#i headcanon that melina was inspired by the stars way before she set foot on the island of ambrosia
ultra-puzzlemaster · 10 months
Cold hands
A little something I wrote something for the 10th day of @descember (don't pay attention to the date time is an illusion): it's a small scene between Melina and Descole, set during the time when Melina was still alive and living on the island of Ambrosia with her father. There are a few of my headcanons as well.
Spoilers for the Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva only.
I don't know if there's a need for content warnings? There are mentions of Melina's illness and future death, but that's it I think (please tell me if there should be more I'm not used to this yet)
On a winter morning, when the night started to fade away and the first colors appeared in the sky, Melina Whistler had gone on the beach on her own. While waiting for the sun to rise, she was rubbing her hands against each other and gently blowing on them, in an attempt to keep her warmth inside of her ill body.
As the first ray appeared above the horizon, the ocean started to shine, and Melina paused to gaze at it. It was truly a wonderful moment. She felt like the whole island was awakening, and was welcoming her like an old friend. The feeling warmed up her whole body and made her forget about the coolness of the morning.
She could hear the sea singing to her. She breathed in deeply, and joined her voice to the one of the waves:
"Ah ah ah aaaah…"
"Ah ah ah aaaah…"
"Ah ah ah a-- *cough*"
Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea, she thought. Perhaps I haven't recovered enough yet.
As an answer to her question, a gust of wind suddenly blew, causing her another coughing fit. It felt like the winter wind was trying to steal her last bits of life.
When she managed to calm herself down, she heard footsteps approaching behind her. She anxiously turned her head to who she thought would be her dear father, but her eyes widened when she saw the masked man standing next to her.
"Sir… Descole, was it?"
She had heard his name only once, when her father presented her the man who owned the castle they were about to move in. They hadn't exchanged a single word since then, and even though she was extremely grateful for the chance he gave her to live on this beautiful island, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease she had every time she saw his dark castle, or her father discussing with him of things she couldn't imagine.
He slightly nodded.
"Are you alright, miss Whistler?"
His tone was calm, and his words were polite, yet a shiver ran down her spine.
"Yes, I apologized if I worried you."
"Are you cold?"
"I just—"
Before she could finish her sentence, he took off his cape and handled it to her. For a moment she starred at him, surprised, then took the piece of clothing and wrapped it around her. It was too big on her, but it shielded her from the freshness of the wind.
And it was a nice gesture, too…
"Thank you sir."
A smile appeared on his face.
"My pleasure, miss Whistler." he responded, with a bow. "Would you mind if I stayed here as well?"
"Oh, no, of course not!" she stuttered.
She didn't understand what he wanted, but she could not simply push him away. She looked at him anxiously but he simply sat on the rocks, a few feet from her.
For a moment, they both gazed at the sea in silence. The sun was still rising, spreading its light, warmth, and life on the island. The darkest tones of the sky were turning into bright hues of vivid colors, from yellow to pink, before fading to blue. An ephemeral spectacle, accompanied by the whispers of the nearby waves.
Finally, Descole broke the silence.
"If I may…"
Interrupted in her contemplation, Melina looked at him.
"Why did you come here alone, miss Whistler?" he said, harshly. "Surely you didn't think a nighttime walk in the woods would improve your health, did you?"
She felt a twitch of anger at this moment. Who did this man think he was?
And yet, what explanation could she give him? She herself could not explain that feeling, that calling, that was driving her to the sea… Nor could she acknowledge the reason why she came without her father. Not with everything he was doing for her…
She turned her head towards the sea and responded:
"I just wanted to watch the sun rise." she said with a tone sharper than she intended. "My health has improved enough for this since we moved here."
She glanced at him, hoping to decipher an emotion despite his mask, in vain. Was he angry? Disappointed? Worried?
"I understand." he simply responded in a softer tone. "My apologies, it was rude of me to ask you this. I am very glad you're feeling better, miss Whistler. I only hope you will heal soon."
