#i have to go into hiding bc of school soon but i'm messy and want to wreak some HAVOC before i go
-is very thoughtful in interviews. Always engages theories and questions and anything about production. Takes his time to consider the process for the music and the fact that several writers are at the table in the band and it’s not so much about getting every idea out perfectly the first time but about collaborating and making every idea the best version of itself. 
-However, comma, the second Calum steps out onto that stage and climbs onto the riser and his foot is thumping away at the bass drum, it’s all over. He literally becomes an animal on the drums. One show, he breaks not just one, not two, but three drumsticks. The guys make a joke that all the tour budget is going towards replacement sticks. 
-The thing is, on stage, Calum’s not really Calum. It is Calum, but it’s not Calum. His awareness is different. All he can think about is the music, the thump under his feet and the sticks in his hand. Literally nothing else matters. Doesn’t matter if he dropped his sandwich that day on the walk back to the bus. Doesn’t matter if he got lost exploring the city and missed ten minutes of sound check. Doesn’t matter if in the middle of FaceTiming or video chatting with his S.O. that his laptop dies and it takes him nearly ten minutes to find the charger again. Nope, none of that matters on that riser, on that stool, during the set. 
-A lot of photos of Calum drumming of him smiling. Hard. The eye crinkles are out in full effect and he’s just so damn happy to be playing music with his bros. Videos will show him almost dancing on the drum stool, swaying along as his biceps bulge beneath the sleeves of his shirt. 
-Speaking of shirts, they don’t last long. Calum got too excited once, caught the arm of long sleeved shirt on one of the bolts to his drum kit and there went that long sleeve tee shirt into a muscle tee. Ocassionally, Calum opts for a mesh shirt while performing. Yes, that mesh shirt. 
-Back to performing, he gets into it into it. Calum will stand from the stood, sticks in hand, mic pressed to his lips, pointing out to the crowd, “You’re not loud enough for me tonight. I need you to scream!” And the crowd, roars. It’s still not loud enough, so with his index finger and middle finger he motions for the crowd to get enough louder. They do. “Nah, nah, nah, I said I want you guys to scream for me tonight!” Calum won’t let a crowd off the hook until he’s positive someone’s lost a voice in the crowd. 
-Even though Calum is mostly smiley on stage, a few interesting pictures surface, mostly from the tour diaries. A drum cam is set up and Calum plays to it all the time, pointing with his fingers or stick. He’ll turn to it, tongue out, rocking out to the song. The screenshots float around after every show of anyone get the famous Calum photo drumming: Calum, standing from the stool, pointing to the crowd, two fingers motioning with his tongue out. It happens at least once a show. Always more though. 
-And then in interviews, if he’s asked about what fuels his performance style and if they comment on the energy levels being different, Calum usually responds with, “Shows are different. People came out to have a good time, to have some fun. I want to make sure they had a good time and had some fun with me that’s all. In interviews it’s more relaxed.”
-If his S.O. visits while he’s on tour, he always tries to get them to settle down on the stool and give the drums a whirl. “Oh, you can do it, I know you can.” And they give it a whirl, always because it’s Calum with those big brown eyes that look like the night could swallow them up and they’d happily go into that good night. And as Calum hangs back, teaching them a thing or two, he plants a kiss to their cheek. And maybe sticks get forgotten and hands explore bodies under t-shirt until someone bumps up against the symbols and the crash sounds and the drum lesson ends for the day. 
-Backstage before a show, Calum’s running drills on his pad, along the wall, on the cases of their clothes and even he knows how annoying it is, so he always steps out from the room to do it. Literally everyone is like, by god my dude, it’s your instrument no one’s mad. But to be honest, Calum likes the alone time. It kind of reminds him of right before a big football game, his blood would thump in his veins and he’d find himself floating. But not in a spacey way, like he was losing focus, but floating from everyday Calum who doesn’t talk much, keeps quiet into the man that shines on stage that’s an animal on the drums, that’s completely transformed--a showoff, cocky. But through it all, Calum knows it can go at any moment. He can blink and it’s all done. So he tries to make each show unique. He tries to make each show worth coming too. 
-There’s nothing better than looking out at the crowd, singing back the words you wrote, jamming out to progression and chords and beat that you made. And the sight almost always produces a tear or two in Calum. Because, godamn he’s so goddamn lucky to be doing this with his life. And he never wants to take it for granted. And sure whenever he gets a moment to talk during a set or joke with the audience, he makes a joke about how his skills aren’t that great and that he’s blessed to see such a full crowd. And it happens, without fail, at every show because at every show, Calum is floored at the outpouring of love and support by fans. 
-People compliment Calum about his drumming and the joke about all the ripped sleeves/shirts, about the times halfway through a set he’s quickly shedded his shirt and let all see the tattoos and sweat glisten down a toned chest, and Calum always turns blushy. He accepts the compliment and dodges it all at the same time. And though him and Ashton joke about the rhythm section holding the whole band together, Calum is quick to offer praise to Luke and Michael as well. Because he knows without his other three brothers, Calum alone, as the drummer, is nothing but noise. He is a storm alone on a sea if Ashton, Luke, and Michael aren’t there playing and writing alongside him. He’s grateful for the three of them. 
-And when the stage hand leads him up to the riser in the dark, only the light of the flashlight in hand, guiding them, Calum lets himself go. The wood in his hands and between his fingers feel like extensions of himself and with one hand on the stage hands back, they go-half jogging together towards the drum riser, the stoll, the crowd waiting eagerly and maybe even desperately for them, for him that night. They run towards paradise. And the thing about paradise is that it don’t always last forever, but as long as it happens, is all that matters. 
@notinthesameguey @calumscalm @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
Works Cited Page
H, A Collection of the Muse, 2020.
A Happy Bub, 2018. 
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honouredsatoru · 3 years
JJK Characters x You on a date
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notes : I tried including Gojo's love for Digimon since I also grew up watching Digimon and loving the anime with all of my heart, also because Gojo's seiyuu, both Japanese and English versions, voiced for characters in Digimon, so I wanna pay homage to the both of them. other than that, I also included my love for arts and history, something I tried to incorporate into my writing, just to make it like.. lilith's style, ya know?
extra notes : also I wrote megumi for Elli, just because haha.
warnings : slight cussing. not proofread lol. other than that, none. 100% fluff!
characters : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, nanami kento, itadori yuji.
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Gojo Satoru - Arcades, vintage shops, especially collectors, especially Digimon, comic book/manga stores.
[Your name]! [Your name!]! Look, look! It's the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 series! All 9 of them! Let's get in!"
"Ahh hold on. Towu! We're supposed to visit the cat cafe, you promised that you would go with me and take pictures with the cat hairband on! And I'm starving!"
You jokingly scowled at him, tapping your Doc Martens feet on the ground, arms folding.
"Fucking adorable. Let me see if I can tease her more, hah." A smirk soon appeared on this blue-eyed darling of yours.
"Let me get the manga and I promise, I'll go to this cat cafe with you, baby. Hm?"
"Oh alright."
"I love you, sweetheart. I know how much you wanted to go there but the manga. I- ahaaaa"
He started pouting as he kept pointing in the direction of the Digimon manga by the window. You quickly opened your camera, taking pictures of him sulking, emitting a soft giggle that actually made his heart squeezed with joy.
