#i have seen people ship them but i see them more as a father-daughter buddy-cop duo. rounds their characters out in a way
lowrezbonuslevel · 4 months
you're embarrassing me in front of our incomprehensible managers!
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completely mystified by this ancient forum troll and his favorite kid emotional support sycophant
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kurara-black-blog · 6 years
Date: 7/10/18
Words: 887
Warning: Langst, Adangst, Adance (in the future if I ever continue this).
Tag: @moonsworllld ; @xarphay ; @skydisneylover
“What happened to this world?”
“Humans happened.”
Adam diverted his attention from the defeated form of Matt Holt to look at the boy that saved their lives. To look at the boy that couldn’t be older than Keith. To look at the boy whose eyes let the truth be seen.
Bluest blue.
Burning with determination.
Dimmed with exhaustion.
Bluest blue.
Wise. Knowing.
“Humans are one of the most powerful creatures I have ever seen. And, yet, the weakest. Volatile, in their entirety. Unstable, somewhat.”
“Before… Before you saved us…”
“They won’t remember.”
Adam knew he should have expected it. The glassy eyes of his fiancé—ex-fiancé, he guessed—weren’t the result of grief. For Takashi Shirogane had nothing to grieve for when he took Matt and Adam to their certain death. If he closed his eyes, he could see Keith—the boy he once considered a little brother—staring at him with nothing more than the cold disdain of a cop, watching a criminal finally get what they deserved.
Adam didn’t want to close his eyes.
“Katie won’t ever remember me?” Matt’s voice came rough and shaky, the want—the need to cry noticeable to whoever heard it.
“No, I’m afraid not.” The dark skinned boy threw him a sympathetic glance before turning to Adam once more. “They made you all look up so you wouldn’t ever see what’s down here. You looked down. You’re dangerous for their delicate system.”
“How did you end up here?”
“I fell.”
Bluest blue. Filled with pain. Adam took a good look at the boy. The long hair was a mess of tangled curls. His face, sharp, angular, was caked with oil and dirt. A long scar ripped his neck, as if someone tried to separate the head from the body. His shirt maybe had been white once, then more of a dirty brown, open in the chest enough for the small scars painting his skin to be seen. The black vest with white buttons was plain and simple. The black pants were skin-tight, making his long legs stand out, a large belt with various small chains, all leading to either a clock or a tool, held it in place. The boots were a dark brown, though the dirt had splashed it with different shades of gray. They were bigger than the boy’s feet; that was for sure. The trench coat, definitely heavy and warm, had many pockets sewed in it, some of them visibly full. Googles atop his head and a backpack on his back. There was a striking difference between him and them.
With their Galaxy Garrison uniforms, clean—well, after all that, not so much—and fitting. They really were from a different world than the boy. Adam wondered how he could’ve just fallen there. Maybe a failed mission? Maybe a faulty ship?
“My name is Adam. This is Matt.”
“I know. We’ve met before.”
“We have?”
“Yes, Matt. You know my sisters.”
Flashes of memories came to Adam’s mind. A big family. Loud and warm. A mother and a father. A son. Another son. A daughter. Another daughter. And… Nothing. Nothing? Nothing. There was no one else. A daughter-in-law, niece and nephew. Yes, that was the whole family. Veronica was a delight to be with, even if sometimes she would stare longingly at the nothingness. Rachel was very fun to be near, even though she randomly cried at some random moments. Oh, and there was—
There was—
There was someone.
There was someone important.
“Veronica and Rachel? You’re their brother?” Matt had reached the same conclusion. “They don’t have a brother…”
“That they remember of.”
Adam focused once more in the boy—the man—in front of him. He clearly had been down in that dystopian nightmare for a long time. The way he carried himself left no doubt. He was someone who had been surviving on his own for a very long time. He was someone who had seen his fair share of horror. He was someone who was already used with the weight of his burdens.
“Name’s Lance, by the way. Make sure to not forget it this time, newborn.”
“New… born?”
“Both of you are considered dead up there, buddy. This is your life now!” With his arms open wide, Lance twirled, as if showing them his new garden instead of a wasteland of sand and metal scrap. “Ah, you might want to mark the date down to remember later. It is easy to lose memory while you wander around. Now come, a meal and a bed might do some good for you two.”
That said, Lance turned to leave, fully knowing they would follow him eventually. Moreover, they did because what more was there for them to do? They were hunted and almost died by the hands of the people they loved most. Matt would no doubt have nightmares about Katie’s blank stare when he called desperately for her. Adam still didn’t want to close his eyes and see Shiro and Keith glaring at him.
“Lance?” The boy hummed to let Adam know he was listening. “You said they did that because we looked down. What about you? What did you do to end up here?”
The man stopped, turning to look directly at the “newborns” and answered simply:
“I fell.”
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
Things I would’ve change about The Sequel Trilogy
My other Star Wars changes
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars and Rebels
Original Trilogy
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Since going into the movie without reading the new canon novels or TFA novelization, I think it would improve the story if Lor San Tekka was replaced by someone we already knew like someone from the Rebellion like Mon Mothma or General Dodanna. I think it would’ve worked better, either of these people, they  would be close to Leia and would have known Ben growing up and would just as equally be disgusted as what he has become. But particularly I think Mon Mothma would work better. Ben grew up on her homeworld of Chandrilla, she would have to be in the senate with Leia, but she would have seen him growing up as a child and just to see what he grew into would be heartbreaking and her death would have greater meaning because this is a character we all knew. One of the Rebel architects and Leia's oldest friends, cut down by Leia's own son.
The First Order Stormtroopers would look different. The thing that bothers me about the First Order is the Stormtroopers don’t really look all that different. Just a slightly different helmet. So the Stormtroopers would need a complete revamp. Art from the concept art from TFA
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Finn would be an elite soldier, not a janitor. Finn would be the commander of the Elite Stormtrooper Squad. Finn and his squad are not just regular Stormtroopers. Finn is the Squad leader of an elite squad of Stormtroopers. It would be called Obsidian Squad. Battle Hardened, a group of Stormtroopers that rival the Knights Of Ren and essentially the First Order’s 501st Legion. They are commanded only by Hux and Phasma. Finn’s Squad are accompanying Kylo Ren on Jakku to find Luke’s map.
Have Finn’s indoctrination and conditioning have more impact. I never felt like Finn’s conditioning as a Stormtrooper held any impact after he removed the armor. Finn is a character who was raised as a Stormtrooper, but there doesn’t feel like any indoctrination to begin with. First off, he should be raised to hate Han, Luke and Leia. He was indoctrinated as a child, so Finn should be taught from childhood to adulthood that Han, Luke and Leia are terrorists and war criminals who destroyed over 20 years of peace and would be taught that Luke, Han and Leia are responsible for genocide(you know that “I had friends on that death star” joke) so he is taught to hate them from birth and to kill them on sight. So Finn would see The Resistance and The NR as a threat to peace, he is there to restore balance, he believes it until he realizes The First Order is wrong.
Finn’s character arc is about learning to overcome years of indoctrination and conditioning and learning to do what is right. After Slip dies, Finn is consumed by grief and wants revenge on Poe. But Hux and Phasma orders Finn to let him go so Dameron can lead them to The Resistance Base. Finn is basically playing “traitor” however something happens. his programming finally wears down and his natural empathy comes through. When Poe asks his name, Finn chooses it for himself. Finn feels the guilt of his actions on Jakku, his guilt and empathy is what awakens his force sensitivity, before Finn leaves to get Poe, Finn stops because Kylo Ren stares at him, Kylo feels something in him. Finn frees Poe and their interactions remains the same, but Finn still harbors anger over what Poe did. But something happens, Poe dies saving Finn and this changes things.  He felt remorse for what he felt for Poe and what he’s done for The First Order. So now the only course of action is to find the droid and keep it from The First Order....but will he be strong enough to fight his conditioning? Upon arriving to Nema outpost, he sees Rey being attacked and his instincts as a soldier is to help her and together they fight off Unkar’s men. Rey thanks Finn but says she could’ve handled herself. BB-8 tells Rey that he’s wearing Poe’s jacket. This prompts Rey to ask “where did you get that jacket?” Finn tells her that Poe died saving him. This saddens BB-8 but this way Rey and Finn’s first meeting is not a hostile one. Finn tells her the mission was to deliver BB-8 to their base to deliver the map to Luke Skywalker. Just saying the name causes Finn to twitch. BB-8 is immediately suspicious. Rey does not say that Luke is a myth. She knows who he is as he was her hero on Jakku that filled her with hope. Luke being a myth to Rey is dumb considering she knows who Han is and knows about the Jedi. Suddenly they are being attacked by The First Order. Rey and Finn are pinned down and unable to make it to a ship. Suddenly The Millennium Falcon comes to the rescue. Rey is in awe of Han Solo. Han says he’s glad he could help, but is wondering where Poe is. BB-8 gives sad beeps and Finn tells him the truth.  And OH BOY do we have an absolute nightmare coming when Finn sees Han Solo, Finn is barely able to keep control of himself as his programming has it built in to kill the Rebel heroes. Finn’s grown an attachment to Rey and BB-8. After seeing the map to Luke, Han tells the same story to Rey and Finn. Han says he will get them safely to the Resistance base. But Han tells Finn. “I know every member of the Resistance. I know you’re not with us. Whatever your story is, you better tell her the truth. Women have a way of finding out the truth. Always.” Han goes to Takodana as per original. When confronted about the truth, Finn is not trying to run, Finn is torn about what to choose his new found friends or his duty to The First Order? This way we can see what a life of indoctrination can do instead of never revisiting it. We can have Rey and Han trying to help Finn. I would have Maz using the force to help make Finn stable. It’s only when Finn sees Starkiller Base destroy the Hosnian System does Finn truly see The First Order for the monsters that they are, so after that Finn would choose to fight for The Resistance. On Takodana, Maz gives the Lightsaber to Finn and Finn starts cutting Stormtroopers down and Finn is confronted by Phasma instead of Nines. Phasma will call him traitor and “you could have been so much more” they fight and Phasma has him beat, but Han makes the save. In this we can see Finn and Han learning to trust each other. This way we can show Finn struggling to  fight his conditioning and finally overcoming his indoctrination and learning to fight for what’s right. Finn can use his knowledge to help train The Resistance and use what they taught him against them. 
