#i have messages ?? no way ?? : swizzy gets inbox
unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
That seems hard, gl on it though /g
It's called SL-1, it's a pretty interesting read tbh
I've never heard of either of those things, what are they abt? /genq
SORRY FOR LATE RESPONSN AHH thanks anon !! we managed to submit everything thankfully so wee :D ooo well check up on that maybe later !! things we have to check out : sl 1 the days union OHHH OKAY SO under the cut because its a lot FDJSFLKJ /pos
crk also known as cookie run kingdom is multi functioning game with a optional storyline , tycoon system , gacha system , and a action roleplaying game on mobile !! basically the story line revolved around these five cookies rebuilding the kingdom but exploring lands and beating enemies !! you get gems for each level you pass and you use those gems to get more cookies to play as :]] ITS SO MUCH FUN !! i love making headcanons for them and djflksdjfkkdslf ugh i just yes i play it on mobile and on bluestacks for pc and mmm i just love the character design so much its so much fun ahh theres a lot going in the lore here eddsworld is an animation comic slice of life written by edd gould as like adventures with his other three friends . cw for unalive mentions though its a big role in the channel and its just a silly goofy adventure series :DD
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brokenmousepad · 2 years
about me !! [ header and pfp by me ] call me swizzy !! or anything is fine really go wild w names /gen my preferred pronouns are
he / they / it as well as xey / xem / xir / xyrs / xemself , bee / buzz / bugs / boops / bugself , bee / bem / bee / bees / beeself , ar / lyz / ars / lyzs / arlyzself , fizz / fizz / fizzes / fizzes / fizzself , but any neos are fine !! i dont use any emoji pronouns but they are def awesome !! :D please im begging you use any pronouns besides my preferred praying emoji im nd , poc , but i dont want to reveal that specific information as well as my age anon is on if you want to chat but please dont dm me !! my dni but its on another post woah :O fandoms im in but i need a separate post because holy shit /lh more about me under the cut !!
i love : - reading / books / romance / angst / horror / slice of life - writing [ the above !! ] - the fandoms im in - listening to music - space / astronomy / aliens / stars - science / biology / physics / psuedoscience / math - dogs / cats / pandas / ducks / dolphins / and more !! - the ocean / marine biology / koi !! / fish - nature / bugs / earth / rare sights / trees / plants - food - learning new things - the little things in life [ ex : a weed growing on the side of the road , a cloud that looks painted in the sky , etc ] - creepy things / spooky ones / the abnormal - and more !!
typing !! : - i mostly use more than end punctuation like !! or ?? - i dont use periods because it makes lh stuff seem too neg or srs :[ - i only use periods when it IS something neg or srs or putting dot dot dot - i put spaces between punctuation ex : hi hey hello !! , what is cheese ?? - i dont use emojis only emoticons unless its something that cant be put in emoticons - i type in all lowercase - i use tone indicators !!  please use them w me as well !! - i swear and use caps a lot :O
tagging system !! : #block this tag im talking /j - swizzy speaks : talking tag #literally no clue what im doin - the swizzy random posts tag : anything random tag #woah look at this you really wanna look at this /ref - swizzy big things : anything important #literally in my pinned im just stupid - stuff in my pinned thingy : self explanatory #im an artist ??? what ??? really ??? and a mentally ill one at that ??? - swizzy can draw : art tag #just sys things amiright - swizzy thinks systems are cool : sys tag but whether im a singlet or not is none of your business #just nonhuman / kin things amiright - swizzy thinks nonhumans / kinners are cool : nonhuman / kin tag #woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes - swizzy likey : anything i like in general #im mentally ill please excuse my ramblings - swizzy and fandom junk : my nd ass and interests #its a silly goofy moment for me B] - swizzys endorphins are increasing : memes and shits n giggles #i have messages ?? no way ?? - swizzy gets inbox : anons or smth idk #the brain is a strange thing tbh - mentally ill related stuff : im nd soo nd related stuff misc !! : - im an infp , taurus , pst time zone , i have a guilty pleasure for coffee , writing my random thoughts , and funfacts , i have two dogs , i have a fern named Fern , and a cello named Fierre i hope you enjoy your stay here and that your day / night / afternoon is very swaggy !! [ will be updated when needed ]
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
That sounds cool! Charcoal seems fun I just haven't gotten the chance to use it dflklkd
that sounds good :0 I had something similar a bit ago but it was hashbrowns instead of rice
And yeah I had something to eat and drink they had apple cider that tasted more like apple juice and apple pie so I had those
i definitely recommend charcoal for that rough affect on your art if you wanted :D dude tell me about it i might just ask my parents if they could make it as i am executively dysfunctioning sparkles /lh /silly but also /gen definitely if you can have rice im not really a hashbrown person :O but hopefully you liked it !! thats good im glad bro is trying to keep the doctor away /ref /silly
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
thats cool!! doodling's fun very nice hope the friend likes the gift :] /g
anything that was interesting honestly i got some eggs that was the big one
yeah they did !! and im really happy to :D i used a new coloring style using the charcoal brush and it really brings the roughness that compliments my style !! woah ooo nice speaking of eggs im really craving scrambled egg bacon and rice rn i only had porkchop rice and banana ketchup and it was good !! but the craves man and plus we go havent been able to go to the store but my tummy yearns for good breakfast /silly have you eaten or drank anything yet ??
