#i have two episodes left but i peeked so sue me
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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"Alternative" Season 1 Episode 3 part 2 of 2: "Scandal"
Montero Girls Sorority.
Gabriella, Ekaterina and Lola were talking about some of her crushes.
Lola: Ekaterina, you are so lucky to be with Alexander! Being the most famous couple in SimNation must be super cool!
Ekaterina (Looking at the clock several times): Yes... But sometimes I feel like I need a break...
Gabriella (Confused): What do you mean by that?.
Ekaterina (Going to open the door): I'll be back, DON'T LOOK OUT AND ESPECIALLY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!
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The two girls were left alone confused, so they decided to peek out the window, to their surprise, Ekaterina was kissing the soccer player Daniel Pleasant!?
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Ekaterina (Smiling): Did you miss me, Dany?
Daniel (Caressing his lover): Sure, darling... And how is everything with that "Modern Shakespeare"?
Ekaterina: Alexander is finishing his novel... And how have you been baby?
Daniel (With a smile): Missing you princess, do you know something? One of these days I will leave Mary Sue and marry you!
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Ekaterina: Really? Daniel, you are the most handsome and coolest man I know!!
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In the distance, a woman was taking photos of the couple, while Gabriella looked at everything with confusion, she wanted to confront her cousin. Which she did afterwards.
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Gabriella (Discussing): Ekaterina, can you explain to me what you were doing with Daniel Pleasant?
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Ekaterina (A little angry): And what were YOU doing spying on me!? I was doing what everyone does except you: Falling in love!!.
Gabriella: I haven't fallen in love yet, because I want to focus on MY studies and NOT on the letters many guys send me!!
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Ekaterina: Be grateful that I'm helping you find love! Ungrateful!
The girl in red left, leaving Gabriella alone.
In the residence of Alexander Goth.
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Alex was finishing his novel called "Murder in Pleasantview", that novel had taken him several months to finish, but finally he finished writing it, he just needed to send it to a publisher. At that moment Don and Cassandra arrive, who invited Alexander to go to a restaurant.
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Cassandra and Don: Hi Alex! How are you?
Alexander: Hello Sister, Hello Don! I have finally finished writing my novel!
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Cassandra: Congratulations little brother! Dad will be very proud of you!
Alexander (With a big smile): Well, do you want to go out somewhere?
Don: Cassandra and I have thought about going to the Monty Family Restaurant in Veronaville, so we can celebrate that you finished your novel.
Alexander: Sounds great!
Outside the residence, the same woman was taking photos of the place, after taking photos, she went to the nearest phone booth to make a call.
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??: Good afternoon, Mr. Rutherford... Our plan is working very well, I have found the ideal woman for your son...
Kenneth: It sounds very interesting, My poor son will not be able to live long without his loved one... And what is the name of the lucky one?
??: Well, I think it's going to leave you speechless... the ideal woman for your son is Ekaterina Dunnoff, the model girlfriend of Mr Goth's son.
Kenneth: Wow wow, that sounds great!
??: But there is a problem... We have to get rid of Alexander...
Kenneth (Laughing evilly): Don't worry about that, my son is trained to get rid of everything that prevents him from having the love of his life HAHAHA
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x21 Reaction / Commentary
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I was seriously wondering if this was Alec because Magnus loss = melt down = shaky fingers but Alec would never voluntarily drink something so pretentious. But uuhhh I had thought Jonathan angry-flapped through the rift to Edom? Why he now here still?
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More seelie queen crown, yeah!!
Not buying that whole “your demon blood is burning away your humanity” because, again, he lived years without being bonded to Clary so what's taken that “transformation” so long? Also, will he become like, a raven? A harpy? Oh no, I saw the promo. He'll be blond. Makes sense.
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He just showed that he's not interested, stop harassing him you sick cougar.
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Uhhhhh, objection your honor. That fake blade only contained like three atoms of the original Glorious. But whatever, details amiright.
Also if they wanna tell me it's the blade that triggered the transformation then a) wtf why would a blade designed to break something evil make the evil actually MORE evil wtf for a shit equipment is that b) can we expect some ridic changes for Clary too, that make her even more Mary Sue? c) if Lucifer was so badass, where is he? Something killed him, maybe? Since Jonathan is declared most uniquest thing to ever unique?
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“A splendid pet bird. And he died a few decades back so I'd like to recruit you as replacement,. Whatcha say? I'll even drop bird themed pick up lines around you all day.” God I'm making myself sick.
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BS when you think about it, because every individual is unique. Good luck salvaging the climate change and what not, seelie queen, on your heroic quest to preserve all that is unique.
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#rejected, take that you prowling predator. Can you believe she annoyed him so much he just abandoned his pretentious cream drink thingy? So rude. Also nice touch that they remembered that thing with the flowers and Jonathan making them poor flowers wilt. Btw would that have worked if they were plastic flowers?? Haha ok sorry.
Wtf I'm very much not on board with the seelie queen having a weird Jonathan fetish. Also, if the sole reason she has it is that Jonathan is “one of a kind” then I wonder why she wasn't ruthlessly hitting on Simon the same way? Or technically, before Simon became a daylighter, on Cain, getting him to leave the sewers and chill in the seelie realm instead?
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1) Wow can you believe they managed to spare Malec's drama 3 seconds of consideration before getting absorbed in themselves again? Amazing. 2) Dude, you weren't in control of your actions while Clary was brainwashed and very much in control of her actions. That's not really comparable? But whatever.
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Some great “love” you've got going on there, Maryse, writing Magnus off after, what? Half a day? Two days? Smh.
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???????????????????? So they want to tell me Magnus plastered his magic like a bandaid over the rift but didn't really close it? Well, I am prepared with outrage to point out all the ways in which this is bullshit.
1) There clearly was no such thing to be seen from the other side.
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Since Edom and Earth are two different dimensions and on Earth's side there was no rift in the dimension's fabric anymore that obviously means if the wraiths slipped through that Edom crack they'd either be lost in limbo or flapping around in some inter-dimesional space. But they couldn't reach Earth. So I fail to see how this is a problem.
2) How the hell do the NY Shadowhunters know about this? Since from their side the rift was well and truly closed? They don't know that Magnus has to keep his magical band-aid in place? The only thing they have to wonder about is why the hell Magnus hasn't returned yet since Magnus proved in 3x20 that apparently interdimensional travel works with normal warlock portals and those fancy pentagram things aren't necessary.
3) Uhhhh if Magnus has to stay there to keep up the magical band-aid (since exit options clearly aren't the issue here) wtf won't he tire at some point? Am I supposed to believe exhausting isn't a thing in Edom? What happens if he has to sleep? (Sidenote, what the hell do they eat in Edom anyway? Will he have to roast some shax demons? Disturbing.) Anyway back to the topic at hand, if I'm supposed to believe that Magnus is THAT strong he can keep up this magic (a magic that was so enormous he couldn't even achieve it from Earth) for eternity without taking a break, then I doubly don't get why he can't just SEAL the goddamn rift?! And don't tell me it's because band-aid magic is something he can do, and different from  rift sealing magic which is something he can't do. Because again, 2x20 is a thing where Magnus proves that he is capable of sealing a rift; so the only explanation of why he didn't do it in 3x20 is because the rift was too powerful. Now correct me if I'm wrong but to me Magnus + Enhanced Edom Powers equals He Closes The Rift, not Weird Band-Aid Magic. Wtf.
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Love that shot.
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1) Thanks, Lilith, for confirming that Magnus is in fact constantly supplying the band-aid with magic and thus exposing this whole plot line as completely frakkin illogical. 2) Wtf Lilith, why the heck did you go back to Edom in 3x16 if you wanted to murder Jonathan????? IT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL WTF 3) Where tf is Cain?
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Wow that escalated quickly. I hate that even though Magnus knows it's just a trick to get into his head it still hurts him, because this is how he is: alwasy second-guessing his worth. He deserves better from all of them, deserves more from them, so he wouldn't feel this so keenly.
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Ok, good save, I was just gearing up for a rage about why the hell Magnus is more powerful than the literal mother of demons who could defeat everyone, even with his Ddom-Edition-Powers because come on. However, Magnus must know that this is just a temporal solution because recovering means at some point she'll be recovered and, well.
