#i haven't named the god yet because he's kind of an arsehole and i didn't feel like expending creative energy on him lmao
damnation-if · 2 years
I don’t know if anyones asked about them yet but what can you tell us about the monks some MCs were born into if that isn’t big spoiler info & if it is what about just monks in general I’m guessing they’re not the Punches You, Punches You kind
the monastic community that some mcs can choose as an origin is indeed not a d&d monk class type monastic community; not to say that those kinds of people don't exist in Damnation's world or anything but just purely from a practical perspective it seemed fairer not to give one of the origins a distinct advantage in something like self-defence. then again it's not like fighting is really going to be a Huge factor but it still seemed best to keep everyone's mcs on a roughly even starting playing field.
the monastic community that mc grew up in is more in the "religious scholar" kind of vein, with lots of strict customs designed to help the people who live there achieve a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. in particular, the monastery where the mc grew up was dedicated to an extremely strict lawful good deity of agriculture and industry who demands high levels of diligence and conscientiousness from his followers.
mostly what they did was tending crops and other plants, working various farming machines and making lots of things like clothing and household items that they didn't get to keep but gave away to others in between prayers and scripture readings. there wasn't a whole lot of time pencilled in anybody's schedules for fun or relaxation... their god would have disapproved lmao.
i hope this helps answer your question!
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