#i havent watched s7 in forever it bores me
nyaskitten · 6 months
Anyways AU where Acronix finally yields and realizes they have no chance of winning this, and the Time Blade still comes but defeatedly, Acronix rejects it, Wu's words truly resonating with her.
Instead, she goes down a path of redemption of sorts with Wu, and she's introduced to Wu's students, the newest generation of Elemental Masters, the Ninja.
Krux, hurt by his sibling's betrayal, is now even more desparate to carry out his plan, taking things to the extreme, stopping at absolutely Nothing to achieve his goal...
Will I ever develop this AU further? No clue!
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botseeksbot · 1 year
finished s7🖕
started off so so so good (so so so so so so good) but then it turned to suckkkkk . brocks writing just hasnt been great since s3 w a few good eps here and there but just turned to major suck when you see him w the ventures . guild operative and osi operative romance got too much screentime . still dislike 21 and i think him being the monarch's "best friend" just makes them boring . could have done smth irt him being alone w his wife gone and w a henchman he doesnt care for (<- the sudden jump of him loving 21 in s5 was so annoying) or smth . i feel the blue morpho could still work w that that would be fun a dedicated henchman working w a boss who will do whatever to rise to the top even if the boss doesnt like him . speaking of . total drop in the whole BM thing and kind of made it stupid to have him kill villains to rise the ranks but then they just have him do random ass jobs and hes level 10? kind of makes his whole speech in PfT in 6 abt GCI levels kind of stupid . the loss of focus on the ventures in general just does not appeal to me i like the monarchs and conjectech but im not watching the show for them . also did i mention how much brock sucks . should have been more focus in hank and dean esp of theyre gonna have deans speech in the finale (rly good actually did make me sniffle)
irt def more things to explore ik you are a gayboy . would have been interesting to see him come to terms w being a superscience experiment by bonding w jared bc i feel like jared would have some talk abt it not being so bad and bring up the positives (did like sirena's comment on the clone thing though) . rly funny he mentions jared in his speech but you never see them interact s7. his whole character has been a mess since s4 though (actually all the ventures have been but whatever) . this was a characterization that pissed me off though similar to his daddy in s4 for me . i like him missing hank and wanting to go back to being just them and him missing the compound . could have been really good if they actually focused on the family aspect of the show...!!! really wish they fucking did but they ruined my family...!!! that fucking osi dog...!!!
hank didnt really add anything im sorry that happened to you babyboy. hank gets focus but nothing really happens to him. not much to say but he was cute and sigh again a lot of missed opportunities for the Whole Reason I Watch The Show
rusty was more similar to his s4 character but not quite but still annoyed me except brock annoyed me more (major sucks btw) so rusty is safe from my wrath . idk where im going w this now . i wish it was more about the ventures . so many lost opportunities since s4 . everthing brock touched turned to suck i cant even appreciate him shirtless and bloody and killing people why are you such an osi doormst this season . brock sucks so much . rusty really adding nothing but was oh so perfect the 1st 3 eps . i want the family fuck off everyone else the monarchs should have stayed background/main antags or smth i dont need the focus same w billy and white my god i just want the ventures . so many things that could have been explored but werent so instead i have to see kimberly and the guild dude try to have a romance across several episodes w development and tragedy and everything but my ventures get nothing irt to any of them except ig deans speech that comes out of left field bc i havent seen the family interact in what feels like forever . also brock sucks
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