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Also, this shot haha.
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Hahahaha I see he inherited the hell puns from Asmodeus along with the real estate XD
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I mean, yeah, and then he acted like a total fool in his last few days. Great way to go, man. #stillbitter
“People mattered to Jordan. People, their troubles, their pain...”
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That was sweet.
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Probably off to do something to enrage me, so same as always.
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Oh look, he's robbing a bakery because being jobless and needing food doesn't mix well.
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OMG I SUDDENLY REMEMBER THIS FROM THE 3B TRAILER. You know, Luke being all creepy in the back of a car? Wtf, honestly I think I'll have even less patience for Human!Luke than I have Inapt!Werewolf!Luke. They're really testing me.
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“....like Sizzy” Hahahah okay I'll try to behave myself. And I had time to prepare, it was obvious they'd use that inspirational thing Maia said for Sizzy purposes.
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Yeah...... #irony #obviously me behaving myself isn't working out, who's surprised? I'm not.
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Don't they have fire extinguishers in the Institute somewhere? I mean, there's regulations for that, right? Lemme guess, that's remnants of the Glorious fake sword that pierced her? And now she can't be with Simon without killing him, hahaha, all Sizzy problems solved XD
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When I saw this (in the Sneak Peek, but still counts) my first thought was “Aha NOW he tries to find a solution but when Magnus first lost his magic he couldn't be bothered RUDE ALEC WTF” lol ahahahah
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Question time: 1) Didn't he have plants in there last episode?
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OH RIGHT HE HAD!!! What happened to them? *Sherlock Voice* Did he eat them??
2) Why didn't Alec wonder where the hell Lorenzo was? Sure, he's a little preoccupied atm with losing Magnus, but he should have realized Lorenzo was weirdly absent about five hours into his happy little loft occupation???
3) I fully expected the scratching to be Chameleon!Lorenzo vying for attention, but seeing it, omg my heart broke a little. Can you imagine the desperation?? Poor evil lizard baby.
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You know, I find it inherently troubling that Alec assumes Magnus always had this lizard and has only now decided to relocate its terrarium into the loft's main room, instead of thinking Magnus got the lizard as, idk, a pick-me-up after the breakup. I mean, what kind of lousy pet holder does he take Magnus for? Not even mentioning he has one, never taking care of it? That's not Magnus. Alec should know better.
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Als Bohemian so incisively pointed out, why would he have created a pet cobra that he calls “baby” if he hated reptiles? And while, granted, Alec might not know about this, I believe Cat should. So wtf.
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.....................................they honestly felt the need to tell her this? In grave detail and that this was their first kiss? Why would they do that?? Or did she look at the tapes??? So many questions.
Lol okay I didn't even intend to be so spot on with the Sizzy prediction. More importantly though, she won't be able to shadowhunt anymore.
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Why is anyone (except Magnus (and occasionally Alec)) left in charge of anything, ever. *sigh*
But I mean, at least there's this
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Small mercies (aka comedic pockets in a vast sea of illogic shit) I guess XD
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Jace is me, I am Jace
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So.... many....... questions...............
Okay, so I'm severely confused. If this demon has info on what's happening in Edom right now, then either he left Edom after Lilith started gathering her army so there's a rift there somewhere, OR there's a way for news to travel between Edom and Earth, probably through, you guessed it, a tiny rift. So wtf, show, please explain because I don't understand.
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Wow. Alec, can you please punch him?
Don't get me wrong. They're shadowhunters, of course it is their duty to prevent this to protect the mundanes. But, delivery?! Show some worry at the prospect of the love of your parabatai's life dying??? before continuing with business as usual?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SAME CLARY, BECAUSE WTF?! I REPEAT, WTF!!!! Didn't she listen to Helen at all? It's not going to protect her, it's going to blast her to frakking pieces. Wtf how dumb is she??? Hääääääääääää?????
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lol Simon, you'd just stab yourself in the eye with it XD But I appreciate the sentiment XD
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Okay, on a more coherent note. I LOVE this line. I was so painfully deprived of Alec throwing himself into risk and action just to protect and help Magnus during 3B that it's not even funny. So this was really awesome. But, consider this: if he really wanted to go through with it he'd have to wait like a whole day before the transformation is completed, so uhhh impracitcal.
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YES. YES. PLEASE MORE OF ENRAGED ALEC SCOLDING THEM LIKE THE KIDS THEY ARE. (But, uh, ragefully running away from his sire in spe wasn't the cleverest move if he wants to go through with it immediately ahaha XD)
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I mean, nice of them to contriubute. All it took was Alec (!!!!!) flipping his shit. It seems they didn't have the idea to look into something themselves. Lol I'm inclined to be with Lilith on that one, are they even worth it??? Smh.
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Full disclosure, for the longest time I was sure those were burning dog shit piles XD
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Can we talk about how Jonathan is at a point where he doesn't really seem to care if he lives or dies because everything is pointless to him? (Btw if I manage to actually write the epic 3x21+22 rewrite I have in mind then it'd start here.)
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I mean this was smooth and all, but......? Wasn't Meliorn like, totally over Izzy? I'm meaning this in a premonition-y way, not just this line. His rekindled feelings come pretty much out of nowhere.
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I get that this is the alliance rune from the books. But why the hell would she do that in this situation instead of a rune that allows Shadowhunters to survive in Edom? In which universe is alliance rune your first thought instead of resiliance rune?? Or just a plain Accio Magnus rune, ffs!!!Makes no sense.
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This is epic and all, but excuse me while I roll my eyes real hard.
Also ignoring the seelie queen and her weird fetish 2.0 because who cares.
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“As my first act on the Downworld Council...”
So you mean to tell me that from 3x02 til 3x21 actually only a week passed? Because the Downworld Council meetings are weekly scheduled??? Tf hahaha.
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Hahahhahhaa I mean I totally get why he reacts that way. Also, may I ask the dreaded question: WHERE THE F IS CATARINA???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No honestly, I give up. I just. I give up.
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“The angels wouldn't have given me this power if they didn't want me to use it.”
Premonition!Ralf: Ha. Hahahhahaha. Ha.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PERFECT!!!! Not least because it's immediately followed by
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which makes it seem as if Lorenzo is complimenting Meliorn's prowess as a lover LOL
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SIGH. So in 3x10 it was the portal that allowed Magnus to EASILY travel back to Earth, not Asmodeus kindly giving him a lift. So then let me ask why the hell he didn't make a portal like this in 3x20?! Did he already know he wouldn't be able to seal the rift but would have to keep it closed 24/7? Ridiculous. Also, why does Alec even ask this, since he saw Magnus use that exact same portal in 3x10.
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I think you should have held frikkin hands.
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HAHAHA ALEC, HONEY, WHAT WOULD YOU WRITE ANYWAY???? “We're right here, next to those withered trees. There's sand on the ground and wraiths in the sky. Everything looks red. And from here I can see that one ruin!!”
Weird Lorenzo & Alec bonding is intriguing. That's all I'm saying on the matter for now. I'm reserving judgement.
(Edit: After watching both 3x21 and 3x22 this clearly marks the point where Lorenzo's Instant Redemption Arc sets in and simultaneously comes to a close. Thanks, I hate it. Let antagonists be antagonists, dammit. At the end of the day not everyone is a goody two-shoes. That's life. UGH. Also, let me introduce my theory that while traveling between Earth and Edom Lorenzo's character was ripped from him in a severe Plot Convenience Turbulence. What a shame.)
But hell yeah to Alec's emotions running rampant and him being unable to control the magic. Another headcanon confirmed (that I didn't really knew I had, lol).
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Hahahahha dude could you be any more pretentious XD XD XD
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Hahahahahahaha this is the best day of my life.
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Hahahaha Meliorn just got promoted to one of my favorites. Better late than never amiright.
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I get this, this taking stock conversation, from a meta standpoint. But BITCH CAN YOU FOCUS ON MAGNUS FOR ONCE IN YOUR SELF-ABSORBED LIFE IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK WTF DAMMIT
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Yeah, me too. Who knew demonic transformations came with a villain hairdo make over?? Nature truly is beautiful.