Rey’s character arc is overcoming her trauma. Rey starts off as a mix of Han Solo and Jyn Erso. Someone who only cares about her own survival and is consumed by her own trauma but learns to overcome her trauma, start caring for other people and something bigger than herself. That would’ve been the perfect character arc for Rey.
Poe dies saving Finn. Since Oscar Isaac largely became unhappy about Poe's direction and even confirmed that he wish Poe died in TFA, I think I would change it so he would die cause I feel like him dying to save Finn would've been more emotional. And honestly Poe just coming back and having a convoluted explanation as to how he survived was just a huge cop out to me. Poe dying would’ve been so emotional and impactful. It would’ve given Finn a true reason to fight for The Resistance and everyone in Black Squadron and The Resistance would destroy Starkiller Base and declare “For Poe!” After the shields were destroyed, Jessika Pava would be the one to destroy Starkiller Base.
Han Solo’s character arc from the original trilogy isn’t regressed. He returns as the same character he was in A New Hope. He abandoned his wife Leia, he left the Rebellion and went back to smuggling. He isn't even looking for his son Ben Solo. Han would never leave Leia or abandon his child. It is simply bad writing to redo his entire arc from the original trilogy again and to make him a bad parent when it is out of his character to do so. Legends understood Han and Leia better. Han and Leia stood strong in their marriage for 3 decades despite a hostile extra Galactic invading species killing both Chewbacca and their 14 year old son Anakin, their other son Jacen becoming a Sith, him killing Luke’s wife Mara, and having to be killed by his twin, their daughter Jaina. And they both still kept up their roles as a General and Chief of State/Ambassador. So what I would instead do, is make Han a joint General with Leia. Both Han and Leia lead the Resistance. When Poe hasn’t reported in, Leia sends Han to Jakku. Which leads Han and Chewie flying the Falcon(Han would never leave the Falcon) to BB-8′s signal. As the Tie-Fighters have Finn, Rey and BB-8 pinned down and when all hope seems lost, Han comes to the rescue. Han chooses to go to Takodana so he doesn’t lead The First Order to D’Qar. We can see Han mentoring Rey about the Falcon and being a father figure to Rey and Finn. Instead of Maz’s talk of “Han, go home” Maz will simply tell Han. “Han, let him go. Your son is gone.” Han will simply say. “My son is still alive” When he sees Kylo abducting Rey, he knows it’s Ben. When he returns to Leia, keep in the “I found our son” Instead of giving the vibe that they split up, make it clear that Han and Leia have been married for over 30 years. They stood strong together despite the tragedy of their son. Han inspired Leia to form The Resistance after The New Republic abandoned her. Together they lead The Resistance in the hopes of finding Luke and their son. Their goodbye is pretty much the same, but Han kisses Leia goodbye. Han’s death remains the same because it was beautifully well done.
Lando is in TFA from the beginning. Lando is the senator of Bespin for The New Republic and one of the Resistance’s Generals of The Resistance’s Command. Have Lando and Han embrace as Han returns "I missed you old buddy, how have you been!" then Lando goes to hug Chewie and have Lando in awe of Finn. "I am so sorry for what those monsters have done to you, you will always have a home with us" something like that. Lando would mobilize his forces that are loyal to him, so we have more to attack SKB than just Black Squadron.
Kylo Ren is smart about dealing with the figure from the Rebellion. Kylo Ren’s introduction and murder of Lor San Tekka introduces a menacing villain, it also introduces the fact that Kylo Ren is a fucking idiot. In my version, Mon Mothma is who Poe goes to meet about the map. Mon Mothma is disappointed in how he turned out. Gives the same speech about Kylo cannot deny the truth of his family, only Kylo does not stupidly kill her. He has a key figure in the Rebellion in The First Order’s hands and leverage to use against her. So Kylo goads her into telling him about the map. And Kylo threatens to burn the village and to kill everyone. Mothma pleads that the villagers are defenseless and good people. Kylo gives her the count of 10. Mothma simply says “I gave it to the Resistance.” Kylo says nothing and kills her. This prompts Poe to attack. Kylo freezes the blast and puts two and two together. This can show that Kylo Ren is a menacing, he’s smart and he is willing to do what’s necessary for the First Order. The actual attack happens as planned, but used the threat of violence to get her to talk. It was simply dumb to just kill San Tekka when Kylo had leverage against him.
Kylo and Poe’s exchange. I feel this needs to be changed because it just undermined the seriousness of the slaughter Kylo Ren has caused and killed one of General Organa’s dear old friends. Poe should not be cracking jokes. Poe is furious, but brave. Stares Kylo in the face and does not give him the satisfaction. Poe would say “I’ll die before I give you anything.” Kylo will retort “we shall see”
Captain Phasma isn’t wasted potential and is featured as much as Hux and Kylo Ren. Phasma leading The Stormtroopers in every scene, shows up with Kylo and Hux to their audience with Snoke and after discovering FN-2187′s betrayal and defection, she makes it her personal mission to hunt him down for desertion and betraying the FIrst Order. In my honest opinion I would have rather of seen Captain Phasma been the one fighting Finn on Takodana instead of FN-2199 /TR-8R. It makes sense. It gives Finn an enemy to fight, his former Captain and leader who ordered atrocities that Finn could not commit and had compassion for his team members and Phasma wanting to show no mercy to traitors. Phasma would be winning the fight and nearly delivers the killing blow(let’s be honest Phasma would win the fight) until Han knocks Phasma out cold with Chewie’s bowcaster. Phasma recovers and returns to Starkiller Base and is captured by Finn and Han. This scene in the movie is what bothered me with how she was handled the most While she is said to be completely devoted to The First Order, she is so easily intimidated into turning the shield generator off. I don’t see this happening with the character they were trying to establish. What I would do instead is Phasma would activate the security alarm. “Oh did you say deactivate the shields? I thought you said alert everyone to your presence. Good luck.” Han, Finn and Chewie are forced to improvise and deactivate the shields themselves and make a quick escape.
Kylo Ren is shown to be strong and Finn is given an equal fight against Kylo Ren. During the fight Finn uses his tactical experience to outsmart him instead of just getting toyed with. Hell, we could even have Finn being able to be on par with Kylo and Finn starts to win the duel, but Kylo gets a upperhand and disarms Finn and renders him unconscious. But not to the point where Finn is in a coma. Rey does wield the lightsaber and Kylo and Rey have their fight. However one thing that needs to change is Rey needs to lose. There is no tension if the villain of your movie is easily beaten easily. Kylo is able to call upon the dark side to easily overpower Rey and he is about to win. But before he can land a killing blow or abduct Rey, Chewbacca comes to the rescue and keeps unloading Bowcaster bolts. Despite how many shots Chewie fired, we see one final shot of Rey and Finn looking at Kylo glaring at them in the Falcon and as they fly away, Kylo finally collapses. Showing this is how powerful he is when injured, so imagine him at his peak.
When returning to D’Qar, instead of Rey hugging Leia, Rey and Finn are both rushed to the medic. Meanwhile. Leia, Lando and Chewie all hug each other. Chewie lets out something sad in Shyriiwook that is basically saying “Han...he’s gone” and Leia will respond “I know”
After they’ve both fully recovered Rey and Finn part ways.  Rey is headed for Luke, while Finn decides he needs to stay with the Resistance as he believes they need him and he can finally do something good now that he’s free. They part ways. Rey will give the same line to him “We'll see each other again. I believe that. Thank you, my friend.” as they hug and part ways. 
The Last Jedi
We would see a memorial for Han before the evacuation of D'Qar. Leia would give a eulogy for Han, everyone in the Resistance except for Finn and Lando would give their part in remembering Han. Leia can properly mourn for Han and while that’s going on have the scene from the graphic novel of Luke mourning Han.
