#i have never actually listened to dracula or count of monte cristo
slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I've been in a musical mood since I moved into my apartment (Seriously, there's something very satisfying about playing these Broadway songs out loud in your own living room (when my roommate left of course)), and seeing your dark Musical AU Post made me think of musical AU's for my... Oof countless ships 😅 of course you don't have to worry about answering ^^
Smarty-Pop • Phantom of the Opera AU
I have not known peace ever since you briefly mentioned their Erik/Christine dynamic in my sad Smarty-Pop ending drabble, and i mean that in a positive way XD and this gave me the perfect opportunity to explore an actual AU.
I'm thinking maybe Poppy can play a little bit of Madam Giry's role too, being the only one who knows the Phantom's secrets, the only calm one when the Phantom of the Opera strikes and possibly even delivering messages to the opera managers for Smartass. And unlike with the OG story, I like to imagine them in an already established relationship here- just, you know, a little secretive since it's the phantom we're talking about.
It's not uncommon for Poppy to go disappear down in the depths of the Opera House, whether it be through her mirror or one of the trap doors. And if one were to look through her dressing room, you could find many pink roses in various stages of wilt, and letters personally addressed to her written in the same colored ink. She claims she doesn't know who sends her them, but her dreamy smile shows more than just flattery. She leaves her own notes for Smartass as well, leaving them in loge #5 just before a show begins. Just sweet love letters only for his eyes.
No, they don't always agree. Poppy has lost track of how many times she's stormed down to Smartass' domain after something he most certainly did, and all the attention and admirers she had been gaining as her stardom rose have been dangerously grating Smartass' nerves. But at the end of each night, she is his, and he is hers. As it should be.
(Yeah this is partially me venting how i think a Christine x Phantom relationship would have turned out if it was the canon ending XD Also I'd like to point out that you said yandere Snartass might make his S/O marry him, which also correlates with the phantom trying to force Christine's hand. That is totally not going to become part of the Smarty-pop AU) thought XD
Greasypop • Dracula AU
I did struggle with Greasypop admittedly, but then I heard the song Please don't Make Me Love You from the soundtrack and I could not get this dynamic for this ship out of my head. Besides, it gives me an excuse to use the Vampire or the Monster AU XD No matter how you slice it, Dracula is pretty manipulative when you think about it. Especially with how he convinces Mina that Lucy's death was not his doing, which does fit Greasy's more manipulative nature... Not to mention that it'd be his fantasy to have as many hotties as Dracula did 😅
I'm just imagining vampire/incubus Greasy shows up into town, looking to plant his roots here for a while, and Poppy is one of his targets. Poppy can tell that something isn't quite right with him, even when he offers her comfort after she reads about yet another attack in the night. There's just something not right with Greasy.
But even so, she's having a hard time denying what he does to her. Just like how theres something about him that isn't quite right, there's something about him that makes her head feel dizzy. Something that let's his touch linger on her shoulder or arm before she snaps back to her senses. Something that makes her wish those evenings when he shows up unannounced and they wind up sharing a meal together don't end. It's like her heart is trying to give itself to Greasy, and her mind is trying to keep her grounded in reality.
It's not long before she breaks down, feeling like she's being driven mad, and just asks her friend- if he can even be called that- what he wants. She knows Greasy is not who he says he is, and she knows there has to be a reason he keeps coming back to her even though she's made it clear she doesn't want a man right now. Something tells her she doesn't want to know the truth, and yet another something tells her she wouldn't care.
But either way, no matter what, Poppy knows one thing for certain. Her heart can't take much more of this. And she didn't want it to. She doesn't want someone to come around and ruin this tranquility she's built for herself just for his own fun. So she asks, practically begs him, to just don't make her fall in love with him. Don't make her chase after him if he had no intentions of keeping her. Her instincts tell her that this is a terrible idea, that she should have slammed the door on the Spaniard long ago as she locked eyes with him.
But there was just something about him that made her love him.
