#i have so many more fics boiling in my drafts y'all
A Dragon's Greatest Treasure
sorry for disappearing! i got caught up in schoolwork and yeah :D i started writing this quite a while ago, maybe a couple months back? idk but the second paragraph was going to be followed by an in-depth description of all the parents seeing their kids start acting up, but im too sad about the current arc CUCURUCHO GIVE THE KIDS BACK YOU MONSTER!!!! anyway enjoy :)
There was no warning for what would happen. There was no announcement from the Federation, no appearance from the Binary Code or Cucurucho. It was just a normal day for the residents of Quesadilla Island. Until everyone’s kids started acting…strangely.
No one was prepared for dragon puberty.
In the group chat between all the parents, Cellbit messages them all to come to the adoption center, mentioning that he has information about the sudden changes to their children. A few moments later, the center is flooded with people. Everyone immediately begins crowding around Cellbit, concerned and anxious. 
“Quiet, please, everyone! Silêncio, por favor.” The Brazilian begins shouting over the commotion. As the residents begin to settle, Cellbit finally begins speaking. “Okay, thank you. I know that all of our kids have started doing some weird stuff lately. Mostre a eles, Richas.”
On cue, Richarlyson jumps and hovers in mid-air for several seconds. 
“Yeah! He accidentally jumped into a hole near the Copacabana, but he did not fall down right away.” Forever comments, Richarlyson nodding along.
“Really? Pomme hasn’t done that, but she has—”
Baghera is cut off when purple sparks begin appearing around Pomme, before she vanishes into thin air. Everyone but the French residents begin panicking, beginning to look around for the missing girl. She pops back into view a few feet away from where she disappeared, violet sparkles eventually fading away.
“She disappears like that.” Baghera lets out a tired sigh. “The first time it happened, we looked around for a few minutes, but she appeared right back where she disappeared.”
“When Baghera messaged us saying that she disappeared, I thought it was the Federation or the Code attacking.” Etoiles shakes his head, frowning. “I would have showed them my Code Breaker sword.”
“Oh, well, nothing that exciting has happened to Ramón. He’s just been really hyper, which isn’t like him at all. There he goes.”
Right as Fit finishes speaking, his son begins twitching and starts racing around the room with incredible speed. Eventually, everyone stops watching him once it becomes apparent he’s not going to stop for a while.
“Chayanne can apparently breathe fire now,” Phil laughs and gestures at his kid. In response, Chayanne lets out a little burst of flame, not enough to harm anyone, but it does cause those around him to jump away in surprise.
“Wait, that’s so cool! Leo, can you do that?” They shake their head, and Foolish’s shoulders drop slightly. “Oh, that’s fine. Well, Leo does this.”
Foolish pulls out a piece of gold from his backpack, but instead of just Leo, all of the kids lunge for the nugget immediately. The parents pull their respective child back, but not before the young dragons begin hissing and clawing at each other. 
“Oh my gosh, Dapper, stop it! He started hissing at me too!” Bad says while wrangling with his son. Once they’re all under control, he turns to Cellbit. “So, they all do some things, but some of the kids have special quirks? What’s going on?”
“Pare, Richas! Okay. I was looking around for some kind of explanation, and when I came here, I found this book called ‘The Early Stages of a Dragon’. I will read it.” Cellbit clears his throat. 
“During the early stages of a newly hatched dragon, they do not exhibit any traits of an adult dragon. However, when they reach the age of one, they begin to showcase these traits during a period called the first growth period. These traits include fire breathing, beginning to fly, small instances of dragon magic, bursts of random energy, a tendency to hoard valuables, and becoming physical through biting, scratching, and hissing. Young dragons will experience a week of showcasing these traits, before eventually regaining control and calming down.”
With that, Cellbit closes the book. “That’s it. There’s two other growth periods, but it says it won’t happen for a while, so we should be fine.”
“Does this mean all the eggs are going to start disappearing?”
“And breathing fire?” 
