#i have limited gifs of groot love me
blueberry2123 · 1 year
Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, dance, and are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted.
It's okay if no tho! :)
Of course! Since this is four-head cannons, I'm doing it in one post since I have another request, and it'll be easier for me to link it to the master list!! Also thank you so much for your patience!!
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Two words. No filter. Oh, you thought his puns are bad? Try hearing the very adult jokes he said before meeting you. So, he really had to filter what he joked about, especially if he cursed since you would gasp out in horror (think of Groot in the first movie gasping) and cover his mouth.
He loved your baking though; you baked food that melted in his mouth, especially your chocolate chip cookies. Fortunately, his brothers had nothing to fear when you were in the kitchen.
He also learned that you were a blushing mess during kissing scenes in animated kids' movies, and would bawl like a baby, he had to force himself to forget Land Before Time since you would be a crying mess. Also, forget about horror movies, your innocence needed to be protected. He learned that through the 2017 Halloween incident with IT, you couldn't sleep a wink for a week straight.
The dance parties are amazing though, though both you and him are so awful at dancing, it was the only way to celebrate the little victories (along with cupcakes) in life, especially with each test you took in high school.
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The problem was, the same with Leon, he absolutely had no filter. So, he really had to control what dirty jokes he would make whenever you were in the room. And he couldn't curse anymore unless he wanted to see you cover his mouth because apparently, he said a "no no word."
You were also, much to Leon's and Raph's charigin, allowed in the lab because of A. You didn't act like a "dum dum" and B? You asked so many questions that allowed him to infodump about what shows he watched or what he was inventing.
However, the downside to being allowed in the lab, made it so impossible for it to be quiet that Leon would play "Careless Whisper" that romantic song typically played during intimate times for "grownup people" which would make both you and him so flustered.
Fortunately, with you, you absolutely understood his dislike to being touched sometimes with his sensory issues. But when he was absolutely exhausted and needed some cuddle time, you were the person to go to since you wore the softest pajamas known to man, and you were such a heavy sleeper. Though he had to get used to you looking like a dead person since you slept with your eyes half open.
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Both of you are just so innocent that he really didn't need to filter what he said both joke wise, and curse wise, because he never cursed, though he did somewhat understand the dirty jokes Leo and Donnie would make sometimes, leading him to turn into "Dr. Delicate Touch"
The two of you worked in the kitchen like a well-oiled machine, because he cooked, and you baked, so he ate what you baked, and you ate what he made. Which was a natural occurrence every single day.
He loved watching the Disney movies with you but knew you hated horror films, he learned that when you and he watched The Shining, you had to sleep next to him for four days straight afterward, though your screaming during each scene was hilarious.
Also new drawing buddy! You and him would sit for hours each day just sketching, drawing, and painting, so that was prime time for snuggle time!
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Leon knew if he made a dirty joke, he was a dead turtle, you were just too innocent to understand dirty jokes like that. So, Leon really had to limit what jokes he said.
So whenever when you were in trouble, a new form of senses formed, "Boyfriend Senses" would tingle, you and Donnie teasingly called it his "Raphie tingle" which he absolutely hated but he couldn't say to you out loud!
He would laugh as he saw you become a flustered mess when kissing scenes were shown on tv, heck you even cried in Bambi when his mother died. Yeah, movies with death scenes were banned in the lair whenever you visited.
And because of how much he ate, gave you an excuse to bake to your heart's content! Because you loved to bake, and Raph loved to eat, two birds with one stone, since he ate like nothing ever seen before, and whenever you baked, there were dance parties involved.
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So uh guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 is a thing.
Lylla , teeths and floor are characters
Total spoilers by the way.
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Now I loved the movie buuuuuuuuuut I do have my complaints . Mostly just nitpicks though. First off there was NOT as many rocket and Groot moments as much as I would have liked there too be . This especially sucks after infidelity war . After we learn that Groot sees rocket as a dad . I'd would have liked to see that dynamic . With rocket treating/ worrying about Groot in a way that a father would. We get a little bit of it in vol 2 with baby Groot. Still would've been nice to see them doing some father and son bonding.
