#i have plenty more megaten hot takes where that came from
elendsessor · 1 year
Not sure if you've ever answered this before but: If you had to pick 3 MegaTen game soundtracks, which ones would they be? As in the entire OST, not just one theme.
ok this is gonna be long since i wanna spill my hot takes in the process.
gonna be honest only truly good thing about dds2 is the ost. 1’s ost is fire and i prefer less hype battle themes in turn based rpgs but all the battle themes in 2 fucking slap. by far the greatest pair of osts in the franchise but dds is treated as one complete thing and for good reasons.
i regained a lot of appreciation for 4’s. replaying it definitely gives a new layer just bc you know what’s going on. dungeon themes are especially the strongest part. my favorite track, as kinda a basic bitch opinion, is the domain boss theme :) the guitar riffs in 4 are godly as well as the more industrial elements of some of the dungeon themes. (4a has some good ones too!)
hard to pick an exact third fave since all the ps2 megaten osts are solid in general so imma do a massive hot take while acknowledging persona. p4’s fits the vibe the most and i think that’s what makes it stronger than other persona osts. idk man p1 and the 2 duology’s osts are great but got downgraded with the psp releases which is probably the hottest take in existence. they’re atmospheric and really fitting but despite how great they are they don’t feel very persona-y. even without the current identity of modernsona it doesn’t really fit with the setting and feels like they belong in different games. i love jazz so p5 and p5r have that going for them but i only really tend to enjoy the chiller tracks. jazz can be incorporated into battle themes amazingly but it feels underwhelming compared to both other jazzy megaten osts and other jazzy osts in general. yeah even last surprise. it’s good but lacking something that the way the jazz elements were handled don’t really hit. p3 has the best vocal tracks and i love the tartarus theme but it also reflects that weird transitionary period of the series where it had an idea of what it wanted to be but didn’t know how to execute it. idk never got behind a lot of the tracks and felt like the more melancholic lo-fi material ones were the most fitting. lotus juice was carrying everything else. p4/4g has the best since it does really fucking feel like it came out of the time period. the vocal tracks aren’t nearly as good as 3’s for the most part but really only with the battles. heartbeat heartbreak will eternally stick with me and i’ll face myself is fucking fantastic (especially the reincarnation version even if it’s more of a p4 anime thing). the music actually feels integral to 4 and helps enhance it. like this is the shit i would actually hear if i was chilling in a small town and if i went through similarly themed dungeons and a strip club.
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