The adults start muttering worriedly, and Cellbit raises a hand to quiet everyone again. “They may, or they may not. But we should all be safe and start carrying around water buckets.”
“And maybe don’t take out shiny things.” Bad turns to Foolish and sighs. “You’re going to have to start covering yourself up, Foolish, I’m sorry.”
“What? That’s crazy.”
Slowly, the tension in the room fades away as they all start cracking jokes. Some break off into groups, but never stray too far to keep an eye on the kids. The children play with each other, parents making sure to keep their kids’ aggression levels low and stepping in if one starts growling. It’s a peaceful kind of chaos. Life on the island may never be the same again, but at least they have each other.
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aroberuka · 7 years
Evens for writers ask meme?
2. Where is yourfavourite place to write?
Either the kitchen table, which is the perfect height for my laptop & the only place in the house that gets sunlight in the morning, or my bed tbh.
4. Do you have anywriting habits/rituals?
Not writing habits so to speak but I do have a getting ready to write ritual that mostly consists of dragging myself out of bed and going for a walk.
6. Favourite characteryou’ve written?
Mouse!Surana, hands down. I kinda just made her on the spot for that one oneshot and as a result she ended up radically different from my usual OCs (they’re not usually this… driven xD), which made her such a blast to write.
8. Do you have anywriting buddies or critique partners?
@coppercaravan​ has been both for a little bit over a year and they’re such a pleasure to work with tbh.
10. Pick an author (orwriting friend) to co-write a book with
1) @coppercaravan we should stick our OCs together and see what happens, y/y?
2) That being said it’s super easy to get me to write with you literally all you have to do is drop into my inbox like “hey we should write a thing” and be very patient with my spoonie ass.
12. Which story ofyours do you like best? why?
Honestly it’s the quasiplatonic solavellan fic. I love Tathas, I put a lot of work and also a lot of me into it, I have a lot of thoughts about what’s coming next and I really wish I could finish it already esp since it wouldn’t be that long (like. 8-10 chapters tops, not counting a potential Trespasser sequel) but I haven’t been able to get in a DAI mood for forever x_x
14. What does it takefor you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)
Ideally I’d need the stars to align perfectly on a week with two Mondays, but more realistically what I need is:
-a playlist, or at least a couple artists that’ll put me in the right mood
-character sheets with some basic info + relationship charts + their stake in the plot
-a rough chapter by chapter plan that will inevitably fly out the window by the time I finish chapter 1.
16. Cover love/dreamcovers?
Not really, no.
18. Tell us about thatone book you’ll never let anyone read
So back in January there was that self-insert month thing, and I figured why the hell not, but b/c I’m apparently unable to write self-indulgent fluff and also I was in a Mood it turned into a writing as therapy thing and now I don’t know what to do with it b/c on the one hand I do want to write it & I think it would help me deal with some stuff but on the other idk that I would ever be able to let anyone read it, let alone post it online.
20. Any advice foryoung writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?
Length is overrated, short chapters are fine and the only good piece of writing advice is that there is no such thing as universal writing advice.
22. Tell us about thebooks on your “to write” list
… I’m not gonna give you a full list b/c it would be ridiculous but the ones that are on my brain atm are:
-- Présages aka The Novel aka that one story about ghosts that turned into a story about the importance of healthy communication & a good support system.
-- A novella about an aromantic protag that was supposed to be a subplot of the previous but is now its own thing so I can give it the attention it deserves.
-- A fantasy novel that started with me listening to too much critical role and is basically a thinly disguised metaphor for fighting against depression.
(All of them are depression books tbh and I’m not even a little bit sorry.)
And then there’s the fics:
-- A post Akuze longshot feat. Leo, grief and politics.
-- A Leverage/HP crossover feat. pre-canon Eliot, wizards and poor attempts at dragon smuggling.
-- A CCS/Naruto crossover that I’ll probably never write tbh b/c the sheer size of it is terrifying to me, but I like to dust it off every other month anyway b/c I put a lot of thought into it.