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Me, watching: I might be totally oblivous, but did this crown always have a stripe thing on the top, too? Ralf, editing this reaction post: Yes. Yes it did. You're not as observant as you like to think. Me, reading that: .......harsh
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..........do I have to understand why he isn't running away screaming? I get the instinct to wreak havoc because everything hurts and is pointless but wtf, the seelie queen is doing the exact same things Lilith did to him. Using him, only seeing him as a power source that has to be cultivated but has no feelings, no worth, and weirdly kissing him. He should, for all intents and purposes, be running for the hills. (But also, uh, neat nail polish and rings, seelie queen. You've got style.)
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HAHAHAHA I mean, I already prepared two Jeliorn Dumb Comics, but this is reaching ridiculous levels XD XD XD I'm soooo here for it.
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Hahahahaha XD XD XD
“Runes bubbling back, incredible” Yeah, no shit. I'm not buying. I could even largely argue my point, making references to the seelies that got “treated” in 3x17 that weren't rendered half-human-half-angel but mundane, meaning they lost their angelic part, too, meaning the serum removes angelic blood as well as demon blood. But since I couldn't care less about Luke (right now or in general? That's your guess to make) I'm not even getting worked up over it XD
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Dude, you're aware this is like the perfect opening for getting a verbal diss, right?
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Wow, three seconds a shadowhunter and here we are with the racist jokes again. That was quick.
Also, let me say how exceedingly ridiculous it is that Luke just walks out of there with a “No thank you” and Evil Praetor Guy does nothing against it literally because Luke said “But blackmailing me would mean you're evil ;__;”
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bitch please
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Look, can we appreciate this a little more? Like, a lot more??? Can I pause the episode here and stare at this for half an hour or something????? Alec saying he's willing to just, leave behind life as he knew it, very possibly never seeing anyone of his family again, just so he gets to stay with Magnus? I mean, that's some Major Immortal Alec Energy right there. Serve me more please.
..................wow instead I get Clary depriving me of a Malec Reunion Smooch wtf?! Uuuhhhh no thank you!!!!
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Btw what Jace said about Simon really gave me something to think about. I'm confused but intrigued. I like.
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getinthefuckingcar · 7 years
I Fucking Hate You
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or any canon story lines used in this fanfic.
I'm sorry if they're OOC, I'm working on making sure they're accurate. Also let're pretend Carl is home for some reason and all the Gallaghers are there rn.
I feel like I use too many commas when I write and most of my sentences are run-ons. Let me know if you agree.
Mikhailo Milkovich was found dead five miles from the border between Mexico and the United States.
Ian doesn't realize at first, why everyone freezes.  He's staring at the TV, at the picture of him. The picture of Mickey. He still doesn't realize when Carl runs up the stairs and the door slams, when he hears a choked sob come from Debbie, when Fiona lets out a muttered, oh shit, or when Lip stops talking.
He doesn't realize until Liam reacts.
"Mickey Mouse?" He asks, turning to Ian. He sounds sad. How does he understand before Ian does?
Mikhailo Milkovich was found dead five miles from the border between Mexico and the United States.
Suddenly there's bile rising up his throat and he's throwing up all over the wooden flooring in the living room.
It's only been a few months.
It's all his fault.
The minute he stops, he's shaking. He can't stand up, but Fiona is next to him, and he doesn't realize he's crying until the pads of her thumbs are swiping under his eyes, but doing nothing, because the tears won't fucking stop.
She's guiding him up the stairs, into his bedroom and pushing him down until he's on the bed. She's talking, but he can't understand what she's saying because Mickey's dead. Mickey's dead and it's all his fault, and he should have gone with him. He should have been there because then he wouldn't have been wherever he was when he died, he would have been with Ian.
Ian doesn't leave his bed for two weeks. His pills are working. Debbie brings him his meds and some toast every morning and night, and he doesn't know how he has the strength to take them and eat the fucking toast, but Mickey had always wanted him to be okay, and Ian thinks that even if he's never really okay again, that this fucking disease won't be the reason why. There's always water next to his bed, whenever he drinks it someone comes in and fills it up. He doesn't shower, Fiona called into work for him, explained what happened. Sue doesn't really know the full story, doesn't really understand who Mickey is, or why Ian cares so much, but she lets him take as much time as he needs. He only gets up to piss, because fuck that, he isn't pissing in his fucking bed.
Everyone tries to talk to him, Lip comes upstairs first, a few hours after Fiona brought him up, telling him that he gets it, that it felt like this when Karen got hit by the fucking car and Ian screams at him. Tells him he  doesn't understand because this is his fault, and Karen didn't fucking die, and she remembered who he was, and he could still go and find her if he really wanted to see her. Lip doesn't say anything else, but when he leaves, Ian curls further into himself.
Fiona tries to talk to him next, come into his room a few days later, saying that she gets it too, that when she though Jimmy was dead, it was horrible. Ian doesn't believe her because he knows she never really thought Jimmy was dead, just that he left. He doesn't scream at her, but when she tries to brush the hair out of his face, or tempt him into taking a shower, he shoves her away. She leaves too.
Carl and Debbie talk to him, halfway through the second week. They tell him they don't understand how he feels, that maybe they've seen people in love, maybe they have been themselves, they don't really know, but they've never seen anyone love like him and Mickey. That, yeah, they both fucked up a lot, but that time between his first depressive episode and his next manic one, those months, were the happiest they've ever seen Ian. They say that Mickey would want him to be okay. When they leave, Ian showers, but goes back to bed again.
The last day he spends in bed, Liam stumbles into his room. He climbs into the bed with Ian, little hands resting on his cheeks.
"I miss Mouse, too." Ian cries again. Liam's short fingers wiping away tears, and he stays with Ian until the morning.
Ian gets up, he showers, he wakes Liam up and makes him some breakfast. He calls Sue, tells her he'll be back tomorrow. She says she was worried about him, asks if he's okay, he says he's not, but he's as okay as he'll ever be.
Fiona and Lip try not to make a big deal of him being up, but they hand him a plate piled with food, and even though he isn't hungry, he eats all of it.
Ian checks him phone, sees messages from Mandy and Iggy, even Svetlana called a few times.  He texts Mandy, asks if she's okay. He doesn't answer when she asks how he's doing. Iggy  actually seems upset when he answers the phone, and Ian remembers that Mickey had told him Iggy had always been the one trying to keep the beatings from Mickey, just like Mickey had tried to keep them from Mandy.
He calls Svetlana and asks if she could bring Yevgeny over. He says he's sorry for acting like he didn't give a shit, about her, or the baby, or Mickey. She tells him that she knew he gave a shit, knew he had fucked up, but that it was okay. She brings Yevgeny over for dinner.
When she walks through the door, she hands the three year old to Ian and the toddler smiles bright, his blue eyes shining, just like Mickey's did. Ian wants to cry again.
"He misses father," She stated.
"I do too."
"Other father, one who's here now."
Ian smiles for the first time in weeks, and presses his nose to the back of Yevgeny's head.
There's a knock on the door, and Debbie goes to answer it, Liam trailing behind her.
"Mouse!" Ian freezes, placing Yev down on the couch. He turns around.
Mickey is there. His hair is blonde, peeking out of the hoodie he's wearing, but he's there, and his knuckles still hold promises of pain, and his eyes are still just as bright, and he's picking Liam up and hugging him.
"What the fuck?" he hears someone ask, Fiona, probably, but Mickey is hugging Debbie and Carl now and Ian tries to remember if he took his meds at breakfast. He did.
Mickey is looking at Ian now, and suddenly Ian is there. His arms are tight around Mickey, one pulling the hood off his head, and slipping his hand into his hair, the other around his back, hand gripping tight to the fabric he finds there. He breathes in deep, finally taking in that scent he loved, the scent he missed so fucking much. Mickey's arms are around him too, one hand running up and down his back and the other holding around his waist.
"You complete fucking asshole!" He chokes out. He realizes he's breaking down and he doesn't really care, because Mickey isn't fucking dead. "I fucking hate you." He says, but he's wetting Mickey's sweater with tears, and he's never fucking letting go.
"I love you too." Ian's smiling, pulling back enough to kiss him, there's tongue, and the tears still falling from Ian's eyes are making it kinda wet, but neither of them care. When they pull away Ian immediately clings to his side and doesn't let go when he picks up Yev, and hugs the little boy, or when Fiona hugs him, or when Svetlana does, even when Lip gives him a one armed hug, Ian is still wrapped up in one arm, both of his around Mickey's torso.