Another thing I wanted more extended scene 's with rocket and individual members of his friend group.
Especially between him and lylla. There was only one scene where I thought that they digged each other. And that's when rocket told lylla that the name she chose was a pretty one and the way that she shyly thanked him. I couldn't help but think that maybe just maybe they where flirting in that scene. Still most of the time she acted more like a mom to him. To all of them. That's who she was. The mom of the group.
I feel like if rocket had some individual screen time with her alone. The fact that rocket and lylla where a supposed to be a thing would've made A LOT more sense compared to what we got
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Rocket and teefs barley spent any time together!!!!!! I imagine them have a dumb friend and the smart friend dynamic. What I found super sweet is that rocket never judges teefs for not being as smart as the other 's . I would've loved to see more of these 2 .
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And finally probably just the cutest pair up. Rocket and floor.
What I loved the most about floor 's dynamic with the group as a whole. Is the fact although her vocabulary being a bit limited with her mostly referring to herself in third person. The others understand her and what she's trying to say perfectly. Unlike with Groot there's not a single misunderstanding. I don't know what it is but it's just too cute. I love her relationship with rocket so much. with them have a big brother and little sister dynamic . Love em and I want to see more of em
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But at the end up the day. These are just nitpicks . Over all it was almost perfect to me
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catu-munchkin · 7 years
Guardians of the Galaxy - Imagine #579
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Author’s note: Well, well. Hello friends!! Long time no see. Sorry for posting it soooo late, I wanted to post one new fan fic per week but the work at the studio has been crazy these last few days!! 
I hope you enjoy reading it and at the end a cute smile drew you on your face, pal!! *sends lots of hugs!!* Thanks for reading!! :D
Summary: You had a horrible nightmare about Rocket’s death.
Imagine having a nightmare about Rocket's death…
You fell on your knees, followed by your arms and dropping you rifle on the ground, which was torn to pieces.
‘No… no… this can’t be- it can’t be the end… Not just like this...’ You thought to yourself, while you closed your eyes and hit the ground with your fist.
Then you looked up, where the sky should be, but the only thing you could see was a huge purple figure surrounded by purple heavy storm clouds.
You looked around to see the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy falling one by one on the ground.
“Peter… Gamora… Drax… Groot… Rocket…” You said almost in a muted whisper.
You couldn’t feel more pain, but your body pushed its limits as you stood up and ran towards Rocket, and when you finally got there, you couldn’t believe what your eyes were seeing.
“Rocket…” You whispered as you looked down at him and fell on your knees. You slowly extended your arms to Rocket's body while your eyes began to crystallize.
When you held his body close to yours, you looked closely to see he was covered with his own blood, deep wounds were all over his body and his blue jumpsuit was now dark red. He had his eyes closed and you couldn’t tell if he was still breathing or not. Your head and mind was too stunned to think logically. The only thing you knew was that Rocket wasn’t okay, neither of you were safe now.
Tears began to burst from your (color/eyes) as you held Rocket even closer to you. You hugged him as tightly as you could and began to swing slowly back and forth.
“Come back to me, come back to me… please… Rocket… Come back to me...” You said crying and sobbing painfully. You felt a heavy breathing and a painful ache in your chest, your head began to spin, your vision began to blur and your stomach felt a horrible sensation of emptiness.
At the same time, you shut your eyes and kept whispering ‘Come back to me… Come back to me…’, you felt how your head began to hurt really hard, like if something would be hitting it once and again, and again, and your chest was feeling a strong oppression.
Suddenly, you opened your eyes abruptly and took all the air that your lungs could catch.
You woke up from a nightmare.
You tried to catch your breath and began to cry quietly as you made your best effort to sat up the bed and cover your eyes with one of your hands.
As you were waking up and coming back to reality, you heard a familiar tone.