He presses his lips against your forehead, thumb circling your cheek, gently squishing them before opening the door, yanking you into the comic book store with him. You vowed to hide the comic books once he goes on a mission. After all, he made you wait a month before the two of you finally get to go to this cafe you always wanted to visit.
"Baby, I can read what you're thinking. Your face shows it too. Hehe. Watch me hide your panties."
Taking in a few gulps of air to deepen your breath, you opened your eyes, to meet the love of your life's own eyes, snickering at you, his large hands on the crown of your head before ruffling your already messy hair. There is no way you can stay mad at this man, as childish as he is, you know he loves you and deep down? He knows you love him too.
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Itadori Yuji - Thrift stores, internet cafes to play online games with you, cinemas.
"Candy! [Your name] love! Don't! Make! Me! Ahhh cover up for me! I am gonna lose! I am gonna-"
He turns around to face you with soft eyes, his eyebrows slightly droopy before looking back at the computer, taking in the seconds in his head to register the fact that he lost in his mission with you in Inferno.
"Awww sorry babe. I mean.. you just started playing CSGO, so tell me, why- again- damn it- you wanna- AH. Damn it! Throw the fucking grenade! I mean why you wanna play this game, you need more practice- FUCK YOU."
Gentle chuckles were heard, emitted from his throat, his soft, peach toned lips landed on your cheek repeatedly as he rubbed soothing circles around your back.
"Breathe, bunny baby. You're so feisty whenever you start having online matches. Breathe. I love you, and I don't want you to get your blood pressure rising because of these dumbos, hm?"
Your lips curl into a faint and appreciative smile, nodding while your eyes are glued to the screen, ignoring the fading laughs and snickers from the people acknowledging your mini rage.
"I love you too. If I win, I'm getting us boba and chicken nuggets. So let me fight them, okie?"
"Yes ma'am!"
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Megumi - Museums, art galleries, photo exhibitions, aesthetic cafes.
"Oh Gumi bear, look at that! That is the Raft of Medusa, it was done by Thèodore Géricault, he himself interviewed two survivors from the shipwreck."
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He looks over your eyes that shine with excitement and pure happiness.
Was what he thought every time he laid his sight onto you. God knows that he falls in love with you every single time he is blessed with your presence. Resting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of mixed berries and wild roses, he swore he heard his heartbeat increasing every two seconds in a span of one minute.
"Oh really? What do you think this painting is all about?"
Glancing at him before returning to the painting, you puffed your cheeks, pressing your lips together with your index finger curled on your chin and your thumb under it.
"Lord, she is so cute whenever she does that. Can I kiss her? Should I? No wait, she's trying to tell me her own interpretation of this painting. To me. Oh wow. I'm gonna kiss her... later. I can't interrupt her." That is all he could think of. You. He is deeply, madly, beautifully in love with you.
"In my opinion, it tells me the ways of how men, or human beings, seek out in order to survive. When we are at the brink of desperation, insanity, happiness, greed, lust, desire, wrath, grief, don't we all do things unimaginable to help us go through the day? They even resolved to cannibalism. I think even I would commit to that if I was in an extremely dire situation."
You looked at him, a wide smile on your face, emitting a soft giggle that entered his right ear and stayed within the chambers of his mind. He closed the spaces between the both of you, sealing his lips onto yours, with the intention of making this very moment last a little longer heavy within his heart.
Was what you thought of him.
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Nanami Kento - Theatres, historical museums, fine dining restaurants.
You squealed, lightly clapping your hands as you ran to a block of marble, your foot tapping against the floor. He chuckles, hands in his pocket, taking fast strides towards you.
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"Namnam! Look look! That's the Parthenon Sculptures! It was founded in hm... Athens, yes! If I am not mistaken, around 438 to 432 BC. These sculptures decorated the insides of the Parthenon, it is a temple located at the fortress of the Athenian Acropolis. It is said that this temple was built to appreciate and worship the Goddess Athena, she was the deity worship in Athens. Also, ah ah! Did you know that the word parthénos means "maiden", "girl" or ‘virgin"? And I-"
You look at him, your magnificent lover wearing a dark brown trench coat, with ecru brown trousers and a black turtleneck tucked in, his neck layered with white gold necklaces. Your hand unconsciously scratches your sideburns, giggling at the side of his stoic expression, eyes piercing yours beneath that yellow-green glasses he constantly has on his chiseled face.
"Oh... I am sorry... I didn't mean to bore you. I was just so excited because you know me! I love anything that is related to ancient greek history and mythology. I can't seem to get enough of it and it is absolut-
"I'm not bored, [your name]. I was just paying attention to every single word that pretty lips of yours uttered. It's magnificent that you knew all of this. It shows just how smart, curious, bright your mind and soul is. And darling?"
"I am lucky to be blessed with someone like you. With Gojo constantly following me, there is no way I can read the books I bought for myself. However, having you around, breaking the ice with your random history tib bits, I feel like I am reading the pages, savouring each word, alphabet, sentence, thus expanding my quest and love for knowledge."
You looked down. Normally, you're not the type to tear up this easily but seeing how this man, this angel of a man, appreciates the little things you loved and adored, you can't help but let the waterworks out. You lifted your head up to meet his gaze, the tip of your nose slightly stuffy. You grabbed his arms, clinging onto him, the difference of height and size makes it sweet to the eyes of strangers surrounding you both.
"Oh Namnam. Thank you so much. This means the world to me. Shall we... go and see the best of Ramesses the Great? I've loads to tell you!"
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Nobara - Shopping malls, ferry rides, beach dates, parks with cherry blossoms.
"Baby... tell me, have you ever seen anything as joyous as the ocean?"
You two stood by the seashore, fingers intertwined, your head resting on her shoulders, the sound of the seas splashing against the rocks and the warmth around your foot, it tingled but it feels good at the same time.
"I don't want this moment to end, [your name]."
"Why is that, pretty one?"
A faint sigh leaves her lips, you feeling her body loosen up.
"I just.. school is sort of stressful so my time spent with you liberates me from the pressure, fatigue, and image of curses embedded in my brain. Walking with you... through this airy womb of skies and clouds, don't you know it makes me happy?"
You leaned closer, pressing a soft peck on her cheeks, earning yourself a pair of scarlet cheeks with a gorgeous smile from the one next to you. You turned yourself to face her, hands on her shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours.
"Whenever and wherever you need me, I will be there. I might not be perfect, but I am gonna do my best to be the one you can always count on."
You pressed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss on her right cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss to the lips of the woman whom you shared your entire universe with.
"To the moon and back, I love you, Kugisaki Nobara."
The end.
tags : @tojisveryown @sookyshima @megumifushi @sixeyesgojo @sirthisisa-wendys @sasso-oda @fushigurocockslut @nkogneatho @kotarousgf @noritoshiikamo
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female-buckets · 2 years
Wait BG was on reality tv? Or is that just a turn of phrase you’re using? Not trying to be a jerk lol just surprised bc I don’t remember this (but also I was 10 when all that went down so….)
BG and Glory went on Say Yes To The Dress 😂
Here's the full episode
And here's a clip from youtube if you just want the highlights.