"I love you, shit, so fucking much, I should have gone with you. I'm sorry. So fucking sorry, Mick." Ian looks down at him, green eyes shining, and, shit, how does he have any tears left?
"Hey, it's okay. Yeah, you really fucking hurt me, a few times actually, but it's not like I never hurt you." He kisses the top of his head, "Gonna let me go now, dumbass?"
"No." He buries his face in his shoulder, and Mickey laughs.
"As much as I hate to break up this reunion, how the fuck did you fake your fucking death?" Fiona asks, even if she sounds kind of mad, she has a smile on her face.
"Met up with Damon, he was my cellmate, motherfucker has a big fucking heart aparently, helped me do this shit even after I left him when we switched cars." Mickey looks away from Ian, up at the rest of the Gallaghers. "He has some fucking connections, I guess. He did most of the work. I payed him, but all I really had to do was stand there and look pretty until the cops declared that shit."
"So you're stayin' here?" Lip asks, trying to hide his smile. It would be nice to have the old Ian back.
"Yeah," he looks back at Ian's smiling face. "Yeah, I'm stayin' here. I don't know where exactly I'm stayin', but I'll figure that out."
"Stay here. Or we can find somewhere else to live, or we can move back into your old house, but together. Yeah?"
Mickey nods, answering with a quiet, yeah, and Ian lets him answer some more questions from his family. He plays with Mickey's hand, stares at the tattoos he's misses so much. They promised pain, but they touched Ian so softly.  
Eventually his family files into the kitchen, and then out the backdoor. Ian pulls Mickey down to the couch, and suddenly he has a lap full of Milkovich.
Then he's angry.
"What the fuck, Mick? You couldn't have warned me?"
"Oh, yeah sure, let me just call you and get fucking caught, while I'm trying to get back to your sorry ass!" Mickey looks angry too, but Ian thinks he's hurt.
"You shouldn't have left!" Ian shouts back.
"You left me!" Mickey's voice cracks on the last word and Ian's heart shatters again. He tries to climb off Ian's lap, but Ian can see the tears shining in the older boy's eyes, so he wraps his arms around his waist and holds him there.
"You left me," he repeats,  "I did everything I could to stay with you, to make sure you were okay, and you broke up with me, let me get arrested, you never fucking visited me, and I broke out so I could fucking see you! Then you left again! And I know I've done my fair share of shit, but fuck, Ian, I tried." His voice gets quieter the longer he talks, and he's crying by the end, hands angrily trying to wipe the tears.
Ian knows how much he fucked up, he knows all the shit he did. The cheating, stealing his fucking kid, how he acted while adjusting to the meds, fucking hitting him. Leaving with Monica, breaking up with him. He let him go to jail, and even when he was stable again, didn't visit, and talked shit about him. He knows he can blame most of it on his fucking disease - disorder, Mickey always corrected him - but not all of it. He should have been there, tried to get him out, visited. He should have chased after them when Sammi pointed a gun at Mickey and he ran. But he didn't and he can't change that, but maybe he can fix it, because this was actually something broken. And it was Ian's fault.
"Fuck, Mickey, I know. I fucking know, okay? I fucked up so bad, and I get it if you can't forgive me, but I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm gonna do everything I can to stay with you, no matter what. I'm gonna fix this, fix us. I love you, and I need to clean my fucking mess, but we're here now, we're together, and as long as you lay low, we'll be fine. You go by a new name, cover your tattoos when we go out, you could probably even get a job. I'll start saving again, we can get an apartment or something, help Svet with the kid. Whatever you want, okay?"
Mickey nods against Ian's collarbone, presses a kiss to the top of his chest. Ian turns and presses one on the top of Mickey's head.
"You dyed your hair." Ian says, smiling a little, and Mickey's laugh is pressed into his shoulder, muffled a little, but it's still the best thing in the world to Ian.
"Yeah, I did. Kinda sexy?"
Ian laughs, thinking about that cheesy Hawaiian print shirt he'd asked the same thing about.
"How about you go by Gallagher. Michael, or something. But Gallagher."
"You proposing to me or some shit, now?"
Mickey's breath hitches as he pulls away from Ian's chest, looks into his eyes.
"Ian, we can't get fucking married, not really, I'm a fucking fugitive."
"So? We get rings, we move in together, you go by my last fucking name. Close enough isn't it?"
"Sure, Gallagher. Tell your family there's another one of you." Ian smiles bright, and so does Mickey.
After they tell his family, Ian kicks them out again, tells them not to come home for a few hours.
They didn't leave his room until morning.
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claudia1829things · 5 years
"THE CHISHOLMS" (1979): Chapter I Commentary
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"THE CHISHOLMS" (1979): CHAPTER I Commentary Years ago, before the advent of DVDs, I had perused my local video rental store for something to watch. I came across a miniseries called "THE CHISHOLMS". Due to it being a Western and possessing a running time of four hours and thirty minutes, I decided to give it a chance. I managed to purchase a VHS copy of the miniseries and enjoy for several years. But with the advent of the DVD and my VHS player going on the blink, I had to wait quite a while before I could finally get a DVD copy of it.
Based upon Evan Hunter's 1976 novel, "THE CHISHOLMS" told the story of a family from western Virginia, who make the momentous decision to travel west to California after losing part of their farm to a neighbor, due to some unusual circumstances. Unlike many other television and movie productions about the westward migration during the 1840s, "THE CHIISHOLMS" took its time in setting up the story. In this first episode, it spent at least an hour introducing the Chisholm family - namely: *Hadley Chisholm - the family's patriarch and owner of a farm in western Virginia *Minerva Chisholm - the family's matriarch *William "Will" Chisholm - Hadley and Minerva's oldest son, who is also a veteran of the Texas Revolution *Gideon Chisholm - Hadley and Minerva's second son *Bonnie Sue Chisholm - Hadley and Minerva's older daughter and Beau's twin *Beau Chisholm - Hadley and Minerva's youngest son and Bonnie Sue's twin *Annabel Chisholm - Hadley and Minerva's younger daughter and youngest offspring The first episode or Chapter I began with Will's wedding to a young local woman named Elizabeth during the spring of 1843. Also, the family is unaware of Bonnie Sue's romance with a young man named Brian Cassidy. Unfortunately for her and Brian, the Chisholms and the Cassidys have been engaged in a feud ever since Hadley's brother had rejected Brian's aunt at the wedding altar several decades ago. When the latter died, the Chisholms and the Cassidys discovered that she had received a portion of the Chisholm land - the farm's most fertile - from Hadley's brother as compensation for being dumped. She never revealed this to her family or the Chisholms. But she did leave her land to her brother and Brian's father, Luke Cassidy, who did not wait long to demand that the Chisholms hand over the land. Matters worsen for the Chisholms when Will's bride die from an infection after giving birth to an unborn child. With no fertile land to farm, Hadley Chisholm decides to pack his family and migrate to California. Most of the family agrees with his decision, except Minerva, who is reluctant to leave Virginia; and Bonnie Sue, who is reluctant to leave Brian. The journey west goes without a hitch, until the family reaches Louisville, Kentucky. There, they discover from a young Western guide named Lester Hackett that they had departed Virginia at least a month or two late for the journey to California. The family had reached Louisville in mid-May 1844, around the time when most emigrant wagon trains usually departed Independence, Missouri. Upon learning this, Hadley changes his mind about the journey to California and decides to return to Virginia. But Will informs him that there are other members of the family are willing to utilize Lester's plan that would eliminate some time from their trip to Independence. After the Chisholms decide to continue west via a family vote, they utilize Lester's plan by boarding a flat-bottom boat that takes them to Evansville in western Indiana, cutting off their journey by a few weeks. Some people might find the first hour of "THE CHISHOLMS" rather hard to endure. Most movie and television productions usually spend at least fifteen minutes in introducing its characters and conveying the reasons behind their decision to migrate to the West. "THE CHISHOLMS" spent an hour. Personally, this did not bother me, for I found the circumstances behind the Chisholms' decision to head for California rather interesting. Especially since the circumstances involved a potential feud with another family. Other reasons why I rather enjoyed the miniseries' first hour was how the circumstances in which the family made its departure originated with Hadley Chisholm's displeasure over the neighborhood's new minister from Vermont and how the latter conducted Elizabeth Chisholm's funeral. I would explain how Hadley's conflict over the new minister led to the family sneaking away from their home in the middle of the night. But it would require a great deal of narration on my part. And honestly, I would suggest that you simply watch the miniseries. Once the family hit the road for California, the miniseries went into full steam. Chapter I only followed the Chisholms from Virginia to southwestern Indiana, but a good deal happened in that half hour. The temptation to return home to Virginia hovered over the family all the way to Louisville. And when the family learned