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Rey and Luke have a great mentor and apprentice relationship. The biggest mistake is not having a teacher-student relationship between Luke and Rey. It’s understandable that Luke would be hesitant towards Rey after his nephew’s betrayal and the fall of his Jedi Order. While Rey and Kylo Ren’s force bond is interesting, I honestly feel like it is more important to have the bond be about Luke and Rey. It should be about training Rey and establishing a relationship between Luke and her. It was said their relationship would be the heart of the film, so my suggestion is do just that. Focus on Rey and Luke having an actual relationship with each other and her training. Rey needs to be trained in the force to be a believable character. Even Anakin, Ahsoka, and Luke himself were given training and time to become skilled and powerful. Instead of just copying Yoda and old man Obi’s personality into him, do something we have never seen before in a Jedi Master in the movies: make Luke humorous, lighthearted, make Luke lecture Rey ON the importance of attachments and understanding the darkness just as much is the light. It would also create a parallel to what Snoke is teaching Kylo. Have Luke show Rey how to feel the force. Even show Luke teaching Rey to craft her own Lightsaber. Rey could finally make her Saberstaff with Yellow or Purple Crystal and teach Rey that attachments can lead you to the dark side if you let them, but they won't lead you to darkness if you control your emotions.
Luke is in exile for the same reasons, but explains to Rey he did not leave behind a map. There were many people looking for him, Mon Mothma went in search of him to bring hope back to the galaxy and the First Order searched for the map to kill him, but Luke came to the island because he believes many of the problems of the galaxy were the fault of the Jedi. And Ben’s fall was part of why he went into exile. 
One thing I am keeping is Rey is a nobody, but that’s not the reveal. I am keeping this is because it works in the context of The Force Awakens. In the trailers for TFA, whenever asked about who she is, Rey says “I’m no one” Rey Nobody WORKS. The only problem however is Rey needed to be told that she was a nobody. Rey already knew who her parents are. Rey never thought or wanted her parents to be important in TFA, she was literally going to pass up adventure and being important to stay on Jakku because she just wanted her family to come home. She didn't need or want them to be important. The audience did. The reveal is this. Rey killed her parents.
While We see Rey and Luke’s mentor and apprentice relationship. We will see Kylo Ren and Snoke’s relationship as master and apprentice. The first scene with Snoke and Kylo Ren absolutely makes no sense. Snoke said that he would complete Kylo’s training when he told Hux to bring Kylo Ren to him at the end of TFA. Yes, he did fail him and he sensed his father in him, but the training would help snuff the light out.  We would see Snoke personally train Kylo himself. Snoke begins by telling Kylo the Sith code ” Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” even show Snoke telling his apprentice both the Jedi and Sith codes are what hold them back and teaching the flaws of both religions. And that both the Jedi and Sith must be destroyed to truly maintain supremacy of the force. Snoke teaching him the ways of the dark side, using torture and force lightning to draw Kylo’s rage to bring out his full potential in the dark side of the force. We needed to see Sith training. We never once got to see it, so we needed to see it with Snoke and Kylo Ren. And Snoke gives his apprentice one final test. Bring the scavenger to him.
A young actor plays young Ben in the flashbacks. I just did not think it worked to have Adam Driver to play young Ben, the man is 34! Ben Solo was said to stave off the dark side until he was a young adult, so in my opinion, Finn Wolfhard and Owen Teague should have played Ben Solo in the flashbacks. Finn as Ben as a child and Owen as a teen. They both look like a young Ben Solo so it really works. 
More flashbacks of Ben and Luke. Show flashback of Ben being sent away with Luke and his farewell with Leia. Show better memories he had with Luke and show that not everything was bad with his family. They could not save him from Snoke, but show they never truly gave up on Ben. Show Ben’s relationship with the students who would become The Knights Of Ren and show they are his best friends and they would fight and die for Ben
Ben Solo’s reason for betraying his family and murdering the Jedi should NOT be because his parents were neglecting him or Luke tried to kill him. I can never seeing that happen with either character. Han and Leia were wonderful parents in the old EU, the thought that they would be bad parents is just bad writing. Even more bad writing is the thought of Luke who always saw the good in his father would try to kill his nephew. Han and Leia did not give Ben to his uncle because they were afraid of him, they gave him to Luke so Luke could help him. What I would change about how Ben Solo became Kylo Ren is, I would have it that Ben found out thanks to the New Republic that Vader was his grandfather and his family never told him and felt betrayed and just snapped. He has been trying to destroy everything they have built and finishing what Darth Vader started
Give The First Order a backstory and motivation. The biggest mistake about the Sequel Trilogy is there is no motivation on why we have to care for this war to begin with. The First Order is evil for the sake of being evil and we are told and expected to root for the Rebels Resistance. Here’s how I would give The First Order a motivation. First I would have Luke tell Rey the story of The First Order, while Leia tells the same to Finn. Since The Empire were based off the Nazis and the Military Industrial Complex/Nixon. I would take inspiration from Operation Paperclip and  inspiration from how the US Government uses terrorist groups to fight an enemy and then the group turns on them after the government needs an enemy to fight. So say The New Republic did not want to militarize again and fight a threat in the Unknown Regions, which could be the Yuuzhan Vong. So despite Leia’s protests, they decided to enlist the Imperial Admirals, Generals and officers to create a fringe group of  an Imperial movement to fight the Yuuzhan Vong. They succeed but there is a problem, the public sees the Imperials as heroes and the new Republic see them as a threat. Again ignoring Leia’s warning, the senators of the New Republic has now labeled The Imperials as terrorists and the new Republic nearly destroys this Imperial movement they flee into the Unknown Regions with nowhere to go. The Imperial Remnant is at death’s door when all hope is lost, Snoke offers them revenge. Snoke offers them the resources of the Unknown Regions. Snoke offers them purpose and the destruction of the New Republic. That is how I would explore the origins and the motivation of The First Order. They want revenge and simply want to exist. Phasma joined because she saw strength and order. Hux joined because of his father and Ben joined because he saw The First Order were heroes and had the best interests of the galaxy. Leia has no choice but to clean up the mess of the New Republic.
There is a battle over D’Qar between The Raddus and The Finalizer. No bad humor between Poe and Hux, just an all out war between The Resistance And The First Order. We see Jessika and Black Squadron, Tallie, Paige and Cobalt Squadron(only Cobalt Squadron would be comprised of Y-Wings and A-Wings) Eventually as we see the majority of the Tie Fighters wiped out and The Finalizer crippled and we all think The Resistance has won, it happens. The Supremacy comes out of hyperspace and with it, Kylo Ren in The Silencer. The Silencner wipes all the fighters, but Jessika, Paige and Talllie, they make a retreat. 
Finn knows about the Supremacy’s tracker and asks everyone for capable engineers, which prompts Paige to recommend her sister Rose.  
Finn is a big deal in the Resistance. It is shown through cut material that Finn was in Cobalt Squadron uniform. Have Finn be with Paige, have Paige and Finn have a short friendship(this actually gives Ngo Thanh Van speaking lines), Paige being in awe that Finn, someone who escaped The First Order helped The Resistance destroy Starkiller Base is working with him and she is more than happy to show him the ropes. They are co-pilots of a Y-Wing(those bombers were stupid and we all know it) Finn was able to save Paige from dying in space and instead she dies in his arms while leaving a bloody handprint on his heart, working as a callback to when Slip died in Finn’s arms and left a bloody handprint on his helmet and her last words being “tell my sister I love her.”
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Finn and Rose. Something I would improve is the relationship between Finn and Rose. Finn seeks out Rose to give her Paige’s pendant and for her help for his mission. Rose breaks down and hugs Finn. Both Finn and Rose have a good relationship at this point and there is no pointless hostility. Finn and Rose tells the plan to disabled the Hyperspace tracker to Leia, Lando and Holdo. They don’t like it, but they don’t see any other option. More on Finn and Rose. Their relationship would be better developed. During their flight to Canto Bight we would get a scene of the two talking about their families. Finn would say he was taken from his family by The First Order and never really knew them. Rose empathizes with Finn’s trauma and acknowledge that they are both cut from the same cloth. Rose and Paige lost their family and home and Finn lost his family and home, they have something in common and a reason to fight for The Resistance and against The First Order.
Finn and Rose’s mission. Their mission is to meet the Master Codebreaker. And that’s what they do. They do not meet DJ, no they successfully get the Master Codebreaker. Benico Del Toro would be playing the Master Codebreaker. The Master Codebreaker reveals he is on Canto Bight for a stake out to sabotage a warlord and stop him. But he would agree to put that mission on pause to help The Resistance as he owes Lando an old favor. However Finn doesn’t feel it’s right to gain his help in exchange for nothing, so Finn and Rose would agree to help him. After completing his mission, they go to infiltrate the Supremacy and continue the mission to disable the Hyperspace Hacker. They are successful, but unfortunately they are caught while trying to make their escape.
BB-9E is Kylo’s personal droid
Kylo and Rey’s scenes remain the same. Only when asked why he killed Han and why he hated him. Kylo will say. “I didn’t hate Han Solo....I loved him. I wanted to be like him. I killed him because I thought it would help me. I was being torn apart by the weight of the light and dark sides of the force and I thought killing him would help me. It did not, it only made things worse.” Kylo shows remorse for killing Han.
