#i have ideas for like silmil designs on top of crystal tokyo designs and it just makes me so insane
beangusu · 11 months
Do you have any other sailor moon headcanons?🥰
BUT I HAVE SO MANY MY HEAD COULD EXPLODE. id like to draw them all out properly one day 👉🏽👈🏽 but a lot of my ramblings abt my own headcanons are on twitter :]
one of my favorite headcanons have to be rei being super close with the outers! one of my favorite things ever is rei and michiru’s friendship and that led to me imagining rei considering the outers a second home cause of how often they take her in. the idea of rei and michiru bonding over their ‘seer’ abilities, haruka and rei being butch lesbian buddies, hotaru and rei being THE SIBLINGS EVER, and setsuna being a mother figure to rei like it just makes me sooooo 🥺🥺
i have a lot of reinako headcanons also regarding their silver millennium counterparts bc my god. the fucking tragedy of the silver millennium and the reincarnation aspect rly makes for some Good Shit.
i dont think naoko revealed much abt the silmil counterpart personalities, but i love imagining silmil mars having the personality of 90s rei cranked up a few notches; brash, cocky, overbearing, and extremely hot-headed, while silmil venus is more like pgsm minako; calm, quiet, solemn, and too devoted to her job of protecting the princess to really care for anything else. like the silmil reinako dynamic would be so interesting… especially when romantic feelings get involved… a case of silmil mars dying in silmil venus’ arms while venus regrets not pursuing her love for mars would totally happen
i like stealing hcs from fanfics also hehe :3 my fav being this one fic where silmil mars basically haunts rei and always makes sure that rei “puts venus first” like. its so fucking good.
theres also another fic i absolutely adored that goes in depth on ace’s ‘curse’ on mina that ends up tying into reinako ofc but im gona stop here bc i could honestly go on and on about different reinako fics and how my sailor moon headcanons tie in to each other but then this post would be like 8 pages long (^_^;)
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