#i havent worn them since i went home last November and had to
rkkyg · 5 years
focusonyugyeomday 20191117 ; kim yugyeoms birthday hongdae fashion street
his second alarm blares to life in his ear and this time he actually finds himself waking up fully to it, not just blindly turning the snooze on. the sound making his head pound a little--a reminder of the lack of sleep he would be going on today. 
his eyes, still hazy from just waking, take in the notifications on his phone as well as the date sitting right under the time. November 17th.
it’s his birthday. 
he vaguely remembers dongmin saying something when he got home last night. the trainee having been home much longer than him due to trc’s weekend schedule ending sooner. sadly, yugyeom had picked up an extra shift that day and he didn’t arrive home until well after midnight--tired and unaware of what the day had become. even now, it took a moment for his mind to catch up, and when it does, he’s shooting up to a sitting position and opening his phone to all the messages. 
coworkers, friends, busking pals, and even the fans spamming his instagram account ( both his own and dynamite official ) with comments and dm’s and mentions. it makes a smile form on his face. feeling the love from everyone. 
he was off work today. the ahjummas gave him gifts and snacks yesterday and then forbid him from coming in today no matter what. they apparently had seen how worn he was getting and wanted to let him have the day to himself. a rare treat as yugyeom normally is working himself to the bone. 
which is how he found himself laying on the floor of his apartment he shares with dongmin, phone held above his head as he watches the rest of a drama he started literally months ago. it took him months to finish the 12 episode drama and finally today, he was finishing. a frown resting on his face ( natural drama watching expression from yugyeom ) as he watched the main characters finally get together after the trails of love they went through.
tragic, and lovely.
just then his phone rang, the derpy photo of his hyung appearing on screen and almost starting the birthday boy enough to drop his phone--almost. luckily, he doesn’t and answers the calls after squinting at it for a long moment. 
“seungmin hyun--” 
“yah, kim yugyeom where are you?? did you forget we’re meeting for lunch??” 
“oh... no i didn’t forget! i’m getting ready right now!” the dancer was quick to his feet, trying to make it sound like he wasn’t hurrying around. “i mean--i’m already on the way! where... are we meeting again?” 
“aish... you brat...” the sound of his hyungs exasperation draws an amused smile to yugyeoms face. it’s been a few weeks since they last met up but the older always remains the same. and for some reason that means being exasperated with yugyeom. 
“good thing for you, i’m in front of your building so get your ass down here in twenty minutes or i leave you behind, birthday or no birthday.” and just like that, seungmin hangs up. leaving yugyeom to chuckle to himself in amusement. same old hyung. but he does as told and starts getting ready--making sure to grab his bag he will need for busking later as well as the key to his studio where he keeps the speakers. it’s not far from his apartment but he rather not have to come all the way back here just to get his studio key.
twenty three minutes later he’s racing down the side walk chasing after his hyung who actually did walk away after twenty minutes. 
“you should let me dress you up more often ~ you look so much nicer now, yugyeomie~ “ jaehee teases him as she fixes his makeup. using the chance when he wasn’t allowed to talk to say something that he would absolutely want to whine about. 
he was still hanging out with seungmin--the older cleared his schedule today to spend time with yugyeom after having heard he would have been alone anyway. the past years this day was spent with all of dynamite but with hyunggu a trainee now.. well. and with seungmin came his girlfriend and former dynamite manager, jaehee. the older girl always doting upon and teasing him and hyunggu. like she is right now.
“you only ever wear teeshirts and jeans.” she continued her nagging, final touches on his hair and makeup being done along with her talking. and yugyeom merely took it like the good kid he was. ignoring the snickers from seungmin. 
“there~ take a look!” she smiles, releasing yugyeom for him to get up and go over to the long mirror. he poses, taking in the outfit and the hair. she’s got him in black and white, hair done up, and smokey makeup. he looks... 
“i look like barkhyun hyung from exo.” he mumbles, realizing thats who he has been styled after and he supposes that’s fitting as he does do a lot of exo covers during busking. jaehee laughs some where off to the side and he knows he’s right. he can’t complain though because he does look good. the outfit is a mix of seungmin’s stuff and his own stuff, though he really doesn’t have much. 
“i expect those clothes back later.” seungmin calls as yugyeom goes to grab his busking stuff. 
“anyway, i wanted to announce a new schedule for busking, im actually going to be picking up a few more days since i have started busking with *****.” he pauses as everyone cheers when they hear the name, though a fan near him mutters something that sounds like why did he get mentioned and yugyeom suppressed a sigh. especially when he hears seungmin cackle behind him. 
that running theme of no one understanding him. 
“yes yes, i’m going to start busking--” he drones on for another minute or two, and a couple of his regular fans start complaining as he apparently sounded even worse than normal which makes him chuckle as he continues. before he can get the next sentence out though, someone else is taking the mic from him and there’s a cheer from all the fans as hyunggu appears.
yugyeom’s eyes are wide as he see’s his best friend, so startled he doesn’t even react to the fact the mic had been taken. hyunggu explaining every thing he had said, and getting more cheers from the regulars. 
“yah! kang hyunggu!” he gets out finally as the other comes to a stop. his fans laughing as they take in his affronted form. “you can’t just come in like that--’ he starts but the regulars who originally stanned hyunggu started complaining at him for scolding hyunggu which makes him pout. he turns towards them with puffy cheeks, but decides to let it go.
he is happy to see him, eyes bright as a smile finally forms and he finds himself hugging his best friend. a nice surprise on his birthday when he had been worried the two of them wouldn’t meet. as he closes up busking, he keeps an arm around the youngers shoulder, and only lets go when picture time starts.
during that time he does hear fans talking to hyunggu. 
“it’s been so hard without you!” 
“thank god youre here i havent understood anything in months”
“we just wait for the instagram post because we don’t know what he’s trying to tell us during busking.”
he can tell by the voices that it’s some of hyunggus regular fans, and it makes him pout a little. the pout staying on during a few photos because his fans find it adorable. but once he’s free a bit he does march over to hyunggu and his fans and whine at them. proceeding to get teased by everyone present. 
busking ends though with a smile on his face, and a cart full of gifts from his fans. birthday busking is also profitable because of the gifts as well as the extra money, and he’s pretty sure they helped him pay rent this month around which would give him a lot of extra money for the days to come. part of why he was going to take up a few more days busking. 
he comes home to a nice dinner made by his roommate and also another long time friend. the trainee surprised him with it and when he got back from busking and spending some time with the dynamite crew, being greeted with a good korean home cooked meal was a wonderful surprise. 
it almost made him cry, if he was honest. 
dinner with dongmin was great, he told the older all about busking that day and asked in return how training was going. he made sure to thank dongmin a thousand and one times for dinner. and by the time he finished, he was more than full. his stomach feeling almost too full as he flopped onto the floor into a similar position he had been this morning. 
“hey, dongmin. do you think family can be more than blood?” he questions quietly, but he doesn’t wait for an answer. instead rolling over and shooting a smile to his roommate. 
“thanks for dinner, again. really, minnie. today was the perfect day.” 
and it was.
of all his birthdays ever, he would put this one on the top three list--if not the top number one. and it really was. tonight was ending on such a high note, he wasn’t sure he would be able to go through the week without missing today. but he thinks he can continue to live this way so long as he continues to have these amazing friends by his side.
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