Luke Skywalker does not give up, mentors Rey and fights the First Order. My problem with Luke in TLJ is he just gives up. Luke ALWAYS saw the light within Anakin. Darth Vader was evil and committed atrocities for decades but he saved and redeemed his father.  But he gave up on Ben because he saw Snoke’s influence on Ben and instead of helping him like Luke would actually do and what Leia wanted Luke to do, he goes with the intention of killing him but stops with the shame. Luke would never consider igniting his lightsaber preparing to kill a family member. Let alone his sisters son. Luke just gives up. Period.  He does not even care that his sister’s life and the Resistance she is leading is in danger and condemns the galaxy to darkness. So instead what happens is Luke trains Rey(as I said above) when her training is nearly complete. Luke senses Leia is in danger and as Rey believes Ben can turn, Luke decides he must go and save his sister. Both Rey and Luke part ways.
Kylo kills Snoke and they fight the Praetorian Guard together, only it is better choreographed and no bad editing.
Ben after feeling his mother in danger decides to call off the fleet. Rey asks Ben to join her and come home. Ben doesn't believe he can go back after all the horrible things he’s done. But Rey simply tells him  "The light has always been there, it’s calling to you. Just let it in already. Let me in." Rey then takes his gloves off and offers her hand and Ben takes it. But he then tells her to leave as he feels “it’s too late for me, I am already too far gone” he then takes the title of Supreme Leader.
After Finn and Rose successfully disables The Supremacy, They are captured by Phasma and Hux. Phasma and Hux has them at their mercy. Lining Finn, and Rose up for execution. Hux tells Phasma not to kill Finn, to let him take his place as FN-2187. Hux will tell Finn “you were once one of our best soldiers, I even saw you with potential to be a captain, you can be that great soldier for The First Order again. All I ask is you wipe this Resistance filth from the galaxy.”  Finn of course refuses by saying “I’m Finn, I’m a big deal in the Resistance, Rebel Scum”, so Hux tells Stormtroopers to escort him for "rehabilitation. These Stormtroopers Finn convinces to rebel and next thing you know Finn is leading a Stormtrooper rebellion to save Poe and Rose and Finn and Phasma have their fight. It ends similarly to that deleted scene. With nearly all the Stormtroopers in the are to throwdown their helmets and rebel against Phasma. As the hyperspace ram happens, Everyone is knocked out. As Finn and Rose awakens, they see Phasma leave in a shuttle.
Do not kill off Phasma and once again do nothing with her. While I love that we got to see Phasma and Finn fight, again they did not do anything with Phasma. We needed to see Phasma be great in the movie. Show Phasma doing more. Show Phasma leading the charge against The Resistance. Show her obsession of wanting to personally execute Finn for his betrayal. Phasma is Ahab and Finn is her moby dick. 
As Rey is drawing away the TIES, Lando makes the call to call off the speeder run. Finn reluctantly agrees as he knows the speeders would melt before even denting the mini death star.
Luke appears before Leia and the Resistance. Luke is able to confront The First Order and then Ben. It remains the same, only that Luke wields the green lightsaber and it’s a real lightsaber fight between uncle and nephew.
Rey returns and meets Rose and embraces Finn in a hug. 
The movie ends with Rey asking Leia “how can we rebuild the Resistance from all this?” Leia will put their hands on Rey’s hands and say “we have everything we need”
Episode IX
It will be renamed A New Order
Palpatine will not be returning.
The focus of the movie will be about The First Order. Hux, Phasma and the Knights Of Ren will be the villains.
TFA. Hux is complete and utter wasted potential. Instead of pointlessly killing him off and making a new Hux, just put the effort into making him an effective villain. Hux had an affinity for technology and contempt for force wielders and force sensitives in general. So I had a thought. What if Hux had technology made to suppress the force so that way a coup against Kylo Ren could be feasable and hell, just give Hux and his soldiers Cortosis Weave armor that way we can actually make Stormtroopers resistant to Lightsabers and actually make them threatening.
Everyone agrees that Phasma was wasted. Since I’ve decided not to kill her off in my TLJ changes. Phasma lived and survived a dead planet. She escaped a trash compactor and an exploding planet all by herself. Her armor is made of spaceship metal and resistant to fire. Her potential was wasted and she deserved to shine.  A cold and calculative embodiment of the First Order would be the perfect villain for the final installment in the Sequel trilogy.
As for how we could implement this Duo. Perhaps one day with a meeting with the heads of The First Order's military. Hux displays Snoke's murder for all to see and displaying it to every soldier and to the Knights Of Ren. Everyone is calling for Kylo's murder and screaming TRAITOR!! And Kylo attempts to use the force to choke the life out of Hux and nothing happens. "Something the matter Ren?" Hux says as he cradles his new Ysalamiri(Ysalamiri were furry, lizard-like tree-dwellers about 50 centimeters in length native to the planet Myrkr, most known for their ability to repel the Force by creating a Force-neutral bubble) Then Phasma arrives with the entire battalion of The First Order. Phasma says "Kylo Ren, you are now relived of your duties as Supreme Leader. Prepare for your execution" Kylo now prepares to kill Phasma with his Lightsaber. Except, nothing happens. His Lightsaber is now useless and he is powerless with the force. Phasma then uses her Cortosis-Weave Baton to pierce through Kylo, severely injuring him and commands the army to open fire! There is something aboard the Star Destroyer that is disrupting his connection to the force. So Kylo has no choice but to make it to the Silencer and escape. Before he can make it to his ship, Hux arrives with the Knights Of Ren. Hux explains. "Did you think me a fool, Ren? Did you think we did not have contingency plans for you pathetic Force Sensitives? You must be thinking, HOW? One Ysalamiri isn't enough to suppress your connection to the force. We've been developing technology for years. Did you think we'd always live under the foot of Snoke and the likes of you? We've been planning on this. Let me explain. Aboard every Star Destroyer now rests a Force Harvester. We found the remains from the remains from an ancient battle from the Clone Wars and have been working to perfection to rebuild and mass produce. We know have everything we need wipe out The Resistance and end The Force's hold over the galaxy." Hux would then call for the Knights Of Ren to kill Kylo, they are now the Knights Of Hux. Before they kill him Hux has a change of heart. "My Knights, do not kill your former master. Let him bring the girl to him. Let him bring FN-2187. Lord Ren or should I say Ben Solo, will bring everyone before us and we will wipe them out in one fell swoop. Ben then leaves in his Tie FIghter, but Hux orders to open fire to make things harder for the former Supreme Leader. Ben is now dying and on a marooned planet. Uses the force bond with Rey to call to her and to call to his mother. 
Phasma plans on killing everyone who is still loyal to Ren and kill those who even dared to show the slightest hesitation in battle. Phasma is cracking down hard to ensure there is no chance another FN-2187 can be born. But Phasma is doing this because she knows Finn is Force Sensitive and she wants to draw him out of hiding so she can execute him.
Hux would then have every known force sensitive child to be abducted in order for the force harvester to drain the living force of all who came into contact with. Which would power up the true super weapon. The Dark Reaper. The Dark Reaper worked by harvesting the Force using the Force Harvester, a device that killed anything within range by draining its Force energy and focusing it into beams that dealt massive damage to any object. However, the Reaper could not harvest a wound in the Force. The wound in the force in question would be Rey.
Hux as Supreme Leader would look like this
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The real truth of Rey is that she is a wound in the force. A wound in the Force, also known as a hole in the Force, was a type of catastrophic disturbance in the Force; it was a weakness in the fabric of the Force, caused by a traumatic event. Rey killing her own parents at such a young age is what caused her to become a wound in the force. Wounds in the Force were created whenever a massive loss of life occurred. All life in the galaxy was interconnected and when a significant number of lives were suddenly ended, the Force sustained a localized injury much like a sentient who had lost a limb. The epicenter of the wound became a dark place, filled with the reverberating echoes of the pain, terror, and suffering of the life forms who had lost their lives. Wounds in the Force were most often centered in astrographical locations where traumatic events took place, such as Malachor V or Alderaan, but they could also form within individuals such as Meetra Surik or Darth Nihilus. That’s why Rey can be connected to others so easily. That’s why Rey and Ben are connected to each other through the force. Sometimes when there is a close connection between two force-sensitive individuals and one of them is killed, the other one can feel it across the whole galaxy. So when Rey felt Ben at death’s door, she felt it across the galaxy.
Before Ben is found. Ben has a moment of clarity. The force ghosts of Luke and Anakin come to him. Luke coming to tell Ben that he did not mean to kill him that night, that he hesitated after realizing what he was about to do. And finally Ben forgives his uncle. Anakin would then tell his grandson “I never wanted you to repeat my mistakes. That pull to the light you were feeling was always me. I wanted you to be better than I was, who I could have been” and showing Ben his memories and what he had to go through. His life as a slave, meeting Padme, meeting Obi-Wan, becoming a Jedi, losing his mother, Order 66, losing Padme and being saved by Luke and finally destroying Palpatine And telling Ben “Let the light in. You still have a chance, no one is ever really gone“ Ben Solo is at peace knowing the whole truth about his grandfather and is at peace knowing the truth from his uncle. Ben lets go of the anger and hate and returns to the light. Then Rey finds Ben and flies him to The Resistance.
