#i haven't even added her to my list yet but if you need more info just hmu kjefhdjsg
earlydew · 1 year
closed starter for @suchaehwas ! ♡
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     " i meant to hurt you. if i didn’t, things would’ve only gotten worse. "
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pancakeke · 13 days
not vague post, every readmore I use is to shorten work rants lol
one of these items appeared on my team's buy list on Friday so I was asked if I could find any details related to them, but couldn't. so my coworker asked the sales adjacent person since she's the only person in the item's edit history. she responded with "this is not a real part" and did nothing to correct the bad attributes. this part remained on our buy list.
sales adjacent person created and approved a bunch of fucked up part numbers that have the attributes for both physical inventory items and non-physical non-inventory items (think like, computer components vs labor fees). plus for some reason over 200 were manually added to stock despite that they lacked the "stocked" attribute. There weren't descriptions, comments, file attachments, or emails to explain what the hell the PNs were supposed to be.
Today this bad part also appeared on a report I needed to send accounting for a salesperson. I emailed the sales adjacent person and this salesperson stating that the item doesn't appear to be real yet we had 200 on hand and asked:
"Do either of you know what this item is
and how we stock more units?"
"Can you confirm if the attributes are correct?"
"Is there additional info you can provide on the other items approved with this one that have identical attributes?"
the sales adjacent person responded, direct quote with name redacted: "[Coworker] already asked me about this. This is not a real part. What else do you need to know?"
(she typically responds to me saying stuff like why are you asking me, that wasn't me (despite logs showing the contrary), that's not my responsibility, why does that matter, etc without mincing words so it's possible that "what else do you need to know" used here means "that's all you need to know".)
i WANTED to respond "the answers to all of the questions I already asked since you still haven't fixed the PN" but what i DID respond was "Are the attributes for these items correct?"
her response, again direct quote: "If its (sic) not a real part, then I would say no."
girl you made the part numbers. quit with this passive cop voice and give me the details to correct your dumb shit. I responded again asking what they're supposed to be and also emphasized that I was unable to find anything about these items and need her to tell me or I cant fix them.
though she might not reply anymore cause she gets mad and stops talking to me a lot... since she has a weird role I only really interact with her when she's fucking up inventory or creating bad data in our system so she's always on the defensive with me.
i wouldn't even fucking care if she would just communicate and actually help resolve issues when they arise. there are plenty of people who I never mention even though they sometimes make mistakes because they act normal about it.
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maliby · 4 years
Diagnosis: Love (43)
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The sound of the doorbell caught your attention, ending your conversation with Lisa's cousin. When you reached the intercom and saw Johnny's smiling face you immediately buzzed him in the building.
You didn't know why but you were feeling a bit nervous about meeting him. Maybe it was because you still haven't told him about Jaehyun or maybe it was because Ten's words about having to choose were ringing in your head.
"How's my favorite patient doing?" Johnny asked as soon as he reached your door.
"Better, I don't have as much pain today," you said as you let him in.
Johnny waited for you to turn around and then his palms were on your cheeks and his lips were kissing you softly.
"I brought us food," he said after he slowly backed away, raising the bag in his hand.
"Did you cook it?" You asked, remembering the last time he tried to cook.
"Thank God," you teased, taking the bag from his hand and placing it on your dining table.
"So what have you been doing? Have you been resting?" Johnny sat on your couch, placing his feet on your coffee table.
"Yes daddy," you jokingly said completely forgetting about the effect that word had on him. You waited for him to react to it, but if he got affected by it he didn’t let it show.
Johnny turned on your TV and started zapping through the channels, trying to find something to watch. This was the perfect opportunity to talk to him, so you took a deep breath and moved to sit right beside him.
"Listen Johnny, I need to talk to you."
"What is it?" He asked as he continued to surf through to your channels.
"Are you aware of the gossip network at the Hospital?"
"Yeah..." He sighed, the name not bringing him fond memories. "I've heard of it."
"Are you up with the news?"
"No, I try my best to avoid it since most of the time the news were about me and my...adventures."
"Well...I was talking to Mark the other day and he told me there was news about Jaehyun...and me."
Johnny's posture changed, him getting visibly tenser, but his eyes never leaving the TV.
"What do they say?" He asked.
"That Cara told Jaehyun to break up with me or else she would take away his son."
Johnny turned off the TV, his attention now being completely on you and this rumor.
"What? How do they know that?"
"She regularly visits him at the hospital and they heard her say it..."
"Fuck..that's messed up."
You averted your eyes. The first part of the conversation was done, now onto the second - the most difficult one.
"Then I ran into him and I asked if we could talk," you said, carefully studying his reaction.
Johnny didn't say anything, which only made you even more nervous.
"He agreed," you continued.
"And...have you had that talk yet?" He hesitantly asked.
He sighed. "How did it go?"
"He confirmed everything."
