#i haven't spoken to several close friends in so long because i am so exhausted all the time that i cannot even hold a conversation
tea-docx · 1 year
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ask-ethari-anything · 5 years
I am BLOWN AWAY that a) no one has asked for and b) you haven't yet told your wedding story. We should fix this. Go! *waits, eagerly, chin on hands*
No no no, don’t ask Runaan, he won’t tell it right. This story takes a while, and I needed to be in the right frame of mind for it, but I’m here now. Sitting comfy? Here we go.
The day dawned bright–for the Silvergrove–and I woke up for a moment, unsure where I was. One of the many Moonshadow wedding traditions is to spend your last night before your wedding in the place that represents what you’ll bring to your marriage. For me, that was my workshop. My gifts had already kept Runaan safe, my skills made him more efficient. I knew that was going to be my role in our union. So I slept on the floor by my forge, nice and toasty. 
Tiadrin was my heartguard all night–she parked herself outside my door and stayed awake with a sword in her hand. Sometimes Moonshadows test the heartguards by trying to sneak up on them to see if they’re actually awake, because what’s a Moonshadow ritual without the occasional sanctioned prank? But Tiadrin chased everyone away and never even woke me up.
She and about a dozen other Moonshadows made me the biggest breakfast I’ve ever seen. Moonberry syrup on everything! And Tiadrin cracking dirty jokes that set everyone giggling, but only when I’d just taken a bite of my breakfast! She did it on purpose that way, I know she did. That evil grin of hers… I don’t usually blush, but she got me very blushy that morning. 
When I was stuffed to the gills, they helped me get all fripped up in my Moonshadow finery. Shimmering white trousers under a floor-length, split-sided white tunic covered in embroidered runes full of love and good fortune. I felt so pretty. And kind of badass. The tailor managed to make my shoulders look even wider than they are–enchantments everywhere, you know–and I got to wear my pretty white slippers for the first time. I got my turquoise hornflowers attached and the mantle hooked into my doublet so I’d look all swoopy walking down the stairs. All the silver rings I’d made, with all their swirlies and gems, winked on my fingers and my ears. Tiadrin even coaxed a few beaded braids into my hair and tucked in a couple of dark lovebird feathers. Lastly, several of them brushed some glittery mothdust on my cheeks so I’d be especially gleamy in the light.
When she was done prettying me up, Tiadrin looked me up and down and teared up a bit. “Runaan’s going to be speechless,” she told me.
“Don’t worry. He always finds other ways to express himself,” I replied.
Apparently saying that on your wedding day is hilarious. Cue more blushing from me!
When the time came, my friends escorted me out and down the long winding staircase, with Tiadrin taking me by the hand and leading the way, and honey, let me tell you, I could hear the gasps from the elves down below. The whole village had crammed itself around the edges of the pool and up above the stone steps across the way, all in their own finery. But I only had eyes for Runaan. 
He stood below by the pool, watching me like a hawk as I came around the curve of the stairs. Dressed very like me, but with darker hints in the embroidery on his tunic, and the hornflowers he wore were deep purple. I couldn’t help it–I blew him a light little kiss from my fingertips. I may have sparked it with a bit of moon magic because I was so excited! The way he reacted, you’d think I was some hero of myth deigning to look his way for the barest second. He practically fangirled! Made me feel very loved.
Tiadrin made sure I didn’t fall off the stairs, and she led me to Runaan, who had his own heartguard in Lain. The two of them joined our hands for us and stepped back, and Runaan and I just stared and stared and smiled and smiled. With Runaan, you can have a whole conversation with silent expressions, and boy did we have one then. He was nervous and excited and relieved and exhausted and so ready to be married to me. I wanted to hold him close and never let go. But our day was just starting.
