#i have drawn the robots before i promise i just havent posted any of it here yet
babeypigeon · 6 months
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da punk guys
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matronaa · 6 years
Heaven (2) || myg
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word count: 1159
Genre: Angst/fluff?
a/n: i honestly dont like this ff and you can tell i lost inspiration halfway through, but i still finished it so i’m sorry if it seems forced or rushed. i havent been in a very good head space so i’m sorry i dont post as much as i probably should lmao i just dont like posting or writing things im not inspired to
It had been a year since you walked out of your shared apartment with all your belongings. Yoongi had tried to get you to stay for hours before silently watching you gather the last of your things with tears starting to form in his eyes. His pleads still seemed to echo in your head, even after you moved back in with your best friend. Luckily, she helped you try to get over Yoongi. Although she helped you feel less miserable, he was always the last thing you thought of before going to sleep, and the first thing to appear in your mind when you woke up. You missed hearing his voice sleepily mumble lyrics, or hearing the piano playing softly in the middle of the night. You knew you could never really get over him, as he was permanently engraved in your mind. Not being around him was killing you slowly, but you had left him so broken. You couldn’t remember any other time seeing him cry. He was never the type to cry. You made him cry.
You knew he loved you but you were almost positive he wouldn’t want you back, even if you begged him to. You wondered how he was. If he was happy, or if he moved on to someone new. If he followed his dream to make music. You soon found your answer when you ran into him at a coffee shop. You had been craving coffee cake, and although your favorite coffee shop was an hour away, they were the only ones to could make a coffee cake the way you liked it. As soon as you stepped through the door, you felt a pair of eyes on you. The uneasiness settled in, and you couldn’t ignore the need to figure out who was staring at you. You quietly scanned the room as you stood in line, hoping to find whoever was sending a chill down your spine. When you finally found them, you could feel your heart sink to the pit of your stomach. There he was. Yoongi, sitting at a table in the corner with nothing but a coffee, notebook, and a pen.
Before you could stop yourself, you began walking towards the table. You could hear your heartbeat drum loudly in your ears and time seemed to stop as you made your way towards him. Yoongi sat up from his slouching posture to face you. His face seemed expressionless, and his movements seemed almost robotic. When you came to stand in front of him, he seemed to glare at you through the recently dyed black hair that messily framed his face. He was just as breathtaking as you remembered, if not more.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
“I- Uhm… I came for-” You stuttered.
“Coffee cake?” You noticed the corner of his mouth curve up in a small smile before turning back to his signature resting bitch face.
“Yeah…” You smiled sadly. He remembered your love for this shops cakes. You happened to glance down at his notebook, noticing your name at the top of the page. Yoongi noticed and quickly closed the notebook, sighing.
“Look-” You both started.
“Sorry,” You said, sitting down across from him, “Please continue so I don’t say anything stupid.”
“I know I’ve made mistakes before,” He sighed, “-but I finally got my degree and I have more time now. I can’t keep denying how not being able to say you’re mine is killing me. I need you Y/n, please just give me another shot.”
“Yoongi, it wasn’t your fault. The timing wasn’t right, you had your own responsibilities and-” You began to ramble before Yoongi cut you off.
“And that’s why I’m asking for another chance. We’ll get it right this time, just please?” He begged. It was killing you how desperate he was, and you knew how bad you wanted it to work between you and him.
“Okay.” You agreed quietly, almost to yourself. You were amazed he even forgave you, let alone wanted you back. You’re the one who gave up on the relationship and left, yet he still loved you.
“Okay?” His eyes seemed to brighten after hearing that simple word. You nodded and he smiled the happiest grin you had ever seen from him “I promise I’ll treat you better than I did before.”
He did. You didn’t think he could but he proved he could. He provided you with everything you ever wanted and more, showering you with love daily. This continued on for years, and there wasn’t a day he didn’t tell you how much he loved you. He was glued to your side constantly, always holding your hand in public or cuddling up next to you when you were at home. It was apparent he was scared to lose you again, but you didn’t think you could ever leave him like you had before. You noticed he had become a little softer during your time away. He smiled more often and his true personality shone through. He was so much more colorful now, compared to the monotone wall he had built up before. When you got back together, you learned he was actually in a band now. He could finally make enough money off of just music to pay his bills and you couldn’t have been more proud. Although he still had to write songs, he always made sure to balance that with taking care of you. No matter what, he would always go to bed when you did, and often made you breakfast before continuing his writing. He loved sharing his songs with you and often asked you for your input or suggestions.
When your two-year anniversary arrived, you wanted to do something special for him. He had been working so hard for the past few months, and you wanted him to know you’d always be here no matter what. That morning you dragged him into the car and blindfolded him, not wanting him to know where he was going. When you pulled up to your location, you told him to take off the blindfold.
“A… tattoo parlor?” He questioned with a small chuckle, “Are you forcing me to get another tattoo?”
“No silly,” You giggled while getting out of the car, “I’m getting one.”
That day you came back to your apartment with a matching rose to his permanently drawn on your right wrist, with the initials ‘myg’ written into the pattern. It was small, something someone would notice only if you told them where to look. That night you went to bed with love bites on your neck and the wonderful feeling of Yoongi's hands trailing every inch of your skin. The following morning you turned to look at the figure sleeping next to you, silently confirming to yourself this was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
And you did.
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