"Fuck," he cursed, burying his face in his hands.
"He said she was controlling his every move and that she blackmailed him. And then he said he sent you to get me because he wanted me to be happy."
"That motherfucker," Johnny chuckled, leaving you perplexed.
"When I asked him why he dumped you he acted so out of character. He kept telling me that you just didn’t click and that you were a good fuck and I should go for it. That motherfucker was acting like a jerk so I wouldn't feel guilty about my feelings for you."
“I can’t believe he did that.” You were dumbfounded. You simply couldn’t believe Jaehyun had gone that far just to make sure you were happy.
“I mean I thought he was acting strange but I never thought...that bitch really screwed him over.”
“Yeah...Listen Johnny, I need your help. Cara can’t keep doing this to him!”
“You’re right. What can I do?”
“Lisa’s cousin is a private investigator and he agreed to help us. I just need to give him some more personal info about Cara.”
“I’ll do what I can,” Johnny said before the room became silent. The level of tension was rising and you knew exactly what he was thinking about, you knew it even before he asked it.
“So, does this mean that you and Jaehyun...?”
There it was. The moment you were dreading the most.
“I don’t know...”
He nodded in response, avoiding your eyes, the tension now reaching levels so high that it was starting to be unbearable. You needed to get everything out there and you needed to do it now.
“Listen Johnny, I want to be completely honest with you because you deserve it. I won’t lie to you and tell you that I don’t have feelings for him because you know that’s not true. Honestly, I don’t know what to fucking do, because the truth is that I like you too...I just-”
Suddenly Johnny placed his hand on your cheek, his eyes now searching for yours.
“I know I might be setting myself up for failure but fuck Y/N, I need to tell you this. I’m so fucking whipped for you. I think about you all day and night, I- I don’t know what you’ve done to me. When I look at other girls now I feel nothing at all because they could never compare to you.”
Tears were now streaming down your face. You didn’t know what to tell him. How could you choose one of them knowing that you’d leave the other one in shambles? These men had given you their whole heart and you were just gonna stomp on it and tear it to bits.
“What I’m trying to say is...I love you.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I understand how much of a mess your head must be right now, I just needed you to know where I stand.” Johnny kissed your forehead in a sweet gesture that you weren’t sure if it made you feel better or worse.
“So, shall we eat?” He asked out of nowhere, throwing you for a loop.
You weren’t hungry, but you sure felt a little relieved that he was changing the subject.
You cleaned up your tears, took a big breath to try and calm down your heart and got up to get the food out of the bag. “Let’s.”
Y/N is the new nurse at NCT Hospital - the best hospital in the country. She was expecting it to be a big step in her career, but 'Bad Boy' Doctor Johnny Suh and 'Valentine' Pediatrician Jeong Jaehyun take her by surprise.
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painterofhorizons · 2 years
For the Shepard ask meme: 6, 16, and 30?
From this Shepard meme. Feel free to send stuff.
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Oh, thank you so much for sending the ask back then! ^.^ I did mean to answer them earlier, but they were HARD. :D
16. What songs does your Shepard sing in the shower?
I... don't think Reda Shepard is someone who sings in the shower. Not even in theory. But coming back from the dead unto the SR2 and that hilariously huge cabin that she absolutely hates and that ridiculously huge private bathroom and that stupic window over her bed? And the constant physical pain she is from being waken up too early after Cerberus patched her back together and meanwhile the mind fuckery of having been dead flesh for two years? I definitely see Reda BLASTING music in that private bathroom of hers, just to keep her distracted from everything going on and especially from her very wrong new body. That would be music without singing though, probably some hard and fast electronical beats, something loud and aggressive to drown the pain and the thoughts that creep in once she sits down in silence. So it's more a desperate coping mechanism and less "singing in the shower" exactly.
30. How does your Shepard handle difficult situations?
Professional. If enlisting and working with Anderson for so many years has taught her anything, it's staying professional, grinding through and keeping her damn mouth shut if it's really needed. She'll be grumpy about it later, in private, in the gym, while sparring or in combat simulation training. But real life difficult situations? She might not always handle them gracefully, but rather with pressed lips and clenched teeth at times. But she'll stay professional and get the job done. She's very much a "do your job and don't fuck around" type, and she's good at that.
Private difficult situations? She's not so professional about those. She feels clumsy around people as persons, not as professional opponents, and doesn't know how to handle being human, neither with herself nor with others. Mostly she will try to avoid "personal difficult situations", which is pretty easy with her 24/7 work mentality. I assume private kinds of situation may rather arise in her time with Cerberus, because there's no alliance military and structure that she can be. She doesn't know really well who she is outside being a marine, so that might back fire once she stops being a marine.
6. From what culture does your Shepard come? Do they have any traditions? If they’re Earthborn and/or don’t know much about their background: From what city/planet does your Shepard come? Did they create any traditions based on the city they grew up in?