We promenaded together around the ritual pool three times while the village sang a traditional wedding song for us. Then Lain and Tiadrin wrapped our right wrists with pieces of white ribbon, Once the Binding of the Hands was complete, we led everyone up to the village green where there was a lot more room for the actual ceremony. Runaan squeezed my hand tight as we walked side by side, and his palm was damp and hot. I squeezed back even harder and nudged his shoulder. “I’ve got you, Runaan. Now and always.”
Moon help me, the look on his face. Like he couldn’t quite believe it, but it was exactly what he needed to hear. He hovered somewhere between grinning like an idiot and crying with overwhelming love. “Still up for marrying me, then?” he asked.
“Only because your horns are so cute.”
“I grew them special, just for you.”
“Such dedication! I’ll be sure to admire them thoroughly every morning, along with the rest of you.”
At that, Runaan blushed hard. Wedding days are so much fun.
The village council gathered around us in a circle, holding hands, while Runaan and I held each other’s hands in the middle. They asked us the ritual questions in turn until we’d gone all the way around. I knew my answers, of course. But seeing Runaan stare deeply into my eyes and recite the ways he would care for me for the rest of my life… hoo, that went straight to my soul, and my hands were the ones that got hot. He got a little misty when I answered the question about the ways I’d love Runaan, and my answer went on about putting my gifts in his hands so he could perform his duty and serve his people. I could’ve said lots of things there, but I knew that answer would please him most.
The final question was this, chanted by the whole council at once: “You’ve spoken your intent. Runaan, Ethari, how will you show us that you have chosen each other as your beloved match and bonded your hearts together, forsaking all others and holding to these new-made promises, in life, in death, and in the balance thereof?”
Runaan and I turned to our heartguards then, and Lain and Tiadrin stepped into the circle, each bearing a soft pillow with a pair of horn cuffs on it. Runaan slid his pointy cuffs with the turquoise gems onto my horns, and I slid my swirly cuffs onto his. Moon above, he looked so handsome properly cuffed. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest!
And then we kissed. We joined our right hands together, the bindings glowed white, and we totally made out in front of the whole village.
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Lain and Tiadrin shouted the loudest, but the whole village lost their minds and tossed handfuls of flower petals around us. In the middle of a blue-and-white floral rain, I got to pull my husband into my arms and kiss him for the very first time. I know I was happycrying first, but Runaan let his feelings pool in his eyes, too.
And way before we were ready to let go of each other, the big drums started across the green. Lain and Tiadrin dragged us over for dancing, and we stood in the center of several concentric rings of elven pairs and danced our first wedding dance together. It’s still one of my favorite things to do with Runaan, that exact dance.
We danced the morning away, ate lunch, and danced some more. I danced with just about everyone in the Silvergrove! So did Runaan, but he vastly preferred to dance with me instead. After lunch, the games and stories came out, and everyone relaxed for a while on the grass. Lain gave a long and rambling speech about how Runaan had been too flustered to tell me how much he loved me and needed some friendly assistance. Tiadrin’s speech was far more, ah, direct, and her comments on the speed and content of our courtship left Runaan moonberry red amid teasing laughter. I held his hand tightly and whispered, “Don’t worry. I’ll fix you right up tonight and we’ll really give them something to talk about.”
Well, that didn’t help with his blushing, but he looked me right in the eye and said, “We’d better leave the window open so they can quote me properly.”
We giggled so hard, with our foreheads pressed together and our fingers interlaced, stealing kisses like the lovestruck fools we were. I told you wedding days are fun.
The sun set and the full Moon finally rose, and we danced and danced some more. Things get pretty wild when everyone shifts into full Moonshadow form and dances after a few glasses of moonberry wine. Flowers and bracelets and shoes tossed everywhere. Some of the couples disappeared into the shadows. Runaan and I tossed our mantles aside and really upped our dancing game. His hair came loose and swirled around us, and I lost my hornflowers to a spiraling dip that left me dizzy and gasping in Runaan’s arms.