from Lester Hackett that they had left Virginia about a month or so too late, even Hadley was tempted to turn around. What I found interesting about this turn of events is that Chisholms' decision on whether to return to Virginia or continue west to California depended upon a family vote . . . and the instant attraction between Bonnie Sue Chisholm and Lester. Personally, I would have ended Chapter I with that scene inside a Louisville stable. Hadley and Minerva's willingness to decide the whole matter on a vote, along with the sexual attraction between Bonnie Sue and Lester, would end up producing major consequences later in the miniseries and in the short-lived television series that followed. Instead, the Chisholms experienced a brief journey down the Ohio River on a broad horn (flat-bottom raft), while Minerva endured the unwanted attention of the broad horn's captain (or patroon) named Jimmy Jackson. By the time the family reached the outskirts of Evansville, they had reached the point of no return. Another aspect about "THE CHISHOLMS" that I enjoyed, was how the producers, director Mel Stuart and the screenwriters utilized the production's historical background without hitting viewers over the head with facts. The family had departed Virginia in 1844, a year that featured a Presidential election. Not once did the topic of the election graced anyone's lips. But the miniseries made it clear that Will Chisholm was a veteran of the Texas Revolution of 1836. The miniseries also brought up the topic of slavery. The narrative pointed out that Hadley's wealthiest neighbor was a planter and slave owner. And during the last half hour of Chapter I, a coffle of slaves was among the other passengers aboard Jimmy Jackson's broad horn, leading Minerva Chisholm to express anti-slavery sentiments. I also enjoyed how the miniseries gave television viewers a lengthy peek into life in the early-to-mid 19th century Appalachia. I have always admired Aaron Copeland's score for the miniseries. But I must admit that his score contributed to this episode's first hour, which featured the Chisholms' life in western Virginia. Most of the production's historical background seemed to revolve around the family's westward journey. Unlike many Hollywood productions, television viewers did not see the Chisholms' wagon being pulled by horses (which is historically inaccurate). And the narrative went out of its way to point out that the family had started its westbound journey about a month or two late. I also enjoyed the brief montage that featured the Chisholms' early start on the journey and what it took for them to maintain supplies and keep their wagon in condition. Steven P. Sardanis's production designs, the art direction that he provided with Fred Price, Charles Korian and Charles B. Price's set decorations, and Tom Costick's costumes (to a certain extent), did a great job in re-creating western Virginia and the Ohio River Valley circa 1844. But in the, the cast proved to be the best thing about "THE CHISHOLMS". I must commend casting director Vicki Rosenberg for gathering a first-rate collection of performers for the cast. The miniseries featured solid performances from Dean Hill, Jack Wallace, Maureen Steindler, Tom Taylor, James O'Reilly and Gavin Troster; even if they did not exactly rock my boat. Glynnis O'Connor gave a charming performance as Will's young wife, Elizabeth Chisholm. Anthony Zerbe gave a spotless performance as the sleazy flat boat patroon, Jimmy Jackson. But the one supporting performance that caught my eye came from Charles Frank, who gave the first of a series of dazzling performance as the charmingly ambiguous Lester Hackett. Rosenberg casting of the Chisholm family proved to be even more impressive to me. Susan Swift gave a very charming and balanced performance as the family's youngest member, Annabel Chisholm, who seemed divided between the adventure of migrating to California and being mindful of her mother's reluctance to move. James Van Patten gave a very energetic and intense performance as the family's hot-tempered member, Beau Chisholm. Stacy Nelkin's portrayal of the sensual, yet pragmatic Bonnie Sue Chisholm struck me as very skillful, which is why her performance was one of my favorites in the series. Brian Kerwin, whom I remember from the 1982 miniseries, "THE BLUE AND THE GRAY", seemed a bit laid back as middle son, Gideon Chisholm. But he gave a charming performance in the end. Ben Murphy portrayed the oldest sibling, Will Chisholm. And I thought he did a great job in revealing how Will seemed to be an interesting combination of his parents. I was especially impressed by how he handled Will's grief over Elizabeth's death. Years after I had first seen "THE CHISHOLMS", I was surprised to learn that the two leads - Robert Preston and Rosemary Harris - had first worked together on the 1966 Broadway play, "THE LION IN THE WINTER". I do not know if having them reunite for the 1979 miniseries was Rosenberg or someone's idea, but it was a damn good one, all the same. What can I say? Whatever magic Preston and Harris had created on Broadway back in the mid-1960s, they managed to re-create it front of the television camera some 12 to 13 years later. In some ways, the pair seemed like the yin and yang of the Chisholm family. They were so perfect together that I do not know how else to describe their performance. Before I end this article, I must admit there were one or two aspects of "THE CHISHOLMS" that either did not impress me or . . . confused me. Although I believe that Tom Costick's costumes added to the production mid-1840s setting . . . but only to a certain degree. It did seem that a great deal of Costick's costumes looked as if they had come out of a Hollywood warehouse, instead of being created by him. Especially the women's costumes. Even those costumes worn by well-to-do women in the Louisville sequence gave that impression. And I am a little confused about the circumstances surrounding Hadley's loss of his most fertile cornfield. I understood how he lost the actual land to Luke Cassidy. What I did not understand was how Cassidy managed to take possession of the corn that the Chisholm family had already sown. Surely the court would have allowed the Chisholms to profit from the corn sown from seeds purchased by them? If someone could clear this matter for me, please do so. Despite my quibbles regarding the costumes and the matter surrounding the cornfield lost to the Chisholms, I enjoyed Chapter I of "THE CHISHOLMS" very much. In fact, watching it reminded me why it had become one of my favorite miniseries in the first place. Why on earth did I wait so long in watching it again? Oh well . . . on to Chapter II.
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basic-baka · 8 years
Characters Having Agency (Part Yuri On Ice!)
i’m probably poking at a hornet’s nest at this point about it but i have a lot of feelings regarding the latest interview kubo gave (especially regarding the rings from episode 10). i’m only using this translation. also this is essentially the more coherent version of this twitter thread i made earlier.
and if you’re here to send me hate, i expect you to send me spite money so you can get a response from me. my time is valuable and i just really want to get this off my chest.
one of the biggest problem i’ve had with yuri on ice is the treatment of victor and how people laud him for being an ‘amazing’ character but then kubo says this in this interview:
Kubo: In the course of writing this story, even I found myself wondering just what kind of person Victor is. From about episode 4, together with Yūri, I started taking a peek into Victor. It was like I was trying to grasp something that I still couldn’t see… Even as I was writing Victor, I was often caught up in those kinds of feelings. In that sense, you could say that Victor is a character that moved and grew together with the anime as a whole.
i get it. i’m currently writing my own series and, of course, my characters aren’t exactly fully written out. however, there comes a problem when even by episode 4, people still didn’t know who victor was. allegations of him being abusive to yuuri were argued and debated about since the series’ beginning.
the problem is that: we don’t know who victor is. we know him as yuuri’s idol. we know him as a playboy (although he seems to be fully enamored by yuuri from the beginning), sort of. we know he’s the number one skater in the world because he’s spent years ice skating. but... there’s a massive problem with victor’s “character”: his whole world revolves around yuuri. he has no hopes, dreams, NOTHING besides yuuri’s.
now you might go, “okay, but cut kubo some slack! this is her first series!”
even if this is her first series, that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t put effort into it. and you’re also wrong: this may be her first series with two male leads, but she’s no stranger to this trope:
337 Biyooshi!!:  By all the usual measures, he could be considered a pretty useless guy: a scholastic failure, an athletic disaster, and a chronic loser... But Fukuda Shinichi has one passion: cheering for others! The 18-year-old captain of North Kanto Southern High's Cheerleading squad decides to make the most of his summer by attending cram school in Tokyo, only to find out that the whole trip was a sham! Things are looking up when he and his friend meet up with two cute Tokyo girls; too bad the girls brought them to a rip-off bar and took off! Ditched by his one remaining friend and stuck with an impossibly high bar bill, Fuku-kun's life couldn't get any worse! But just then he gets saved by Ume, his role model and former cheerleading squad captain! What is he doing in Tokyo... and why does everyone around seem to know and respect him? Without anywhere else to go, Fuku-kun decides follow Ume to his job, only to discover that... he's a male gigolo?!? Fukuda's summer of cheering others on has begun... and the streets of Tokyo's red-light district will never be the same!