‘I’m not in love’ was echoing through the Milano's metal walls and somehow you felt relieved.
It was probably passed midnight and probably the rest of the crew was already sleeping.
Somehow you made your way  to the common area, looking for Rocket. You needed to see him, you needed to know that he was alright and that he was safe.
When you finally got there, you stood in the door frame, with one hand placed on your forehead. First you saw Peter, in front of the table looking at some maps on the screen, then you saw Rocket sat down on a box with some metal pieces in front of him.
When both of them saw you stood in the door frame both of them went quiet and looked at you with confusion and concern. They thought you were upset for the loud music or something.
“Rocket…” You said in a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear you and to answer to you.
Rocket looked at you confused and extend his arms shrugging and looking at Peter quickly.
“What?” He answered.
When he answered, your neutral expression became sadness and before you broke in tears, you ran towards him, fell on your knees in front of him and hugged him by his neck very tightly. You couldn’t help but began to cry out loud.
“… Rocket…!” You sobbed in his chest and Rocket was so shocked by your sudden reaction that he didn’t even move. Then he looked at Peter, who was really surprised too, but immediately he made a signal with his arms meaning ‘hug her back'. Rocket wrapped his furry arms around your waist slowly.
“I- … I- thought I had lost you…” You said still crying and sobbing.
“What? What do you mean, Y/n? Why are you crying” He asked hugging you and rubbing your back, then looking back at Peter worried, who just nodded and shrugged.
“I-I…” you tried to speak but you couldn’t stop crying. Then you began to whisper. “Come back to me…”
Rocket couldn’t understand what you said but he kept hugging you. “I’ve never seen you crying before…” Rocket commented.
Meanwhile Peter decided to give you two some space and left the room, partially. Because he just left the room but stayed at the door frame, just in case.
When you finally calmed down a bit, you took a deep breathe and let go Rocket.
“I… had a nightmare…” You said looking at the floor, still kneeled and with your eyes closed.
Rocket could feel the pain in your words, because he knew better than anyone that nightmares could be really painful and horrible.
You made your best effort to speak. “Everyone… was dead… Peter, Gamora, Drax… Groot…” You made a long pause and continued. “And you…” You tried to finish your sentence but you burst in tears again, but just before you could put your hands on your face Rocket put his hands on your blushed cheeks and looked at your (color/eyes) straight.
“Hey… hey. I'm here, I've got you. You’re safe now.” Rocket said with a sweet and gentle voice. “It was just a nightmare… just a horrible dream...” He added.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe. You fought the tears back and opened your eyes to see Rocket in front of you, looking with those brown eyes you loved with your life. You put your hand over Rocket's, nodded and let out a long sigh.
Rocket let go your face and you cleaned the tears off.
“Thank you ... Rocket…” You said before stood up. He Just looked at you with a worried smile.
You looked at yourself and realized you were wearing your favorite pj's and your (long hair) was shaggy.
“I’m- ... sorry for cut of your work…” You said with a shy tone on your voice.
“No worries…” Rocket answered and shrugged.
“I-I should… go back to sleep.” You said and Rocket nodded and followed you with his sight, but when you reached the doorframe you stopped and looked back at Rocket. You didn’t know if it was a good idea to ask him to stay with you the rest of the night, but you had this urge to hold him close to you, you wanted to be with him so badly.  There were something more than a professional relationship between you two. It wasn’t a secret that both of you had some kind of complicity, but none of you have ever confessed their feelings, and not even mention say ‘I love you' or spend the night with each other.
“Umm… Rocket…” You made a long pause and Rocket stood up from the box he was sitting on and walked towards you. You just saw him approaching to you as you felt how your cheeks began to get warm.
“Yes, Y/n. Whatever it is, yes...” He answered and held your hand. You sighed and smiled down at Rocket. Then both of you began to walk back to your room.
When you two left the common room, Peter let out a long and relieved sigh, then he smiled.