It felt sincere. Something she couldn't explain was still bothering the young woman, but she started to think that she may have simply judged this man too quickly.
"It's alright." she calmly said. "And you can call me Melina."
"Very well, Melina."
Somehow, hearing her name gave her a warm feeling.
She studied him again. His costume was very eccentric, to say the least, and made him very hard to read. His mask wasn't just hiding his identity, but his thoughts and feelings as well. A barrier between the person he truly was, and the rest of the world. A shield, and a prison.
But Descole is still a person, she reminded herself, as she tightened her grasp on the cloak he gave her. Behind his facade is a living human, with a beating heart.
Maybe she could get to know him a little better today.
"Can I… Can I ask you something?"
She took a deep breath.
"Why did you bring us here, on this island? Why me, of all people?"
He paused for a second, thinking.
Then a large smile appeared on his face, as he responded:
"You could say… I fell in love with your music."
Melina was completely taken aback by this answer.
"Wh-Wh-What? What do you mean?" she managed to ask.
He chuckled at her reaction.
"Hahaha, I am talking about 'The first night'. They say it's another of Whistler's work, but it was actually you who wrote it, am I right?"
It had been the most logical decision, and she knew it. Her music would reach more people through her father's name, and he did help her composing this piece after all.
Still, it was the first time someone would recognize her work, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride inside her chest, mixed with the guilt of having hidden the truth.
"… How did you know?"
"You father is very talented, but this song was quite… different, from his usual work. I quickly realized he could not have been the person who wrote it. However, I could hardly believe such a famous composer would simply steal the work of someone else. That's when I figured out that the genius behind this work of art could only be you, Melina."
The smile on his face grew larger. He was proud of himself, wasn't he?
Descole paused. His gaze moved back to the sea, then up to the now blue sky. Starring at the faded crescent of the moon, or at a memory he was reliving, he continued:
"I'll always remember the first time I heard it. This melody… it was like all the stars in the night sky were singing together, in perfect harmony. Truly a masterpiece."
Melina felt that warm feeling again, in her chest and now her cheeks. Or was she blushing? She had no idea her music could affect people this way…
"After this, I wanted to listen to more of your work, so I made a few researches. Unfortunately, it was then that I learned about your condition."
Suddenly, something shifted in him. His face darkened. His tone changed. His fist clenched.
"At that moment, I knew I had to do everything in my power to save you. And I would stop at nothing to make you sing again."
She starred at him, unable to move. Something was wrong. Very wrong. That feeling of unease again… It seemed that the air suddenly got a lot colder.
"This is… just for my music? Really?"
He let out a somber chuckle.
"Ha. You can't see it yet, but I assure you Melina, your music is way more powerful than you can imagine."
The cape couldn't keep her body warm anymore, and suddenly she was seized by a violent coughing fit.
"Melina, are you—"
"I- *cough cough* I need-- *cough* I need to go back. *cough*"
"Of course. Let me help you."
The next moment he was right next to her, and offered his hand to help her stand up.
After a second of hesitation, she took it.
She froze.
His body was ice cold.
As if he hadn't received any warmth in a long time.
As if he hadn't feel any warmth in a long time.
He didn't seem to notice her reaction. Or perhaps he simply didn't care.
He helped her getting back up, and without exchanging a word, they returned to the castle.
There, she was welcomed by her dearest but extremely worried father. He seemed really distressed by her early disappearance, for which Melina felt guilty. It took her a while to calm him down by reminding him that she was fine, she was not hurt, she was not lost, she was here and everything was alright.
The father then wrapped his arms around his daughter, and held her close, as if he was afraid she would disappear again. It felt warm, comfy, and safe.
Melina returned the embrace, and for a moment, she thought of that icy contact she had with the masked man earlier. And she wondered…
Could he give such warmth? Could he accept such warmth?
Which one of us… had truly stopped living?
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