There’s a fun tradition where the wedded couple tries their best to sneak away from their own wedding at the end without getting spotted. It’s very Moonshadow, and it hardly ever works. But Runaan was determined to get away with it, and he enlisted Lain and Tiadrin to help us. Around midnight, everyone paused for refreshments and stood chatting excitedly. Runaan and I stood together in plain sight and murmured to each other, seeming like we weren’t going anywhere, until people stopped watching us to see if we were sneaking off. Then Lain and Tiadrin picked up our mantles–and my hornflowers–from the other side of the green, put them on, and darted along the treeline just long enough to catch someone’s eye. The moment the cry went up that the newlyweds were trying to slip off together, Runaan and I held hands and dashed in the other direction. I was trying not to giggle, but Runaan was very focused and didn’t make a single sound.
We got away clean, of course. Runaan’s plans never fail. Once we reached the tree house, I pulled off my white slippers, and Runaan’s–totally stained green with dancing on the grass–and set them carefully aside. Wedding slippers are a sign of good luck if they’ve been well danced in.
And then we started a different dance. We did leave the window open, and I helped Runaan with some very memorable quotes for anyone listening in. Couldn’t let the village wonder if we’d made it home safely together, could I?
Because we were home. Together. And we always will be. Runaan is my home and my heart. I knew that, way before my wedding day. But I loved, so much, sharing the moment when I changed my life to let Runaan into it, fully and completely. Moonshadow weddings are an absolute delight, and mine is one of my favorite memories of all.
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renakurisumasu · 6 years
Opinion about Mayura
Oh well, here we go.
I still haven't fully recovered from the Mayura episode, but we take the hand of God and go in faith.
As always, I didn't understand much of what they were talking about, but early on after Hawk Moth had spoken, Ladybug's face wasn't the best.
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I assume she was afraid, after all, who wouldn't have been in that situation... It was kind of scary since nothing like that had ever happened before. But after she talked to Chat Noir, does she seem to have gained more courage?
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Anyway, I wanted to know enough French to have understood what the super heroes said before they went into the attack.
Anyway, let's get past the battle, things I can see and I can comment on: Carapace and Chat Noir. Bromance goals.
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Not only are they best friends without the masks, but I feel they can be best friends with the masks too, it would be fantastic. I like Adrien and Nino so much together, it's kind of my OTP of friendship. Of course, next to Alya & Marinette, because no one outgrows them both. But I must admit, Chat Noir and Carapace work very well as a team and I hope that in season three we can see more of this type.
Probably several people thought about it, and even wanted it to happen... when Rena Rouge was hit by an arrow, the way to get it out was with a kiss of true love, as it was with Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first season, but noooooo...
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Honestly, I was waiting for Ladybug to start saying to Carapace, "Hey, you need to kiss her to get her out of this state. Be quick before she's akumatized" and then we'd finally have the right to see first kiss in the chambers of Alya x Nino even though it was in a superhero state. What a shame. I know I dreamed too much, but I also wanted to see Ladynoir kiss again, I miss them.
By the way, it was scary when Chloe's parents and her butler arrived, like... poor thing. She had to fight them as best she could, but it was impossible since she eventually got caught too.
And then we get to the part where Ladybug and Chat Noir are left alone. I know they are in the middle of a major battle but being honest, I was so happy with what happened in the sewers. It was so cute. I didn't get it right, but after walking on the tumblr, there were already people who had already subtitled their scene, so just look. It was fantastic how Adrien encouraged Marinette, even though he didn't know it was her.
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And it was also so sweet of him to continue to respect Marinette's desire and close his eyes when they jumped into the water.
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About Plagg and Adrien: Thank you. Really, thank you very much for this scene. I knew Plagg cared about Adrien but seeing him demonstrate such a feeling is always great to see.
BTW, I HAD A MINI ATTACK WHEN THEY SAYED DETRANSFORMATION! I really found that they were going to de-transform in front of each other, what a scare, what a heart attack they gave me.