Rey and Leia would find Ben and bring him to be healed. He would then explain what happened to him and what Hux plans on doing. Everyone is horrified. Finn however feels something else. Explains he feels the deaths of so many Stormtroopers, those who were once loyal to Ben and those who have started to resist. And then Rey and Leia feels something terrible is happening to children awakened by the force. All Leia can say is “The force is dying.” 
Ben will tell everyone in The Resistance. He knows he’s done terrible things in the dark side and with The First Order. He cannot make up with the hurt that he’s caused, he can only move forward, do good and hope the good he’s done can help find his place in the galaxy and earn his family’s, The Resistance and Rey’s trust. Real redemption requires taking responsibility for your actions. It requires doing the slow and painful work of self transformation and it requires regret for past harm inflicted on others. Ben would realize this and move forward and stand with Rey.
Ben would talk to Rey and tell her “I never wanted power, all I wanted was you. You were never nothing, you were everything to me and I love you Rey” Rey then takes Ben’s hand.
Upon Ben’s redemption. Ben repairs his Crossguard Lightsaber to make the hilt white looking and to heal his cracked and corrupted Lightsaber Crystal and after his Lightsaber is now a Purple Crossguard Lightsaber. Ben’s new redeemed Attire looks that like the son of Han Solo
Rey has gained mastery over the Ancient Jedi Texts and constructed a Yellow Saberstaff. Combining her Quarterstaff from Jakku with a new Lightsaber. She has her hair down and has a similar outfit to her TLJ outfit, only 
Rey and Ben would work together to attempt to stop Hux and save the children of the force. 
Finn and Rose are sent on a mission to start a Stormtrooper Rebellion. They go to Phasma’s flagship and Rose helps using her skills to help Finn to broadcast a signal to every Stormtrooper. I think it could be something like this. “My name is Finn, I was FN-2187, a Stormtrooper. Like every one of you, I was taken from a family I will never know. I was raised to do one thing… but my first battle, my friend Slip died and that death marked me and made me realize We are people and we have a choice. I wasn’t gonna kill for them. I had nothing to fight for. Until I met my friends, they gave me a name, a purpose and something worth fighting for.(cue Finn smiling at Rose) So I am here to tell you.  You have a choice. You are people. You do not have to kill for them anymore. Take back your lives and fight the people who took your lives away from you. I am giving you the one choice they never gave you and choose for yourselves. You can either storm this very room and kill us or you can take back your lives. The choice is yours.” Then we get a very emotional scene of Stormtroopers led by Finn’s last surviving Squad member, Zeroes removing his helmet and tossing it to the ground and then we see hundreds, to thousands of Stormtroopers ripping their helmets off and tossing them to the ground. Officers DEMAND they put their helmet back on and kill The Resistance scum, but they don’t. It happens. Rebellion.  Finn and Rose have successfully led a Stormtrooper Rebellion and together burn The First Order from the inside out and Rose could say something that calls back to TLJ. “It was worth it, though. To tear them up, make ‘em hurt.” Finn would embrace Rose in a kiss and say “Now it’s worth it.” And you could’ve had the conclusion to Finn’s story by having Phasma at Finn’s mercy. Phasma begging for her life, saying she will call for The First Order’s complete and unconditional surrender and giving Finn and the rest of the Stormtroopers info of their families and planets. But the defected Stormtroopers want blood. All the Stormtroopers who left the First Order because of Finn are telling him he has to kill Hux while Rose is telling him killing Hux will not be right. Finn makes the decision to spare Hux. Finn tells his brothers and sisters “that’s how we’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.” Inspired by Rose, Finn let’s  go of his past and takes Phasma in alive so he can answer for her crimes. 
Poe, Leia and Lando would rally the entire galaxy to destroy The Force Harvesters and The Dark Reaper. The Resistance fights back hard and one by one the Force Harvesters are destroyed. However only Rey can stop The Dark Reaper.
Rey and Ben together in The Falcon would assault The Dark Reaper. Because Rey is right by his side, he is not affected by The Dark Reaper. And together in the Millennium Falcon, they land the killing blow.  to the dreaded superweapon. The Falcon lands on Hux’s flagship. Rey and Ben would arrive to free the children. Rey guides them all to safety. Before they can get to the Falcon, they are met by the Knights Of Hux. Rey and Ben face them together. It is an even and equal fight. Because of Cortosis-Weave Weapons and armor, Rey and Ben must use their brains and cunning in order to bring the Knights down. So they use the Knights’ weapons against each other.  Upon the destruction of the Dark Reaper and the deaths of the Knights Of Hux, they would have Hux at their mercy. Hux would then demand his own execution. "Go on Solo, we both know you want to kill me. and take back control of The First Order. Take control and kill the Jedi." This is the ultimate tool for Ben's redemption. Does he want power or does he want Rey? He would then be put in a Anakin/Dooku situation from ROTS, he would then do what his grandfather could not do. Show mercy to his enemy. And declare. "I am a Jedi, like my mother and grandfather before me." Hux is then taken to be tried and imprisoned for war crimes against the Galaxy.
The war is over. The First Order is no more. The New Order is established. Think Galactic Federation of Free Alliances from Legends. Lando Calrissian is the Chancellor of the New Order. Leia passed away and is entombed on her home of Chandrilla with Han. Finn leads a program to help properly help his brothers and sisters integrate back into galactic society and to help them all find their families and worlds. Poe would the Minister of Defense, always keeping The New Order’s Military strong and on their toes so they can prepare them for whatever threat there is to come. Finn and Rose got married and Rose leads a sanctuary for all the children and animals who have lost their families due to the war and helps take care of them, but also Rose would lead an attack on arms dealers and war profiteers who have profited off the war and suffering of the galaxy. In time, Rose and Finn would bring relief and restoration to Hays Minor and together Finn and Rose Tico would return home and have a family. I believe that Rey and Ben would get married on Naboo, have their honeymoon on Chandrilla, then setting down on Mortis to reform the Prime Jedi and balance the Force while raising their family. Basically Rey and Ben would either gain a peaceful life on Naboo or build a New Order where both sides of the force can come together in order to achieve balance, where they can love freely and use their passions and compassion for the good of the force without suppressing their emotions and I think the best place for this new Order to take place would be on Mortis. 
11 notes · View notes
erienne1983 · 7 years
200 (so far...) reasons to ship McDanno. (Now updated with the season 8 reasons: 200 reasons, to celebrate the fact that with season 9 Hawaii Five-0 will reach the milestone of 200 episodes)
Hi! Today I bring a gift to the McDanno fandom, courtesy of a lovely fan I met on twitter, @elsitaa, who asked me for a little help on a very nice project she had: watch every episode of Hawaii Five-0 and write of a list of all the reasons to ship McDanno. Season after season, she sent me a list and, believe me, after seven season the list was VERY long, but we managed to sort-out all the reasons and pick those that seemed more important to us. Now the list counts 150 reasons to ship McDanno, but this is most of all a wish for the show to make this list much, much longer.Now, I’m posting the list for you, and you are absolutely welcome to comment on it, add your reasons to ship McDanno, if you don’t find them in the list, pick your favorite reasons on the list or even, if you have the skills, make a video about it: feel free to use the list. It’s really just a way to celebrate this wonderful story of love and wish it the best, happiest evolution.
REASONS TO SHIP MCDANNO (150, so far… here’s to many more!) (Now 200 reasons, updated with the season 8 reasons)
1. The first meeting: sparks flying immediately and, most of all, the fact that fate brought them to each other in the worst time of their lives to give each other a reason to be happy again. 
2. Steve starting Five-0 because he found something, or better someone, in that garage: Danny Williams. 
3. Carguments (lovers’ quarrels) since day one. 
4. “Book’em, Danno”, a term of endearment. 
5. Steve’s gift to Danny and Grace to spend some quality time together: three nights at the Kahala Hotel. Just the first of many gifts that show how much they care for each other. 
6. “We are partners”. 
7. Grace telling Steve her dad talks a lot about him. Steve being delighted about it. 
8. Steve talking to the Governor to help Danny when Rachel threatened to bring Danny to court to change the custody deal so Danny couldn’t spend time with Grace. 
9. “Maybe you are not as alone here as you think, Danno”. 
10. “How long you two been married?”, something they have been asked a lot throughout the years. 
11. “You miss me, don’t you?” “Oh, yeah, I wish you were here” … “Are you talking to your wife?” “I’m talking to my partner”.  
12. Steve being next to Danny during the tough time of Meka’s death, helping him clear his name and going to his memorial service to comfort Danny. 
13. That “I know you” that sounded a lot like Steve’s first “I love you” to Danny.
14. The intimacy suggested by things like Danny feeling at home when he’s in Steve’s house and by Steve driving Danny’s car even when Danny is not with him and almost every time when Danny is with him (which means that Danny picks Steve up every morning and changes seat so Steve can drive, just one of their many married couple habits). 
15. “I picked you, didn’t I?”. 
16. Calling each other “Babe”, “Baby” and other cute or funny nicknames they use only for each other. 
17. Following each other no matter what, no matter the risks, no matter the costs. 
18. Repairing the Santa suit together and setting up a nice Christmas party for Grace. 
19. Worrying for each other, being always protective, sometimes overprotective, of each other. 
20. Always thinking about each other when they’re in danger or right after a dangerous situation. The first thing they do in these situations is calling each other’s names.