(Not exactly the Dracula route I meant, I'm still working on it, but I hope it's still fun to read XD)
Peezy • Little Shop of Horrors AU
Ok ok I know this may not sound right but hear me out- Poppy x Wheezy are the most wholesome of the ships, kind of like how Audrey and Symore are wholesome. And also share the fact that Poppy/Audrey still see Wheezy/Seymore as such a good person deep down despite knowing or finding out the things they've done. Not to mention that Wheezy would treat Poppy right just like how Seymore would for Audrey.
Poppy and Wheezy work together in the same flower shop, and they both would agree that they are the high lights of each others work day. It's not exactly hidden that the two have feelings for each other- as their boss blatantly told Wheezy that he knew he thought things about the sweet girl. Though for many reasons, one of which is Poppy's horrid boyfriend Ben, they aren't together.
It was always heart-wrenching and rage inducing whenever Poppy would come in with fresh tears in her eyes, or when she would brush it off as just 'typical relationship struggles'. Wheezy has tried to just keep it to himself, and offer Poppy any comfort she needs. Though the night he got to actually see how that bastard treated her, he decided enough was enough. That bloodthirsty plant was the one who suggested it, but it's not like this wasn't a long time coming anyway.
The next morning, when Poppy is crying out of guilt rather than heartbreak, Wheezy keeps a cool head as he wraps an ashy arm around her and assures her that she shouldn't waste another second on that boy. He was never worth it, not if he couldn't appreciate what he had. Everything is alright now...
(... This was meant to be more fluffy, as fluffy as the original was, but it turned out a bit more manipulative than I intended at the end? I think? 😅 but hey, no one's gonna miss Ben either way-)
Pocho • Sweeny Todd AU
This one is special because here, Poppy is playing the role of Anthony, and Psycho Johanna. Specifically, I'm imagining the part of the play where Johanna is stuck in the asylum and Anthony is trying to break her free. Poppy in the Tiny-Tots AU is trying to set her friend and love free the second she finds out about him being locked away. Even if she has to employ the help of criminals to get him out.
Or, if we want more horror, Psycho is Sweeny, and Poppy is Lucy. Falsely accused of crimes he didn't commit just so the accuser could take his wife. Despite the fight he put up, Psycho and Poppy were separated, and she... Got hurt badly. And Psycho only finds out later when he comes back, now driven over the edge of sanity after all these years. And now, it's time for revenge.
Popshine • The Count of Monte Cristo AU
Another odd choice, I know. I almost gave this AU to Peezy in fact, but... Honestly I don't have too good of an excuse, I just want Shiny to sing Hell to Your Doorstep.
Also, just- can you imagine these girls using threads from their clothes in placement of engagement rings?? Shiny coming back years later, a shell of her former self but still being in love with Poppy despite how angry she is?? Poppy recognizing her immediately despite all that's happened and does her best to convince Shiny she still loves her???? My heart-
(Also I have a strong lesbian need to imagine Shiny in count clothes-)
Griny • Bonnie and Clyde AU
C'mon, how was this not going to be them?? Now granted, the only song I know from that musical is Buck you're going Back to Jail, but I do know the story of Bonnie and Clyde.
Shiny and Greasy would absolutely be criminal lovers on the run if it was just them. They would be such an infamous duo on the road, as they both can get mean when they need to.
(I would add more details to this, but I've been working on this ask for literal hours and I can't just save it as a draft so I'm trying to finish this 😅)
Bonus! Kingston X Poppy • Heathers AU
Ok ok ok I'm not sure if this musical would fit them honestly. Mainly because Kingston is your OC and you have broader musical knowledge than I do, so you know what would fit Kingston best. I just like the idea of Kingston singing I was Meant to Be Yours while Poppy is panicking in a closet.
What Musical would you say fits these two best, if you want to add onto this?
