#i havent used this few tags in a while wtf. makes the post feel nakid
biolizardboils · 2 years
im still laughing at the notes on that shadow lore post but now im also thinking about like... the gap between what "normal" people think sonic games are about, and what theyre actually about. its a pretty big gap and that post is a reminder of that. 
what caused that? im genuinely curious. what lines of communication does the series lack in marketing or whatever that other games dont? was the gap always there, or did it begin after certain games? what can be done to close it?
cus i dunno, i just... wish it was easier for people to Get It. to get why some people are so passionate about these characters and their world and also being anti-military. 
it felt like a miracle that enough people who know and care about the Lore gathered to make the Sonic Movies. with the direction theyre heading, they might help to shorten the gap. in the meantime, i just wanna know how to make that miracle the rule and not the exception.
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