And again, as at the end of the first season, Ladybug released so many butterflies, it really gave me a nostalgia in the belly, it was beautiful.
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Speaking of nostalgia before in the sewers, I had given LadyNoir a nostalgia too when Adrien turned to the wall and put his hand on it while talking to Marinette. I shipped both of these two, my OTP.
And then the Parisians appeared... I cried with happiness. It was so beautiful. Yesterday Thomas had put an image on his Twitter that now if they are to compare with the scene of the Parisians makes perfect sense.
I think everyone already has a sense of my hatred for Lila, but anyway, unfortunately, she appeared again in the episode. Knowing the fact that she has to speak for her illusions to speak, made me think of the Catalyst episode and how she had to talk about everything for Miss Fortune and Chat Noir to talk about. It must be exhausting, but I don't care, she can be tired even, I'm sick of her and her lies and ugly faces to others.
And please, somebody puts some judgment on Gabriel's head, he hit his own son. Even if he doesn't know that it's his son and even though Chat doesn't know Hawk Moth is his father, it's still violence and I got a little bad with it, Adrien doesn't deserve the life he takes from his father, he deserves someone who loves him and gives him attention, who cares for him the right way (like Marinette, but I'd like to know more about Adrien and Emilie's relationship)
But it really was strange to see the real Hawk Moth again in his true suit and not in red, I had gotten used to it, but I didn't like it too much, I prefer the normal colors.
And in an act of desperation, Natalie went to pick up Peacock's Miraculous. Yeah, it was her, but I got the feeling that this Miraculous belonged to Emilie and she's in a coma/died on account of this Miraculous since in the end, Gabriel worried about Natalie's condition after using the Miraculous. It must be really powerful and exhausting... Now I want to know more!
But let me confess here, for Mayura's first appearance, she's really pretty, even though it's Natalie. Now I wonder what it would be like if it were Emilie. HMMM
BUT HEY! Now Ladybug and Chat Noir know that Peacock's Miraculous is with the Hawk Moth, since Mayura helped him.
And as always, in any series, the villain managed to escape. I just can't understand why Nooroo is so... Idk, nice to Gabriel. He doesn't deserve. Why call him "master" then? Ugh...
(insert here the fact that Alya, Nino and Chloe returned the miraculous and everything)
Alya and Mylene are kind of like me with all my shipps, they were fantastic. Too bad Adrien sat down and didn't give it five minutes, he had to leave. He should have had more freedom too, poor fellow, just wanted to be with his friends. But the fact that before he left, he had said those words all to Marinette, about her being their Ladybug every day, it was... beautiful. He compared the "love of his life" to "it's just a friend". It's not a coincidence, is it? Please, Adrien, open your eyes, you were made for each other. Master Fu agrees, the fandom agrees, everyone agrees (except Chloe and Lila but shhhh)
And I'll not even comment on Chloe's attitude to Sabrina, I don't think it's worth it. There are episodes where she is a good character and others that she is just the biggest bitch in the world, but as Marinette said in the episode Malediktor, "Ladybug made me a better Marinette, maybe Queen Bee make Chloe better too." I'm still waiting to see this.
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Tell me the truth, no one was expecting Marinette to finally take that step of kissing Adrien's cheek. It was like... SHOCKER. In a good way, because I was very happy.
So I hope that in the future, we'll have more of these scenes. As said by the creators, season two is nothing compared to season three, so Miraculers, get ready, we'll have many more heart attacks ahead with MLB.
Surely many good things are still waiting for us, with Miraculous's next season. More action, romance, comedy, drama, sadness, revelations, I'm anxious to see what's out there. I hope it doesn't take long to launch season three, but I know they are doing a great job, and I am very proud to be a Miraculer, to participate in this sea of emotions at the same time. The end of this season was as good as the first.
So... Be Miraculous!
See ya~ 💘💚🖤
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