21. They love spending time together, watching TV series, movies, going out, staying home… everything is good as long as they do it together. 
22. No matter what they’re doing, they always find time for each other. 
23. Steve has a “face”, Danny has a “tone”, they know each other so well they can read each other even when words are not involved. 
24. Steve took Danny on the first ride on his dad’s car (such an important thing for him). 
25. Steve lied to the FBI for Danny so he could get to Matt on his own. 
26. Steve needs to know every last minute detail of Danny’s life, and so does Danny about Steve. 
27. Steve takes Danny for a hike to a special spot where he used to go with his dad. 
28. They care for each other more than they do for themselves. 
29. Danny drawing a heart in the air to tell Steve he loves him. 
30. Steve being simply terrified when Danny gets exposed to sarin.
31.Steve picking up Grace – who calls him “Uncle Steve” - from school to take her to the hospital to see her dad. The way they looked like family in these scenes. 
32. “You know, uh, we have become very close” and their hug after Danny gets released from the hospital. 
33. “My eggs? You love my eggs”, which means that Danny cooks breakfast for Steve. 
34. Danny chose to stay next to Steve even if Rachel was waiting for him at the airport with Grace and pregnant with his baby. Danny makes Steve his priority and this is something absolutely new for Steve. 
35. “I’m gonna get you out of this thing” and he does, helping Steve getting out of jail and clearing his name. 
36. “You're not wearing a tie, it suits you”, Steve loves Danny is not wearing a tie because it’s a sign he feels at home in Hawaii. 
37. Steve always tells Danny what a good dad, cop and man he is. 
38. They are jealous of each other, sometimes they show it, sometimes they try to hide it. “Try” being the keyword here. They just forget how to be subtle when it comes to each other.
39. Steve is incredibly protective of Danny’s kids. Danny knows that very well and trusts Steve to love them as much as he does. 
40. Steve let Danny crash in his house for more than two weeks and wanted him to stay even more so he gave him a pair of headphones to help him with his insomnia. 
41. “I’ll think about you all the time”: Danny being the one to find Steve after being tortured by Wo Fat. 
42. Steve and Danny looking at Charlie through the glass. The way Steve looks at Danny in this scene, with so much love. They don’t know yet that Charlie is Danny’s son, but it’s sweet to think they both were there, sharing this important moment.
43. The incredible intensity of Steve’s emotions during the whole episode where Grace got kidnapped. 
44. Danny taking care of Steve’s house when he was away for his reserve drill.
45. “I’m happy when I’m not with you” “That’s a lie too, you love me”: absolutely no denial coming from Danny.
46. “I’m gonna be your marriage counselor” - Tony Archer, yet another person who notices how married they are. 
47. That whole “Surf buddies” scene, how much they looked like a couple and the way Mary teased them about that.
48. Steve’s “Dear Danno” letter when he left for Japan. 
49. Danny worrying for Steve the whole time he was in Japan (“like a cheerleader's father on prom night”).
50. Danny having a key of Steve’s house, spending the night there when Steve was in Japan, trying to figure out where he is and how to help him. 
51. Danny’s reaction when Steve finally called, his relief and the fact he could feel just from Steve’s voice that he was stressed out, the way he can’t wait and urges Steve to come back as soon as possible. 
52. Danny threatening the CIA guy and warning him not to cause any harm to Steve: “Listen to me… if anything happens to that plane, I promise you I’m gonna find you and I’m gonna kill you”. 
53. “Your problems are my problems”. 
54. The fact that after coming back from Japan Steve will always tell Danny about all his plans and his movements, because he doesn’t want to hurt him and make him worry. 
55. Danny referring to his and Steve’s relationship as “our marriage”: “Over the years our marriage has become predictable”. 
56. Steve took Danny fishing to a secret place where he used to go with his father. He refused to tell about that place to anyone else. 
57. Cuddling on the couch, watching “The Notebook”. 
58. “Steve, get out of here” “Forget about it”: Steve refusing to leave Danny in episode 3.06, willing to die with Danny if the bomb exploded. 
59. “If something happens to me I need you to take care of Grace”, probably the highest proof of trust Danny could ever give to Steve. 
60. The hug after the bomb got defused and the way Steve looks at Danny after that, when he leaves to go to the father-daughter dance. 
61. Danny taking Steve to his daughter camping trip. Again, another of the many occasions they totally look like a family. 
62. “Kelly your dads are here to pick you up”: Steve and Danny being totally fine with people thinking they’re a couple. 
63. “You, uh, you look, uh, very nice-- suit and tie; that's good.” “It's for you. Wore it for you” Steve wearing his dress blues just for Danny, Danny fixing Steve’s tie for him. 
64. “Thank you very much for being here. It means a lot”: Danny thanking Steve for being there for Danny for Grace’s custody hearing. 
65. “He's my friend, he's my close friend-- and, uh I've seen him with his daughter. He's a great father. He's actually the kind of father we all wish we had”. 
66. The fact that they trust each other since the first day and never betrayed that trust. 
67. Steve and Danny wanting to go to Pro Bowl together, Danny turning down the chance to meet one of his favorite players because Steve hurt his shoulder and Danny needed to be with him. 
68. “How’s my boy?”: the way they call each other “my boy” multiple times. 
69. Steve surrendering to the terrorists only when they held a gun against Danny. 
70. “I have your back, always”. 
71. Training Grace’s softball team together: “We love Uncle Steve very much, right?”
72. “You gonna get an evidence bag, or are you gonna put that thing on?” Just one of the many times they shamelessly flirted with each other. 
73. Steve and Danny’s time with Steve’s niece, Joanie, especially the scene where Danny tells Joanie a fairy tale that has as main characters Steve and Danny (and we so hope their fairy tale will have the happiest ending ever!) 
74. Talking to the phone about Danny’s dad’s middle life crisis like a married couple and then Steve asking the Governor, thinking it was Danny, “What, did you forget to tell me how much you miss me?”. 
75. Danny being there for Steve when he finds about aunt Deb being sick. 
76. The many ways they prove there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for each other, to protect each other, to be there when the other needs help, support, comfort. Their matching scars are probably the most beautiful proof of what they’re willing to do for each other. 
77. “There’s the guy I know and love”. 
78. The way Steve screams Danny’s name after the building collapses in 4.19, one of the many times they prove they can’t bear the thought of losing each other.
79. The way Steve helps Danny with his wound and getting through his panic attack. 
80. “I really, really, from the bottom of my heart, hate you so much” “I love you too, pal”. 
81. “When we were in there, you said, uh you know, before you did the thing with the bomb, you said what you said. I want you to know, I I feel the same way.” “How is that exactly?” “Gonna make me say it? Come here. I love you.” “I love you, buddy”: the mutual I love yous and their hug after they get rescued. 
82. Danny going to Afghanistan for Steve when he got kidnapped by the Taliban.
83. When in Afghanistan, even if Danny tends to imagine the worst scenarios happening, he just knows Steve’s alive: “Because I know him, trust me, he’s alive”. Like for many other things, Steve is Danny’s only exception.
84. Danny is the first thing Steve sees when he wakes up.
85. Danny refusing to leave Steve’s side: “No, no, I’m gonna stay right here with him”. 
86. “Why are you looking at me that way?” “I can’t believe you flew all this way”. Steve’s disbelief every time he realizes the lengths Danny is willing to go for him, he’s not used to feel this important for someone, to feel he’s a priority in someone’s life. 
87. Going to couples therapy together. 
88. Steve knowing the exact amount of time he and Danny have known each other. 
89. Danny pulling Steve’s wheelchair at the end of episode 5.01, like the caring husband he is… just one of the many caring attentions they have for each other.
90. Steve being there for Danny during the whole Matt situation, the “that’s why I love you buddy” scene in 5.04. 
91. Steve needing to be there for Danny and to comfort him after they found out Matt was dead, the phone call scene when Danny was in New Jersey with his family and the scene on Danny’s special spot when Danny came back. 
92. The AU episode, that proved how special Steve and Danny are for each other in any universe. 
93. The rescue scene, Danny’s fear, then his relief. His sweetness through the whole scene, the way he comforted Steve. 
94. All the coupley things they do together, like sitting next to each other at Aunt Deb’s wedding, buying a Christmas tree together, spending the holidays together and many, many more things. 
95. Steve training with Grace and talking about how Danny will be as an old man, this is a thing Steve frequently does, he’s sure he and Danny will grow old together. 
96. “You’re a half-baked cookie. Soft, gooey on the inside…That’s why I love you, babe. You, uh, like fixing broken toys”, one of the most beautiful declarations of love they shared. 
97. The stakeout episode, especially Steve opening up to Danny about the panic attack he had when he was about to play the guitar in front of a room full of people and Danny buying a guitar for Steve so he’ll get to play that song he never got to play.
98. Danny hands himself to the Colombians to protect Steve, who was there with him when he killed Reyes. Steve asks to go through all this with Danny, but Danny doesn’t let him and asks him to be there for Grace. 