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
weird day /neu but it's better than usual so!! that's a win in my book /silly
not really but i went to a local market and got some stuff there :D hbu?
YOO sweet well hey !! good to hear man :D ooo whatd you get ?? and today i JUST got done w a gift for another friend and now im doing a doodle page !! i also made a pnf sideblog where i can find pnf related stuff easily and organized but my main - this blog will still have my brainrot /pos
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
not much other than doing what i usually do :] today's been a weird day for chronic pain so i've just been chilling
how is/was your day ?
weird day /pos /neg or /neu ?? its good to hear youve been chilling though !! :D yesterday was busy full of appointments and we went out but i got coffee yippee !! any plans for today ?? :]
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
ooh that sounds cool :D gl on the build /g
i like to think it is too glad you agree !! im very pumped and silly about it >:] thank you ereboo !!!! /gen now howve you been anything new or something you wanna talk about ?? or even your day ?? :D /nfta /genq
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
It's all good dw :] /g
I honestly can't remember kjkjdfk but I think it was just random doodles as that's primarily what I do anyways ! and building in mc I like building :D
feel free to talk abt whatever [:
thanks for understanding man !! means a lot :D /gen ldskfj fair but ooo awesome :O what were they ?? /nfta i saw your qsmp doodle and art !! i think both are cute and the philza one is awesomely done - guy who has only watched jaidens streams for backgroud sound OOO SWEET ME TOO for my daily ramble well go w minecraft !! so in my survival world rn i made my house in a cherry blossom biome ofc and made it traditionally japanese styled double ofc and i have a dog named cherry and a cat named blossom triple ofc hehe and rn im working on building my enchanting lush cave room using a little indent in the ground under my house !! i wouldnt call it a cave because it doesnt go deep but its like just the entrance of the cave without the complex tunnels if that makes sense :]c thanks for letting me ramble !! talk to me about anything dude id love to hear !! /gen /pos
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
Not much from me here just playing minecraft and drawing the entire day , hbu ? anything you want to infodump/talk about ? :]
idk i wanted to talk to you /gen but i ended just not getting to it ?? so sorry man but IM HERE NOW
OOO i love love minecraft whatd you do in it ?? and whatd you draw ?? if you havent posted it yet ofc i still have to go tumblr diving
honestly theres a lot i could go on about but lemme know how youre doing first !!
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
thats good hopefully things get worked out all well !! /g
doing ok ty :]
aww thank you dude !! good to hear youve been good B]] so anything your doing like projects or any genloss stuff you wanna drop :D ??
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unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
HELLO SWIZZY HRU :D -@aetherive
so apparently this didnt send through but i WAS on mobile soo HI HI EREBOO ITS NICE TO TALK TO YOU :D doing good just feeling very wonky in terms of brain things but getting things sorted out and separated B]] how about you ?? :D
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
that sounds p cool !! i'll look into those :]
yeah wee theyre both a lot of fun !! and alternate universes are easy to make with the both of them :D
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
that seems p nice ! ^^ it's a video on america's first nuclear disaster because,, hyperfixation
it is until you have to figure out what electron configuration for bromine T__T /lh /nay ooo what is the first nuclear disaster ?? :O that such a cool hyperfixation !! im hyperfixated on media like crk and eddsworld hehe
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
Watching yt videos, you? /nfta
ooo whatcha watching ?? and just doing hw while listening to our playlist :]
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
doin okay, ty for asking ^^ /g
yeah ofc !! whatcha up to rn :O
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
glad you're doing okay! ^-^
aww thanks again !! how are you anon ?? :]]
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