#i have been reminded that i have kryk spiderman wip i shd try to finish πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
reineyday Β· 3 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @conartisthaiji thanks lyz!!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
"Say, do you know that really cute girl with short hair in Class 1-5?" Yaku asks as they change into their gym clothes in an empty classroom.
Today is a life-changing day for Kuroo Tetsurou, and that is because today, he almost gets hit by a car.
Ichigo sees Grimmjow before he feels the arrancar’s reiatsu.
It's a beautiful night in the spring, and the sakura trees at the back of the Uzui Estate are blooming, their pink colour muted in the night, but their petals still as soft as they float in the wind.
Yaku zones out a little as he looks across the gym at Kuroo and Kenma.
The Cross Guild is fighting the Straw Hats and Buggy actually has them on the ropes.
"Draw the short end of the stick, did you?" Mihawk asks dryly from where he's kneeling on a raised execution platform in front of this island's marine base.
Mihawk looks beautiful, looking up at the snow quietly falling around them and bringing a hush over the cold winter night.
Mihawk is taking a nap by a railing in a corner of the Red Force's main deck, hat hiding his face from the sun, when he feels a weight press into his stomach.
Shanks is stupidly early to his Calculus 1 class, and cursing Rayleigh’s name.
hmmm. seems like i generally like to start either with an action, or with situating the character(s). i would also like to think they all set the tone and/or establish the mood, as that's generally my goal with opening statements. hopefully from these statements you can guess at what the fics' vibes are at the start of their stories. i'm apparently also never vague or coy about who's in the story lol no mysterious opening lines for me.
interesting exercise!! tagging @lesbiansanemi @e-milieeee @erinyra @giurochedadomani @allbluedepths @backwardshirt @ihni no pressure tho!!! :))
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