Between TMZ and TLC, GloJo's agent had an... interesting approach to athletic promotion lol
BG's agent is of course the legend herself Lindsay Kagawa Colas. She represents basically the entire Sue Bird-Diana Taurasi clique. Maya, Seimone, Nneka, Sue, Stewie, Jewell, DT and BG. 6 easy clients and 2 challenging ones.
Both DT and BG are natural stars and performers. They light up an arena. They come alive on camera. And they love to entertain. But they are each PR nightmares in their own unique ways.
DT's crude unfiltered humor was enough to give any agent a headache. But there was also her tendency to get political, badmouth her main sponsor Nike, and call out the WNBA's shortcomings. In games, she was always spitting on the court and touching every ass she could, refs and opponent coaches included. She was equal parts basketball superstar and rodeo clown. Also, the technicals, ejections, suspensions, jail, and an international competition ban.
DT is engaging and entertaining, but putting her on camera was a wild card. Her interview charm could get crude, critical, or political. But BG wasn't so confrontational. Her charm was always folksy and cute.
But while DT was painstakingly discreet about her personal life, BG's personal life was her entire brand. At first that seemed to work okay. Kagawa landed BG that book deal and opportunities to speak out as an anti-bullying activist.
But BG also wanted her personal life brand to be about her dating life. And her dating life was very, very, very, extremely, messy and annoying. And she shared every second of it on social media.
Now, you gotta understand, BG went viral in high school. Social media was good to her. And maybe she thought it would keep being good to her if she kept going viral. I think DT might have a gift for prophecy because here's what she wrote about it on her blog in 2008:
I got dozens of text messages about lil' Griner as soon as her video made it to Yahoo Sports... I'm guessing Griner doesn't already have a master PR plan grindin', but I gotta give it to her! Griner may just be on her way to benefiting Tila Tequila style if she (or Baylor!) responds right....
Yes, Dee. That's exactly right. Tila Tequila. BG became the Tila Tequila of sports. When she went pro, she realized it was a lot harder to dunk on Sylvia Fowles than on college kids. Her pro game couldn't be as flashy as her college game. So her personal life got very flashy and very viral.
So while the 2014 Mercury were "chasing glory" (yes... this was literally their season motto...) BG proposed to Glory.
"Maturity?" Mercury teammate Diana Taurasi asks, laughing as Griner is goofing off and telling jokes in the locker room following the Mercury's series-clinching victory vs. the Sparks. "I think last year was a big learning experience for her going from college to the WNBA. It's a mindset. …The best part about Brittney that will never change is she's so real. She's not faking. That'd be corny. Since she's come into the league, there's been no hiding. It isn't something everyone wants to talk about, but in our sport it's in your face. It's almost silly not to talk about it. Her openness has helped change that perception."
It is silly not to talk about it. But I guess Dee has always been silly lol.
After winning the championship, the drama and social media and viral shit just kept escalating. It was like BG and Glory were trying to one-up themselves every week.
And where was DT through all this? I think most of her energy went into teaching BG what to do on the pro court. Off the court, she was helping Penny through her parents' deaths. So she was very hands off with BG. She let BG do her thing, live her extremely public life, and make her extremely public mistakes. And then she dragged her to central Russia and gave her an opportunity to reflect on it all.
"I feel like if you have to make a concerted effort to mentor, you really don't give a shit about that person," Taurasi says. "It's about you and how mentoring makes you feel. BG is my good friend and I have casual conversations of things I've been through, or someone else has, and you take what you take from it." "And that's what I love," Griner says. "We're just talking, it's not formal. Just two hoopers talking." "Everyone is like, 'What have you taught her?'" Taurasi says. "Nothing. She's learned everything herself. The only way you learn things is by going through things yourself. I'm pretty sure, up until the moment I got behind the wheel drunk, I'd heard 'Don't drink and drive' a million times. At some point, you have to make up your own mind about who you want to be, about why you're making the decisions you make. When you make decisions and you know why you're making them, you take the power back. You're making decisions that you want to make. The influencers, the people around you, the enablers or whoever, they don't have the power anymore. And maybe at the time, you didn't think they did, but they did. Oh, they did."
Damn, Dee. Speaking from personal experience? Kinda sounds like it. I wonder who she's thinking of...
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bokutouch · 3 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could get an eternal matchup pls??
- my names Olivia and I’m 17.
- I go by she/her pronouns and I want to be matched with a male character from Haikyuu!! please.
- My birthday is January 6th, 2004 and I’m a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising (my Mercury is in Sagittarius, my Venus is in Aquarius, and my Mars is in Aries if you wanted to know the rest).
- I’m 5’2, I have brownish-red hair and blue eyes.
- I spend a lot of time doing school work because I’m really driven by it and I’ve had good grades a majority of high school. When I’m not doing schoolwork I enjoy listening to music or going on a walk! I really like going on sunrise/sunset walks bc they’re always really pretty! I try to do community service in my free time because I really enjoy helping others out. I'm currently a summer camp counselor but I hope to be a lab tech one day :)
- If I were to go on a date with a partner I don't really mind what we do, but I like book dates, movie dates, and especially museum dates!! In a partner I'm looking for someone who shares the same interests as me, is kind, has a good sense of humor, and most importantly can understand and work through my emotions with me. I get really bad mood changes so if he can work with me through that I really value it. My love languages are acts of service and quality time.
- I think that one of my fatal flaws is that although I appear kind and respectful when I’m out in public, I have pretty severe anxiety, depression, and anger issues so I struggle with that a lot. I also get really defensive and stubborn when someone says something that annoys me so i kinda never stop talking lol.
- To finish off I’m an ISFP and Enneagram Type 9v1.
- I hope you have a great day! Ty if you do this! ❤
Hello olivia, thanks for coming to my brand new rocket ship!! 🚀
first of all I apologize bcs I'm not really educated about astrology,
so I'll just use your other description as best as I could okay??
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"why akaashi?" you might askㅡ
first of all, some part of you reminded me of bokuto.
and some part of you definitely reminded akaashi of bokuto too. it's not a bad thing really.
Akaashi looks at you and think, "ah, she is my home."
because "home" supposed to be comfortable, because home supposed to be familiar. Being with you bring him peace. You are his home, his tranquility, his safe haven.
Most people told him, "God- you are such a boring person, Akaashi." and as the time goes by, he is starting to believe that tooㅡ but thats until you come into his life.
You're one of his classmate. And not gonna lie, at first akaashi only know you as the quiet girl who always buried her nose in books. "If I am boring, she must be a lot more boring than me." that's what he thought of you, bcs really everytime he sees you, its always you and your books. He understands the importance of having good grades, but should you really be doing that everyday?
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The first time you two have a really long talk was when one day akaashi saw you still sitting inside your shared classroom, all alone bcs it's almost 6 pm and of course everybody left already. Nose buried deep in books like you always do, but this time he could hear you humming a song- it's a song that he also enjoyed listening to. He never sing in front of other people before, but for some reason he wanted to join your little secret concert at that time, so he did. He sing along to your little hummingㅡ 1 song turn into 2, turn into 3, and you still didn't notice him at all. He laughed a little because "what's so interesting in that clinical laboratory science book that she doesn't even realized I've been here for almost 10 minutes already."
He tapped your shoulder two times, and you jumped at that.