To next morning, you woke up alone in your room. Somehow you questioned yourself if it was all a dream, even the nightmare, but no, it wasn’t. It was all real, even the part when Rocket got into the bed with you. You blushed a bit at the memory and smiled to yourself.
When you looked around your room, rubbing your eyes, you saw a little piece of paper folded next to your pillow.
You took it with your free hand and unfolded it.
You smiled and let out a lovingly sigh, then you clean a tear of joy that fell from your (color/eyes).
After this little note, you couldn’t think about anything else but Rocket.
Now there wasn’t any room for nightmare anymore.
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missyslittlepet · 7 years
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*Requested - Groot plans a date for Rocket and reader with the help of the other Guardians.* "Come on guys, think." Quill said turning up his music so there was no way you or Rocket would overhear. "We have to do something about those two, other wise we are going to have to deal with their awkward flirting." "I must agree Peter, they do seem to like each other." Gamora spoke calmly. "However, I don't think we should get involved, it really has nothing to do with us..." "Lame!" Peter shouted looking over to Drax. "What about you? Any ideas?" "Back on my home planet men would win a woman's heart by destroying the enemy of her father. We would bring their head back to the families household and feast on Rocket's species." Drax sounded so calm about what he had just said. Peter's mouth fell open slightly. "... Right... Groot? Anything?" He knew fine well what his answer would be. "I am Groot." "Yup, thought so." Peter couldn't go asking Rocket for translation this time. "Fine, it doesn't matter. Guess we will just have to deal with the two of them tiptoeing around the subject. Honestly, back home this would make for an amazing rom-com." "Rom-com?" Gamora asked raising and eyebrow. Peter let out an exasperated sigh. Sometimes he missed being around humans. Later that night Groot lay in bed thinking. Even if the others had given up on the idea of getting you and Rocket together he sure hadn't. He noticed the way Rocket looked at you. Groot had known Rocket for a long time and it was rare he saw him that happy. Rocket had always had Groot's back and now it was his turn. Groot smiled to himself when he finally thought of the perfect date. Back when all of the Guardians were going to crash on Xander he remembered how beautiful you had thought his lights were. Even Rocket seemed pretty blown away by them, despite not saying anything. The next morning he set off to work. He found a large empty storage room at the back of the ship and decided that with a few alterations it could be a great place for you and Rocket to have a date. The room had a small window at the back dimly lighting the dark with lime greens and purples cast by the passing Supernovas and planetary nubulas. Groot stretched out his hand and allowed the same lights he had made that day aboard the Dark Aster. Once the room was a little brighter and he could see what he was doing he began allowing vines and twisted pieces of wood to grow around the room. The vines sprouted into wild flowers and the lights danced around them like fireflies. When he was pleased with his work he exited the room making sure to close the door Incase you or Rocket stumbled across it. Groot made his way down to the control room and found Peter. "I am Groot." Peter looked over to Rocket who was sat by you at the table. With a sigh Rocket dropped the piece of tech he was working on to the table. "He said he wants to show you something." Rocket paused and looked over at Groot. "What is it? Burst pipe? Faulty wiring?" "I am Groot." "I'm not worried about it, but if it is anything to do with repairs then you should probably ask me not Quill." Rocket mumbled, he was pretty curious now. "I am Groot." "If you say so..." Rocket shook his head and returned to his work. Peter left the control of the ship to Gamora and followed Groot. When they reached the storage room Peter gave Groot a confused look. "Why are we looking at a storage room Groot?" Groot opened the door revealing the newly decorated interior. Peter looked around and laughed, understanding what it was all about. "For Rocket and (f/n)?" Groot nodded happily. "Nice work Groot! Now we just need to sort out some food, something to sit down on and a way to get them here. I call dibs on the easy jobs big guy, you figure out a way to get them to show up." Groot sighed and nodded again, some days it felt like he did all the work around the Milano. "You know what the best part of all this is?" Peter laughed. Groot shook his head. "There's a lock on the door and I'm the only one with the key!" Groot waited for Peter to sort out the rest of the preparations before making his way to find you and Rocket. "Hey Groot!" You smiled as he walked into the control