99. “You have to believe in your father. Your dad, he’s the best man I know, and everything he does, he does to protect the people he loves… I promise you, I promise you kid, I’m gonna bring Danno home”, a promise that he keeps. 
100. Steve is the first person Danny talks to as soon as he knows the truth about Charlie being his son. Steve supports and encourages Danny through it all. 
101. The way Danny lets only three people in the world call him Danno: Grace, Charlie and Steve. 
102. Danny trying to protect Steve from being hurt by Catherine, he wants him happy and doesn’t want him to get hurt. The same way Steve can’t stand the idea of Rachel hurting Danny… most of all, Steve and Danny want each other’s happiness. In a wonderful deleted scene of episode 1.24, when they talk about Danny’s relationship with Rachel, Steve says that perfectly: “I don't want you to get hurt, okay? I just want you to be happy, Danny, that's all." 
103. Danny and Steve saving everybody and each other once again during the nuclear bomb emergency, talking again about spending the rest of their lives together (“looking at your bald head for the rest of my life”), that’s something they say frequently (“I'm gonna have to listen to this for the rest of my life, aren't I?), it’s like they just know they’re going to be together forever).
104. Steve and Danny dancing together during Kono and Adam’s wedding. 
105. Steve being always there for Danny and Charlie during the medical procedure to save Charlie. 
106. Steve always thinking of ways to make Danny happy, for example getting him Jerry Rice’s autograph, but it’s a pattern he follows many other times, when something good happens he always needs to share it with Danny. 
107. Danny being unable to say I love you to Melissa, because when he says that he needs to really mean it… and he says it all the time to Steve. 
108. Danny saving Steve’s life when they’re undercover and Steve gets shot, landing the plane on the beach and then giving half of his liver to Steve. The super emotional scene of the transplant, with “Stand by me” playing the whole time. 
109. Steve realizing what Danny did for him after the transplant and Danny saying he needed a new liver, so of course he gave it to him. It’s clearly an incredibly big gesture, but for Danny is just something natural, of course he would do anything for Steve. 
110. Steve thanking Danny for what he did for him, touching his heart to show how he feels, because probably words aren’t enough. The way they say I love you to each other and Steve finally following Danny’s advice to take some rest because he needs it and Danny is worried for him. 
111. Danny asking Steve how he feels when they get back on a helicopter for the first time after Steve got shot and almost killed. Just another proof of how careful Danny is and how he can read Steve even when he doesn’t say or show how he feels. 
112. The way they care about each other all the time and want to stay always in touch when they’re not together, they seem to spend a lot of time on the phone when Danny is not in Hawaii. 
113. All the ways Steve proves he loves Danny’s kids as if they’re his own. One of the most beautiful scenes is the reunion with Grace in the winter formal episode. 
114. “I’m so happy to see you right now, I’ll give you a hug, I’ll give you a kiss, pick a base”, the way they hug each other, like a family. 
115. Bridget telling Steve Danny talks a lot about him and that their mother thinks Steve is a great catch... but Bridget is already married, so she must think Steve would be a great catch for Danny. A good mother always wants the best for his son, right? 
116. Steve getting Danny to touch him on his lower back to prove his point about Bridget’s colleague… they touch each other all the time, so what does that mean, Danny? 
117. Steve telling Danny he knows what he means when he talks about having feelings for your partner. 
118. “You don’t have to dance with me tonight”, again, so much flirting all the time. 
119. Danny knowing Steve so well he can read his body language perfectly: “Oh, you know your boy well”. 
120. The way they struggle to be romantic and spontaneous with their girlfriends, but not with each other, that comes perfectly natural. 
121. Steve and Danny looking like a couple during the whole “staycation” episode, much more than they do with their girlfriends. 
122. Steve needing to tell Danny he loves him in case things go wrong with the dirty bomb.
123. Steve comparing his relationship with Danny to the relationship Danny had with Rachel when they were married. 
124. Steve asking Danny to call his restaurant Steve’s, so they will always be together (My wish is that they’ll decide to call it McDanno’s, or something that addresses both of them anyway). 
125. The way Steve looks at his Ohana, but especially at Danny, when he’s worried after talking to Lou about the fact that the bomb was meant to kill the team. This scene, like many others, shows Danny is the most important person for Steve. 
126. Steve being against the idea of Danny and Rachel getting back together (the way he says “no!” when Harry asks Danny if he’s thinking of getting back with Rachel).
127. Steve and Danny preparing Charlie’s room together. 
128. Steve always implying that he wants to be part of Danny’s retirement plans, whatever they are. 
129. Steve telling Charlie his dad built his bed for him. “Danno is the greatest” “He really is the greatest, isn’t he?”
130. “Race in the morning?”, Steve asks Charlie, which means he’s going to spend the night at Danny’s. 
131. Steve gave Danno a home, Danny gave Steve a family, episode 7.23 is another wonderful proof of that and how much they’re meant to be together, it’s like the universe conspired to bring them together. 
132. “I’m very overprotective”, Danny says, and that’s true: he’s overprotective when it comes to the three most important people in his life: Grace, Charlie and Steve, his family. 
133. Steve tells Danny his relationship with Rachel is not healthy, he sounds angry and jealous, but most of all worried about Danny. 
134. Steve buying a chef’s hat for Danny and telling him before he jumps on the truck. 
135. Danny is touched about the gesture but is also worried because Steve’s plan is reckless, and he tries to express how he feels wishing Steve good luck and telling him he’s going to be there when he’ll open his restaurant, he’s not going to die. 
136. The way this exchange: “Thank you for the hat, seriously” “You’re welcome, seriously” felt like an exchange of I love yous. 
137. “The last thing on earth I want to do is hurt your feelings”. 
138. Leaving the scene together, hugging each other, they’re not afraid of showing their affection for each other in front of other people. 
139. The whole scene at the end of the episode, where Steve tells Danny about his health issues, tells him “I love you”, and Danny is just there, speechless, because he’s too scared and worried for Steve. 
140. Danny’s always comparing Steve with James Bond or some superheroes, because that’s the way he sees him. 
141. They’re each other’s medical emergency contact. 
142. They met each other’s family members, all of them who recognize their bond and seem to be aware of their feelings for each other. 
143. They’re basically co-parenting Grace and Charlie. 
144. There’s no personal space between them. 
145. They always touch each other, sometimes it’s like they don’t even realize that, because it’s something that comes so naturally. 
146. The way they look and smile at each other. 
147. They’re frequently in sync when they talk, move, think. 
148. They always prove the love they have for each other, with words, but most of all with facts and gestures. 
149. Everybody knows. 
150. They know, too, they just have to admit it and finally give themselves a chance to be happy together.
Sooo, Elsita and I updated this list, adding all the reason to ship McDanno season 8 gave us, we chose to make this a list of 200 reasons, and the number is evidently not casual: we want to celebrate the fact that, with season 9, Hawaii Five-0 will reach the milestone of 200 episodes. May the future episodes be wonderful and make us McDanno shippers happy... may they make Steve and Danny happy, together!
151. “You keep saying "we”. Who you talking about? Who's the "we"? Us?” 
“We. Us. We. I'm asking you to be my partner in this restaurant.” 
“You want me?” 
“What, do I gotta spell it out? Yes.” Every important, meaningful part of Danny's life, every project, every thought and hope about the present and the future, is indissolubly tied to Steve. Just as much as every important, meaningful part of Steve's life, every project, every thought and hope about the present and the future, is indissolubly tied to Danny. They chose to work on a dream, together, a life project that takes time, effort, patience, love. And they’ll do amazing things together.
152. The restaurant started as Danny’s dream, but, once Danny asked Steve to be part of it, Steve was fully in, it became their dream, and Steve started to refer to it that way: “our dream”. 
153. Steve was the one who signed the commercial lease agreement, he put all his mind and heart, enthusiasm and hopes in this project. With their combined efforts and all this love as foundation, it will be a success for sure.
154. Their smiles, their eyes full of dreams, the way they hold each other’s hands so tightly as they think about their future together and start to make it real.
155. Steve’s words: “I believe in you, I believe in us and it’s all that matters. Right?”. They have their skills, their passion, their love. They have each other. There’s nothing they can’t do, as long as they’re together.
156. The way Danny talks to Tani about Steve is simply one of the most beautiful declarations of love ever. Every word is full of pride, admiration, gratitude, love.
157. Steve and Danny are two “sensitive flowers” and they love each other because of that.
158. Steve comparing being partners to being married: “You asked me to be your business partner. It's like a marriage. It's gotta be 50/50 if it's gonna work.”
159. The super domestic scene where Steve and Danny discuss Steve adopting Eddie. Danny feels so much part of Steve’s house, he knows Steve’s favorite cereal bowl, Steve cooks and sets the table for two. You can feel Danny belongs to that place as much as Steve, and the same things goes for Danny’s place: it’s not just Danny’s home, but also Steve’s.
160. The way they can’t help smiling when they see the “McDanno’s” t-shirts brought by Kamekona, even if they don’t fit the classy ideas they have in mind for the restaurant, but that logo, that name… how can you resist?