"H-hey? Um, sorry, I just.. I've been waiting here for you to finally notice me but I guess that book is really interesting, huh?" he smiled at you, feeling a little bad after seeing your reaction at his little tap tap on your shoulder.
"Oh, yes... I want to be a lab tech in the future, so um you know, just preparing." you awkwardly smiled back at him.
"Well, uh.. I know you definitely going to be an amazing lab tech one day. I saw you reading tons of books related to that job everyday in class, so... I believe your hardwork will be paid off."
"wait... that was so nice of him." you stared at akaashi who's currently fidgeting with his fingers.
"Thank you for saying that, Akaashi. That really means a lot to me. People have been telling me that my dream job is just that, a dream. Hearing you saying that someday my hardwork will be paid off really motivate me to prove them wrong. I swear I'm gonna rub it on their face once I got the job." you grins at him.
And at that, Akaashi heart beating a little bit faster than the usual. Was it your thankful speech for him? Was it your cute little grin? He doesn't really knowㅡ one thing he knows for sure though, he wants to keep talking to you. From today, tomorrow, and as long as you would let him.
"Hey, uh... it's going to get dark soon. Do you maybe want to go home together with me?"
You could see how nervous akaashi was after asking you that question, so you just nods and start fixing your books into your bag. Right before you zip up your bag, you remembered the main reason you are still in the classroom at that hour is because you were planning to see the sunset on your way back home, "Wait Akaashi, I actually want to see the sunset today..."
"Oh? I usually go home as the sun set due to my volleyball practice. The sight look really pretty if you see it from on top of the hills behind our school. Do you want to go there? I can show you the best spot."
Of course you accept his offer enthusiastically. So yes, that day is the beginning of your friends to lovers type of relationship with Akaashi.
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Akaashi confessed to you first.
His friend circle are full of annoying people. They all be like,
so during your usual study date day, he just decided to straight up ask you to be his girlfriend.
"W-what?" you just sat there for a whole minute because... what if things gonna feel different once you two put a real label to your not so friendly friendship? What if being friends with Akaashi is a lot more better than being his girlfriend? What if he ended up leaving you because he doesn't like the real you? There are so many ugly things that you hide from him, would he still love you the same after seeing all those imperfection? so many what if(s) going inside of your head, so little time to actually process each one of it.
"Umm, you can say no, you know...." all the messy thoughts inside your head stopped right away after hearing that.
"NO! wait, Keiji- I mean, not no to be your girlfriend, its no to me saying no to be your girlfriend." God, its hard to be in love. You can't control your heart, your brain, and now your tongue. God bless your soul, olivia.
"So.... is that a yes to be my girlfriend then?" Akaashi looks really small in that moment. He is still not sure if he can finally kiss you or not. Only being a friend to you for these past 6 months kept him from doing a lot of romantic stuff with you. Kissing you, holding your hands for no reason, hugging you any time he wants to, actually go on a study date with you instead of a childish study day. So now he really won't waste a single time if you answer his previous question with a "Yes" ;
After having a long talk about your imperfections, all your insecurities, and also tons of frustrated tears coming from your eyes, you finally say yes and there you have your new title as Akaashi Keiji's new girlfriend. He definitely got his long waited kiss from you too 🌻.
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Bokuto once joined you and akaashi's museum date and he broke a statue hand after trying to handshake the statue. He grabbed the broken hand and show it to you and akaashi with teary eyes. Can't do nothing but running for your life and never comeback to that one particular museum 😭
You and Akaashi have the same love language, "Act of Service" ; So the two of you enjoy giving each other little massage here and there.
Just like you, Akaashi love being helpful for others too, so he really enjoyed the time he spent accompanying you to all your community service agendas. People that you two have been helping together ship you guys so much, especially the elderly couple. They keep saying "You two will make it until old days like us two."
After a long time dating eachother, you two decided to adopt a cute siberian husky that you named "Bobo". Akaashi rejected that name at first, because "Honestly love, I don't like how you picked a name so close to Bokuto's name. Our dog deserves better." You gasped at that, "How dare you, Keiji. This is our son! And his name is Bobo. I don't take no for an answer."
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alright this getting too long haha.
I hope you enjoy the results, love 🦋
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queridaz · 4 years
✍️ + catradora soulmate au bc that’s my favorite and ur my favorite
🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖 this is a god tier prompt, thank you!! i kinda ran away with it... i love them (and you) sm. i had to stop myself from writing any more or else it would have turned into a fully fledged fic. hope you like it!!
want one? join my celebration!
Adora jumped, getting tangled up in her sheets and falling off her bed, absolutely startled. 
"H-Hello?" She lifted the bedsheet off her head and looked around, seeing nothing but her empty room. Her eyes raked over the place, briefly inspecting her messy desk, walls filled with pictures, and the dark computer screen on her nightstand. Nothing.
'God, that hurt.'
Adora jumped again. "Hope? Mara?" She looked out her bedroom door and peered into the hallway. The light of her adoptive mothers' room was off and there were no signs of movement from the kitchen.
"Okay," Adora said out loud, trying to reassure herself. "I'm sure it's just the neighbors or something. Maybe I'm still half asleep and dreaming. Just go back to bed and you'll be fine." She climbed into her bed and pulled up the covers, hiding her face in her blanket and closing her eyes.
'Catra, you have to be more careful, you idiot. Ugh, that really hurt.'
Okay. That was definitely something and it was definitely not the neighbors. Adora checked her phone. Did she leave something playing? 'What is going on??'
'Woah! Who's there?'
Adora froze. The voice was in her head. No doubt about it. And… the voice heard her, too? Adora rubbed her forehead, too tired to think properly. 
Then it dawned on her. She's hearing someone's thoughts. And they're hearing hers. It's her soulmate.
'Ummmm,' Adora thought, hoping it would reach them. 'Hi. I'm Adora and I think we're soulmates.'
'Oh… hi.'
Adora didn't know what to say. How do you just strike up conversation with your newly found soulmate at one in the morning? 'Are you okay?'
'You heard that?' The voice groaned.
'Yeah, it was kinda hard to ignore a loud curse waking me up in the middle of the night.'
'Oh, god, sorry. Yes, I am alright. I just stubbed my toe trying to get to the kitchen.'
They stayed in awkward silence, or at least what would be awkward silence if they couldn't read each other's minds. So instead, the pause in conversation was actually filled with quieter thought fragments of them both acknowledging the awkward pause. It was very... awkward. 
'So… your name is Catra?' 
'What? How'd you know?'
'Mind reading, remember? I heard you scold yourself earlier.'
'Oh. Yeah, I'm Catra.' She paused. 'I would offer to let you sleep, but seeing as you can read my mind and we don't know how to stop that, do you wanna... talk?'
'Yeah,' Adora smiled, 'that would be fun.'
They spent the next hour talking about themselves and their lives. Adora told Catra about Mara and Hope, how she came to live with them after her parents died when she was a kid. She told her about Bow, and Glimmer, and all her other school friends. In turn, Catra told Adora about how her parents were from Peru and how she grew up speaking spanish. She talked about how she just moved and was going to start 8th grade at a new school.
'Where'd you move to?' Adora asked.
'This town called Etheria.'
'Etheria? Oh my god, I live here! What school are you going to?'
'Whispering Woods Middle School.'
