#i have a whole shelf of Minecraft In Many Languages and it makes me happy
sfemonster · 2 months
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Something cool i got in the mail the other day from my publisher! Heavy-duty hardcover library editions of the third volume of the Minecraft graphic novel i wrote!
Every so often i'll get a box in the mail from Dark Horse with the comic translated into different languages, and it makes me happy to know our books about a group of friends playing Minecraft are being read all around the world!
Thank u Minecraft 🟩⛏💚
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Hi! Can I relationship dynamic with Kakyoin and if not too much Jotaro p3? I'm Russian, she/her, Gemini, INFP. I'm big fan of histotlry and also a future architector. My hobby is learning languages (English, German, Latin, French and Japanese). I have no particular preferences in movies and other media, but as a rule it is some kind of art house or "underground", whether it's a movie or a book.👺 I'm a gamer with a huge experience and will never refuse to play anything, be it dark souls and starcraft or even sekiro with minecraft. Oh yeah, I have dysgraphia and trouble with speech (sometimes I speak too fast and people can't understand me, and often with it I literally break off sentences without realizing it). Also, I'm very short in appearance and look younger than my age. I can be described as an extremely chaotic meme person who is never afraid to break the rules and has a reputation for being a very kind and smart rebel. Just a person who is not afraid to tell the system to its face what thinks about it ('cause of this, I was given the nickname metapunk lol)
/sorry if too many mistakes, have a nice day :3
In all honesty, I don't know anything about gaming, so I couldn't dive into that aspect as much as I would have liked (specially with Kakyoin)
Kakyoin x you ✨
>Omg gamer boy meets his soulmate
>When you're in a more advanced stage on the relationship and he relaxes more, makes so many game related jokes and tries to embarrass you calling you "discord kitten" or "pogchamp"
>Is there to insult incels who call you slurs in the chat, he's surprisingly sassy
>I feel like Kakyoin knows a bit of everything, so is happy that you can deepen his knowledge with yours
>You two can talk for HOURS
>He just loves your nickname, metapunk just sounds so damn badass
>I thinks his favorite bits of history are the ones that have to do with strategy, so probably The wars of roses and south american independence as a whole (San Martín, Simón Bolívar, stuff like that)
>He knows japanese and english, but it's interested in learning more, I see him picking an interest for chinese and german
>Loves that you're going to be an architect! He will take on dates to historical neighborhoods so you can take a look at the architecture
>He is very patient and non judgemental, so if he doesn't understand, he'll just tell you and go on, so conversation between you two flow very naturally and nicely
>He loves that you can challenge his way of thinking. As an average japanese person, he's been taught to really fall in line without questions, so you speaking up against the flawed system is truly something amusing to him
>It also helps him to be less harsh on himself, and recover his power as an individual and not a number. When he's feeling burned out, he feels useless and like a disappointment, so when you are there to comfort him and tell him it's the educational system that failed him, it gives him a sense of relief
>Jokingly says you're a terrible influence, but he couldn't be more grateful
>He's open to anything, and is very quiet during movies, so it may seem like he doesn't like them, but he's just concentrated
>Will analize it with you afterwards, it's like bonding time<3
>He can match your chaotic energy surprisingly well, and uses his composed image to his advantage
>Helps you if you have to sign a document or something
>Unlike other characters, he's pretty average height, so being taller than you is not something that really affects him? He wouldn't be an asshole if he had to help you get something from a tall shelf, for example
>"I'm forever grateful you came into my life, the things that you have taught me, about the world, about you, even about myself... I love you, and I know that everything we have experienced together has shaped my way to navigate the world forever, and in that spirit, I will give my everything to keep you by my side."
Jotaro x you ✨
>He likes how kind and sincere you are
>You aren't after him for something frivolous, you really want to get to know him
>Likes that you're opinionated, but doesn't have much of a stance on politics, Jotaro grew up in generational wealth, and has the Speedwagon foundation, so he can understand where you're coming from, but can't really grasp the effects this kind of thing has on the lives of millions of people
>Doesn't really put any effort in learning things he doesn't care about (like school) so he will listen to you talking, but will tell you if he doesn't like it
>Likes to hear you talk, he's quiet, so it's nice having you rambling about something
>Jotaro is smart in ways people don't really give him credit for, so even if you cut sentences, or are slurring out your words, it's very likely he will still understand what you mean
>He knows about gaming for Kakyoin, he may buy a console if there's something he can play with you
>He enjoys games like animal crossing, the sims, slime rancher, and his favorite is Subnautica. He may also like games about detectives/solving crimes
>Jotaro knows japanese, english, and he picked some italian and french from Pol and his grandma Suzie, later in life he learns conversational spanish for work related reasons.
>You should try to teach him russian, I think russian is a very fitting language for Jotaro, it may sound harsh to some people, but it's just direct with what it's meant to communicate
>Likes that you're not afraid to break the rules, but his smile quicky vanishes when he realizes how chaotic you can get...
>Won't go along with your antics, but will still be there so you don't get hurt or something
>Doesn't care if it's underground as long as it's not too psychedelic, as long as he can understand what is going on in the screen/book, he's satisfied
>His personal preference is detective related media or documentals
>Won't be an asshole about his height either, but gets protective when he realizes how small you are compared to him
>Likes holding your hand in his, although it's almost like he's enveloping your hand
>"I like you, I do. You're annoying and reckless sometimes, but you can stand on your ground and I like that. There's a lot of things I like about you... I- I mean, I shouldn't have to say it, but I love you, in case you forgot or whatever."
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