#i have boba brainworms rn
s0ftand0nly · 8 months
someone should’ve told jango he was naming a person and not just a baby bc it is so hard to take people calling a gown ass man boba seriously
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thespookywoods · 2 years
Rules: Tag Nine People You Want to Get To Know Better
Heyyy a tag game I’m actually remembering to answer. Thanks @nakiju13
Three Ships
Gideon/Harrow. Top tier. the angst. the enemies to lovers. I have like ten different fic au ideas in various stages of notes/word counts on my laptop at this current exact moment.
Cait/Vi. The locked tomb to arcane pipeline is real and I have the brainworms. And so many bookmarked & marked for later fics to read.
Moist von Lipwig/Adora Belle Dearheart. The best. the blueprint. Bi4Bi goals. He’s just a Funky Little Guy and she’s so mean and goth and cool. He asked her to be his wife and she told him instead he was going to be her husband like!! bitch!!!
First Ever Ship
I really had to think for this one cause my memory has never been great but I THINK it was Percy/Annabeth from the PJO books.
Last Song
Uhhhhhh that I could actually tell what I was listening to? Born to Run by Springsteen.
Last Film
Wolfwalkers! Animated film from Irish studio Cartoon Saloon, about an English girl who’s moves to a town in Ireland when her dad is hired to exterminate the last of the wolf population in the woods, but she discovers that pack is being led by a pair of wolf walkers, and sets out to try and help them escape.
Currently Reading
- The Last Wish (Andrzej Sapkowski)
- Raising Steam (Terry Prachett)
- Fortune Favours the Dead (Stephen Spotswood)
- Goodbye to Berlin (Christopher Isherwood)
Currently Watching
uhhhhhhh. I’ve mostly got shows that I keep saying I need to get back into/keep watching, and then Not Watching them. by that list its: The Young Pope, Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, The Witcher, & The Book of Boba Fett.
Currently Consuming
Foodwise? nothing rn. Media outside of books/movies/tv/music? I’m watching my girlfriend play Horizon Forbidden West, and I’ve been listening to the Hardboiled podcast and re-listening to Desperate Acts of Capitalism.
Currently Craving
Coffee, but I do not want the caffiene rn because I want to get some sleep tonight. I really should think about actually getting decaf at some point.
Tagging: @velexiraptor @remember-therain @screamingay @innalheid and basically anyone who sees this and wants to do it? feel free to grab it and say I tagged u.
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