#i have seen INSANE antisemitism in response to jewish people objecting to the he*l bffr right now
septembersghost · 1 year
My problem is that I can't listen to her songs rn and not remember matty like i love cardigan and every time i hear that song i'm like she said this song is for him no and don't get me wrong i want her to be happy but this guy is everything i am against he is racist homophob and many other thing his comments about her are so weird and gross and his comments about harry like wtf i thought her and harry were friends he said and did so many weird and wrong things i just can't support him i will always love her but i just can't listen to her music rn
honestly the only thing i can tell you to do is to take a break from her and hope this blows over. i just made the mistake of falling down a rabbit hole on twitter detailing stuff he’s said/done and some of it was even worse than i realized, so…idk what to even do with that information and battling how best to handle the situation we’ve got right now. i think anyone who’s upset has reason to feel that way. (and there’s a big difference between finding his words/actions deplorable and being concerned for her vs. some of the stuff shaming addiction and calling her slurs, the latter is not useful criticism).
remember that loving anyone doesn’t mean always agreeing with their choices or condoning worrisome or harmful things, and also remember that your mental health and emotional wellbeing come first here. if this is causing you distress or tainting her music, it’s not worth you being hurt, you’re allowed to step away. but i know that feels awful and i’m sorry :(
as far as cardigan goes…she’s acting up, but we ARE going to reject that and disassociate. she said we can change the meaning and reclaim her songs? yeah cardigan is NOT getting that man’s fingerprints on it ever, if i have to lock it in the vault myself (the vault being the haunted house in my own head). cardigan is safe, she cannot be touched! narrator betty never asked for this, girl get behind me! we’ll hide the cardigan back under the bed if we have to.
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