#i have like 70 half finished masterlist drafts
reccingyoifics · 4 years
Hey I'm back!
Check out the new masterlist of fics where Yuri has a crush on Yuuri!
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writingmochi · 2 years
hello, lissie here!
as of today and the whole month of may, i would like to announce that i will be taking a break from posting works….
my 6 months of being on tumblr constantly have finally taken a toll on me, to be honest. even though i have put in my checkpoint (read: guidelines) that i don’t follow any type of schedule, sometimes i wonder if my loyal readers will get bored if i don’t post any updates but then when i want to, i felt unsatisfied because i know i can do more and feel more to write, you know…
and the number of multiple discourses (some are unnecessary or even possible to resolve in private instead of in public) showing up on my dash is unhealthy that it is almost twitter or tiktok kind of level aka known to be very petty, very one-sided, and encourage mob mentality more than critical thinking…
i’ve got the idea to take a break after watching a colin and samir video about emma chamberlain and her burn out and break from her main social media where they suggest posting content “seasonally” which is essentially about using the time to perfect the work first before posting (like a tv show season hehe). because of that, i’m willing to try cause releasing content while juggling through uni and having the fear that your content is never enough to compete is hard, bruv :(
even though i’m not on here posting, i will occasionally log on to edit my drafts (or other updates such as answer asks/reviews). if you can’t seem to bother to wait for me in updating my work, feel free to unfollow or send an ask to remove yourself from the taglist (your ask will be unanswered and deleted right after)…
under "keep reading", i will dissect which work will be going through some changes as i will take my break from posting to writing my wips (which you can see it is stacked). you can skip if the info in paragraphs above this is enough
thank you for reading and enjoying my works, see you next month! :D *logging off*
i will be talking about them in terms of priorities so time wave, smirch, and crossroads will have priority treatment as i’ve started their series while crossroads is 70% done at around 25k wc (especially time wave which is now more than halfway posted)
time wave: main priority, will be focusing on finishing the chapters and editing them until i find it perfect. in between finished writing each chapter, i will be posting some studies on @interactivemochi, especially regarding pride month for june cause let’s just say my characters have some queerness in them (hello time wave!yeonjun demiromantic arc). after the break, it will be posted probably biweekly in june and the final one in july
smirch: second priority. even though i said in the masterlist that the stories are standalone, that is half-true cause i want to make the stories of each episode as interconnected as possible [this is like me pitching the idea of a teen drama show to hybe with their idols :) ] so in terms of plotting each episode down to a t, i finished plotting until jake’s episode, but in terms of writing, i’ve just started putting down the words for jay’s introduction right after the aftermath of heeseung’s episode ending. as i’ve written here, i also will be writing additional contents on @interactivemochi (i’m plugging my side blog too much, but hey i made that so yall can interact with my characters, don’t @ me). so in between main and additional contents, smirch will be updated biweekly as well and if you want main stories only, then it would be monthly
crossroads: third priority, i let jongseong down cause it was for his april birthday but i just don’t feel satisfied with the ending yet and i don’t wanna pressured myself again to write until finish even though i’m not satisfied (imo, this is a perfect fic for summer). projected word count to be around 30k or more. believe me, this will be released in june 1st
pizzeria run: fourth priority as i will be releasing this as a birthday special for sunoo so right around his birthday in june.
untitled “happily never after” collab entry (aka project cinder gyu): fifth priority as this has a certain release window around october
terra incognita: seasonal. will be divided into three acts (three-act structures here we go). i also got the idea to make hype around it by releasing posters, character introductions, and world-building materials. some spoiler about it is that it will be set in 2050 after both north and south korea have united and it is now called united korea (thank the “cyberpunk” series for that idea even though theirs become united in 2005)
menari dengan bayangan: non-priority (even though i’ve posted the main masterlist). "what’s with the back to back enhypen releases?" before this there is a txt wip that i haven’t put in my wip so that’s your txt content. i’m plotting sunoo’s part and i’m very excited to do stories revolving around a one 24-hour-window cause many things happen in 24 hours, going to start releasing after time wave ended or when terra incognita is also starting to release content
chromaquest: seasonal. i didn’t lie when i name this “the most ambitious project you have ever thought of” (yes i wrote that in 3rd person) cause i really didn’t think through what i’ve gotten myself into. as you probably know (or not, and that is okay!), chromaquest is inspired by toby fox’s games (undertale and deltarune) which means adventure, quirky characters, and combat. then i put d&d into the mix and it just changes everything. this is the craziest idea i’ve ever thought but i still will go forward with it. i’m going to treat this series like a d&d campaign with me playing four mcs and their npcs in solo sessions and then will be put into other media (which i just realized is like critical role with their "vox machina" campaign asdfghjkl help me). but for me to do that correctly, i have to prepare my world and the characters in them and consult with my sensei dungeon master of the campaign i’m in (who is also a toby fox’s games enthusiast) to do this right
loveless: non-priority. getting inspirations from txt’s magic island to john hughes’s sixteen candles and from wong kar wai’s fallen angels to sofia coppola’s lost in translation. this anthology will be a ride like the shoegaze album is to me
untitled “the virgin suicide”-inspired taehyun au: seasonal. one shot. might include some mystery (very short ik but if i continue this, it will be spoiler territory and i haven’t prepared sneak peeks of it yet cause i’m still plotting teehee)
the sun, the moon, and the eclipse: seasonal. tbh, i still hate that this au is called medieval cause my fic will be set in the early 19th century where royal houses are still there but it is passed the medieval era cause they have papers and the nearest au is regency au but this is not set in the uk asdfghjkl. writing-wise, it has been enjoyable plotting the one-shot down :D and i can give you a sneak peek that niki’s gonna be in this and he is going to be a bard ;)
untitled jonathan larson-esque txt 90s au series: seasonal. this is also going to be my comeback to writing theatre-like script(?) (i used to write some back in middle school) cause one of the members is going to be a playwright like john larson and another member is going to be a filmmaker like mark in rent
untitled heeseung au: seasonal. i have my desire to make young parents au but of course, i have to get this right, and with that comes research. cause i’m not planning to have a baby in college like they do /s
yeah, that's it. hope you stay tuned <3
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