#i havent decided on Oboro yet but i think he probly still dies
wribbles · 11 months
Izuku as Shouta's older brother & a quirkless pro hero (tho hes not widely known)
The Aizawa's had trouble conceiving a child so they used a surrogate mother (Midoriya Inko) and had Izuku (inko still comes by often, she and Mamzawa became good friends and now inko is the boys' Auntie)
Four years after having Izuku the Aizawas get naturally pregnant and have Shouta. Izuku immediately becomes determined to be the Best big brother ever! (He succeeds)
Izuku is still quirkless & a lover of quirk analysis
Papazawa has a visual Quirk Identifying quirk, and his knowledge and interest in quirks passed to Izuku
Mamazawa has a personal Gravity Nullifying quirk which makes her hair/clothes/anything shes holding float a bit in the air - generally considered a weak quirk - it gives her a slight colored aura
Shouta still has his Erasure quirk
Izuku learns he's quirkless and asks if he can be a hero and his parents say theyre not sure (bc the world is shitty and heroics is hard) but they'll stand with him the entire way if he wants to try anyways - and if anyone could be a quirkless hero, it's their Izuku
Izuku does end up going to UA and graduating as the quirkless Pro-Hero Null, with extra support from Nedzu (Many ppl try to stop him. It doesnt work.)
Shouta has trouble sleeping most nights (stress, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, etc) and has ever since he was a baby. So he and Izuku-nii-chan have developed a Technique that almost always soothes Shouta to sleep: Izuku holds Shouta to his chest, with Shouta able to hear his heartbeat and breathing, and they just lay/sit together, the calm steadiness and safety of his brother allowing Shouta to put aside everything else and relax.
They found this Technique early, since Izuku has a seemingly sixth sense for when Shouta can't sleep (helped by Izuku's own struggles to sleep through the night). When Shouta was barely a month old, Izuku heard him whining in his crib and, in an effort to be Best Big Brother, crawled in with him and held him close like he'd seen their mom do. He said reassurances and rocked him a little, and Shouta quieted down quickly. They both ended up falling asleep in the crib, finally being found by their dad in the morning who woke Izuku to fondly ask "wtf?" His heart grew even more for his sons at hearing Izuku's explanation and seeing them cuddled so close - he didnt tell Izuku to stop. So it kept happening and now even as adults the #1 method to get Shouta to sleep when everything else won't let him is to just have Izuku hold him for a while. (Shouta does wake up pretty quickly upon being separated from Izuku, which is why it becomes an Emergencies Only situation when theyre adults living separately, but every little bit helps)
Another Thing they have is: as a child Shouta created a habit of jiggling the doorknob before entering Izuku's room to talk to his brother (usually about stuff that upset or confused him but sometimes just bc he wanted to hang out), and Izuku learned to listen for the extra noise to know it's Shouta and he always asks "What's wrong, Sho-chan?" when his brother comes in. They never grow out of that.
Shouta always thinks his brother is amazing and so cool for trying to be a hero and then Doing That, esp bc he knows a bit of how much ppl would criticize Izuku for it.
Shouta did grow up hearing quirkist comments from kids at school about him (and his brother but they never shared schools at the same time after elementary) but Izuku refused to allow them if he heard them and would regularly get in fights with Shouta's classmates after school, even tho his parents wished he'd stop - esp for fear he'd fuck up his school record and chances for heroics, but Izuku never backed down.
(One example of bullying Shouta also got at least once was ppl claiming that he erased his brother's quirk as a kid and that's why Izuku is quirkless & Shouta is a villain. Shouta avoided telling people his brother was a quirkless hero student after that unless it came up - which sucked bc he loves telling ppl how awesome Izuku is, but no one ever believes him.)
Shouta's bullying does contribute to his reticent nature tho, and even Izuku's cheer and chatter don't make him open up (but that's okay, he does what he needs to to keep himself safe. His family loves him always)
Shouta's high school friends all meet Izuku and love him and he adopts them all as little siblings
Shouta tends to use nii-chan with his brother bc theyre so close but does sometimes switch for nii-san if the vibes are right (no massive significance to it just vibes)
Izuku does NOT get OfA & doesnt really meet All Might {{unless he subs for Shouta at UA but thats potential plotty stuff so its flexible}}, but he's still a huge All Might fan and admires the man greatly
All Might, for his part, doesnt know Izuku but he DOES get inspired by the story of The Quirkless Hero: Null & hearing about Izuku's determination to save people and reach his dreams despite the many massive odds, makes AM proud for the next generation and also inspires him to push his own limits as well (if ever meets Null he'd like to tell him and thank him)
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