room. Rocket looked up at him and squinted. "You and Quill have been gone a long time what have you bee- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!" Groot laughed as he carried Rocket under one arm and you under the other. "Groot! Why?!" You asked as he began to run through the ship. He stopped outside of the storage room and opened it pushing the two of you inside. "Wow..." You whisper taking it all in. The small lights gave off a golden glow making what used to be an ordinary storage room look pretty magical. There was a scattering of cushions on the floor and a blanket with a selection of food and alcohol. "What is all of this?" Rocket asks looking around. "Don't think for one minute I'm gonna be cleaning this up!" There was a loud bang making you and Rocket turn quickly. To your horror, Groot had shut the door on the pair of you. You started panicking not wanting to be trapped alone with Rocket in a pretty romantic setting such as the one you were in. You fumbled with the door handle for a few minutes but to no avail. Peter's head poked out from behind the glass. He had a cheeky smile across his face and dangled the key to the door between his fingers. Peter and Groot laughed at you through the glass. "Quill! Open this God damn door!" Rocket shouted baring his teeth. "Not going to happen little man!" Peter's laugh grew louder. "Everyone on this ship is tired of the two of you making heart eyes at each other and not doing anything about it, so we thought why not do something about it?!" Groot nodded in agreement. Rocket growled flattening his ears back to try and hide his embarrassment. "The hell are you on about Quill?! Open this door or I will shoot off your arms while you sleep! Groot, you too! The key! Now!" He was starting to feel his heart beat increase. "I think you are forgetting who has the key!" Peter slammed it against the glass for affect. "Well," he sighed. "we'll leave you two love birds alone! Talk about your feelings or make out I don't mind which! Just no baby making on my ship! Wait until you have your own to do that!" Your cheeks turned red and you were thankful for the limited lighting. Peter and Groot walked away looking far too pleased with themselves. You looked down at the cushions and decided it was best to make yourself comfortable. You didn't want to imagine how much Rocket must hate Quill and Groot at that moment. "What are you doing?" Rocket asked looking over at you. "You're not seriously going to do as they say are you?" "Peter is right, he has the key and we could be here for a while. You going to join me in taking advantage of the drink or not?" You smirked. "I've never been one to say no to free alcohol..." He replied scratching the back of his neck nervously. He cautiously sat down next to and grabbed a bottle. "So..." You laughed. "So..." Rocket mimicked. You both let out a shaky sigh and looked at each other. "Are we the talk of the ship then?" You asked. "And there was me thinking I was practically invisible." "Apparently so... didnt realize people paid that much attention to us." "So you do make 'heart eyes' at me then?" You giggle. Rocket shrugged and averted your eyes. He grasped the neck of his bottle tighter and took a sip of his drink. "I might... what about you? Quill did say we both do it." He gambled a glance in your direction. "I might." You looked away trying to calm your heart rate. "Seems my cover has been blown so I might as well admit to it." "Wait, you actually do? I though... I thought you'd never go for someone like me? Look at you... You're beautiful... And i'm a-" Rocket's voice was shaking slightly so you silenced him with a kiss. "It seems," you whispered as you pulled away. "that Quill was actually right for once." "It's not very often." Rocket laughed quietly and leant in for another kiss. He never though that this would happen and he was going to make the most of it while he could. It was four hours later when Quill and Groot finally returned. The drinks and food were long gone and the two of you laid sprawled out across the cushions looking out of the window with your backs to the door. Rocket held your hand in his and a small smile was tugging at his lips. Quill opened the door with a smirk and the two of you jumped. "See kids, was that so bad was it?" "Shut it Quill! I'm still going to shoot you!" "I am Groot!" "So what if I do love (f/n)?! Didn't give you the right to lock us in did it?!" Rocket shouted despite never being so glad in his life. Peter ran away quickly before Rocket could attack him. You stood up and made your way to the door. You kneeled down to Rocket's level and placed a kiss to his cheek. Groot watched as a love sick goofy grin covered Rocket's face. "I'll see you later Rocket and Groot, shame on you." You laughed. Rocket and Groot watched you walk away. Rocket waited until you were out of ear shot before speaking to his wooden friend. "... Thanks Buddy." He mumbled to Groot trying to hide his smile. "I am Groot."
