintings. Here and there; scattered were exquisite Idris countryside landscapes which Lucie found intoxicating.
Minature statues and other odd art were strategically placed on pedestals along the walls. Flowers on tables; Oscar Wilde inspired green carnations graced the hall; smelling pecularily of mint and clover during the fall.
This was Matthew's wing and it was freely decorated over. An artist's heart trapped in a body lacking talents. Everything was either beautiful or tragic to him; a man of great gallant.
Nothing was traditional or logical. Should it be to a man of illogical graces?
Lucie noticed the bright green of his eyes in some of the faces. They seemed to move slowly and appeared to be following.
She ignored their name calling as she caught her breath and moved on into the fray. The eerie feeling reminded her of Matthew's favorite legend; Dorian Gray. The fear that story brought back drowned out any other excuse she may have had for being frightened.
Lucie shook slightly as she quickened; her toes were red and numb as her limbs tightened. She scolded herself for venturing this far in the manor for a waste of a shortcut. Down this demented, self loathing hallway she desperately desired a peanut.
She hated that she discarded Matthew's privacy so blatantly. Even moreover her eagerness to meet Jesse hastily.
It had been almost a week since they'd met in private. The time spent apart dramatic.
In all the time she had been in the manor, she had never been in one of the extravagant rooms he uses. He had always forbid it and come to her; insisting she was the favorite among his muses.
Lucie was reminded of the story of Beauty and the Beast, which she found odd and sad at the very least.
Down the stairs, nearly tripping over her feet. Lucie felt a strange tingle on her sheet of skin as she reached the doors to the music room. She took a deep breath and pulled the solid oak doors open and slam against the wall with a boom. "Jesse?"
The moonlight greeted her; pure and silver like a star. Lucie was awestruck by what she saw.
In it's center was a black grand piano; to the left was another Yulemas tree twinking with candles, surrounded with gifts. The branches were strung with gold ribbons and mistletoe adrift.
The shapes of the gifts were shadows on the ceiling; fingers beckoning to the great beyond. Lucie could sense other spirits shamelessly coiling in the dark corners; not ready to move on.
Jesse was tired, trembling and translucent. Lucie felt like she on a boat on the rocking seas. His body was perched on the bench; his hands poised above the ivory keys. His head was lowered; ink stains on the pure, paper skin of his face.
Lucie gasped, parched. She could see he was singing an old Welsh song quietly by the light of a illuminating hearth. She smiled as his fingers instinctively played the tune in the air.
He was beautiful and fair.
Lucie hushed the intrusive and intricate shape of a story taking place in her head. She didn't want to break the moment, but she had to say something to make her heart stop racing and her breath like lead.
"Hello," she whispered to the dead.
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
April 29, 2021
One of the dangers of sewing as a hobby is this idea of having a stash, I think.  Like, there’s nothing really wrong with having some fabric and patterns in your arsenal that you think you might use or that you saw on sale or that you think could go great for a future project, but there’s a huge risk of just acquiring so much stuff.  Mounds and totes and tubs of fabrics, full filing cabinets of patterns.  Stuff that will eventually end up sold or given away.  I mean, I’ve even got some fabrics and patterns that fit into that category.  Not very many, but I saw them an sort of liked them and didn’t want to wait.  Sort of going along with my mindful clothes shopping practices that I’ve been trying to implement, it’s definitely important to be mindful when shopping for sewing stuff, too.  I want to have at least the inkling of an idea for a project when I buy fabric, or at the very least, I’d prefer to know for certain that, based on the look and composition of the fabric, I will have a use for it (right now I’m thinking about that rough brownish greenish wool that I’ve no idea what to do with, plus those thick white velvet curtains that have a rough underside which I bought because it was technically really cheap at Goodwill.  Maybe I’ll turn it into a costume of sorts or something idk.).  And with patterns, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I like and what I don’t, and I’m getting better at knowing what can be “pattern-hacked” into what I want and what patterns I should just let rest on the shelf in the store.
I do enjoy collecting things, but I don’t want to needlessly spend money.  I don’t want to hoard things I won’t use.
All that said,,,
Joann’s just restocked their pladitudes collection recently and I’m so excited to spend too much money on those fabrics.  My current list (and possible project/s for them in order to keep with the theme from earlier on in this post) include...
Black and White Tartan Plaid, a super drapey and thin cotton and viscose blend (oh, it’d feel beautiful as a summery dress)
Navy Tan Large Buffalo Check Brushed Cotton (I’m thinking a long half circle skirt for this one, similar length to my brown full circle skirt and similar in style to the boxy one Rachel Maksy has lol)
Black Brown Large Buffalo Check Brushed Cotton (another half circle skirt, or maybe 3/4 or something, at a nice midi length, OR I saw this cute cropped jacket on Facebook the other day, and I might want to use it in something like that maybe)
Black Brown Large Herringbone Brushed Cotton (oh, I’d totally be down to make a blazer out of this to match the mini skirt I just finished, or I could use it as the patterned side of the reversible coat/jacket I want to make)
Tan Brwn Black Small Houndstooth Brushed Cotton (again, either a blazer or to be used as the patterned side of the boxy reversible coat, but I’m also considering its use for one of those Late Victorian waistcoats from the Keystone Guide that Bernadette Banner made)
Dark Gray Red Glen Check Plaid Brushed Cotton (highkey considering making some nice slacks out of these, like, as a bit of an “edgier” look)
Dark Green Windowpane, another super drapey and thin cotton/viscose blend (I feel like it’d look really nice as a simple shirt)
So uh, yeah, when they go on that sweet sweet 60% off sale, I’ll probably reference this when determining how much of each fabric I’ll ultimately want to get (though, as I’ve just recently experienced, even 1/2 yd of scrap is enough to make something nice out of (and I’m thinking about adapting that pattern to possibly add a real waistband to it (partly to give the skirt a new look and partly because I’ve found that sitting down in a miniskirt is a challenge and I need all the length I can get!))).
Unfortunately, they do not have any of the black windowpane brushed cotton which I would’ve used for that Queen’s Gambit inspired pinafore listed online at this time.  I might have to find another fabric I’d want to use, unless they restock it within the next few months.
While I was at Joann’s today, I got a bunch of buttons!!  I plan to use some of them for the green button-up I’ve been working on, but I got some cool metal ones that I want to use for this one pattern with bishop sleeves that buttons up in the front and looks absolutely gorgeous, but I wasn’t able to fin any shank buttons in the right size (though tbh I can probably get whole jars of vintage ones on ebay if I look hard enough (or on Amazon, I suppose)).
Update: the buttons I’d planned to use for the green shirt are too big :/  I’ll need to go back and get some smaller ones, I think, which basically means that it’ll stay unfinished for just a bit longer.  On a positive note, I’m glad I tested out my buttonhole foot!  It becomes less scary with each use.  I also used the bias tape I just bought (single fold, by the way, because that massively confused me a few months back) to start hemming my flannel circle skirt.  I’m handsewing the hem and it’s taking forever, but I’ll probably work on it more while watching Critical Role with my dnd-friend.  I always find that I’m at a loss for things to do during those 3-4 hours or so.
Today I’m thankful for... honestly for those cool metal buttons.  I can’t wait to use them in something dope.
Oh, also!!  I looked really cute today!!  I know I’m not officially doing the cute campaign right now, but I really was feeling myself today.
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