#i hit the fuckin' cap pffffffffft
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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"You again?!" The two felines yelled aloud, each expression toned quite differently, memories of their last encounter filling their heads.
Neither really know how the yellow feline--or, green feline, actually--came to be in their life. But suffice to say--they were here now, and both had their feelings of utter dismay from that fact.
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"You gonna cry again, kitty?"
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"H-Hey!!! I don't cry anymore!!! Not often anyway."
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"Excuse me if Iun't believe that for a single second. Last time you were here you kept annoyin' me with your dumb sobs. Cry over this, cry over that, wah wah wah--"
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"Yeah, w-well, I wouldn't have been crying so much i-if you hadn't kept scratching me!!!!!!!
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"Wait, weren't you a lot smaller back then? I swear I don't remember you being this tall--"
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"We are not talking about that. Ever. That was nightmarish."
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"C'mon, it couldn't have been that bad, I think--"
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"An' your yellow ass ain't make it much better."
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"I mean, I don't think I'd take much issue with it. I'd certainly have a lot less problems--
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"Hey! I resent that!"
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"I'm not wrong, am I?"
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"I mean, I guess from your perspective--"
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"Which is the correct one, thank you very much."
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"Hey! I have my own life experiences too!!! You can't just walk all over them like that.
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"I mean, I was doing all sorts of stuff. I had my whole journey ahead of me and I was kind of ripped away from it like it was nothing. It wasn't exactly fair or nice to me, either."
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"Yeah, and what were you doing, exactly, that was sooooo important? Because last I remember, you were practically half naked--"
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"Full naked, actually. The bra and panties were just painted on--"
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"Ya realize that ain't much better, right?"
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"Yeah, well...!
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"Actually, yeah, lets not talk about what I was doing back then. I'm a lot cooler now."
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"An' why is that so hard 'ta believe?"
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"It's true!!! I'm apart of the Mages' Guild now!!! And I beat this really jerky asshole who mind controlled my clothes off me and--
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"Wow, that sounds a lot worse when I say it out loud."
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"Listen, how about I just... go. Is that okay? That'd probably be better for the both of us, right?"
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"Yeah. Don't hit your ass on the way out, mmkay?"
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"Y-Yeah, okay."
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