'I go there! That means we'll get to meet soon!' Adora was suddenly very excited and she could feel that Catra was, too, by the buzzing in her mind.
'Wow, I can't wait! I-'
Catra was silent. And this time silent meant silent. Adora tried searching her mind to no avail for any trace of Catra. 
'Okay. Guess our connection dropped out. Goodnight, Catra, even if you can't hear me.'
'Stop being so anxious, I can physically feel you buzzing.'
'Hey! It's not so often that you get to meet your soulmate!' Adora smiled in the car on the way to the first day of school.
'We've been talking all summer and we've seen pictures of each other. It's not that big of a deal.' 
But Adora could read Catra's mind, hear and feel her thoughts, and everything she was picking up on indicated that Catra was just as excited as she was.
Hope pulled the car up to the front of the school and stopped in the drop off zone. She and Mara turned around to look at Adora.
"Okay, sweetie!" Mara said. "First day of 8th grade! Good luck!" She reached over to give Adora a warm but awkward hug as the center console was in the way.
"And have fun meeting, Catra!" Hope added. "I'm so glad you found your soulmate. It's the best." She smiled over at Mara, who pressed a quick kiss to her wife's cheek.
"Thanks, guys!" Adora said, getting out of the car and closing the door behind her.
"We love you!" Mara called from the open window.
"Love you!" Adora responded, turning on her heels and walking into the building. 'Now to find Catra,' she thought.
'You know you could just ask me where I am, idiot,' Catra's voice chimed in warmly.
'Okay, okay, where are you?'
"Right here."
'That's not helpful.' Adora frowned.
Catra laughed. "You're such an idiot."
'What-' Adora froze. "Oh my god," she said, spinning around to see Catra grinning at her.
"Hey, Adora."
"Catra!" Adora lunged at her and hugged Catra tightly, picking her up and spinning her around.
Catra laughed again. "Okay, Adora, no need for the rom-com dramatics."
Adora put her down, trying and failing to push down the blush that was spreading to her cheeks. "I'm just so excited."
"I know," Catra smiled, "me, too."
She and Adora went to homeroom, which they had together (thank you, universe). Adora smiled at the sight of Catra actually in front of her. She never wanted it to end.
Adora was laying down in the grass, looking up at the clouds and trying to find shapes. She found one that looked like a bat and pointed at it. "Look, that one looks like-"
"A bat," Catra finished for her. "I know, I can hear your thoughts."
"Oh, right." She searched for another interestingly shaped cloud.
It was the summer vacation before their sophomore year of high school. The two of them were in Adora's backyard, laying down after eating their picnic lunch. Mara had made cream cheese sandwiches and Hope had cut a watermelon into little cubes for them. Catra and Adora helped them make strawberry mint lemonade.
Catra raised her arm and pointed at another cloud. 'That one looks like Kyle fell down and a bird landed on his head.'
Adora laughed. 'It does!'
She turned to look at Catra. 'Yeah?'
Catra leaned over and closed her eyes, her breath hitched in her chest. 'Oh, god.' That wasn't meant for Adora to hear, but they hadn't quite mastered their soul bond and Catra was too nervous to use any energy to stop her thoughts from traveling to Adora's mind.
Adora caught on and smiled, closing her own eyes and meeting Catra halfway. They kissed, very gently and hesitantly, but sweetly. It tasted like watermelon and mint.
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jadehqknb · 7 years
I'm not sure if this ask is good enough but maybe a scenario about Bad Boy!Oikawa and a person he's so interested in, but his charms don't work on them, they're oblivious, and they always seem unimpressed (they secretly like him back but do a great job hiding it from him). Sexual tension would be great but you can avoid NSFW if you want! I picked Oikawa bc I thought it'd be interesting to see him chasing someone so hard, feel free to swap characters if you want! Thanks ❤︎
Holy moly this ended up WAY longer than I planned and awhole lot more serious without much NSFW or even sexual tension but hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
She remembers him from high school, he can tell by the lookof shock on her face. He can’t really blame her though. Anyone from those dayswould be surprised to see Oikawa Tooru, former pretty boy of the Abojosaivolleyball team, sporting an arm sleeve tattoo, a lip piercing and wearingripped jeans.
Pushing away from the wall, he approaches, stride steady, aconfident smirk on his face. But just before he meets her eyes again, a girlinterjects herself between them. Tooru’s former tendency to indulge his fansexerts itself immediately, old habits do die hard, and by the time he’s donewith her the object of his initial focus is gone.
Clicking his tongue, Oikawa shifts his gaze over the crowdedfrat house. There’s people everywhere, the semester kickoff party in high gear.Finally, he spots her on the dance floor and goodness can she move that body!She’s grinding up on some dude who looks about ready to cum in his pants.Oikawa is openly staring at her, willing her to make eye contact but she’seither completely oblivious or completely uninterested because she never onceloses her focus on her dance partner.
And Oikawa decides right then he wants that attention onhim. Sure, he’s always been a bit of an attention whore, but who could blamehim coming from the environment he did back in high school? Other than Iwaizumiof course.
His eyes stay riveted on her, still moving fluidly, sexily,and fuck now he’s got a tent in his pants just from watching her! Then again,it’s been a while since Oikawa has had any action of the bedroom variety. Justbecause his team is rough and tough doesn’t mean they don’t work hard.
Terushima makes certain of it.
Oikawa laughs a bit to himself thinking back on their first officialmeeting. He’d only ever seen the guy at tournaments, his team loud and flashy,but horribly erratic. Then something happened that shifted his focus and inaddition to having fun, he got smarter. His whole team got smarter.
And now he’s Oikawa’s captain.
Shaking his head, Oikawa zeroes back in on her. She’s stilldancing, smiling with sultry eyes and moving her hips just so.
She can feel his gaze on her, its intensity rippling overher skin like electricity but she remains focused. He’s not going to havethings go his way, not tonight. Because she’s in control and he’ll just have todeal with it. The song ends and she leans up, pecking her dance partner quicklyon the cheek. He goes to make a move but she shies away, giggling, “Thatwas fun, thanks for the dance,” then she’s absorbed into the crowd but notwithout stealing a glance at Oikawa only to find him still looking right ather.
Damn. Well, she almost made it without giving him a piece ofthe attention he craved.
And it’s only wet his appetite for more.
The next day Oikawa is still thinking about her, her sultrysmile, her bedroom eyes. With a self-deprecating laugh, he realizes he has acrush! An honest to goodness crush. He can’t remember the last time this hashappened, where his attention was so fully fixed on anything besidesvolleyball. Practice over, he makes his way back to his dorm only to see hersitting beneath a tree reading, her eyes narrowed in concentration at the textbefore her. Calling up his best smile, Oikawa saunters towards her, onlyspeaking once he’s right in front of her seated position. “You know, you’re toopretty to be frowning, you look much better dancing.”
His voice startles her and he can’t stand how cute she lookshuddled in an oversized sweater, leggings and boots. Is this really the samegirl he saw last night? It’s the perfect fall look, her hair blowing in thesudden breeze that’s kicked up. A subtle shiver overtakes her body and heshrugs off his jacket. “Here,” he offers draping it over her shoulders.