Again:  Imamura Kinichiro reluctantly wakes up one day to attend his high school graduation. He'd made no friends in high school and joined no clubs. Everyone was afraid of him, due to his long blond hair and surly attitude. Reflecting on his awful high school years, he remembers a girl from the Japanese cheering squad that he saw in the welcome ceremony three years ago. Searching for the old cheering squad's clubroom, he accidentally startles a classmate, causing them both to fall down a flight of stairs... When he wakes up, it's the morning of his first day of high school, three years ago. As he confusedly goes through his day, he's able to correct a lot of the mistakes he made the first time around, such as actually interacting with the cheering squad girl, Usami Yoshiko! But did he really travel in time, or is this all just a dream he's having while his body is lying unconscious somewhere? Could he really have the chance to go through his high school years again?
Moteki:  One day, Fujimoto, a 29-year-old lonely temp worker, suddenly receives a surge of calls and e-mails all at once from the women connected to his past. That's right, he's finally hit popularity, something which comes only once in a lifetime for everyone! Feeling elated, Fujimoto decides to meet them one after the other... but things aren't always what they seem.
IF YOU READ ALL OF THAT, GOOD ON YOU. i don’t blame you if you skipped that.
a lot of her basic premises has to do with guys who are suddenly really popular and have “anxiety” for dealing with popularity much like yuuri. and like yuuri, there’s a certain admirer or two who attach themselves to the main characters for one reason or another, our victor.
yuri on ice! is her first male/male lead series, as you can tell, she usually writes about heterosexual couples. but because of her homophobic tweet, this made me think that kubo really didn’t expect the fandom, especially the western fandom, to explode as it did. i joked about this on twitter that she’s using this fame to inflate her ego because so many fans are blowing smoke up her ass. it happens to the best of us. i don’t fault her for enjoying a surge of popularity.
what i do fault her though is her insistence that victor has any agency. in the episode, yuri buys the rings and gives one to victor in a fucking church and didn’t seem to want to deny that they were, essentially, good luck charms rather than engagement rings. as i mentioned before, victor’s world revolves yuuri despite having a pet of his own, his own apartment, his own career even. his character starts and ends with yuuri.
ask any fan of the series and they would tell you that victor loves yuuri with all his heart and wants nothing more than to be with him. but... kubo couldn’t let victor have that. by her saying the rings were good luck charms (paraphrasing) basically takes away what little victor had left: his love for yuuri is apparently completely platonic.
there’s a reason why i don’t like “word of god”. if it’s not in the story, especially if it’s fumbled as it is with this series, then it’s not official. that “kiss” is still up in the air for me, quite honestly. just because people can say it’s a kiss or a hug doesn’t make it so. it could be, but there’s also evidence it couldn’t be. the stupid censorship prevents me from making any conclusions. and yes, i would say this for a heterosexual couple. however, my point being, because the “word of god” in this instance is a means to take away his agency...it frustrates me.
she literally says she doesn’t know victor and went with what “he” wants but then turns around and say, “nah, their relationship isn’t romantic” essentially. and that’s extremely frustrating.
one of the main reasons why the finale of yuri on ice frustrates me so much is, the culmination of taking away victor’s agency. he had state a few episodes ago he had no interest in skating anymore. the main conflict at this point is gone: victor doesn’t want to come back.
the main conflict now: will yuuri or yuri win the gold? are victor and yuuri actually a couple?
that finale basically made it a “will you be my coach now and forever?” and victor goes back into skating because it fucking pleases yuuri. then what was that inner monologue for it? it was pointless!
one of the major arguments/debates within the fandom was whether or not the couple victor/yuuri abusive? i say no, because victor isn’t a character.
he’s literally cutout piece to fawn over yuuri when yuuri doesn’t ant to fawn over himself.
as a writer, especially as a new one, you’re going to fuck up and make shit characters. i have my own share that’s for fucking sure. however, the difference is that i see what i fuck up on, learn from it, and improve the character. KUBO HASN’T. from her summaries up above alone, she’s a very static writer and would rather play with tropes than create an interesting story.
of course, not all the characters you make at first will be shit - so long as you understand this: characters need to have agency. you’re creating literal creatures (however imaginary) with more than just looks, likes, and dislikes. why do they like that? why do they dislike it? why do they look the way they do?
you’re creating their story and what makes the characters themselves you’re giving them the agency to basically introduce themselves just how you would introduce yourself to someone new.
these feelings of mine doesn’t just apply to victor of course but characters like him and a character i especially liked from sword art online: asuna.
this video goes into detail about characters having agency and he uses nana as example of how to do it right (video contains series spoilers).
victor, for the sake of this post, has no agency of his own and it’s troubling because all he has is potential when he’s supposed to be the best. being the best isn’t the end of. people always wanna improve themselves (or not). what annoys me is that people act that victor is a well-written character but he’s not. it’s clear he was made up on the spot and there’s no real love behind his characterization. 
he’s barely a character. he’s barely human. even if this world is free from discrimination and hate, humans are not. humans will fuck up because that’s what we do best. this is one of the reasons why people don’t like mary sues/gary stus: agency is being taken away and ends up having little to no conflict.
and you know what? i feel bad for gary stus/mary sues because they have to be perfect all the time. take kirito for example: this guy isn’t allowed to make any mistakes and that’s awful because he’s not allow to grow. the writer isn’t allowed to grow, and instead, is forced to break his world’s rules that’s already established even more just to prove how much of a badass he is.
my point being: let you characters grow and move. one of the biggest problem with the japanese story telling style is that the world is not allowed to move unless the main character deems it. you need to at least set some ground rules for your world before you can introduce new characters to it.
there’s a reason why i like certain characters that most people don’t: they have their own reasons for being the way they are. sure, it’s relatable mostly but i love the characters more who are more independent and are capable of making their own decisions and learn (or not) from it and why.
my favorite question while creating a character is why. if i can’t answer that question, then i try something else. and that’s why i’m especially frustrated by this.
congrats if you made it all the way down here.
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x20 Reaction / Commentary
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I wonder why, considering it wasn't hard at all. They barely had a plan and even had time to include some personal drama in their fight. Wtf. The only thing I can imagine why no one ever managed to kidnap her before is because no one wanted to have a hostage as irritating as the seelie queen.
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Hahahahahaha hilarious. Also, lol, no I'm choosing not to think of the implications because they are TOO DISTURBING, YOU HEAR ME @intezaarlily XD XD XD
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I mean, compelling argument. And very fitting since we learned from that Lilith Debacle that the Shadowhunters' go to solution for everything and anything is torture. But what I find way more interesting is that we finally get a good look at the side of the seelie queen's crown.
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's pretty.
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There's so much to unpack in this scene. Which I'm gonna do, in excruciating detail. In a relationship analysis post thingy, not here, because time and space reasons. Just know that this scene is absolutely amazing, their facial expressions and gestures, and of course the pretzel. Dammit, so amazing. Can't wait to fawn over it all.
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I'm with Meliorn on this one. Just because Lanaia committed a violation of the Accords (yes, on behalf of the seelie queen but the shadowhunters have no way of knowing that and I guess Meliorn wasn't stupid enough to tell them that) doesn't mean Clary can violate the Accords back and go unpunished. That's not how a legal system works. It's clear that with this whole operation the shadowhunters valued Clary's life over that of however may seelie guards' it would have taken to keep Jace's cover and get Clary back. I bet you Alec is aware of that and that's why he has that pinched look on his face the whole time. And while he argues pro shadowhunter side with that injection about Lanaia and he tries to placate Meliorn, he noticable doesn't try to justify Jace's actions at all, and whenever Jace does, Alec closes his eyes as if he's thinking “Dude don't you realize that's not an argument.”
