#i havent seen too many toxic dinostar fans....yet
perish-the-creator · 3 years
Nothing makes me laugh more than witnessing the absolute hurdles some of you are jumping over to try and explain why Kenji and Brooklyn are problematic.
"There was no chemistry" Neither was there for any ship besides Yazammy. Honestly look back and you'll see that Benji and Dinostar hold little weight. Ben was borderline tolerant of Kenji and couldn't care less unless the dude was in direct danger. Don't forget that Brooklyn threw Darius dead father in his face. I don't care how sorry she said she was, you don't say that to a grieving kid.
"But the age gap!" Hey. Hey listen. Um, teenagers will date other teenagers if they like them. Their canon ages are 13 and 15. That is normal. I know some of y'all have been online thanks to the pandemic, but two year age gaps are normal in high school and middle school. So stop trying to turn it into something it's not. Y'all sound stupid as hell.
Also, no you didn't get queerbaited. Stop throwing that word around.
Yasammy is neither confirmed nor denied. Neither girls have showed interest in anyone else. Also, you use the argument of them being kids? SHOCKER! Someone like Yaz probably didn't have time to properly understand her sexuality. Especially when it came to survival.
Kenji's feelings also made sense in context of what was going on. They are under the impression they are going home. So yeah, they can let their minds focus on things outside of trying not to die. And considering the close calls this season, it was now or never that he confessed.
Not to mention, the show actually promotes positive masculinity. By Darius not getting angry or trying to fight, it gets rid of the idea that boys fight over girls. Which is something that happens too often in shows.
If you truly hate the season just for the ship alone, I'd be happy to see you leave the fandom and never touch it again.
Don't harass the writers. Don't harass those who ship it. Don't say you can fix it just by suddenly making Kenji attracted to Ben.
Benji is dead and exist only in fanon.
Dinostar is dead and exist only in fanon.
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