#i have for that lololol it'd definitely be good for getting free money via power spot collecting but i dont feel like fighting shadows
crest-of-gautier · 10 months
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WE FUCKING GOT IT!!!!! after three hours i have 100%'d the group date cafe!
unfortunately, i think i was the one eating dirt from making yosuke into my destined partner... (though tbh i wasn't expecting much, it's yosuke, he was being yosuke and i'm not surprised, though it does make me wonder if he exhibits the same behavior to souji).
in any case, some notes about the second item that we got from the end of the dungeon... it won't be that coherent i'm still processing da information...
i have to say i was REALLY surprised with rei's reaction to zen opening the chest... like honestly that whole dialogue exchange was so intriguing to me! honestly, too intriguing, that i feel that i'll need a few days to process, let it sit, you know the deal.
the way where the items at the end of each labryinth trigger some form of memories to zen (but seemingly none for rei, albeit... rei's "memories" seem to be more gut reactions coming back than actual tangible information)... it really interests me!
i find it very interesting that zen mentions that the items belong to rei (niko the rabbit, as well as the toy ring). i'm going to operate on the assumption that what zen said is true because... to me, if you're amnesiac and slowly getting your memories back... i don't really see any reason to lie about it? if anything i'd imagine the other way to handle it would be to withhold the revelations you got (and ofc some other way of reacting that im probably not thinking of at the moment).
with this in mind, it makes me ask a few questions...
how did rei's belongings end up in the depths of the labryinths?
what is the significance of keeping these items tucked away and protected by the guardians? does zen and/or rei regaining their memories pose some threat to the state of the world/this distortion? (we know that it's finite, that's what margaret said) (i almost think that rei getting her items back could possibly heal the distortion, but not before zen and rei have a sob story once they both get their memories back? idk man i don't have much to work with)
the way in which rei reacted in this scene really struck me... i know i said that earlier but. damn. here's my livereact from obsidian because i was so. shocked. it felt really? refreshing? to see rei emote in such a way. but also mildly terrifying because she's been like " YAY FOOD! wait did you mean this food? (。・∀・)ノ゙" for most of the game so far. like holy shit.
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rei's outburst is... a lot to take in, i do think that it gives some credence to my trains of thought that, hey! zen might be part of some kind of terrifying entity/the one that's created this distortion, if rei had such a reaction here. it really makes me curious how much emotion these next two items will stir up. will rei say more emotionally charged things? what other cryptic information will zen reveal?
i do like this direction though- that it's possible that even if zen desires to protect rei, and take responsibility for her wellbeing, zen pre-memory loss might've caused rei great suffering. it's a fun flavor!
i do feel that i tend to fixate on the question of "what is zen" a lot more than "what is rei," but. i think seeing that these items supposedly belong to her... and that elizabeth mentions that you wouldn't normally find living humans here... hm. i almost want to say that she's dead and that she died before the events of the game?
i liked that when chie saw the ring- she noted that it was a toy ring and that it's something you'd find at fairs. so it made me think back to the theme-ing of this world- how it's a cultural festival. i'm still not entirely certain of the significance but maybe it's something that rei wanted to see? or maybe she died here? idk. i don't really have a way to intuit rei's cause of death if she's... well, dead, but. i'm. definitely interested in seeing if there's (future) information i can use to figure this out.
OH and one last thing- i think it'd be interesting if whenever zen and rei get their memories back, they leave the party or are forced to by god knows what. unfortunately i don't think they'd do that because zen and rei, gameplay-wise, are the low-maintenance characters, but!! i'd love to be proven wrong (but i'd still enjoy them leaving the party lololol)
in any case!!! this was a good session of pq. i definitely want to play more and see what the other labryinths have to tell because i need more information in order to speculate. i think im at least 40% done with the game :D and it'll probably take me another 35 hours at minimum to finish this game, i think?
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