Warmth spreads over her body and it’s not just from theplacement of his jacket. Oikawa is looking at her with complete focus. She’doften wondered what it would be like to have his gaze turned upon her and now,looking at it, she’s both enamored and afraid. How could a high school crushlast this long? Or did it just flare upquickly at the sight of him, a knee jerk reaction to Oikawa’s presence? Sherealizes she should be speaking, should be saying thank you not only for thejacket but the compliment paid her earlier but the words won’t come.
He really doesn’t remember her.
Oikawa tilts his head, a little confused as to why she stillhasn’t said anything when she suddenly shoots to a standing position. Swiftlyshe removes the jacket, handing it back to him. “Thank you, Oikawa-san, but Iwas just leaving. Have a good evening,” she says a bit rushed, hurrying away.
“Oi, dancer-chan!” he calls, easily catching up to andstanding in front of her. “I’m at a disadvantage here, you know my name but Idon’t know yours?”
Her eyes are on the ground, unwilling to meet his and he wonderswhat he did to offend her. When she finally looks up, he flinches; her eyes areso hard. “If my name didn’t matter to you then, why does it matter to you now?”
“Never mind, I…I have to go.” She brushes past him, willingher legs to go faster. Why did she think it was a good idea to bait him at theparty? Because she didn’t really think he’d do anything, that’s why. She justwanted to frustrate him a little, but the fact that he stared at her the entiretime and now approached her yet again is doing uncomfortable things to herheart. It was stupid, she’s not this person! She isn’t someone who toys withother people! And why oh why does she even wantOikawa? He’d be nothing but trouble, even more so now that it appears hejoined a gang or something.
“You barely know her, in fact, you don’t know her at all so why are you making such a big deal out ofthis?” Iwaizumi yawns through his question, eyes closing as he lays on his bed,phone to his ear. Even when separated by hundreds of miles, Oikawa somehowfinds ways to annoy him. Like calling at one in the morning to lament about howa girl he has a crush on won’t even look at him, much less talk to him. “Lookslike you don’t always get what youwant, Trashy-kawa,” he adds with a snort.
“Shut up, Iwa-chan! You’re supposed to support me, not kickme while I’m down!”
“Stop whining, you’re giving me a headache,” grumbles hisformer ace.
Silence fills the line before Oikawa takes a deep breath.“I…I don’t know why completely. And,” he adds quickly before Iwaizumi can shootanother barb, “despite what you think it isn’tbecause she’s playing hard to get. More like impossible to get but whatever,”he mumbles making his best friend chuckle. “The point is,” he goes on with asigh, “I…I really want to get to know her but she won’t even give me a chance!”
“Oikawa, are you just pestering her? I mean, I know youthink you’re a bad ass now because you have ink and a piercing but you’re thesame alien obsessed, volleyball idiot you were in high school, the dressing’sjust different.”
“You know, sometimes I really wonder why I call you my bestfriend,” Oikawa grumbles.
“I wonder that too, but the point still stands. Why the helldid you do that shit in the first place anyway?”
Oikawa grits his teeth. How had the conversation shiftedfrom him getting advice (so embarrassing)on how to get a girl to go on at least one date with him, to Iwa-chancriticizing his choices? “Would you please stop acting like my freaking motherand just help me out here?” he grunts.
“Fine, what haveyou done?”
“I left her a couple notes, one at her job at the on-campusbookstore and one at her dorm when I found out where she lives. You know, just,“hey I’d like to get to know you, text me and we’ll make plans”. But she neverresponds. I offer to walk to her to class but she says no. I even tried to joina study group with her but she dropped out the next day. I just…I don’t know whyshe hates me!”
Iwaizumi sits up, rubbing his eyes; there’s no way he’s gettingto sleep anytime soon. “Tooru,” he says and he can hear his friend sit up straighter,“Have you considered the possibility that your advances, instead of beingwelcomed, are putting her on edge? You said she’s changed since you first sawher, what do you mean by that?”
“Um, well, the first time, like I told you, was at a party.She was dancing and, just, wow Iwa-chan, she was so hot! Like, my jeans were tight enough as it is but then she startedmoving those hips and-“
“TMI! Focus on the question, Shittykawa!”
“Sorry, sorry! Ok, so the second time and really every timesince then, she’s been very reserved. Like, she wears these adorably oversizedsweaters that flood past her knees with leggings and ankle boots and her hairis always a little messy cause it’s so damn windy around here this time ofyear. Oh! And she has this cute little pout when she’s really concentrating onsomething and taps her pencil when she’s thinking and-“
“You realize you sound more or less like a stalker, right?”Iwaizumi cuts in but his tone is gentler. He’s very aware now of just how muchthis girl has managed to get under Oikawa’s skin. Part of him hopes somethingdoes work out between the two of them simply so he could meet her one day andshake her hand. A girl who got the indominable Oikawa Tooru to sound like a love-sickpuppy? This was one for the books. 
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa whines, “was there a point to thatquestion?”
“Oh right. Well, maybe the reason she isn’t responding isself-preservation.”
“What?! It’s not like I’m gonna hurt her or anything-“
“Oi! You and girls don’t have a good track record Oikawa!You can whine about it all you want, but it’s still the truth! If she knows youfrom high school, which it’s clear she does, your reputation is already set!And it sounds like you should know her if she was that upset you didn’trecognize her. Which is also not surprising since you always had your headstuck on volleyball!” Iwaizumi takes in a breath, knowing his words are going to hurt his friend but he needs to hear them and it always seems to fall on his shoulders to tell him hard truths. “And look at you! You’re projecting this “bad boy” imagethat is totally not who you are! But if she thinks it is, how could she not beleery? She probably thinks you’re just toying with her! Or maybe someone placed a bet! Unfair as it is, Tooru, people do cast judgement based on appearances and pastbehavior and both of yours are not doing you any favors.”
Oikawa inhales deeply, pain radiating through his chest. “Is…isthat what you really think of me, Iwa-chan?”
Iwaizumi groans, flopping onto his back. “No, because I know your crazy ass too well. I’mtelling you all this from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know you. Just, shit,” he rolls to his side, unsure exactlyhow to even help his friend, “if she doesn’t want to talk to you, maybe stop pushingthe issue? Give her some space to breathe.”
“I have! I don’t try this shit every day you know!”
“Then stop trying all together! Clearly it isn’t working sowhy continue to torture yourself like this? And for what? A girl you don’t evenknow?” Iwaizumi is at the end of his rope, tired of the circular formation ofthis conversation.
Oikawa sits silent in the dark of his dorm, but he nods. “You’reright, Iwa-chan. I…I just need to stop,” he finally agrees.
“Good. Ok, now, let me get some sleep asshole.”
Oikawa can’t help chuckling but before he says goodbye,Iwaizumi adds, “And I really am sorry.”
It’s been weeks since she last heard from Oikawa, hisdisappearance just as sudden as his appearance in her life. And though sheknows it’s the product of her own making, she can’t help feeling a bitdisappointed. Every time she believed she’d have the courage to reciprocate insome fashion, she lost her nerve, resulting in cold shoulders and brusque pushoffs of his advances. Really, she’s surprised he tried as many times as he did.
“I have no idea what’s wrong with you,” her roommate hadsnapped one day after she witnessed her friend practically running away fromOikawa,” he’s ridiculously hot and so into you, it’s a little sad. Why won’tyou go out with him?”