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And then he just wants to leave???? Hahaha creep
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HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD COMEDIC GOLD. The way he delivers that line I can't!!! The way he says “naturrrrrr” hahaha delicious.
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Uh if that's the smartest move? Who knows what kind of kinky shit Meliorn will demand in return?? I mean, just look at his smirk. Also, in case this doesn't get addressed again this is such a ficlet waiting to be written lol.
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The way Alec immediately starts almost-crying when someone mentions Magnus pulls on my heartstrings. Fragile darling boy.
I mean, I'm pretty sure Alec carrying the ring around in his pocket was for meta reasons so he could give it to Maryse in their only scene together, but dammmnnn the in universe implications. Ouch.
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I'm really going to miss this XD
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“My” door??? My ass.
“Alec and I are no longer.”
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lsjfkasdjflksdjfsdjflskdjf I CAN'T HAHAHHAAH HIS FACE
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Hahahahha please Lorenzo stop, I feel like I shouldn't be laughing so much XD Isn't this episode supposed to be Super Dramatic? I'm actually having the time of my life so far XD
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Okay and now I'm back to rage because wtf!!!! So Magnus is aware that Lorenzo's jurisdiction is limited and tiny, why didn't he remember that literally anytime before this, for example in 3x10?? Just imagine it, if Magnus had done that fancy ritual thingy he wouldn't have even needed to trade his magic away. Oh right, problem identified. There wouldn't have been some Prime Drama if he'd behaved like a sensible person. Ugh.
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The way Lorenzo's face falls upon hearing Asmodeus is priceless. But, uh, important question, how the hell does he know Asmodeus's face? Or does he identify him by his powers? Then again he failed identifying Asmodeus's power signature before already (3x02) so uuhhhh I need answers.
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Magnus Bane, finally enjoying the Draco Malfoy Way Of Life. I mean, that's not really rebutting Lorenzo's claim. The opposite, in fact. Also wtf does Lorenzo have for nerves to say that to Asmodeus's face???
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So this is not common warlock practice. Thanks for clarifying. Also, look at Asmodeus's smug face when Magnus references Edom hahaha #ProudDad
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THE SASS HAHAHA (btw for a moment I was worried he'd turnd him into a plastic lizard until it moved haha)
Also this means, the person Magnus trashes later in the loft with the whips, as seen in the promo, is Asmodeus?? Because he learns of his deal with Alec?? Or tbh, I've been entertaining the thought that it's Alec ahahaha
Also, Asmodues saying “When they hear about what?” has the same energy as Loki saying “I'm listening” in Avengers 1.
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Yeah I still have questions about that. But sure, whatever. Then again, if Jordan is so long-fingered he could start a career as pickpocket. Sounds like a stable income job to me.
See, the problem here is that this isn't fixing any of Maia's problems. Apart from the fact that currently she has no problems to fix as far as I'm concerned (the dead pack won't be miraculously resurrected if she becomes human) her issues with her family aren't due to her being a werewolf. She's adjusted to her life as a werewolf and if you ask me, she's grown to love it and she doesn't want to go back. Hell, she wanted to become alpha. She's working on building her own pack now. Someone who hates being a werewolf wouldn't do that. Very obviously, his line of reasoning makes sense for Jordan because he can't forgive himself for turning and abandoning Maia, which he views as ruining her life. So by reversing it he could finally start to atone for what he did. Perfectly ic, but very frustrating because as I pointed out, this won't benefit Maia in any way, it'll just create drama between the two of them. (And frankly, while I moderately care about both of them, I'd rather have Malec on my screen. Sue me.)
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Uh-huh, so some werewolf praetor spy with binoculars saw that Jordan stole the vial from the Institute but Izzy and Simon, who were literally in the same room didn't. No questions, your honor. Also ngl, since I knew this scene from the sneak peek already and couldn't care less about Luke's stupid Praetor plotline I skipped this scene XD #sorry not sorry
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I know a lot of people were relieved Clary didn't make out with Jonathan and I'm honestly so surprised why people would assume in the first place there was any risk for that. Despite the Evil Rune taking hold she's still aware of her feelings, for example her love for Jace etc. So why would she suddenly be into incest?
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Hehehehe the likelyhood of Asmodeus getting trashed in that loft is growing XD (Also please appreciate how I'm keeping my salt about Maryse's “I love you” under wraps, I'm amazed at my self restraint.)
I mean, I was really surprised by a character actually taking action, trying their hand at communication like this. I am impressed. The thing that I slightly dislike is that it's Maryse. She didn't have all the info about the deal Alec made with Asmodeus and a) Izzy had and I really, really expected her to do something about that instead of just letting Alec wreck his life and, to a good part, Magnus's as well, and b) if even Maryse, without even knowing for sure that Magnus's magic returned after Alec broke up with him, could put two and two together, why the hell didn't Magnus??
I can half buy that with his issues and insecurites striking harder than ever, amplyfied by the severe grief of his magic loss, he'd fall for Alec's lies because to him Alec loving him the way he did was too good to be true anyway, and their relationship wasn't long enough for Magnus to really get used to the idea that he gets to keep this. It's obvious in the way he always keeps his eyes closed after they kiss, this moment of disbelieve that this is actually real. So Alec breaking up with him wouldn't be an unreastic thing, it would be reality finally catching up with them, it'd be the universe rightening itself.
But, I only half buy it. Because even if Magnus had doubts about himself and his worth, how the hell could he revisit all those memories in 3x19 where Alec was dropping wedding vows left and right, and not realize that something about Alec was off there. Anyway, dwelling on this is pointless because what's done is done, but it's a very weak explanation and very convenient, story telling wise.
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Hahahha love me some common sense. Maia has tons of it. Makes her so likable.
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Listen, I like Jordan, but I can't even feel any sympathy in the face of all this stupidity. Just take the frakkin vial yourself, idiot. Humans don't die from silver poisoning. And it's clear that you're struggling with your werewolf-dom to hell and back. This would literally solve all of their problems wtf. But God forbid anyone ever act reasonable on this show. Goddammit.
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Hahahha so rude. *Loki Voice* WHO PUT HIM THERE??? Another missing scene ficlet dying to be written XD Also, does Lorenzo still have his consciousness or was his mind reduced to that of a lizard? Will it be restored when he's transformed back? Is that even possible or was that transformation irreversible? Will he remember his time as a lizard? Or is Lorenzo as we know and love to hate him gone forever? So many questions.
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Bitch you didn't, you had to be TOLD
I find it amazing that Asmodues tries to argue with Magnus even though his evil plan was uncovered. He really doesn't get it, does he? That Magnus likes his life and doesn't want to be in Edom?
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I am reeling. What a frikkin powermove, disposing of him like that, and with his own invention no less. Talk about a dead ass capable character who could trash everyone in his way. Honestly I'm still processing. This is so radical wtf. So I'm never gonna get another scene with Asmodeus?? Please I wanted more of them!! I am so helplessly in love with their dynamic. 5 bucks say he was supposed to come back in S4 I WAS SO DEPRIVED OH GOD!!!!!
Edit: Yeah, this was actually supposed to be a setup for a Dark!Magnus plotline, with Asmodeus playing a big role in S4. They changed that and cut this short, here's the article I got this from. We were so robbed. I can't.
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“Hurry, away from this Shadowhunter Nonsense. Honestly, that they can never solve their shit issues in their own fugly ass Institute but have to do it on our beautifully groomed frontyard. The disrespect.”
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Also that fighting is awesome and all (Alec as a tactical advantage, Jace “betraying” his position as a ploy, color me impressed) but doesn't Clary have to stab Jonathan for it to work?? Or is it enough if one of the bondmates is stabbed with the sword?? And since Fake Glorious is super instable etc. and will likely be destroyed in the process they shouldn't take any chances and make sure it really works the first time around.