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missyslittlepet · 7 years
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*I tried posting this earlier but for some reason there was a problem. If two copies appear at some point I'm sorry 😂 Requested - Rocket has a nightmare about his past. Reader asks him about it and Rocket opens up to them for the first time. Enjoy guys 💚* Rocket jolted from his sleep. His eyes darted around the room manically searching the darkness surrounding him. He took a few shakey breaths and noticed the hoarseness of his throat. He must have been shouting in hos sleep again. After gathering himself and limiting the trembling of his small body he slowly sat up from his bed. He blinked a few times and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It was always like this. Rocket has been running off minimal sleep for a few months now and it was starting to take a tole on him. Every night he was back there... strapped to that bed... surrounded by wires and surgical tools... Rocket shook his head to clear the memories; his subconscious had scared him enough for one night. He let his legs dangle over the edge of the bed for a second before pushing himself off completely and landing on the cool metal of the ship floor with a thud. After stumbling blindly over the tools scattered around his floor he found the door to his room and opened it. You sat with your blanket draped over your shoulder. You hugged your knees up to your chest and watched the galaxy pass you by from the pilot's seat. With all the running around and saving the galaxy you never got time to truly admire it. The patter of claws hitting the floor pulled you from your thoughts. "Couldn't sleep either huh?" You asked not turning your gaze from the window. "Nah." You heard Rocket's gruff voice whisper from behind you. Rocket made his way to the co-pilot chair and hopped up onto it. You finally looked at him. His fur was matted on one side of his face and he has the top half of his jumpsuit tied around his waist exposing the top half of his body. It was rare Rocket let anyone see this much of him. Your eyes were instantly drawn to the pieces of metal protruding from his collarbones. He sensed your gaze on him and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. You noticed his discomfort and returned to looking out of the window. "What you doing up this early?" Rocket asked scratching behind his ear. "You should be asleep like everyone else." You glanced back over to him and were met by his dark brown eyes studying you. You paused wondering if you should tell him the real reason you were up. "I heard you screaming." Rocket's eyes darted away and you noticed his ears flatten against his head slightly. "Fourth time this week Rocket..." You kept your gaze fixated on him. "You can always talk to me you know? It might help." "It's nothing... Don't worry about it." Rocket ran his fingers through the crumpled fur on the side of his face after catching a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of the window. "It has been over two months now... I understand if you don't want to talk about it to me but don't do us both the injustice of lying through your teeth. It's okay to not be okay." You hadn't known each other for too long; half a year maybe. You couldn't blame him for not trusting you enough, you were suprised he was still sitting with you if you were being completely honest. It hurt though, hurt to know he didn't consider you that close of a friend to talk about what was bothering him. You had found yourself drawn to him as soon as the two of you had met. His quick wit and ability to create weapons out of nothing but a toothpick and some scrap metal; you couldn't help but be impressed. Quickly your admiration turned to love but you could never bring yourself to tell him. The thought of him rejecting you was too much to take. "I...I can't." Rocket whispered lowering his head. "You can't?" You were confused by his answer. "I... I can't do this anymore." He stopped and considered leaving but something about you made his words tumble from his mouth quicker than he could stop them. "I'm so tired (f/n) but everytime I close my eyes I'm back there, back in that place. I though I was over it y'know? But it's happening again -the nightmares are coming back and I-I can't escape them." He was shaking and you could hear the trembling of his voice. He was holding back tears, he didn't want to let you see him cry. "I just want to forget... I want to get some actual sleep for a change instead of feeling like crap all of the time." A small tear escaped from the corner of his eye which he was quick to wipe away. You stood up taking your blanket with you. "Come on." You said walking towards the small table and seating area next to the