This is a very long ask, I apologize 😅 but I hope it's fun to read! ^^
Smarty Pop Phantom of the Opera AU: I love how you set this up!! Pink roses at different stages of wilt? Poppy reading 'secret admirer' letters with a dreamy smile?? Ahhhhhhhhh
Greasy Pop Dracula AU: Ooooooh i love this.
please just dont make me fall in love with you, poppy breathes, heavy eyelids tired with life hanging heavy over her pretty eyes. Greasy's in her bedroom (vaguely she notices that he looks caught, for a moment. Eyes a smidge rounder and stock-still). She was sleeping until she had a bad feeling and woke- and saw him there. She should be terrified, she should try to run. She knows this. And yet she feels overwhelmingly calm, even with his wolf-like smile on her in the enclosed space; sleepiness from just a moment ago acting like a sedative. That, and that thing about Greasy that... always just makes everything go s l o w, around her.
(her will, her instincts to get away, her common sense, her movements... )
his smirk in the dark is definitely a warning as he straightens up, the sharp glint of his teeth making her feel a primal discomfort- almost fear.
i make no promises, hermosa. go back to sleep now. and in the morning try to resist; id like to see you try~
poppy watches the nightmare disappear swiftly, inhumanly gracefully, out her open window and only once he's gone- does she start to feel scared.
Peezy Little Shop of Horrors AU: I LOVE THE IDEA OF WHEEZY AND AUDREY II INTERACTING XDD I JUST KNOW IT WOULD BE GREAT XDD Also also-- Wheezy calling Ben 'boy'??? Sarah do you want me dead????? XD
Pocho Sweeney Todd AU: Ahhh, I love how you twisted this one around!! And the second one- woah XD Psycho is, of course, a great Sweeney. Plus they have kids so that works out, too (Imagine Turpin in this sent Percy away to boarding school or something, but kept Penny) I have to admit though that when I first saw the title here I thought Poppy was gonna be Joanna and Psycho was gonna be Anthony- and I thought, Rena would make a g r e a t Judge Turpin 😏 (i'm sorry, i'm thinking about rena in the turpin costume now XD the tight pants?? whoops- )
Griny Bonnie & Clyde AU: I LOVE BONNE & CLYDE I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW. And- obviously- yes, this is absolutely perfect XD
Popshine Count of Monte Cristo AU: 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕
(Also I'm very happy we both have the urge to put our mean bisexual oc's in periodwear XXD )
*just after they conspired to break greays outta jail*:
Seeing you mention You're Going Back To Jail though made me think XDD- who would Buck and Blanche? XDD Buck, Clydes brother who also broke outta prison and Blance, Buck's hardass wife who 's snide towards Clyde and Bonnie and sends her husband back to jail so they can one day be happy? XD My vote is for Jane Doe and Wheezy XD Can you imagine Wheezy gettin' told by his girl to turn his ass back the hell in??? 'what the hell are you talkin' about!??' *audible panic in his tone*
Bye, baby~
See you soon, sugar~
Kingston and Poppy Heathers AU: Oooooh, I could totally see this in the Highschool AU! XD
Hmmmmm, which musical AU should I go dor with King and Poppy... I donno, but I'm thinkin a Beetlejuice AU for Poppy and Rena XD Poppy is Adam (Or Lydia more like. But like grown adult Lydia who gets just as uncomfy as Adam does.), of course, and Rena is BJ XDDD Rena is such a gross femme fatale XD
I think we're a perfect fit, lets make out a bit-
Bigger, further, harder-
C'mon, drop your panties, I'm trynna fill you with wisdom and skill and the instinct to kill-
Gotta haunt til it hurts through the night~
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desperationandgin · 5 years
Strawberry Wine Part 1, Prologue + Chapter 1.
Rating: General Audiences
A/N: In honor of World Outlander Day, I wanted to surprise everyone with the prologue and complete first chapter of my next fic, Strawberry Wine! The fic will not begin posting until Tuesday, July 16th, but you all deserve a lil’ somethin’-somethin’! The lovely mood board was made by my awesome wife, @filledwithlight, so thank you, love!! Also, a massive thanks to @smashing-teacups, @lcbeauchampoftarth and @suzannevvale for reading last night and guiding me along! Without further delay, please enjoy!
