#i haven't technically seen people state that luigi is useless
multicolour-ink · 1 year
I feel it’s easy to overlook this one fact about Luigi:
He is just as impulsive and full of crazy dreams as Mario.
Who was the one who (presumably) came up with the commercial jingle?
Who was the one that asked “What do they know huh?” in an attempt to cheer up Mario after their father’s comment about their business venture?
Who was the one who had the idea to use a manhole cover against Bowser’s fire breath (despite how dangerous that was)?
The difference between the two bros is that Luigi doesn’t outwardly display his impetuous behaviour as much as Mario does; which is evidenced by the way Mario gets most of the blame put on him by the family for the whole business venture (Mario is the one choosing to stick up for the decisions they made), and accused of “dragging his brother down” by his own father.
So I don’t want to hear people claim Luigi just 'follows Mario around' and can’t think for himself. He is a grown man, and can make his own decisions. Luigi in all fairness can strike out on his own if he chooses. The two of them are different people after all.
But they choose to work together because they really are one. They may have different personalities, but they have practically the same passions, the same dreams. They encourage each other to follow those dreams: and they know they can achieve it better together.
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