161. “The constant bickering you two engage in. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's clearly coming from a place of love. That's why you're going into the restaurant trade together. Can't bear to be apart, right?”. Like the observant man he is, Harry immediately understood why it’s so important for Steve and Danny to work on this dream and achieve it together: they can’t even consider not being part of each other’s life, not getting to spend every day next to each other, doing something they love together, like they did since they met each other and like they plan to do in the future.
162. Danny keeps wearing the chef’s hat Steve bought for him, it certainly holds a special value for him.
163. The way Steve texts Danny to tell him about what happened to Toast, the way Steve smiles when Danny calls Hawaii “home”.
164. The way Danny shows up at Steve’s on Halloween, planning to scare him by wearing a mask, the fact that Grace left a pumpkin at Steve’s in case some kids showed up… they created their own traditions, they are a family,
165. Danny going to Steve’s place in the morning, finding him swimming with Eddie, the way Steve tells Eddie to shake to get Danny all wet, the way they smile at each other, the way they laugh together.
166. After Steve told Danny he got diagnosed with radiation poisoning, Danny got so worried he couldn’t stop thinking about that, he did some research, he studied and wanted Steve to listen to all the things he found out, he organized an intervention to insure Steve would take those advises more seriously. 
167. Later, in the same episode, Danny opens up his heart even more: ““I lay up at night, I’m sick about it. I can’t sleep”. The things he says, the way he says them, so much love in every word.
168. The way Steve immediately notices when Danny tries to change his attitude and simply hates it, because he wouldn’t want Danny any other way, he thinks he’s perfect just the way he is. “Please, whatever she said to you, don't do that. Don't change. I love you, man, the way you are.”
169. The way the dialogue at the end of episode 8x06 is a beautiful declaration of love, with so many things unsaid, so many ways to say “I love you” even without actually saying so, and that goes for many scenes between them: every word, every gesture, every moment they’re there for each other… they keep saying “I love you” all the time, they keep proving it, all the time.
170. Lou telling Steve: “why don’t you listen to your boy, you know he loves you”. Like everyone who knows them, Lou knows how much Danny loves Steve and cares for him, and vice versa.
171. The way Steve manages to always talk about Danny even when he’s not there, like when he talks with Adam once he’s back in Hawaii.
172. The way they totally look and sound like a couple in episode 8x08: “I got you, babe”, “Were you worried about me, Danny?”, “Thank you, I love you”.
173. The way they walk arm-in-arm at the end of the same episode, it makes you think also about the end of episode 7x25. Love how comfortable they are with each other even when they’re in public.
174. The way Steve looks at Danny and softly touches him while he suffers the effects of the virus, the way he takes care of him.
175. The way Danny is the first one Steve looks at as soon as the antidote is in his hands. Danny always comes first, he’s his priority.
176. The fact that when Danny says “I want to tell you something, I want to talk to you…” and Steve stops him, it clearly makes you feel as if they were going to confess their feelings to each other, but they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to think it’s over (and they’re right about that) and they’re still scared…
177. When Danny dreams about the restaurant, Steve is the one who tells him: “Grandma Williams right now is smiling down on you, boy”, such a beautiful, touching line, full of the emotions and so meaningful. With that line, Steve explained things so well: this dream is rooted in Danny’s past, in those sweet, loud memories, in those handed down recipes, is anchored in Danny’s present, the way he loves now, the man he became, is anchored in Steve, who shares this dream with him, is projected in the future, their future.
178. Steve is also the one who tastes Danny’s recipe (Danny feeds him in such an intimate gesture), and we all know why Danny had Steve try the recipe: because his opinion is the one that matter the most for him.
179. When Steve comes in the kitchen he says there is “another full house”… yes, our pessimistic Danny is no more pessimistic: in his dream the restaurant is a big success. Deep down, he knows that he and Steve, together, are capable of accomplishing anything.
180. That “Serve ‘em, Danno”. If we think that at first Danny pretended he didn’t like to be called that, because it was just something between him and Grace … now, it keeps being something between him and the three most important people in his life: Grace, Charlie and Steve. 
181. In Danny’s dream, Grace and Will’s wedding takes place at Steve’s house. Truly heartwarming detail.
182. Danny also dreams about Charlie graduating at the police academy. When Steve says Charlie told him he’s his role model and Danny protests a bit… that’s actually Danny’s thought, let’s not forget that everything in these dream scenes comes from Danny’s mind and heart: he thinks Steve will be Charlie’s role model, he has no doubt about it. He knows Charlie will become the man we saw in this scene because of him, but also because of Steve. And that’s one of the greatest proof of trust and esteem Danny could ever give to Steve, along with that “If something happens, I need you to take care of Grace”, back in episode 3x06.
183. The fact that Steve and Danny wear matching crazy colorful socks in Danny’s dream… a sign, maybe?
184. Danny imagining Steve and himself as old men in a scene that suggests they will live together at some point.
185. He imagines his granddaughter wanting to become a cop, asking him if he would change anything about his life. He imagines himself telling her he wouldn’t change anything. He wouldn’t change anything about that life that brought him to grow old with Steve. 
186. There’s a light that hides Steve’s ring finger in the one moment where we could see. Maybe Danny is still afraid of giving a name, a definition, to what he feels and what all these things he dreams mean?
187. The fact that in Danny’s dreams there aren’t any girlfriends or wives, just him and Steve. No need for anyone else when you found your perfect match, your soulmate, right?
188. Steve operating on Danny and saving his life. A good way to thank him for giving him half his liver, don’t you think?
189. Steve referring to the procedure saying “if I didn't put my finger inside of you, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now…”… everyone seems to catch the double meaning… everyone but Steve and Danny, of course!
190. The way Danny added Steve’s stocking to his and his children’s ones, one of the many things Danny does to make Steve feel like he belongs - something that Steve craved his whole life.
191. Danny didn’t add a stocking for Melissa. Later in the season we will have Steve saying he’s still keeping things casual with Lynn… they know these women for years now, but they never made things more serious, they’ve never made them truly part of their life. Why? Deep down they know those relationships are not meant to be? Those relationships don’t make them truly happy? There are no commitment issues, just look how committed Steve and Danny are to each other…I simply think Steve is not in love with Lynn, Danny is not in love with Melissa… and all four of them deserve much more than that. And I honestly think I don’t need any shipper goggles to see what’s objective: Steve and Danny deserve to be together, they’re meant to be together, they’re in love with each other and the fact that they are two men shouldn’t make any difference.
192. How comfortable Steve is, with his sweatpants and no shoes, it makes you think that he’s going to spend the night - it’s Christmas Eve - and be there, on Christmas morning, to open the gifts with Danny and the kids.
193. The way Steve moves around Danny’s house, like he truly belong there… he takes the cookies, pours himself a glass of milk, takes off his shoes… he knows where Danny keeps his emergency key… all of this, because Danny lets him feel like he owns the place, he told him where to find the key… he might as well give him one... well, they might as well start living together, right?
194.  When it comes to think about an ideal fairytale or the story of a Christmas miracle, Steve is always the hero Danny thinks of. Think about it: Danny, the guy who used to always think about the worst case scenario, who thought is not in his DNA to be happy, the guy who, as a kid, if his parents were late coming home, begged God not to take his mom, because he couldn’t live without her, the guy who, on his wedding day with Rachel, could only think of the day she would get him divorce papers… That very man feels just the opposite way when it comes to Steve. When it comes to Steve, In Danny’s mind and heart, they’re both the unconventional princes of a super unconventional fairytale, the not so perfect but so good heroes of a Christmas miracle. When it comes to Steve, Danny believes in the possibility of a happy ending, one that sees them growing old together, making something they love, being happy, successful, fulfilled, together.
195. “Don't let that old curmudgeon fool you. This is his home. He's never gonna leave here.” 
“Oh, he's not gonna leave here because he doesn't want to leave here or because you're not gonna let him?” 
“Both.”: This is what happens when you really love someone. You don’t leave them, and they won’t let you leave.
196: Steve reassuring Danny when he has some doubts about the restaurant: “it’s gonna be awesome, all right?” Yes, it’s going to be awesome, guys.
197. Steve’s reaction when Uncle Vito tells him about the man who shot Danny: Steve’s strongest emotions are always related to Danny… always.
198. At the end of episode 8x22, while Tani talks and says: “… there’s someone out there that supports you. That loves you. Somebody who’s on your side …” we see Steve and Danny working together at the restaurant. Why do I say this scene is so like them? Because these two may not talk much about love, they rather show love, they rather prove love. And they do it every single day, since the first day, and they plan to do so for the rest of their life.
199. The way Steve says “take your shirt off” to Danny in episode 8x23: Basically what we get from this scene is that when Danny protests too much all Steve has to do is to tell him to take his shirt off and Danny complies ;) All the tension and the touching in this scene.
200. Looking at the whole season 8, Steve and Danny faced and overcame many obstacles, each one of these steps will lead Steve and Danny to realize their dream together, each hurdle overcome together will make their success even more significant and valuable. It all comes down to what Steve said in episode 8x01: Steve said in 8x01? “I believe in you… I believe in us … and that’s all that matters”. I believe in them… and I hope you do, as well, because that’s that kind of love and hope that makes great dreams come true.
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