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As I looked up at the well-worn path, I remembered back to that summer between the life I led, care-free but studious, and the one I had now. My care-free days were far behind me, left in the ashes of the War. But for one perfect, restless summer, I’d found a blissful escape on the banks of a river, in the arms of a farmer’s son. Our love had grown wild around us, so quickly, I thought, it was as if the universe, upon seeing us together decided ‘Yes. These two are a pair.’
My legs carried me across overgrown fields, years since they’d seen a plow. All around me, with every structure I saw, there was nothing time hadn’t touched. My fingers moved to my lips as I closed my eyes, desperate to remember a kiss that happened so long ago. Had I known it would likely be the last one, I’d have never let him go.
Chapter One
When I was a young girl, my parents, on their way home from the theater, had died in an accident. I think I was too little to understand what that meant; I knew they weren’t coming back, but I didn’t understand the why of it. They were simply gone, and I was soon on my way to live the life of an intrepid traveler. I’d thought of them at first, but being only five years of age at the time, I couldn’t remember much. I missed the way I used to curl in my father’s lap, laying with my head tucked into his shoulder while he smoked his pipe and listened to classical music on the radio. I missed the way my mother would brush out my hair, unruly even then, and style it into a slightly frizzy braid.
As I’d grown up and begun to find interest in the old things my new guardian hunted for, the memories of my parents slipped further away. Life with Uncle Lamb was exciting and different every day. My ninth birthday had been spent in Egypt, digging in hot sand when not kissing local boys. I’d loved that life, enjoyed the various tutors I had in the places we stayed. In France, I’d studied until I was fluent in French; and in Rome, I’d curiously poked at learning a bit of Latin and became good at reading it. By the time I turned twenty, the only continent I hadn’t been to was Antartica, but I’d seen enough that I knew what I wanted to do first before anything: attend nursing school. Then, I envisioned having enough knowledge to help local villagers in the places where my uncle and I traveled. This was to be my last summer of travel before classes began. I’d be class of ‘42, but it sounded so far away, off in a different decade.
For now, we were on our way to Scotland so that Lamb could visit with an old friend. Before I ever entered the picture, my uncle had worked closely with a man named Brian Fraser, as artifacts of Culloden Moor were unearthed for the first time in centuries. Lamb and his team had done the digging, Mr. Fraser provided the delicate work of cleaning and restoration. An avid Scottish history enthusiast, it seemed he and my uncle had become very fast friends over dates and historical tidbits. Now we were going to his home, to stay for the summer as guests. As Lamb drove us up the path, I peered out of the window and at the canopy of tree limbs overhead. It was beautiful, the way sunlight filtered through the leaves, and I imagined what it must have been like to ride a horse under such a natural tunnel.
Once the home itself came into view, my mouth fell open upon seeing it. I’d been told it was old, but this was an actual artifact of time, exquisitely kept in prime condition, lived-in and still full of happiness. Standing on the front porch after ringing the bell, my fingers ran over the plaque that announced this as Lallybroch; est. 1702. I gaped at it after doing the math. Two-hundred and thirty-six years old, and still completely beautiful. I could even see a mill turning, off in the distance, and at once felt as though I’d fallen through time. When the door opened, an elderly woman answered, ushering us inside and hugging my uncle. I smiled in introduction, and then Mrs. Crook led us to a large and open room, filled with more books than I’d ever seen in a private home. As soon as we stepped in, a man I assumed to be Brian Fraser leapt up from behind his desk, shouting in greeting before hugging my uncle. I stood to the side, hands behind my back, and tried to remember the last time I saw Lamb greet anyone that way. I was pulled out of my thoughts once the attention was on me.
“My niece, Claire Beauchamp.”
