#i hear of eddie holding a plate with a single pea and how its a display of him experiencing the horrors
fudge24-7 · 7 months
Hey can anyone tell me how to find the secrets in this update? I'm pretty stumped
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ttttobistuff · 6 months
Another Believer…
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A freezing, yet lovely night was ahead of everyone in the enchanting city of Welcome Home. It had finally arrived, homecoming day! With the preparations being finished, Sally observed from her spot in the clouds. Sitting at the top of the tree, just like a dazzling star, she cordially greeted her friends as they stepped through the door of Home. For what seemed to be an eternity, Sally kicked her feet around, in exasperation.
Hello there—she cheered as Eddie, whom she had been waiting for, turned the handle—Oh, Eddie, we can officially start!
Sally! How on earth did you get up there?—Cracking a grin, Eddie said—I was worried, I couldn’t seem to find you all anywhere…
As the good mailman approached the living room, he could feel a friendly ambiance hugging him. Just as he crossed the line between the entrance and the main room, a familiar face emerged, just as the sun peaks upon the tall hills.
Mr. Dear, you took your time to arrive!—Spoke, as gracefully as always, Frank—We all hoped for your safe arrival, no celebration is a proper one without every guest
While his mouth moved, Eddie could not help it but stare into his tremendously soft cheeks. Have they always been so reddish and…delightful? The poor red-haired man was driven mad when a soft hand caressed his cheek. Mr. Dear melted away into Frank’s touch, being a lovely mess. All until a voice dragged him out of such a heavenly place…
Pack it up, lovebirds—yelled Barnaby, from the other side of the room—Let’s start this, I cannot wait to taste my mama’s eggnog
Nervously chuckling, Eddie apologised and the party went on. This mailman was for sure exhausted from so much worrying…he needed a quick rest on the couch! As he sat down, he felt his tensed body start slipping away. Not much, but enough for him to let a sigh slip away from his lips. What else could he ever wish for? It was homecoming, everyone he cherished was celebrating, and he had one of the most traditional meals: a single pea on a plate.
A single green dot, in such a big white space.
His guts began wrenching, twisting and turning. Ice cold sweat rolled its way down his throat. Lungs almost bursting, it felt as if they were getting pulped into nothing but gubbins. Drenched in red, the world seemed too suffocating. Everything was submerged in a certain gloom, only a pair of eyes could light up. His chest went up and down aggressively, without a rest in between.
Oh, Eddie! What would we do without you, sweetheart…—Spoke, softly and gently, Poppy—Dear? Do you hear me?
With no apparent response, Eddie could only help but pant and whine softly. His nails, barely holding within their blood, grasping hardly the couch’s edge. At this, Frank knew he required some space. He acted rapidly, and told Poppy he was just a bit…tired. As they were left alone, he placed himself in front of his dearest and held his shoulders.
Mr. Dear? What’s wrong?—Mr. Frankly seemed genuinely worried, noticing all symptoms of sickness—Please, speak to me…
Softly speaking made Eddie snap out of it. Taking a big breath, he looked up and blinked a few times. As he looked around, he took a hand to his face and dried his own sweat. Ultimately, he looked upon Frank.
I…—Eddie spoke, almost in whispers—saw it.
Mr. Dear, I think it’s appropriate to go home now—Mr. Frankly told the man who was facing him—You are definitely not in conditions to be here!
Frank made sure to let someone know about them leaving, only in case they asked. Then, they left silently without people noticing, except Barnaby who they had told. Eddie could hardly walk properly, stumbling at every step or so, his lover was tremendously worried.
After analysing the situation, Frank was forced to take Eddie to his home since it was the closest. As expected, they arrived in a matter of minutes. Thankfully, the house was warm and Eddie felt a little bit better than before. Yet, he still was containing himself…
Mr. Dear, what happened back in Home?—Frank spoke softly, while hanging his coat and taking Eddie’s too—Is it stress? Working seven days must be affecting your immune system! That’s right…high levels of constant stress could-
Frank—Said Eddie, roughly—something’s very wrong inside that house. Well, not inside but beneath it…
No stutters, no doubts. Frank knew Eddie was not joking around with him, and it sent shivers down his spine.
W-what do you mean?—Shaking voice came out of Frank’s throat, unable to stay calm
His eyes, he was slowly drowning me–Eddie said, in a quite paranoid voice–You’ve got to believe me, please
As tension built up between them, Frank knew this was going to end up wrong…they should not be talking about this. Not so close to him.
Stop, I beg you—A grey hand covered Eddie’s lips? Preventing him to speak any further about the situation.—You…I cannot do this without you.
Confusion striked Eddie, the numbness from the homecoming incident had completely vanished by now. All that was left were some terrorising memories, almost as vivid nightmares. He was too stressed to even stop and think, for him, it was too late. Frank’s hand slipped off, Eddie’s tongue too.
For the love of God, Mr. Dear—Started, Frank—quit this!
I refuse, please hear me!—Loudly said, by Eddie in distress—What I saw…
…What was it?—asked, perhaps unfortunately, Frank—What did you see?
The bellow.—Eddie said it with confidence, believing in what he saw.
I beg you, Mr. Dear, sit down and calm yourself.—Frank caressed once again his face, his thumb going in circles—Stay with me.
Few moments of silence, a hoaxed peace.
No! Give me just one more chance, one more glance…—The mailman approached Mr. Frankly’s chest—And I will make of you another believer.
Frank’s silence was the last drop needed for the water to spill. Eddie’s hands stopped holding onto him, and his legs began moving towards the door. Without a second thought, he ran away, leaving Frank all alone.
Eddie ran, as fast as he could. His legs failed around fifteen minutes later, making him trip and fall to the ground. It was then when he realised…he had never seen this side of the neighbourhood. Was this forest always here?
Before his question could be answered, a strange object seemed to impact his head from a blind spot. Before passing out, he observed a rather familiar silhouette looming over his barely conscious body.
Such eyes, shining bright in the night, could only belong to one person.
What are we gonna do now?—Frank spoke, feeling guilt twist his guts.
(Based upon newest hidden video-03/24)
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