#i have wednesdays off either way so im wondering if i should just pile them all onto one day
st5lker · 8 months
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misstressshelby · 3 years
The Good The Bad and Everything In-between
Summary: Living with two Shebly men has its ups and downs. A second part of my Lost Boy writing. (I suck at summaries)
Warnings: Language
Word Count:1,856
Paring: Tommy/Reader (Reader is GN but there is a slight refecne to pregnancy)
(A/N: I just want to say thank you for 50 notes on Lost Boy! I didn’t think anyone would he interested in a little headcanon I created. I guess we can all agree Finn deserved better. )
You longed for Arrow House even as it’s large gates came into view. Tommy planned to go eighty percent legitimate by the end of next year so that meant playing nice with the tofts. Spending all afternoon with the wives of Tommy’s business associates had drained you. You couldn’t remember if the pit in your stomach or the thumping in your head started before or after lunch.
All you knew was as soon as you entered the house you instantly felt better. Mary was waiting for you as usual. You had lived in Arrow House for a year now but still weren’t used to having maids around.
“Good afternoon Mrs.Shelby. How was your lunch?” Mary smiled as soon you walked in.
“Long Mary, very long.” You gave a tight smile back. Offering a ‘Thank You” as she took your coat.
Before you could ask her where the rest of your family was, Finn walked out of the living room. He was still wearing his school uniform he claimed to hate because it made him look like a “posh twat”. His tutor Mr.Chapman followed behind him shuffling papers into a briefcase.
“Hello, Finn, how's tutoring going?’ You asked.
‘Yeah, it’s alright.’ The redhead grunted back before moving to go outside.
“Are you finished with your homework?” You questioned already suspecting the answer.
“Nah I got a couple more pages but I wanna go to the stables. I’ll only be an hour I swear it.” Finn gave you the pleading look he’d mastered.
After considering it for a moment you nodded,” An hour Finn. Then you finish up your homework before dinner.”
The boy gave you half a hug on his way out. He had to lean down to capture you in his arms. He was only fifteen but he was already taller than you and your husband though Tom would never admit it.
Watching Finn run out the door you turned your attention to the tutor. The man was standing in the hallway fiddling with his bag uneasily.
“How is he doing Mr.Chapman?'' You finally addressed him.
“Well he’s doing alright I suppose.” He continued seeing your questioning stare. “He’s still struggling with a few concepts but he’s quick to figure things out.”
“Yeah, that’s the Shelby in ‘im” You chuckle to yourself. “Do we owe you for the week?
Shaking his head Mr.Chapman told you “No.No. Mr.Shelby already took care of it.’
Adjusting his satchel he quickly left out the same door as Finn. He never stayed long after their sessions.
Not giving it much thought, you headed straight to your husband’s office. He was already gone when you woke this morning and as silly as it was you missed him. After knocking against the door you pull it open before Tommy’s muffled “come in” could even start.
“Hello, Tommy, how ‘is your day going?” You greet him while making the short walk to his desk.
He looked up from his papers with a cigarette hanging off his lips to give a short “Busy.”, before writing again.
You didn’t let this deter you as you sat on the edge of his desk that wasn’t covered in files. Taking the cigarette from his lips you kissed him as if you had been deprived of him for months.
“The tutor just left. He said Finn is making good progress.” You informed him.
He watched as you took a drag off his cigarette with a glint in his eyes. Knowing you wouldn’t leave until he gave you the attention you demanded he leaned back in his chair.
“How was lunch with Minnie and Ida then?” He asked.
‘It was like every other boring lunch, we sat around and ate tiny food while they complained about the other wives. I've invited Minnie and Richard to dinner next Wednesday.”, You could feel your headache return as you told him.
Tommy gave you a curious look waiting for you to take another drag.
‘She was telling me Richard is looking into investing in the car business while it’s on the rise and all. So I figured we’d have them for dinner and if business happens to be brought up you two can talk about it.” You explain.
“So happens to be brought up?” Tommy teased.
“Yes, it usually happens at these things.” You tell him with a slight smile.
“Now you finish up whatever you’re doing. Dinner will be ready at seven.” You command slipping off the desk while putting the cigarette out in the ashtray.
Your husband let out a loud sigh which was never a good sign.
“Love, I have a lot of work to do ton-’ He started.
“Yes, and you can finish it when you come back from dinner.” You cut him off.
This was the ever-going battle in your home making Tommy stop working and take care of himself. But you’d be damned if you didn’t go down without a fight.
You lean over the side of the desk pulling him lightly by his silk tie into another kiss.
“Thomas Shelby, I will drag you out of this office. Don’t you think for a second I won’t.” You threaten him with a grin.
