#i havent done this in a week truly 😔
onepiexe · 8 months
ew. wakin up early again is awful.
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eletricheart · 9 months
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omg omg omg omg i cant believe this thank you so much i dont even have words this is crazy💜💜💜
thank you all for not only enjoying the stories i write (are u okay?) but for also being so patient. I know i dont have the best release schedule (i dont even have one) and im so sorry for that.
I honestly believed i'd get a max of 10 followers so this has been such a surprise, im so grateful for this trust u guys are the best😭🫶💜
I promise i'll finish the other requests in this lifespan😬, i had this super weird headache this week so i could only get one. But i swear i havent forgotten about it and it will be done😔🙌 pinky promise.
I truly love you so much, this is unbelievable♥
I lowkey want to block all of you, rip out my heart and never have feelings again. But in a cute silly way🤪🫶♥💜🥰
Anywayyy, i hope i can keep writing for u this has been so much fun🫶🫶
Now...I cant miss the chance to advertise my work😈 For those who dont know I do the Goddess work of fanfiction writing.
I write for: mother miranda, donna beneviento, mira kano and katherine pierce.
My inbox are always open for any requests or talk (friendly pls😊)
If u send something and its taking a while for me to respond, its okay i didnt forget u im just a mess🥰
my masterlist
Love u guys, see u again some time😁🫶
(sorry if the emojis are annoying i feel like the text gets boring or professional (?????) if i dont use them)
(dont judge my heart and star, drawing is hard)
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