#i have had ppl almost run me off the road by merging into my lane like…
jessescatorccio · 3 months
i face sexism when driving my old vw bug deadass. bc it’s a “girly” car men in large trucks/sedans will frequently zoom past me to cut me off, prevent me from passing them, or try to race me at stoplights. like it might seem ridiculous but i truly think ppl see my car and are like “there’s a stupid bitch driving” and it smells like misogyny idc idc
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some guy almost drove me off the highway, brake checked me when I got behind him, and then tried to block me from going around him in the next lane over and basically White Men with Pickup Trucks or SUVs are not fucking valid and should have their drivers licenses revoked
*full disclosure, I did flip him off when I got in behind him bc he literally almost drove me off the road when I was trying to merge onto the highway. like I saw him in that lane as I was coming up the ramp, had a choice of getting ahead of him or going behind, I decided to try and get ahead but then he sped up so I slowed down then he stayed fucking beside me no matter how much I slowed down or sped up. I honked at him and slammed on my brakes bc like I was now half on the shoulder and quickly losing road. the person behind me had to slam on theirs bc his shenanigans also effected the other traffic. I finally got behind him and yeah, I flipped him off. he brake checked me (so again, had to slam on MY brakes and almost got rear ended AGAIN. so I went to go around him and as soon as I start moving over, HE starts moving over w/o even signalling and trying to block me. I lay on my horn as I speed up and move to the fucking furthest lane, flipping him off as I pass, and buddy had the nerve, after ALL of that, to flip me off. what gets me is that he deliberately fucking antagonized me. he WANTED to cause a problem bc that is a KNOWN pinch point, cars coming up the ramp are highly visible to the ppl on the highway, more so than they are to us on the ramp, and for the most part ppl move the fuck over to the center lane to avoid being slowed down. this guy had a WIDE OPEN LANE next to him, he wasn't so far forward that me speeding up to get ahead of him would be cutting him off, and I wasn't going fast enough that he couldn't maintain his speed and get in front of me before I even came CLOSE to running out of road. this guy actually WANTED to cause an accident.
jokes on him tho bc I have dashcam footage and I'm STILL debating reporting his license plate to the non-emergency line.....
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