#i honestly just cannot take people who are SO SUPER CONCERNED but are STLL ANONYMOUS about it seriously
pussy-ache · 3 years
I'm talking about Twitter and you're talking about random Tumblr reblogs (which to a point I'm not a huge fan of either because it's a passive action and bare minimum involvement in what is required to erase racism from American social justice movements). I specifically called out some of the rabid comments while you're lying about this outrage being about quiet reblogging. Just admit you're not interested in constructive criticism of call-out culture caring more about looking good than real accountability. No, the women adding receipts aren't the performative ones,nobody said so, you're exaggerating for some pathetic reason and could've saved us all the time trying to break through your apathy.
i’m not on twitter and you never once mentioned twitter in any of the previous messages.
so how the fuck would i have known you’re talking about twitter? YOU NEVER SAID TWITTER.
but even so? where are the rabid comments? i’m not on the website so i can’t account for shit i’m literally not aware is happening. radfem-suggestions reblog also had nothing to do with twitter specifically. this entire conversation was on tumblr, about tumblr. and instagram.
so let’s do it your way. i turned my submissions on, please submit screenshots of the rabid comments you called out.
not because i don’t believe you, i’m sure they exist. but considering that you’re on tumblr, and we’re on tumblr, and not twitter..............................................none of what i said applies to the circumstances YOU’RE DESCRIBING on a SEPARATE PLATFORM THAN THE ONE WE’RE DISCUSSING.
so please submit those rabid comments so i can post them and tag them as vanessavokeyradfem so we can take accountability for the things that are being said about her that have NOTHING to do with her racist, misogynistic behavior.
and after that, please actually come to me OFF anon. because as much hand wringing that you’re doing whereever you are...................................you’re feeding into the same “no true accountability” shit you’re starting.
say it with your face, give me receipts, keep it moving. you can submit the screenshots anonymously if you sign out first.
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