“I…it’s just, complicated, ok?”
“You’re just chicken shit. High school is already a lifetimeaway!”
“Maybe for you but it’s still raw for me!”
Her outburst had ended the conversation never to be brought upagain.
And now here she is, the setting almost an exact copy of thefirst time they’d seen each other. A party, a sorority one this time, that she’sbeen drug to by overstressed and overtly horny friends looking for a cheap buzzand a one-night stand. And there heis, leaning against the wall, but now, instead of torn jeans and a t-shirt,Oikawa’s sporting a button down with sleeves rolled to his elbows, black slacksand shined shoes. The contrast of his “preppy” look coupled with the ink stilladorning his arm and the ring in his lip invariably makes him even moreattractive, a fact proven true by the swarm of girls around him. To his right,she sees who she now knows to be his captain from the volleyball team, dressedsimilarly but rougher around the edges, opting for dark wash denim jeans, tightwhite t-shirt and a black button-down vest.
It really should be illegal to look so good.
“Ok everyone!” the house mother calls out. “Gather round, it’stime to draw for…7 minutes in heaven!”
A resounding cheer from the girls goes up while the malesall smirk and chuckle, elbowing one another in gleeful anticipation.
Swallowing the remaining contents of her Solo cup, she triesto head to the exit but her friend grabs her wrist. “Nope, you’re gonna getsomething tonight, even if it’s just kissing.” Protests fall on deaf ears, herhand shoved in the fish bowl drawing out a number.
“Alright, ladies and gents,” the house mother calls againonce the bowl is empty, “first up, number 12!”
Terushima pushes off from the wall, his movement pulling outsmall appreciative gasps from the surrounding crowd of females and one of them,a red head with cat-eye glasses, sashays up to him. He grins, taking her handand giving it a peck. “Shall we?” he asks gesturing to the hall closet. At hereager nod, he pulls her in, winking at the spectators before slamming the door.
A faint moan is heard from inside followed by a ripple ofteasing taunts and catcalls being thrown at the door. Seven minutes pass andthe door is opened to reveal a thoroughly disheveled girl stumbling out whileTerushima looks smug. “Oh my god, that tongue ring,” she murmurs to her friendswho giggle.
“Next up, number 9!”
When Oikawa steps away from the wall, a collective squealerupts only to be dulled to disappointed murmurs when each girl realizes they aren’this partner. Looking around, Oikawa searches for the girl he’ll have to put upwith for…no way. And there, blushing so brightly she looks sunburned, is thegirl who’s plagued his mind, both conscious and unconscious.
Smirking, he grabs her hand. “Can’t run away now,dancer-chan,” he whispers pulling her in and shutting the door.
Her breathing is rapid, breath fanning his chest and neckand he can feel her shaking under his fingers. He’s not sure if it’s the dark,the booze or both but Oikawa lets down his mask. “You don’t have to you know?Or…I mean, you could just pretend I’m someone else, if that helps.”
Her eyes shoot to his face. His voice is so dejected she can’tstop herself from whispering, “I…I don’t want it to be anyone else.”
That gets hisattention in a hurry. Grasping her shoulders, he murmurs, “What do you mean?”
“I…I want it to be you, Oikawa-san.”
“Time’s running out, are you still alive?” a muffled voicecalls but Oikawa ignores it. Ignores everything except the girl in front ofhim.
“Explain to me one thing then, dancer-chan,” he says,fingers toying with her hair, “if that’s true…why have you been avoiding methis whole time?”
He can feel her trembling, the cords in her neckconstricting as she swallows nerves and steels herself. “I was…am…afraid ofletting myself really believe you wanted me. I mean, in high school-“
“Yeah,” he interjects, leaning his forearm above her head,face inches from hers. She can feel his breath upon her face, minty of coursebecause Oikawa Tooru is always prepared, “what was that whole deal the secondtime I saw you?”
Her eyes close despite the darkness still hiding her face. “Itried to…to confess to you in high school. It was your third year, just beforethe tournament.” She feels him flinch, memories of that loss still obviouslyraw. She presses on quickly, “I brought you a bento box and some cookies andleft them in your locker with a note. But…you never responded, not even to tellme no. I waited for you by the school gates like a fool and you never came.”
Oikawa stares hard at her face, his eyes having finallyadjusted to the dark. He has no recollection of her at all other than a visagein a sea of faces continually vying for his attention. After a while it’sdifficult to determine one from another. But he remembers those presents.
“There was no note, dancer-chan. And even with as busy as Iwas, I would not have just left you there. I may have a reputation for being anasshole but I wouldn’t have done something so cruel,” he says lowly in her ear.
“Wha…what? I was sure…I know I put the note with it!”
He shrugs. “That may be true. Maybe it fell somewhere in mylocker or out of it when I picked up the gift. I remember it, clearly. I rememberlooking around for someone watching me receive it but there was no one so Ijust took it to be from a secret admirer or one of my fans and moved on.” Hetouches her cheek gently, “Will you let me thank you for it now?”
Unable to find her voice, she nods. It’s all the opening Oikawaneeds, swooping down to seal his lips over hers, the taste of cherry coke and badvodka lingering. He licks into her mouth, her own flavor much, much sweeter makinghim moan rather loudly. Her fingers clutch his shirt, knees going weak underthe ministrations of his tongue and the feel of his lip ring grazing hersensitive flesh prompting Oikawa to draw his arm around her, pulling her to hischest.
“Tell me your name,” he rasps.
“________,” she whimpers, lost in the feel of his touchagainst the soft skin on her back.
Before time’s up, he hoists her around his waist, throwingopen the door to the shock and awe of those waiting for their turn. Lockingeyes with Terushima, Oikawa asks, “Guest room?”
His captain grins widely. “Up the stairs, turn right, thirddoor on the left.”
Ignoring everyone and everything around him, Oikawa surgesup the stairs.
“What are you doing?” she gasps.
His eyes shift to hers, gleaming with a predatory glow. “WhatI plan on doing to you will take much, muchlonger than seven minutes.”
I know Terushima is ayear behind Oikawa but since this is AU anyway we’ll just pretend they were inthe same grade since I find the idea of Terushima as Oikawa’s captainhilarious.
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lovely-angst · 7 years
PART1: I want some angst. And you're a specialist. And I'm going to be REALLY specific: ReaderxTendou. Tendo has a secret past with her best friend (aka femReader) During their last year in high school it happened that they got a bit drunk & kissed a couple times. Everybody knows she's in love with him bc she's too obvious but the graduation party (prom) came & Tendo invited another girl instead of her. She was shocked & brokenhearted and couldn't talk to him after that bc it just hurt too much
TendoProm PART2: So it’s the day of the prom, and the reader has to watch him be with the other girl & everyone is commenting in how depressing must be for her to watch Tendo with another girl & she can’t take it & starts tearing up, and leaves before she starts crying, but she makes it only a few blocks before starting to cry like crazy. Tendo saw in what state she left & feels guilty. He liked her back & knew about the rumours but since she didn’t said anything he thought she wanted to be -
I didn’t think this would take 3 asks. PART 3: He didn’t say anything because he thought she wanted to stay as friends since she didn’t say anything either. But now he sees he was pretty much wrong, & now have hurt her horribly, and he had been missing her bc she stopped talking to her, so he ditchs her date and goes after her in a hopeless try to make everything okay again with her. Wush. So so sorry for the long request !!! >_
This might be kinda messy and sorry for taking foreverrrrr! It’s kinda hard for me to portray Tendou more serious, but I tried my best >n
So this is what a broken heart felt like; it felt as if someone was crushing your heart in the palm of their hand, breaking it into multiple pieces.