I have to admit, that part of Reda Shepard's background is pretty… blank to me still. ^^' So she is earthborn and I once mentioned that she was // the Reds were from Calgary, Canada. That decision was very random, because I needed something within reach from Vancouver because I wrote that that was where Anderson's unit was stationed. I don't even remember if that was canon or also just something I made up in 2015. And since I haven't really decided if I'm keeping these random bits of info from that very first ME piece I wrote 7 years ago… I honestly don't have much to say about her time with the Reds/before meeting Anderson yet. I am adding that to my list of think-abouts though. :D
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latinalesbi · 7 years
I'm gonna guess you haven't seen the sneak with stef Lena and Robert judging by your lack of disgust...
5I have sleeping hours, I am on the west coast and not working. I am sleeping in!
I expected something, so I am not surprised. And I know Robert isn’t around much after this, so who cares in terms of my viewing pleasure.
The message is terrible, and I can’t stand it. It makes all the straights feel so smug. I don’t know where they are going with this. And clearly, to our horror, this is what they meant by return to family. It’s atrocious. Gabe is still 1000x worse to me, because they shoved him in their home and his role is clearly to be “the man." Ana as well. Let’s remember this woman has recently fallen off the wagon. Her kids were removed from her. She was legally deemed not be able to take care of kids. Till they’re adults, they shouldn’t even be around her, Stef and Lena risk their own custody by exposing them to someone who has been deemed unable to take care of kids. Oh, and she fell off the wagon by hanging out with a drinking Gabe. Guess what she was doing last episode.. yep.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Are Stef and Lena sending Callie to live with Robert ?     
You hadn’t seen the promo when you sent me, but yeah we already knew she wasn’t going to go live with him. So, at least there is that. And no custody battle again.
Anonymous said:                                                                      has it been said or do you know if stef and lena were fostering kids in and out of the house before jude and callie arrived?             
It has not been said. So, I am going to assume that they weren’t. Yet, mysteriously their fostering license was valid when Callie popped up.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I'm glad Stef is being hard on Callie. But do you think she needs Lena to. Like a softer parent. In that sneak peek, it seems like Lena wants to say something but not be hard on Callie. Do you think she needs a softer approach ? I wouldn't mind Callie backing away from Stef and getting closer to Lena.            
I do think that all those kids need a firm hand right now. As we saw in the preview, she has Lena’s soft touch. I really liked Lena reassuring Callie by putting her hand on her leg. They don’t want to push her out. I think in some ways, Callie’s still pushing them to see if they want her out. She assumes they are going to send her away when she fucks up. She always does. The most important thing for Callie is that her moms choose her. That they continue to choose her because they love her, not because they share DNA. And once she gets that in her head, her life will improve. I would love to see Lena getting closer to Callie. Maia said that Stef and Lena keep a closer eye on her this season. We’ll see.
Anonymous said:                                                                      So I guess this mean we are not getting a fanfiction with Gabe and Ana it from you :(             
I mean, maybe if I get more asks and ask me to add Mike and Robert. Maybe ....
Anonymous said:                                                                      what an incredible  coincidence that Tess is going to be their neigbour. What do you mean when you guys say she's going to be there for five episodes ? I mean maybe we won't often see her after five episodes but she's their neighbour, where could she go ? Move out again ?
Yes, incredible! This show is so reality loving as I am told on twitter lol At least this is a coincidence that will bring mama drama and Mariana drama.
Ok, on IMDB, the actress is shown to be in 5 episodes. Now, not all the info on IMDB is correct before the show airs. There are some things you can weed out as wrong. They still have Mike as a regular and they added AJ. BTS alone tells you that is wrong. Sometimes minor characters appear to be in ever ep, also wrong. Annika is usually on top of her IMDB so she’ll put in all her eps pretty early. That’s why despite the fact that she wasn’t spotted in ep 9, or told the world as she usually does, she probably is in it.
Now, the actress who plays Tess is listed as being in 5 and those episodes that are listed, we have evidence of her presence in at least 4 of them. So, it’s accurate. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Evidence proves 2,3,5 and 9.
I think the story won’t be resolved in 1a. I think it will in 5b but she’ll stay the neighbor.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      you said  "I instead will focus on all the lovely things Sherri said about Teri and Stef and Lena last night! Maybe I’ll make a post later since there’s NOTHING to gif."   What are you talking about here ? Where did Sherri say whatever she said ? Is it the yahoo interview ? I just saw Teri's one.             
I posted, I hope you saw! It was on her live tweets.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Callie didn't try to kill herself but it seems like the moms have gotten that that point. Like Stef doesn't trust her to be alone.             
Listen, you need to let that go. Callie is not suicidal. You had a suicidal story, it was her sister. Let it go. Not gonna happen. Callie is destructive, it’s different. It’s self-sabotage. They don’t want to give her too much freedom. nope.
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