I smiled and was struck by the warmth and kindness in Mr. Fraser’s eyes. His handshake was gentle, and he guided me to sit as he drew us further into the room. Tea was poured for all, and I was happy to sink into the warmth of it, listening to two old friends trade stories back and forth. After a while I excused myself, asking for the washroom and meandering my way there. The architecture of the home was gorgeous, the wood detailing impeccable. Already I’d been told this home had been built as a freehold belonging to Mr. Fraser’s family generations back. After a brief visual tour on my way to and from the washroom, I re-entered the library but walked around the shelves, looking at books. Some of them seemed well-worn, old and possibly brittle. Dragging my finger along spines, I glanced at various titles. The Wonderful World of Oz was shelved right next to The Count of Monte Cristo, and next to it, Dracula. The wild variety just in that small sampling made me smile to myself.
Walking by a window, I paused as something the color of fire caught my attention. Parting the curtain a bit more, I glanced outside and realized what it was: the most brilliant shock of red, curly hair I’d ever seen. Widening my gaze, I realized it adorned the head of a shirtless man who carried a bale of hay over his shoulder. He was sweating, beads of it dripping from a curl near his temple and down his chest.
I’m not sure I ever consciously realized swoon was a word before that moment, but I learned it right then.
I was staring and told myself to stop risking his looking up and realizing. Apparently, I was in no mood to listen to my own advice. Instead of finding trousers as my gaze wandered lower, I realized he was wearing a bloody kilt, and one of my hands covered my mouth on instinct. Glancing over at my host, I realized he was wearing a kilt as well, and looked back out the window. By the time I was done admiring the calves from under said kilt, I realized the legs hadn’t moved at all, as if frozen. Snapping my eyes up, they met his, blue as a bright day and shining with amusement. I could feel my cheeks begin to flush, and then he smiled and I ducked my head. I couldn’t believe he’d caught me, embarrassed as I looked up again to sheepishly smile in return. We held each other’s gaze for a few moments before I let the curtain fall and walked back to my seat. In a lull of conversation, I spoke up.
“I saw a young man outside, red, curly hair?” Shirtless and muscled and beautiful?
“Oh, aye,” Brian responded. “That would be my son, Jamie.”
As I sat once more, I found there was no focusing on the conversation around me. I wondered what solid muscle felt like, and then wondered if Lamb and Mr. Fraser could tell I was blushing. I found myself unable to help it as my thoughts swung from the mild to downright torrid. I was caught up in thinking about what I might say to apologize for staring when footfalls caught my attention. Turning my gaze, I watched as he appeared again (wearing a plain white shirt now, much to my disappointment), somehow bigger than I thought at first, looming in the doorway. He seemed to be a giant of a man, but with the same gentleness to his eyes that his father’s held. Standing, I felt my heart skip a half beat, wiping my hands on my trousers.
Mr. Fraser made the appropriate introductions and I extended my hand out. “Claire Beauchamp. I apologize for--well. Earlier, at the window.”
His smile immediately put me at ease as he shook his head, holding my hand as his thumb grazed the underside of my wrist. “Dinna fash, lass. I thought nothing of it.”
The ruddiness of his cheeks was a bit of a giveaway that he was lying, but I didn’t mind it. How could I, when my own thoughts had veered directly to the wildly inappropriate?
“I hate to leave our conversation so short, Ms. Beauchamp, but if I’m to be at all presentable for supper, I should go wash up now,” he apologized.
“Claire. And don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find plenty to talk about later,” I offered with a hopeful smile. After he excused himself, I let my gaze linger after him, finding myself eager for supper, where I would finally have the chance to learn more about Jamie Fraser.
Next Chapter
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harusha · 5 years
I just saw your post about PJ and I'm wondering, do you have any book recs?
On mythology specifically or overall? I’m gonna do both since I’m not sure. Also sorry for the relatively late reply, I had to think about this, and I just got back from dinner.
The Count of Monte Cristo- Fantastic page turner, and a genuinely good “revenge” tale. It’s actually one of the first of that kind (or at the very least, one of the most popular ones). It’s also a book that a lot of people cite as the one that changes their mind on classics as “boring.”