kitchen of the ship. Confused, Rocket scampered behind you on all fours trying to keep up. "Go get comfortable." You said with a warm smile and nodded towards the booth of seats. Rocket did as he was told and jumped up. He watched as you made the two of you some hot chocolate that you had took from earth when you and Peter took a trip there a few months ago. Once you had finished making the drinks you walked back over to Rocket and slid his across the table. He caught it and sniffed it unsure of if he trusted the liquid in the mug. He had never tried hot chocolate before. "It's good, try it." You smiled taking a sip from your own. Rocket hesitantly drank some. His eyes seemed to light up a little at the taste making you smile. You adjusted your blanket so it covered both you. Rocket scooted closer to you and took another sip of his drink. "What's made the nightmares worse?" You asked quietly wrapping your arm around his back and stroking his arm. You knew a little bit about Rocket's past. How he was ripped apart and pieced back together again in the name of science. How anyone could do that to him was beyond you. He was a sweet guy and you were angry about the suffering he had endured. "I don't know. Guess my mind had been preoccupied but lately we haven't been doing much so I'm starting to think about it more. I can normally ignore it but lately it's gotten worse. What if it never gets better? What if I never get over it?" "The nightmares?" You ask. "The pain. Everything hurts (f/n). It feels like every bone in my body is broken and my skin is on fire. What if it gets worse?" Another tears fell down his cheek and got caught in his fur. He didn't bother to hide that one. "I'm so sorry Rocket." You whispered removing your arm from around him not wanting to make the pain worse. He looked up at you hating the loss of contact. "Why'd you stop?" He asks with a quivering lip. "You said you were in pain. The last thing I want is to do is hurt you even more." The concern was evident in your voice. He smiled with watery eyes at your words. No one apart from Groot and ever shown concern for him. "You ain't hurting me, can't make it any worse at least. It felt nice, y'know, better than what I normally feel." Rocket mumbled shyly. It had been a long time since anyone had shown him affection and he found himself craving it. His tough guy persona didn't exactly help him out in that respect. He scooted closer and snuggled into your side. With a smile you wrapped your arm back around him and kissed the top of his head. "I can't promise that it will get better Rocket, but I can promise that I will be here for you when things get tough. Don't hesitate to talk to me if you ever need to." You smiled placing another kiss on top of his head. "I won't." Rocket whispered. "Thank you (f/n)." You stroked the bald patch where metal had been pierced into his skin. The scars were uneven and jagged letting you know that the scientists that did it to him weren't gentle and didn't care about how he healed. To your suprise Rocket didn't flinch or tense up at your touch. In fact he sighed and snuggled closer to you allowing his eyes to close. Although he hated his scars and felt like he should be ashamed of them you didn't seem to mind them. The two of you sat there together long after the drinks were finished. Only when you heard the light snoring from Rocket did you realise the time. The others would be up soon and you felt it best to move Rocket back to his room. Gently you scooped Rocket up in your arms and headed towards the sleeping quaters, dragging your blanket behind you. Rocket mumbled in his sleep and grabbed a hold of your black vest top. You looked down at him and smiled. Not wanting to risk waking him up by removing his hands you decided to take him back you your room. Slowly you tiptoed across your bedroom and lowered down onto your bed. Rocket curled up on your chest and you pulled your blanket over the two of you. Rocket woke up late in the afternoon. For the first time in a long time he felt rested. He slowly pushed himself up only to realise that he wasn't in his own room. You were still asleep beneath him and he remembered everything you had done for him the night before. "Thank you." He whispered not wanting to wake you up. Slowly he leant down to place a kiss to your cheek. He blushed under his fur and with a shy smile he returned to lying on your chest. In that moment he made a promise to himself to protect you from everything and anything and to always be there for you the way you were there for him. He had started to care for you more than he cared to admit... For now at least. He closed his eyes and was happy to be met with images of you and him snuggled together drinking hot chocolate.
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