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I get that this is supposed to be dramatic but sorry, I don't buy for one second that 3 Months Shadowhunter Newby Clary manages to get one over Izzy who's been literally trained since birth (yeah that was a quote from Arthur because I'm total Merlin Trash) and she's their best fighter ever and could beat Jace and Alec at the same time with the flick of a wrist while blindfolded. Please. Oh my god. Maybe because she always fights with her whip she's not too used to a sword. Then again she also uses a staff and she still was trained since birth so no, I'm still not buying it.
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Hahahahah nice one, Simon.
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“That's my plan, you can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it....”
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why I mean, this was a conscious choice on producers' part, right. So I'm demanding an explanation. What's the point of this weirdly edited grunt?
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Hm, they don't fold too nicely. But all in all, pretty solid wing work.
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?????? This makes no sense since, prior to this half season, he wasn't tethered to Clary. Wtf. For all intents and purposes, Jonathan should be dropping dead to the ground since he was using Clary's life force to be alive, remember, he was literally killed to death before. Only their bond was keeping him alive. This makes no sense whatsoever. But anyway, that was a pretty impressive departure.
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Yeah, how about you get the f outta there now, Simon.
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H-e-a-l-i-n-g  r-u-n-e. Honestly. Wtf.
Also, Izzy pushing Simon to the ground was a little stupid, he could have vampire-run out of the explosion's perimeter easily. If he had a few brain cells. Okay, problem identified, I take everything back, Izzy made the right call.
And I guess Alec's just chilling over there on the forrest ground. He deserves that break, man.
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Just force it down Jordan's throat omg. If he still dies, whatever, good for him, he got what he wanted. If not then he can maybe start facing his Maia-shaped issues in a constructive way.
Maia giving it to Luke makes no sense. How the f does he want to “get rid of it” wtf. If I were Maia I'd just pour it in the river or idk, burry it somewhere. Lock it in a safe, throw away the key. Or better yet, keep an eye on it. But sure, Luke who just learned the Praetor are full of shit is gonna give it to them?? I mean, the thought must have crossed his mind that maybe they didn't heal Jordan as a punishment for failing that Heidi mission? Since apparently it's common werewolf knowledge that the Praetor is able to cure a silver poisoning? Jordan wouldn't have said that if they didn't have a cure for it, right? If Luke honestly gives them that vial, he'll be dead to me. I fully expect him to try and blackmail the Praetor with it or something, but if he doesn't istg.
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You're on thin effing ice, man.
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Aahhhhh yeah how very convenient. Also rude, they stole Jonathan's home :C Also technically she shouldn't be able to do that because it's demon travel and she no longer has a connection to demon blood.
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Yeah and they also steamrolled whatever room was there before they parked that big ass apartment there. Congrats.
“You barely got your licence to drive a car, much less whatever that was.”
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Hell yeah logic!! But lol I genuinely don't think Jace or Simon thought of that when they were unhelpfully patting her back.
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.........? How is Simon there then? This isn't even sarcasm, I genuinely don't get it.
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This was cute and all, but she didn't actually activate her iratze wtf. Or wash off her blood.
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Dude wtf Maia
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I mean come on, this is so obvious to top off their drama.
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Yep, I called it. Seriously, you don't leave a person on the brink of death alone for literally this reason. And before you tell me she was just getting some food to lighten the mood from her way back from the bridge, there was still tons of daylight then and this is at least several hours later. I am sorry, but I feel zero sympathy.
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1) Where do those surviving werewolves besides Bat come from? 2) What does mundane police have to say about this public cremation? 3) I remember this shot of Maia walking away from the fire from the 3B Trailer. So rude.
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0 bucks say he caught them making out, honestly this was so obvious.
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This rang deep. Really great moment. I can't really put it into words, but this had such an impact. A real warrior feel to it. Amazing.
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“No obviously we don't but c'mon, work with me here.”
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I can't possibly put into words the love I'm feeling for one (1) extra warlock.
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He finally got it. My poor murderous incest baby. Too bad this means Clary lost her only bargaining chip.
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I love how he delivers this line. It's his goodbye because there's no making it out of there alive, and the last thing of importance he has to say is a love confession to Clary. Very nice delivery.
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ahahahahah okay this was a nice echoing of Jace's other love confession, but all I could focus on was how frakkin red Clary's hand is hahaha
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I love everything about this, okay. I love how Alec just gives in because he couldn't stand to be apart from Magnus for one more second. I love how this is reminiscent of their first kiss at Alec's fail wedding. (Btw can you believe we're gonna start and end Malec with a kiss at a wedding and a wedding kiss? The poetry.) I love the backdrop, the absolute destruction. Love Izzy in her rightful place in the first row since she's the Captain of the MS Malec.
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I really appreciate that they bothered with an explanation why Magnus needs to go to Edom at all, but, uh, if memory serves right he closed a rift to Edom in 2x19 and it was no big deal. I'd buy that this rift is larger or more powerful because it was created by the Morgenstern Sword but just because I can find an explanation that this task is harder than one Magnus already accomplished onscreen with relative ease doesn't mean it's not the Show’s duty to deliver an explanation of its own accord instead of letting fans pick through their worldbuilding and figuring out something that makes sense. A simple “You closed rifts before, from Earth.” - “This rift is too large” would have been enough. Is that too much to ask.
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When he lifted his hand in that slow deliberate move I was SO SURE HE'D BE WEARING THE LIGHWOOD RING HAHAHA
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Btw there's a description in those rings, I can't really tell, but the one on the right looks like a loopy A upside down so I'm guessing one has “Alexander” and the other “Magnus” on the inside????
Edit: Both rings say “Aku cinta kamu” and I am DEAD
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Hahahaha Alec wanted to win the proposal but this round goes to Magnus. But tbh he totally cheated XD XD XD
Ngl, the ring catching on Magnus's knuckle for a moment reminded me of the wedding of Kate and William ahahahaa I'm trash XD
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Can you believe Malec got cheated out of their first engaged kiss by some rude ass explosion? Unfair.
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I find myself genuinely confused by this. Why does Alec even entertain the thought of not going with Magnus? It seems so illogical that they'd seperate now. Later reason kicked in, and yeah, Edom probably isn't the best place for a shadowhunter but this is exactly it: Alec's instinct should have been to go with Magnus and I wish they'd taken the time to address this in any way, to give Alec the chance to express his wish to go with Magnus.
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But then he jokes about runaway grooms anyway because he thinks he’ll never see Alec again and he wants Alec to remember him joking & smiling & happy *cries* I’M SAD. why did I bring that up.
Thanks, @intezaarlily for making tHIS EVEN WORSE WTF
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OH MY GOD I CAN'T I'M LAUGHING SO HARD THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS HAHAHAHA Magnus REALLY should have pulled the portal down on himself and not flown into it like a flying fish jumping out of the water wtf hahaha. Then again this is proof he can totally do the superman flight and it is CANON that he did that at some point. He had a whole annoying phase where he'd just fly around like a super hero. Cat was so done with it. Ragnor refused to be around him at all. Good times.
Anyway, another thing I need an explanation for is why it'll be so hard for Magnus to return to Earth. In 3x10 that posed No Problem, meaning one of two things. Either a) Asmodeus sent him back or b) he could easily travel back because he used that pentagram thingy. Honestly, the fact that Jonathan just as easily returns to Earth after his failed attempt on Lilith's life lets me favor b), which begs the question why Magnus used a regular portal instead of the pentagram thingy now. But even if a) is the case then that means Greater Demons apparently have no problem removing people from Edom and then I wonder if Magnus will have to beg Azazel or something to return him home lol, like a little kiddie asking for a lift. Or maybe, since he channelled his epic Edom!Power, maybe he can send himself back?? In any case I want some solid explanation on that.
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Alec just collapsing made so much sense okay. I could feel the emptiness in my own chest, having gained and lost everything in a few short minutes, I can't even imagine how crushed Alec must be feeling.
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Magnus's magic closing the rift is so epic in an incredibly emotional and intimate sense. Seeing his magic, part of him, when he's so far beyond all of their reach. It's incredible, it's touching and powerful and so so fragile. I'm amazed.
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I can't believe they did this. I can't believe they put the literally last shot of this in the 3B Trailer. The audacity.
Okay but really important question, who's gonna feed Lorenzo now??? (God only one week left I am dead.)
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