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Somewhat of a controversial pick (both because of its subject matter and because it’s often “required high school reading,” ie “boring” to a lot of people.)
Huck Finn is an exceedingly complex character, and his friendship with Jim is really good. Pay attention to what Huck Finn does and says; he’s an unreliable narrator due to how he was brought up, his age, and his illiteracy. There’s also a lot of symbolism and other literary devices at play in his character (ex. notice his fixation with death and how it colors how Twain writes him). It’s very much a book I recommend if you want to study the unreliable narrator as a trope, the  Naïf version of it.
As a side note, it’s very poignant because of how Huck learns to condemn his racism. One of the messages you can get from this book is “If this uneducated poor white boy can learn to overcome his prejudices, so too can someone who has been educated, has money, etc.” It is a brutal condemnation of racism (though you do have to consider the time period, the “lens” of which you have to view through.)
Lolita- Another controversial pick, and one I’ll upright say as a lot of trigger warnings attached (google the summary, and you’ll see what I mean).
Beautiful prose (some of my favorite in literature actually) and a monster of a protagonist. When you read this, remember how Humbert Humbert is framing it. He is telling his tale to a court; he is unreliable and will frame events to make himself appear sympathetic. One notable factor of the author’s skill is how often Humbert gains the readers’ sympathy despite the atrocious subject matter. I personally felt viscerally uncomfortable reading his thoughts, and this is one of the few books that has ever made me feel that way. I didn’t fall into the sympathy trap, but look at any discussion of the book, and you’ll see what I mean.
I also recommend this author’s (Vladimir Nabokov) other works.
Franz Kafka’s literary works- Kafka is one of my favorite authors because he really showcases the isolation (both due to WWI, technological advancement, and the “beginnings” of modern capitalism) of the beginning of the 1900s, and he’s one of modernism’s premier authors. His works often deal with the themes of isolation, judgement, and outcasts. 
In particular, I’m fond of “The Metamorphosis” (cliche pick I know) and “In the Penal Colony.” The former is a short story so quick read if you just wanna try his writing style + it’s very influential (See Part 1 of Tokyo Ghoul for one example).
Also know that Kafka had a very strained relationship with his father and a conflicted relationship with his religion. I recommend reading “Letter to his Father” first to get an understanding of Kafka’s psyche to truly get pass the “nonsensical” nature of his works. It, like the title says, is a letter he wrote to his father, but his mother never delivered it.
If you want even more info on Kafka to understand his works, I recommend Kafka: Judaism, Politics, and Literature which covers a lot more (and in more succinct words) than I can on his works and life. As a fun fact, Vladimir Nabokov also placed him as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. On Kafka himself, he thought he was a failure of a human being and writer, and now look at him. He’s up there in the Western Canon with Shakespeare.
Paradise Lost + Paradise Regained- If you’re interested in Lucifer (or Samael if you subscribe to that theory), this is a must-read. Beautiful, haunting, and with a very charismatic figure in Lucifer. Alongside the obvious Divine Comedy, this work has influenced the portrayal of Lucifer and Hell quite a bit imo. Namely, the “sympathetic” portrayal you find in works such as Supernatural. It’s also an epic poem so it’s best listened to imo rather than read.
No Longer Human- Osamu Dazai’s work if you’re into that one show. An incredibly depressing book that’s often thought to be semi-autobiographical. It’s a haunting book that I don’t recommend for prose, but for the mood it evokes. I don’t recommend this unless you’re in a decent state of mind.
The Catcher in the Rye- Mildly controversial pick in that you either hate Holden or love him. It’s a book where you have to be in the “right” state of mind to appreciate Holden. For example, the period of moving away from home for college  This work deals with societal isolation and human loneliness and features an unreliable narrator.
It’s just a very particular feeling you have to be experiencing to appreciate Holden. I think anyway.