24. Do you remember themoment you decided to become a writer/author?
I don’t remember the moment I started to write – that was a long long time ago – but the moment I decided to become a writer I’m pretty sure was when I read The Princess Bride, b/c I very distinctly remember closing the book and going “I wish I’d written that”.
26. What’s the mostresearch you’ve ever put into a book?
It’s kinda hard to tell tbh b/c my research, like everything else, tends to be scattered in short bursts over months/years, but my most recent research-heavy project has been the Leverage/HP crossover, which has led me to a lot of reading on poaching/smuggling as I tried to figure out how one would go about smuggling a dragon.
Turns out there’s no actual book on dragon smuggling but I ended up learning a lot about butterfly smuggling, which as it turns out is
1)a thing
2)very serious business.
28. How do you stayfocused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?
I don’t. I don’t stay focused on anything, ever. I also deal very poorly with comparison even tho the only one doing the comparing is my own self.
30. Do you like to readbooks similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?
I do! I find it very helpful esp. when I’m writing in a genre/style I’m not used to. I try to avoid it with fanfiction tho so as to avoid accidentally absorbing other people’s headcanons into my own work.
32. On average how muchdo you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/gettingthe word count in?
Tbh I usually count in ‘pages’ (quote/unquote b/c I’m using my own format which is considerably shorter than what you probably think of when you hear ‘page’), and I’m trying to get myself to two pages a day for The Novel but I’m considerably slower when I’m not writing in French b/c language is hard.
34. Unpopular writingthoughts/opinions?
-- Character death is overrated.
-- The idea that conflict is necessary to tell a good story is highly subjective and even if it wasn’t a good conflict shouldn’t just boil down to ‘characters being horrible (or downright abusive) to each other’/‘characters being forced to commit or witness atrocities’ over and over again.
-- Romance is boring and so is smut.
-- Young/aspiring writers need positive feedback way, way more than criticism, constructive or not; constructive criticism overall is overrated (which isn’t to say that it’s never useful but like it’s not The One True Way For A Writer To Improve that a lot of ppl try to sell it as).
36. Post a snippet
She’s always been lucky is the thing.
Lucky to find the Reds when she needed them, lucky to lose them when she no longer did, lucky to get caught by the right people at the right time, lucky to be offered military service instead of prison, lucky that Anderson had seen something in her no-one else ever had.
Lucky to survive doesn’t feel so special.
38. How do you nailvoice in your books?
Honestly that is one thing that comes p much naturally to me? Like whenever I write in a character’s voice I can usually ‘hear’ what I’m writing so to speak, which makes things considerably easier tbh.
40. Do you look up toany of your writer buddies?
What kind of question is that I look up to all of y'all??? I’m not even kidding here y’all are amazing and talented and I’m so thrilled I got to meet all of you?
42. How many drafts doyou usually write before you feel satisfied?
I’d say 2-3 though it’s kinda hard to tell b/c I don’t strictly speaking work in full drafts, I tend to go back and forth between paragraphs instead.
44. Why (and when) didyou decide to become a writer?
I must have been like 16 or something. Hell if I remember why except I love stories and it seemed like a good idea at the time?
46. Past or presenttense?
I actually prefer past tense despite my current inability to write it (idk why all my fic end up being present tense but I suspect English).
48. Do you prefer towrite skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?
I mean most of my fics are already under 500 words long can you imagine if I actually cut stuff from them? :p
50. Do you share yourrough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?
I tend to wait until everything is polished but also, again, it’s super easy to get me to share rough drafts or even outlines with you b/c I am weak and crave validation.
52. Who do you writefor?
Me. Always.
Like listen the fact is actually talking openly & honestly about personal stuff even to people who have been there for me in the past is literally the hardest thing for me to do and I got so damn good at avoiding it I don’t even have to think before I do it anymore, and sometimes it feels like writing is the only way I can actually properly communicate anymore. So yeah I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care about ppl loving what I write but it will always be first and foremost something I do for myself.
54. Favourite firstline/opening you’ve written?
already answered here
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