Watching Tendou with another girl was more difficult than you had thought it would be. It felt stupid and wrong to be this upset about him asking another girl to prom, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt.
Was everything that happened between the two of you just a lie? Closing your eyes, you vividly remembered the events that occurred that night. Your lips were locked with his and your breathing was heavy when you pulled away to look up at him with lidded eyes.
You love him and he didn’t know that.
When you opened your eyes, Tendou’s eyes connected with your own, you quickly turned around on your heel and walked away to class before your emotions took the best of you. 
“Can you believe Tendou asked another girl to prom and not (Name)? I thought they had a thing going!” 
“It must be so tough for (Name) to see Tendou ask another girl!”
You groaned and put your head down on your crossed arms as you listened to your classmates talk about what had happened and when you heard the classroom door slide open and the voices stopped, you braced yourself for the events to come.
The footsteps came closer and your hands gripped tighter onto your arms as they stopped, “(Name)~ Are you jealous?” Tendou teased but you turned your head to the side to ignore him.
“I’m not in the mood for this Tendou.” You say with an annoyed tone and Tendou raises his brows before stepping back from your desk, his hooded eyes still staring at you unphased.
When you hear his footsteps turn around to walk towards the door you feel a little guilty, but you didn’t want to think about it any more than you already had.
The day of prom arrived and your friend suggested the two of you go together for fun because it was your last year in high school and you hesitantly agreed. Thankfully she was kind enough to help you get ready and by the time you were done, you sat and watched her get ready.
“Thank you for helping me,” You say and she gave you a smile, “Anything for a friend.” You sat down on the bed and looked down at your dress and how fancy you looked for the first time in forever. It was different.
“Are you going to talk to Tendou today?” She asked and you looked up at her in shock, “What?” She chuckled and looked over at you from over her shoulder, “You know what I mean.”
Your brows knitted closely and you shrugged, “I don’t know..It’s still kinda hard for me to take in. I really thought we had something going and I thought he was going to take me.”
“Hey, I’m sure there’s a reason behind this, but all I want is for you to be happy and enjoy the night.” You smiled at her and nodded, “Thank you, I really owe you one.”
When you stepped onto the grounds of prom, your stomach sunk to your feet as you gulped heavily looking around at all the couples and students from school. Your friend tapped you gently on the shoulder and gave you a reassuring smile that helped you calm down.
“Come on, let’s get out on the dance floor.”
Fortunately, an upbeat song was playing when you walked into the large space filled with colorful light and people chatting away. Your heart raced with every step you took, afraid of seeing Tendou. 
“Hey, (Name)! You look great tonight!” a guy says as he walks up to you, you force the best smile you can with a nod, “Thank you, you as well.”
“So, where’s Tendou? He’s your date right?” Your eyes widen slightly and you shake your head, mustering another playful smile, “N-No, he has a different date. I’m here with a friend.”
He looks at you shocked and he clenches his teeth full of cringe because of his words, “Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t know,” You shake your head and hold your hand up with a genuine smile this time, “It’s okay.”
The party lights turn soft as a slow song fills the room and couples around the two of you begin swaying to the music. You look around at the other people but focus back on the guy as he chuckles softly.
“It must be tough for you huh? You had the hots for him but he just ditched you and went for another chick.” Looking down at your shoes, a frown forms on your lips and you shrug at him, your lips now starting to quiver.
“Oh geez, I need to think before I say stuff. Don’t cry (Name)!” You bring the back of your hands to your eyes gently as you try to stop the tears forming in your eyes. 
You open your eyes again when you feel yourself against his warm chest; his arms gently wrap around you as he tries to comfort you, “I’m sorry for making you cry.” It was a weird feeling, but you didn’t hate it. 
Glancing to the side, you just happened to catch Tendou and his date slowly dance to the music and you couldn’t look away from them. 
He looked extremely handsome in his tux and the way his hair was slightly done neatly. You didn’t notice the soft smile crawling on your lips, but it soon disappeared when you looked at the bigger picture of the two of them.
His date smiled up at him happily and he smiled back, but when he turned and accidentally made eye contact with your teary ones you pulled away and ran for the exit.
“(Name)!” The guy calls out as he watches you run away towards the doors to outside. Your friend walks up to him and comforts him as she walks away to a quieter area to explain.
Tendou’s eyes didn’t leave the exit until his date called him back to reality. “Tendou? Are you okay?” Looking down, he looks into her own with a blank emotionless face. “Tendou?”
“I can’t be with you here tonight,” With that, Tendou runs out after you, leaving his date behind. 
You didn’t know how far you ran but you couldn’t stop the tears streaming down your face as you carried your shoes with you in one hand and your other hand gently wiping your face. 
You felt pathetic for being so weak, for crying over this, for crying over him. For allowing yourself to love him unconditionally.
Settling down on a bench near by, you looked up at the now dark sky and sighed unevenly as you rested your feet on the cold pavement.
“(Name)!” Hearing your voice being called, you look over in the direction you heard it from just to see a figure running towards you. It didn’t take long for him to reach you because of his incredible speed, but when he stopped in front of you panting, all you could do was look up at him.
“Tendou, what are you doing here?” You ask after a couple silent minutes. “Why did you run out?” “Huh?” “Did I hurt you? You’re always sad when I see you now.”
“Tendou, do you like me?” You ask honestly and bluntly as you look up at him. His eyes slightly widen and you repeat your words making him look around a little nervously.
“I like you (Name),” Tendou confesses, but you lean forward a little angry, “Then why did you ask that girl to prom?”
“I thought that you just wanted to be friends, so I didn’t want to take things the wrong way.” Leaning back, you look at him hurt, “Where did you get the idea that I wanted to stay friends?”
Tendou took a seat beside you and rested his elbows on his knees taking a deep breath, “People talk a lot at school. That night at the after party when we went off and did our own stuff,” you blushed remembering the events that went on that night but you tried to hide it. “They said that it was only because we both had been drinking that night so nothing happened.”
Looking down at your hands in your lap, you pursed your lips and sighed. “I meant everything that happened that night and more, Tendou.” 
Your eyes didn’t move from your hands and you could see Tendou turning to look at you from the corner of your eyes. “I really like you Tendou, that’s why I was upset all the time. I was jealous and sad because I thought you liked me back but you asked that other girl instead.”
You finally turned to look over at Tendou and your cheeks were rosy from crying and because of everything the two of you had just talked about. Tendou smiled and stood up, holding out a hand towards you. 
“May I have this dance?” He asked and you couldn’t help but smile up at him as you placed your hand gently on his, “Yes you may.” You reply with a giggle as you place your hand on his shoulder while his hand lays softly against your hip.
Swaying gently to the soft music with Tendou was not how you expected to end your night, but it was an unforgettable night. Your soft laughter filled the air as he joked around with you while he held you close to him. 
The love you felt for the man in front of you had never been stronger.
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