The Epic of Gilgamesh- Not super fancy or a reinterpretation of whatever. Just the oldest known written work of mankind. I like it a lot, but I like Sumerian myth so YMMV. It’s still missing a few tablets last I checked, but still a good read.
Also the related Enuma Elish, you get the creation myth.
Vampire Chronicles- I recommend the first three or four so books honestly. Afterwards, Anne Rice just goes off the rails. Prose is pretty, and Lestat is a terrible person but fascinating to read about. I am partial to Armand though tbh.
Dracula- I think this is another page-turner. I certainly enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s as scary as it would be in its’ published time period, but it is a classic Gothic horror. The unabridged version may look intimidating, but like Monte Cristo, you’ll sweep through it rather quickly.
“A Rose for Emily”- One of William Faulkner’s short stories. I think it’s a lovely piece and showcases the Southern Gothic (crumbling house, decaying and failing tradition and the southern nobility, etc.) There’s a theme of decay and time passing throughout this work.
As a side note, I actually enjoy Faulkner a lot, but he’s a difficult author imo. It’s not as apparent in this work, but more so in Intruder in the Dust (the first racial thriller) and especially The Sound and The Fury.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof- A play that deals with repressed homosexuality (maybe, it depends on how you interpret Brick’s dialogue and actions), loss, and denial. I quite like it a lot, and Tennessee Williams actually was gay (was because he’s dead and all). I read it, but tbh I feel like it would be better watched if you can find a performance on Youtube.
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde’s most well known work imo. I enjoy the prose and the themes of corruption and indulgence present throughout the novel. There’s also a lot of allusions to Faust in it if you’re interested in that.
Peter Darling-a more modern choice but it features a trans and gay protagonist. Part of what I enjoy is how it’s not browbeaten into you that the protagonist is trans. It’s interwoven into the character where it’s an important part of him, but to where it doesn’t overwhelm his entire character. However, this is a novel where I feel the beginning and ending are great, but the middle is so-so. It’s a retelling of Peter Pan.
The Tain- Focuses on Cu Cuchulain and his cycle.
Poetic Edda- A must read if you’re interested in exploring Norse myths outside of Marvel. It’s basically a collection of tales.
Arabian Nights- Scheherazade is one of my favorite female figures from literature. She’s daring, clever, and particularly resourceful. It’s a frame narrative sort of tale so you technically won’t be seeing her as much since she’s telling each story, but it’s a lovely piece and perfect for a bedtime read because of its collection of tales. A lot of them have been referenced in media and related as well.
The Book Thief- Classic YA novel rec. It’s set in WWII and one of the novels that really showcases what YA could be. Basically a classic gem in the rough pile.
John Keats- He’s a poet, but I love his poetry because of how haunting and dark it can get; he often deals with themes of mortality.. Ode to Nightingale is particularly good.
China’s Four Great Classical Novels (Journey to the West, Dreams of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms)- I decided to clump them here since this is already super long. Each one is incredibly well-known in Asia (and obviously China), and you can find allusions everywhere to these four novels. Each novel is rather long and expensive though (I paid like 40 USD for each set). Journey to the West follows Sun Wukong, unarguably one of the most well-known figures in literature (at least in the East; he’s super influential, but somewhat less so in the West; keyword somewhat). Dreams of the Red Chamber has some very pretty poems, but it’s often thought to be the semi autobiographical work of the author (it deals with the rise and fall of his family and the dynasty).
Daiyu’s flower poem is one of the most memorable for example.
The blossoms fade, the blossoms fly,  the blossoms fill the sky. Their crimson fades, their scent dies out,  and who is there to pity?  Drifting threads gently twist together  and float past the springtime lodge;  Falling willow floss lightly sticks  and strikes the lady’s window drapes.
Water Margin is a bit “bawdier” than the other ones imo, but it’s a good tale and has many notable figures and scenes. On Three Kingdoms, it’s the one I’d recommend to start with if you’re interested in military intrigue and battles.
I also have a Goodreads where I organize everything by shelf if you prefer to look at that. I do need to update it though tbh.
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