#i have this whole like headcanon that rhodey liked to rib the new york boys about chicago deep dish pizza
writtenonbone · 3 years
“What are they fighting about,” Natasha asked as she gestured to Tony, Thor, Bucky, Sam and Steve. It seemed very passionate but they were all yelling so it was difficult to make heads or tails about it. This wasnt what she expected to come home after two weeks. Tony’s neck vein™️ was making an appearence and that usually meant something awful.
Rhodey grinned, a downright wicked one that rarely came out. One that Natasha had seen once (1) and it ended with Tony literally inventing a literal lightsaber. “I convinced Sam to convince Thor to say Chicago Deep Dish Pizza is better than New York pizza,” Rhodey took a bite of his chow mein, “they’ve been at it for a good thirty minutes.”
Natasha returned his grin and plopped down next to him to enjoy the show, “hand me those potstickers.”
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