” Wouldn’t dream of it Mrs.Shelby.”, He smirked back.
At seven on the dot, you all sat down for dinner together as a family.
Finn talked for most of the dinner about school and his favorite football club going to the championship.
You mused about your plans for Minnie’s dinner Wednesday.
Tommy spent most of dinner listening, offering nods or the occasional “yeah”.
Once he and Finn started talking about a horse he wanted to buy for the races he didn’t stop. Long forgotten was the pile of contracts in his office.
For the first time since you woke this morning you were content. The moments you spent with your little family were the ones you cherished the most.
The sound of a door slamming startled you awake. While the two voices yelling kept you from falling back to sleep. Before you could wonder what the fuss was about, an acidic taste overtook your mouth. You barely made it to the toilet, your knees hitting the hard floor as the bile rose. By the time you had emptied your stomach laying on the bathroom floor the screaming had stopped.
You couldn’t think about anything over the pounding in your head made worse from the buzzing of the lights. Making your way downstairs you noticed everything irritated you.
The fact that you tripped over Thomas’s shoes you had told him to put away last night. The coldness of the house even though there was a fireplace in almost every room. Even the way Mary greeted you with “Good Morning Mrs.Shelby.” seemed to drip with condescension.
As you reached the dining room you had a feeling the day was going to drag on forever.
Finn was glaring at his eggs while pushing them around his plate. Beside him, Tommy hid behind a newspaper with only a line of smoke to be seen.
The room was tense and you knew neither of the men would say anything first. Stubbornness also ran in the Shelbys.
“Do either of you want to tell what the fuck all the commotion this morning was about?” You snapped sitting in front of your own breakfast.
Finn gave you a glare before starting in,” Yeah Tommy won’t let me go to a football match with me friends. It’s fooking bullshit!”
In return, Tommy put down the paper with a sigh,” You’re not going to Manchester. I’m not discussing this again Finn.”
Both of them looked at you as if you had a say in the matter.
“If Thomas says no the answer is no Finn.” You settled.
“This is complete bollocks. You took me away from me friends in Birmingham and now I’m not allowed to have any friends here either?” Finn screamed standing up from the table.
“We never said you couldn’t have friends Finn. It’s just not the right time to go to Manc-” You tried to calm him down.
“ You’re not me fucking mother you can’t tell me what to do!” He slammed his chair against the table.
“You will not fooking talk too ‘er like that! This is me fooking house and what I say fooking goes.” Tommy said in a cold voice.
The table shook as he slammed his palm down on it, breaking his calm facade.
With that Finn stomped up to his room and Tommy to his office both slamming the door when they arrived.
Waking from a nap you had hoped would help with the sickness you felt you heard silence. You laid in bed for a bit longer feeling tears build up in your eyes. Instead of wallowing, you decided to make peace. You chose to try talking to the youngest first making your way to his room. You knocked on the door.
After waiting to hear a reply or shuffle come from the room you knocked again.
“Fuck off.,” Finn answered.
Ignoring him you opened the door anyway to find him lying on his bed still dressed from this morning. He simply turned away from you to face the wall instead.
You sat on the edge of the bed before trying to talk.
“Finn I know you don’t understand this but Tommy is just trying to keep you safe.” You started.
Finn scoffed and moved closer to the wall.
“I know you don’t know this because you’ve been so busy with school, but we’ve had some trouble in Manchester. There’s a gang up there the Scuttlers, who've been trying to move on us. We can’t protect you there Finn. That’s all it is.” Moving closer you put a hand on his shoulder.
``We're happy you’ve made friends at school really. It’s just one match yeah? You can hang out with them another time.” You tried reasoning.
“Yeah.” He grunted, not moving from his spot.
You decided you would take it before going to deal with the other man child.
You found Tommy sitting in his office chair finishing a drink before pouring another.
“ Who does he think he ‘is eh? Talking to me like that in me own fucking house. I should go up there and-’ Tommy began rambling pointing towards the door you just walked through.
“Tom, it's fine. I talked to him and explained everything. Just give ‘im a week and he’ll forget all about it.”You sat in the chair opposite of him.
Once you said that he seemed to relax a little bit.
“I’m still talking to ‘im later. He will not disrespect me or you like that again.” He told you.
To that, you chuckled, “ He’s a teenage boy Thomas he’s gonna argue. But I agree you should talk to him after you’ve both calmed down.”
Tommy nodded and took another swing of his whiskey. He walked over to where you sat leaning against the desk. To your surprise, he smiled.
“You’d make a good mum you know?” He leaned down to stroke your cheek.
“Yeah about that.” You let out.
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