#i haven't added liam officially yet but
doueverwonder · 1 year
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ok so I couldn't get the age order to be the way I wanted and ignore the moms names they're just placeholders;
but here is Abby's immediate family for the bookseller and the florist. François was married to Anne and they had Matt; they got divorced and after the divorce François realized he was Bi. Such is life. Matt was an "every 3 days kid" until he was like 12 and something with the custody came up; he went to being with dad all the time and mom only every other weekend. And by the time he was 15-ish he just stayed with François (and Will) all the time.
Will was married to Dorothy (they were highschool sweethearts who got married at like 19 and everyone was like 'bad idea but go off ig'), they pretty quickly had Jack, and then about three years later Liam. William had some Stuff (TM) happened that made him realize he was gay, him and Dorothy were divorced by the time Liam was 1. They're still decently good friends, even though she moved pretty far away. Jack and Liam always spent summers with her, school year with William and then bounced back and forth for the allotted holidays.
{side note there's eight-ish years between François and Will so Matt is significantly older than Jack and Liam even tho their dads were about the same age when they had their first kid}
I haven't decided exactly but Abby was somewhere between 7-10 when she was adopted; she's older than Liam, about the same age as Jack, and younger than Matt (yes i know what the fic says i'm going to edit some things). Will and François had been together for about 3-ish years when they adopted Abby. (well, William adopted Abby, François got his name added when it became legal where they lived when she was about 12)
{side note pt 2. in this AU François and Will never actually get married due to a little thing called "it's not legal yet" & when it does become legal they just don't bc of a mutual "marriage was fun to try but i'm never doing that again sorry"; they might file for some sort of civil partnership eventually but besides that}
Years later, like Liam is in his 2nd year of highschool later, they get early on-set empty nest do some Debating, and end up getting a surrogate and having Peter. Officially they don't know who his bio dad is, but you look at the boy for two minutes and can tell he's a Kirkland. Just,,, Matt is back in town, Abby & Jack are back from College for fall break or smth, Liam is in highschool he's always home but; they sit all the kids down and are just "we have big news, we're having a baby!" and the general reaction is "what-what the fuck? aren't you two like,,, ancient?"
Anyway time goes on, Peter is like 3, Liam moved out to live with his mom and go to college around where she lives, Abby is back with an English degree to help Will run the shop (initially she was going to be a teacher but changed her mind); Jack is getting some long fancy degree no one quite understands but he's hyped about it and he's never been excited about school. And Matt is off wandering a national park and having a grand old time doing it.
Pete is down for a nap François slides in the room with a serious conversation to have with William;
within two years they've adopted Angelique, she's about six when Pete is five so they're close but not as close as Abby and Jack. It's so stereotypical but Abby was super happy to have a sister FINALLY she had kinda been hoping Peter was a girl but it's fine. She's fine.
And then last but def not least in the story there is actually going to be a future chapter when Abby drags Lars to meet her parents with the excuse of "you know that baby my parents have been fostering? Wendy? well the adoption papers finally went through, so legally she's their kid and legally she's my sister and they're throwing a little party and you should come and meet the rest of my family everyone is going to be there yes bring Emma and Henri"
anyway the age order is;
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